

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

I immediately saw a screen appear in front of my face. The top line read: Choose available race!






Kryptonian Maji


"Hmm. A DC world. Daxamites weakness too common lead is an automatic no...I don't know why this is even up for debate. Kryptonian Maji, obviously. I'm glad i looked through the entire list or i would have just lost out on the Magi part." I said before I started to feel a change in my body...then I heard an automated message from C.

'Hello again, child. As an added bonus, I'm giving you the additional perk of weaknesses only having another bloodline as the bottom line. So if you encounter green Kryptonite here as a Kryptonian, you'll only be weakened to your next highest bloodline until you're out of its effective range or losing your Kryptonian powers temporarily. So for now, you would be at the same strength you were before coming here since the is your second bloodline. Of course, the Maji part isn't affected by Kryptonite but your physical abilities. Good luck and have fun. We'll talk again later.'

"Well, that makes sense. All of the strengths, none of the weaknesses." I said to myself as the world started to gain color as I looked around.

'Corn fields? Kansas, I'm assuming. I was from Missouri in my old life, and they had just as much corn, but everyone else always thought of Kansas for some reason. So, to the Kent farm, I guess.' I thought as I started searching around. 'Of course I "spawned" in Smallville.'

After flying around all night, I finally found the Kent farm just before dawn and decided to spend the day in the field absorbing sunlight so I could get used to my new powers.

After hours of pain and learning to control my hearing and sight, I heard yelling and crashes from the farmhouse. I decided it was as good a time as any to get control of my speed so I ran to the house to see Martha on the ground being yelled at my a man in black armor.

"WHERE IS IT?!" the man screamed.

"I don't know." Martha meekly responded.

But before he could take a step towards her, Superman flew in, taking the man away through the fields. All I heard over the crashing and punching sounds was "YOU THINK...YOU CAN THREATEN...MY MOTHER?!"

After everyone else left I walked up to Martha.

"Are you alright? They didn't break anything, did they?" I asked as I helped her up, trying my best not to hurt her by remembering 'I have to treat everything like it's made of cardboard' from a Superman movie from my past life. That means I have to treat people like they are made of paper.

"No. Just some bruising. Who are you? Where did you come from?" she asked.

"Just someone trying to help out a bit." I said as I flew, albeit sloppily, towards the town.

By the time the town came into sight, I had it under control.

"The unlimited potential is no joke." I said to myself as I quickly got flight under control and looked around just to see Superman being beaten my two Kryptonian warriors at the same time.

Flying in, I said "DIBS ON THE BIG GUY!" as I grabbed him and flew off a bit.

"RELEASE ME!" he demanded.

(he was...less than intelligent in Superman 2, so his speech will be crap)(if you don't know what I'm talking about, there are FOUR Christopher Reeve Superman movies. I don't know how many people I've had to educate on this.

Enemies by movie:

1: Lex Luthor

2: Zod and his TWO followers

3:Smart computer featuring Richard Pryor, look that up, most of my arguments come from that little fact

4:Lex and Supermans clone


"As you wish." I said as I threw him into the middle of an empty intersection. I landed as he crawled out of his hole.

"So. Enjoying your time on Earth?" I asked him sarcastically.

"I only enjoy fight." he answered as he jumped at me.

Punch, punch, grab, slam, jump.

"You guys claim to be warriors but still only do basic fighting techniques. Guess once you get strong enough, finesse becomes obsolete." I said as he grabbed a train to throw at me.

Noticing a strip mall behind me, I grabbed the train before it could kill anyone. As I let it land, he tore through the train and grabbed me. After a couple of body slams, he threw me into the air at the jets.

I swerved to miss as they tried attacking me. Ignoring them, I yelled down to the big guy "Your aim is horrible."

"Who you? You Kryptonian, but you dress like human." he said.

"I'm the last Kryptonian Maji. My name...well my name is none of your business." I said as I prepared to continue the fight.

"Magi?? This your new home?" he asked, gently tapping the ground with his foot.

"Yes, this world is my new home." I answered.

"We no fight more." he said as he walked away, talking into his helmet comms.

"Why not?" I asked as I landed beside and walked next to him.

"Ancient laws, Kryptonian no fight Magi. Almost kill our race." was all he said.

"Oh." maybe this would be more simple than I thought.

As we walked up to the landing ships, Zod walked off one before asking me questions.

"Are you the Kryptonian Maji?"

"Yes." I answered.

"You have chosen this world as your new home?"

"Yes. And all Kryptonians are welcome here, so long as they forget about the old laws concerning the Codex and reproduce naturally AND live on this planet peacefully." I responded.

"...we'll have to think about that." Zod said after some thought.

"That's fine, but Kal El is with me. If you continue to try to capture him and withdraw the Codex, I will have no choice but to step in." I said.

"We need the codex to bring Krypton back." he tried to argue.

"Krypton fell because of the backward thinking that led them to stay on the planet even though they knew it was doomed. If you NEED to make a new Krypton, why not use Mars? That's the next furthest planet from the Sun." I informed him.

"...that...just might work." he said, like he hadn't thought if it before.

"The Codex makes copies of people that have already lived. Every five to ten thousand years, you are 'remade' with a blank mind. Make NEW citizens for Krypton, not just copies of the old ones." I said as I walked over to Clark to educate him a bit.


Saying they've only been using the Codex for centuries but have been law locked on their planet for hundreds of thousands of years doesn't sound right to me. They separated the Dexamites long ago to where they grew a weakness to lead instead of Kryptonite.

To many different versions, so I'll be mix and matching a bit.