
Reincarnated in MHA as Qin Shi Huang

A 17 year old Ace Elin dies due to a gods mistake and gets reincarnated with 3 wishes. Mulitversal Travel starting in MHA. First world- MHA Second World- Marvel Third World - TBD * Cover is not mine

Javier_Dejesus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

2. Birth / 4 years

I wake up and all I see Is black. I'm guessing I'm still in the womb and am about to be birthed as I can see a light next to my head. I feel a suction force forcing me out and after a grueling twelve hours I am out.

" Congratulations it is a boy" Say's a nurses that has a evil looking face. Maybe she is a villain in disguise at the hospital.

Anyway I look around and see a woman with who I assume is my mother. She has dark blue hair, black eyes with blue pupils, and one of the most beautiful faces I have every seen. I can see where some of Qin's looks would come from. Yet the more I look at her the more I see the worry on her face. I then look around to see If I can catch a glimpse of my father who can hopefully comfort her but before then I feel a super hard slap on my butt and start to cry. I look up and see a witch in a nurse's uniform smiling at my misery. I swear I will get back at her for this.

Mom: " Thank you I was worried something was wrong with him. Can I carry him."

The nurse nods and passes me over. As I look into her eyes all I can see is the boundless love and affection she holds for me. No looks of greed, no hate or disgust, just love. At this moment I made up my mind that no matter what happens I will protect her.

Mom:" I'm sorry your father is who he is but I will love you enough to make up for both of us. My little Ace".

My mom then passes out and the nurse picks me up and brings me to the nursery. I am surprised my name is still the same but I guess those gods made it so. I try to keep my eyes open but damn being born is tiring.

~ Time skip 4 years ~

I open my eyes and look around in a daze. I realize it has been 4 years since I have reincarnated. Life has been good. Acting like a baby was a challenge but you get used to it. It's just a bunch of laying around, and crying if your hungry, if your using the bathroom, or if something hurts. Of course as a reincarnator I had to show my intelligence so I said my first word at 9 months and walked at 10. Another surprise for me was finding out that I have a sister. Her name is Stephanie and is the same age as the big three. Since I was brought home for the first time she would always be by my side. She would even get my mom to sleep with me every night. Speaking of which

Steph:" Ace are you up today's your birthday!"

She then leaps into the air and crashes into me. If I wasn't up before I am now.

Ace: " Jeez Steph why do you have to wake me up like that every morning".

Steph: " I just want to hug my cute little brother every time I see him"

Ace: " Whatever, anyway I can't wait for my quirk to awaken I am so excited"

Steph:" I know right. Hopefully we get the same quirk so when we become hero's we can match"

Steph has the same Light manipulation quirk I had asked for in my wishes. Apparently she got it from my mom's side as mom has a weaker version of the quirk where she can only absorb light and use it to strengthen her body. Honestly if my mom hadn't retired from being a hero she would be number one instead of All might.

Ace: "Yeah hopefully, anyway lets go I can smell mom's cooking"

Steph:" YEAH"

Steph then clings on my arm as we make our way downstairs. Something of note is that I haven't heard a word of my system or my personal dimension. I'm guessing at the time I get my quirk is the same time my system and personal space would appear. Today is going to be a great day. We get downstairs and I see my mom putting the food on the table.

Mom:" Good morning birthday boy! How are you feeling today."

Ace:" I feel great mom, I can't wait till I get my quirk today"

Mom:" Well don't get your hopes up because your quirk can show up at anytime in the next year not just today"

Ace:" Huh? I thought I would get it today as Steph got it on her birthday"

Mom:" You still can Ace, its just I want you to be prepared even if It doesn't manifest today. After all you can't be sad at your party later. Today is your birthday so just come eat and enjoy it. Steph you to"

Ace/Steph:" OKAY!"

The day went by pretty fast with Steph and I watching some Hero highlights and Mom setting up for the party. Even though I have the mentality of a 17-year old I guess it's my body but I still behave like I'm four. I don't know how all those other reincarnators be acting all grown when they have to deal with their growing bodies and minds. Anyway I am now all dressed up in a black and gold tux with a red bowtie when our guests show up.

Mom: " Hello Amelia and welcome Bruce please come inside. Ace come downstairs the Yaoyorozu's are here."

I run down stairs in a hurry to greet our first guests. My mom is pretty rich and as such she is acquainted with a lot of upper class families. One of such being the Yaoyorozu's who mom is actually good friends with. I look at the door and see Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu who are exuding a noble aura. They both have long straight black hair with nearly perfect features. I can see where Momo gets it from. Speaking of Momo, she and I are the best of friends. We met when I was two years old and we hit it off. Granted it's not hard to hit it off when you two still we did. Every other person my mom has tried to get me to hang out with has acted their age. Momo is the only one who I could hold a conversation with and actually enjoy their company. I can't wait till we grow older.

Momo: " Ace why are you just staring into space."

Ace: " Sorry Momo - chan You Just look so pretty I was stuck in a daze"

Momo: " humph! Ace why are you bullying me"

Momo tries to look away to avoid me seeing her blush but I can see that her ears are bright red. I won't call her out on it but it was to cute. I can't say the same about her mom though.

Mrs. Yaoyorozu: " Momo why are you acting so shy. Weren't you the one rushing us to get here?"

Momo: " Mooooooommmmmm"

My mom and I just look at each other and smile. We meet Steph at the table and I have a great birthday dinner. Even In my past life I didn't have one as enjoyable.

Mr Yaoyorozu: " Anyway ace I wonder what quirk you are going to awaken, your moms is pretty strong."

Momo: " Yeah Ace you have to awaken your quirk quickly so we can train to become heroes."

Ace: " I know hopefully . . ."

Before I can even finish I feel a sharp pain on my face as well as all over my body, and as I try to scream for help my body feels limp and I pass out.