
Reincarnation into Tribal Society

Dragonbreath246 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11

Caesar stared at Ian for a second, not getting what he meant.

Ian blushed, Caeser didn't understand!!!!

What will he do now? It's so embarrassing!

Ian pondered on whether he should just say it but he couldn't get himself to. Out of pure embarrassment, he directly plunged into Caesar's arms.

Caesar looked down at his little mate in confusion, Ian'spale neck was a pretty pink shade making Caesar swallow.

"I wanted to hold you...." Ian explained.

Caesar's felt like his head was going to explode. Did Ian want to mate with him??!!!

Ian suddenly felt like his words were misleading," I... I meant...," Ian suddenly faltered looking up at Caesar's dark amber eyes, they seemed like they were ready to devour him.

Ian felt blood rush into his cheeks, looking away from Caesar a little scared. This is what he wanted right? He had even prepared himself at the river today!

Slowly, putting his hands on Caesar's chest, Ian placed his lips on Caesar's.

Caesar froze, Ian wondered if Caesar ever did it with someone before.

Suddenly, Ian heard footsteps approaching the cave and flustered, he pushed Caesar aside.

Jacob and Barbara came into the cave," Caesar! Ian! Let's go find some rabbits! I heard there are.... woah!!!!"

Jacob entered the cave and looked at the table amazed," It's so beautiful!"

Barbara nodded in agreement,"The table looks really nice! What are the things next to it?"

"Those are chairs," ian explained beckoning them to sit," I made it today."

Jacob nodded taking a seat," Wow these are nice," he said looking at the bowls and plates.

"Yeah, we usually make these out of stone," Barbara said," But these look really nice."

"Anyway, we found a rabbit den near the mountains! Do you want to come?"

"Okay!" Ian readily agreed, maybe he could raise some rabbits...

"Let's go then!" Barbara said getting out of the cave.

Ian looked over at Caesar to find him frowning, the wrinkle between his brows were deepened.

"What's wrong?" Ian asked.

Caesar looked at him for a second before shaking his head," It's nothing," and walked out of the cave.

Ian frowned, did he make Caesar mad?

Ian grabbed his backpack frowning, he should make a leather one, Ian suddenly thought.


"I caught them!" Jacob cried. Ian hurried over as Jacob let him peak into the sack. There were around a many dozens rabbits and babies inside. Jacob caught and killed around some of them and was about to let the rest go.

"We need to make sure that they can reproduce here," he explained to Ian.

Ian nodded," Can I take some of the babies?" Ian asked.

Jacob looked at him questioningly," If you want, of course, the babies are usually not wanted by anyone. Take six, there's not a lot of meat on them."

Ian picked out two females and 2 males and put them in his empty backpack.

"Do you like rabbit babies?" Caesar asked helping him up," the meat is tender but they're very small. I'll get you more if you want."

"No, no," Ian said, " Actually, I want to... raise them."

"Raise?" Caesar questioned as they went back to the tribe.

"We can raise them... and they will make more.... babies then we can get more meat!"Ian explained.

Caesar thought about it, it seemed feasible.

Ian fiddled with his fingers, he could tell that Caesar wasn't in a good mood since they went hunting for the rabbits. He was perfunctory but alienated at the same time. It was awkward between them.

Ian beat himself up internally, Why did he have to go and kiss him? He shouldn't have teased him like that, what if Caesar disliked him now?

Ian wallowed in his own misery and self-doubt. Ian and Caesar went back to their cave with their share of meat, Ian grabbed some extra bamboo lying around and started building a simple cage for the rabbit babies. When he was finished he took out the babies from his backpack. They were shivering severely as he put them inside the cage. He put a bunch of grass inside to make sure they were fed.

Ian nodded in satisfaction, but he knew he had more work to do. He needed to build another wall so that the smell the rabbits would make would not permeate the entire cave, and it would be best if he could find something that could mask the smell, like some acacia.

Ian looked back at Caesar to see him cooking the rabbit meat on the pan, suddenly Ian was reminded of their first meal together.

Ian went to Caesar's side," Let me help."

Caesar shook his head, "It's finished."

Ian grabbed the newly made utensils and got both of them a cup of water. Ian took some chopsticks that he made in a rush and tasted the rabbit meat, the skin was crispy from being roasted and the inside was really tender and juicy. Ian thought about the rabbit meat he had in his old life and thought that they weren't comparable, natural produce was always better.

They finished their meal in silence, Caesar washed the utensils and Ian plopped some mint into his mouth. The atmosphere made him nervous. Why wasn't Caesar talking to him? Did Caesar ever initiate the conversation?

Ian was suddenly struck numb, Caesar didn't really ever try to talk to him a lot. Compared to the others, Caesar could be said to be very quiet, but wouldn't you try to talk to someone you like?

Maybe Caesar didn't like him.

What if Caesar only agreed to be mates with him because he felt bad or because Ian treated his wound?

While Ian was lost in thought, Caesar sat opposite to him on the table and plucked some mint from between his hands and put it in his mouth.

Ian looked over at Caesar, it would have been easier if Caeser was more open or pretty much any other person in the tribe. But Caesar was very introverted and barely ever talked to anyone, Ian didn't know what he was thinking.

"Caesar," Ian asked deciding to ask him straight up," did you dislike... what I did before?"

Caesar looked at him surprised, and shook his head," No, I didn't dislike it," he said, his ears turned red," but I was surprised...."

"Then why didn't you speak... to me when we went... to get the rabbits?" Ian asked saddly.

"I... don't speak a lot," Caesar reassured," It's not because of you..."

Ian knew he was lying and wanted to retort displeased, but it came out more aggrieved," But you looked upset... do you dislike me as your mate?" Ian asked.

"I understand if you don't want to... be mates with me..." Ian whispered looking down. Ian knew how odd it was, he's seen many of his female friends back in his tribe accept males and had seen the males being very proactive. The males were mostly the ones to initiate intimate behaviour or talked to their mate first. Even though the females did it too, the males always went above and beyond from the very beginning.

As someone with memories from modern times, Ian had let it go thinking Caesar was just shy, or he was more restrained. But Caesar had never even tried to hold his hand!!!

It was always Ian who initiated the contact. Maybe Caesar regretted it.

Ian looked at Caesar and sighed, having Caesar as a mate would have been great, there really wasn't a better option in Ian's opinion. Caesar had the same ideals when it came to a relationship, but if it wasn't mutual, Ian wasn't going to pursue it.

"If you regret becoming mates with me," Ian continued," I...."

Caesar slammed the table, making Ian jump in shock.

"Where did you get that idea from?" Caesar asked Ian lowly.

"I never said that," Caesar continued darkly, his eyes gleaming," Didn't you say you would be my mate forever? Why are you suddenly talking about not being my mate?" Caesar questioned severely.