
Reincarnated in mha as Madara with Orochimaru & Kakuzu as my brothers

A boy dies a horrible death. gets sent to a black void with a reincarnation god. gets reborn in the world of MHA with the body, looks, and power of Madara Uchiha and has two siblings who is none other than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. Over time the trio unlocks their power they once had in Naruto universe and rises to the top as they defeat their enemies.. but as what? will they be known as heroes or villains to the world? nobody really knows.. but we do know one thing that will happen.. people will start to 'wake up to reality' ---------------- ----------- Hello!! this is one of my first novels so I'm sorry if it's bad :

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chap7: Shinso's POV *past to present*

(A/N: ima change it up a bit from canon with this character)


[Hitoshi's POV]

"Ewww.. look at his eyes, do he ever sleep? so baggy"

"Look at his hair, so messy, does he ever brushes it?"

'*sigh* just a bit longer then I can go back home from this stupid daycare..' Thought Hitoshi as he pretended not to hear the rude comments and played with building blocks.

The day went on like this until it was time for Hitoshi to be picked up from his father.

As the vehicle stopped by the curb the passenger door flung open and what greeted Hitoshi's eyes was a man in a suit with glasses and a cigar in his mouth.

"get in."

"yes sir"

"Shut up."

after Hitoshi entered the vehicle into the passenger seat and drove off to their home, Hitoshi tried starting conversations with his father.

"h-how was work?"

"Shut.. up."

'*sigh* why do I bother with this guy.. he is such a jerk.. i wish he had died with mom on that plain...' Thought Hitoshi as they drove to their home.

Once they got home, not saying a word to each other, Hitoshi's father made dinner and they ate..

As they ate in silence, Hitoshi's father broke the silence saying..

"Did you take anything from my office yesterday when I was at work."

Hitoshi's heart skipped a beat.. what he says next will determine whether he'll get beat or not.

"N-no sir" said Hitoshi as he shakes a bit out of fear.

Soon after Hitoshi's father stood up and broke the table with sheer strength, and he doesn't even have a strength quirk!


"i- I didn't take anything.." said Hitoshi, shivering in fear

What happened next... will keep the neighborhood up all night..

The next morning Hitoshi wakes up with a bruises all over his body.. he was used to it, even before his mother died.

Hitoshi got out of bed then took a shower and brushed his hair, but no matter how much he brushed it wouldn't look any different, so he gave up on it..

Once Hitoshi got done getting ready, he ate some easy make frozen breakfast he had saved in the freezer and ate that; Then he waited for his father to get up and ready to take him to the daycare..

Once in the care the duo hasn't spoke a word to each other on the way there.. once they got to the daycare everything just repeats..

pretends to ignore the insults from others, get home and beat, then off to sleep with new bruises, then repeat.. every.. single.. day..

until one day.. Hitoshi's Quirk awoken.. it happened during the beating he was receiving..

While the abusive man was hitting Hitoshi's and insulting him; Hitoshi felt a sudden power build up in his throat and head, after the abusive man said another insult to him the power that Hitoshi's head felt like it can be released and so he let it.. then all a sudden the man stopped what he was doing with a look of absence..

Then out of impulse Hitoshi lashed out and said..

"GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU OLD MAN!" What he saw next left his eyes wide in horror.

That day Hitoshi ran away with a bag full of supplies and clothes..

He traveled many streets and alleys; But unfortunately for him he ran into a group of thugs with ill intentions..

"hey kid, what you got in the bag? mind if I hold it for you?" Said one of the thugs with a shit eating grin.

"How about you just fuck off" said Hitoshi as he walks off a bit annoyed.

The thug in the middle didn't like the boys tone.

"How about you give me your shit before I turn you black and blue!" shouted the thug with a pissed off look, but to Hitoshi, he looked stupid.

As Hitoshi was about to respond he willed it and the thug who threatened him gave a absent look.

"~How about you go bother each other and leave me alone~* Said Hitoshi as he walks off.

The remaining three thugs laughed at the kid until the one who was put under the kids quirk grabbed the other thug by the collar and yelled..


The thug who was being held by the collar blinked a few times then slapped the thug that was influenced by the childs quirk, waking him up from his previous trance.

"T-that kid has some kind of brainwashing quirk!" said the just awoken thug.

At this moment Hitoshi was in a dead sprint trying to get away while the other few chased him.

He lost two of the thugs because they seemed not to have the cardio to keep up, but the other two was shortening the gap.

once the two thugs caught up to Hitoshi they kicked him down and dragged him into a alley to give him a beating.. kick after kick, punch after punch, they soon got bored of the kid and dragged them to this abandoned building and threw the kid through the window and walked off chatting like nothing happened..

After Hitoshi was throwned through the window he was quickly surrounded by these strangely looked people, the most normal looking one was the toddler.

The three new boys surrounded Hitoshi and started to ask questions..