
Reincarnation into Tribal Society

Dragonbreath246 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

*WARNING: Mature content ahead*


Caesar was huge. Ian stared at the monstrosity in front of him that was a long as a child's arm and maybe even thicker. Were people even supposed to be this big???

Ian suddenly felt afraid, he had never actually had sex before. He had done a lot of other stuff as an agent and watched movies and tapes, but in application... he was still a rookie! In his current life, he had never touched himself, not even a finger had gone in his hole... until recently that is....

Ian looked at Caesar imploringly," You.. you..."

"I'm what?" Caesar said leaning over kissing his face.

"You're too big!" Ian complained.

Caesar looked at him reassuringly," I'll be gentle."

Ian didn't believe it," You have to be," Ian said frightened, pounding at Caesar's chest," Or you'll rip me in half!" he exclaimed.

Caesar chuckled, trailing his large hands over Ian's pale skin rubbing at the pink peaks," I know, how can I bear to hurt my beautiful mate?" before giving them a lick.

Ian shuddered but didn't say anything more as he watched Caesar spread his legs.

"You don't have any hair," Caesar said astonished.

Ian looked away in shame," I... wanted to look nice... for you.." he whispered biting his finger in embarrassment.

Caesar looked at him in shock before a wide grin broke out on his face, which made Ian stare at him.

"You'll have to do it for me too," Caesar whispered bringing Ian's leg over his shoulder. He licked the inside of Ian's soft thigh making Ian shiver.

" I really like it," Caesar drawled," you look really nice here," Caesar said dipping his large finger into Ian's wetness swirling it around.

"You're really wet," Caesar chuckled," You prepared a lot so I'll make you feel better now."

Ian glared at him, but Caesar only thought he looked cute," You need to do it slowly," Ian pouted, before insisting," use your fingers first."

"Okay, okay," Caesar appeased him kissing him on the head," I'll do what you say."

Caesar bent down and pushed a finger into Ian's wet hole, Ian frowned at the slightly uncomfortable feeling.

Caesar wiggled his finger around going in and out of Ian, every time he pushed his finger, there were small wet sounds permeating through the cave.

"You're nearly dripping," Caesar said unabashedly, his face drawing closer to Ian's wet garden, Caesar sniffed.

"What are you doing?" Ian complained, abashed," Stop that it's embaras..!!!!"

Ian jolted as he felt Caesar's wet tongue probe his entrance," What are you doing?!! Caesar, no! No... ugh...uh... aaanghhh..."

Ian moaned as Caesar's tongue swirled around his wet hole. Caesar lapped up his slick as his fingers plunged in and out of Ian.

"Oh! Ah!! Caesar wait!!," Ian exclaimed wriggling his toes because of the pleasure.

Caesar continued as if he didn't hear Ian. He started sucking on Ian's balls and his tongue traveled up Ian's shaft.

"Ah! Caesar no!" Ian wailed trying to pull at Caesar's hair as Caesar put his mouth around Ian's hardness," It's too much! I'm going to come! No! take your mouth off!"

Caesar sucked harder and his fingers moved inside of Ian faster and faster. Why did there seem to be three fingers in him now? When did that happen?

Ian bit his lips and fell back shaking, the pleasure kept building and building until finally, white milk shot out onto Ian's pale stomach.

Ian panted and convulsed from the pleasure that filled his head.

Caesar got up slowly looking over at Ian. His dark amber eyes roamed over him before going back down and licking the white cum off of Ian clean. Ian stared as Caesar pulled out his fingers that were dripping with his juices and start sucking them," I should be able to enter you now," Caesar said rubbing his huge cock and positioning it in front of Ian's flooded hole.

Caesar bent down landing small kisses all over Ian's neck and face," Spread your legs wider Ian," he whispered coaxingly.

Ian still a little dizzy from his climax, and tentatively spread his legs wider. His face was flushed and his actions docile, but his eyes refused to meet Caesar's eyes due to embarrassment.

Caesar traced his finger around Ian's rim," Your pink cave still looks so small even after I prepared you for a long time," Caesar said slightly aggrieved," I just wanted to plunge into you but you looked too scared, I don't think anyone in the tribe does this...."

"You have to do it! I won't let you enter unless I'm ready!" Ian said resolutely," I'll die if you enter without preparing me!!!!"

Caesar appeased him with little pecks," I prepared you enough for today I think, it should fit now," Caesar said, looking impatient. He started entering Ian without waiting for his reply.

"Agh....," Ian shuddered as the foreign object entered his body.

"Ian, loosen up, it's too tight," Caesar coaxed with difficulty, Ian's walls kept clenching him making Caesar want to push in.

Ian frowned at the pain, but it wasn't overwhelming," You can keep going..." he said with some difficulty.

When Caesar slowly sheathed himself inside Ian, they both let out a groan.

Ian's thighs were covered with slick. Caesar's coarse hair that rubbed against it made him itchy.

Ian wiggled, trying to get used to it, he felt extremely full. Caesar's eyes were watching him intently making Ian suddenly shy and nervous. The dark amber swirls seemed to glow in the dim light.

Caesar started to move slowly, the sound of slapping skin and wet squelches echoed through the cave. Ian shivered, trying to get accustomed to the weird feeling.

"You're going to cut my dick off with how hard you're clenching on to me, "Caesar growled on top of him.

Ian twitched embarrassed, he involuntarily clenched harder making Caesar let out a groan.

Caesar slowly pulled out and thrust into Ian. Ian's walls sucked him in making Caesar twitch in anticipation. He slowly started pushing in and out of Ian faster and faster. Ian held onto Caesar's shoulders and tried to calm his breathing.

Feeling Ian's soft hair against his neck, Caesar growled.

Caesar propped Ian's legs a little higher onto his shoulders and started pounding into Ian harder and harder until he hit a spot deep inside Ian.

"Ah!" Ian moaned, overwhelmed by the sudden burst of pleasure.

Caesar watched Ian whose flushed expression turned even more pink and confused," Do you like that spot?" Caesar asked hitting it over and over again.

"Ah! Angh! Aaah!!!," Ian moaned in ecstasy," Ooooo, Caesar... it..."

"It what Ian," Caesar chuckled pounding Ian's wet garden harder and harder," You have a bad habit of not finishing your sentences."

Caesar shifted Ian so that he could hit the spot harder," How will I know what my mate wants if he can't tell me?"

" I...I " Ian struggled, trying to respond, but Caeser kept plunging in and out of him with no remorse.

"Oooo... you bad... bad person!" Ian wailed as Caesar increased his pace," I... I can't speak your language well and you know it!"

Caesar laughed suddenly slowing his movements," I'm sorry," he said, covering Ian's mouth for a kiss, silencing him, before saying" I should be more considerate."

Ian couldn't even respond and could only give out unintelligible moans as Caesar resumed thrusting," You Ah! should! Ung... you... ah. Ah!"

The sound of slapping skin permeated the still air of the cave as Caesar continued his conquest.

Tears started flowing down Ian's cheeks," Ooooh... Ugh... ah! It's too much, Caesar, please. Please! Wait! I'm going to..!!"

White fluid splurted out as Ian twitched and buckled from the aftershock.

Caesar gripped Ian's pearly white thighs tighter and slammed into him faster seeking pleasure.

"No! Stop! I... I!!" Ian cried as Caesar rammed into him, his insides in turmoil from the pleasure.

With one final thrust, Caesar hit deep inside Ian end emptied his load.

"Ahhhh...," Caesar let out a satiated moan.

He pushed away the hair on his forehead to look down at Ian who was a mess. Sweat glistened all over his body, white liquid was littered all over his stomach and his eyes were brimming with tears.

Ian stared at him with flushed cheeks, panting heavily," You... you....!"

Caesar smiled and bent down placing long kisses all over Ian's face before finally meeting his lips. Caesar pried them open and dwelled in the delicious juices for a while until he felt Ian become short of breath. Ian wrapped his hands around Caesar's neck tiredly, burrowing himself in Caesar's shoulder.

He could feel Caesar's manhood throbbing and the warm seed inside of him. Ian shivered unknowingly clenching on the thick cock.

Ian suddenly felt it growing inside of him and started," Why did you... get bigger?"

Caesar didn't respond and shifted him onto his knees.

"Wait! Wait! Caesar, no! I'm not ready!"



"Ooooo... ah! Ah! Aaang! Aaaah....."

The activity in the cave continued until the sun peaked out from the hills the next day.


My first time writing this kind of thing, please be kind!

Dragonbreath246creators' thoughts