
Reincarnated in mha as Madara with Orochimaru & Kakuzu as my brothers

A boy dies a horrible death. gets sent to a black void with a reincarnation god. gets reborn in the world of MHA with the body, looks, and power of Madara Uchiha and has two siblings who is none other than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. Over time the trio unlocks their power they once had in Naruto universe and rises to the top as they defeat their enemies.. but as what? will they be known as heroes or villains to the world? nobody really knows.. but we do know one thing that will happen.. people will start to 'wake up to reality' ---------------- ----------- Hello!! this is one of my first novels so I'm sorry if it's bad :

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chap8: [TIME SKIP 4/4] Fourth birthday...

It's been several months since Hitoshi's arrival..

Ever since that day when Hitoshi quite literally came out of nowhere, he hasn't left.. well had no where to go and we gave him food and let him stay at 'base of operations' for shelter.. and so far, he has been getting along with the three other kids, Madara & Orochimaru & Kakuzu, if anyone could see how close they are, they would think that they all are siblings.

Its almost Madara's fourth birthday and along that, his quirk will awaken..

Everyone, including Hitoshi, is curious what kind of quirk Madara will awaken..

But all they can do is wait and see..

At some point throughout the months, Hitoshi finally revealed his quirk to the trio.. He explained that he can put someone in a absent state that the victim is completely dependent on Hitoshi and will not disobey his command unless awoken from their hypnotised trance.. it being through him releasing them from his quirk or if the victim experiences pain from an outside force, frome someone who isn't themselves or Hitoshi. But the only way to put someone under the power of his quirk, someone had to first speak directly to him for his quirk to work.

The trio didn't mind how 'villain like' his quirk was, at the end of the day it was still strong and shouldn't be underestimated.

For several months the group trained, their body's and their quirk's.. they all looked after each other.. They stole, sold drugs, and even faught and defended themselves to survive since the trio's mother didn't care much about them and Hitoshi no longer having anyone but the three strange boys.. and yknow what.. he loved those strange boys, they treated him good and like a equal.

As the group continued to trained and survive, many of them made discoveries with their quirk's...

Orochimaru had a long and slimy tongue that grossed out the other three but he didn't care.. it's his body and nobody can make him insecure about it!.. But the other discovery Orochimaru had found out madd the other three boys shiver.. Orochimaru can almost, like, shed his body... He could just come out of his own mouth like it was a shell he was escaping, it really freaked everyone out.. The pranks this man can do...

As for Kakuzu.. He has been improving what he already knew and also found a new technique he can use with his threads.. He can use then as whips, pretty simple but it was something new...

And Hitoshi made a excellent discovery with his <Brainwashing>.. He can extract information out of people without struggle!! He couldn't do it before but he assumed it was because he wasn't familiar on how it his quirk worked and wasn't use to its abilities..

Months flied by like a flash.. the four children were very successful in their training and can respectfully hold their own against adults, despite their age, they could be considered one of the strongest if compared to all the thugs in their town.

But.. a sertant day has came and it changed the group of four.. they will grow in power as a whole after this fateful day..

it was..

Madara's fourth birthday.