
Reincarnated as Genshin Impact Characters in MHA with Warframe System

Genshin Impact + Warframe in MHA A RPG video game addict dies pathetically and is reincarnated by a god in MHA for views. (If only the author can do the same...) He ends up with 3 "playable" characters and a basic system. Unfortunately, his first character is a girl?! -------------------------------------------------- Author here! Happy New Year~ Gender Bend warning for those who don't like that. Story will be slow paced. This fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes. Cover photo is not mine. I do not own any characters from Genshin Impact, Warframe, or MHA.

UnreliableRen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: Goals and Ambitions

*Third Person POV*

"Come on guys! This is only your fourth set! Get up!"

Early in the morning in Takoba Municipal Beach Park, an odd scene was playing out.

Two sweaty boys were huffing and puffing while sprawled out on the ground. On the side near them, a girl was lounging on a battered beach chair, under a worn-out beach umbrella while reading a book about mixed martial arts.

The area of around 10 meters in radius was cleared of junk, creating an arena-like place in the middle of a junkyard.

"I cleaned up the place and even made this rest station out of junk for you guys! Don't make my effort meaningless!"

Kirari, the self-proclaimed coach, said to her students.

"*Huff* It's impossible. I can't…*Huff* go on anymore…" Denki, student no. 1, said.

"I think so too. *Huff* T-there's no way we can complete… *Huff* ten sets…" Midoriya, student no. 2, agreed.

Seeing the pitiful state of her two students, Kirari closed her book and got up from her chair.

She walked towards them and stood above their heads while looking down on them.

"Pathetic!" She shouted at them like a drill sergeant. "Is this the type of hero you want to be?! A hero who backs down when faced against impossible odds?! How do you expect to become a hero with that kind of mindset?!"

Her loud voice caused the two to shudder. They looked up at the intimidating girl who was one year younger than them.

"Nii-chan! Didn't you say earlier that you wanted to be a cool and trendy hero? A hero who girls fall head over heels for and faint while screaming just at the sight of you?"

"Well... Those weren't my exact words… but yes?" Denki replied unsurely.

He then imagined walking down the streets, surrounded by countless fan girls cheering his name. His tired face grew a hint of rosiness and a stupid grin spread from cheek to cheek.

"Midori! Didn't you say that you wanted to be just like All Might? A hero who inspires and reassures others just by their presence? To be the guiding light during their darkest hours?!"

"Y-Yes!" Unlike Denki, Midoriya replied with enthusiasm.

He recalled all the All Might videos he watched, but instead of All Might, he pictured himself standing in his place.

"Maybe I was expecting too much from you guys. I admit that one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats, and a 10 km run on your first day is a bit harsh…" Kirari said with a disappointed expression.

"I divided it into 10 sets so that you could rest in between sets, but to think that your guys' limit is only 4 sets…"

With each word that Kirari said, the image that the boys pictured of their future flew farther and farther away from them.

They reached out to try and pull it back to no avail.

They started feeling frustrated at their inadequate selves.

"… But you know. In order to reach your goals and become the hero that you dream of, you must do the impossible! Continuously break through your limits! Surpass them! Go above and beyond..."

Recognizing the words Kirari quoted from All Might propaganda, a fire was lit up in the two boys' eyes.

Altogether, the three of them said,


A glint appeared in Kirari's left eye but disappeared just as quickly.

With renewed vigor, Denki and Midoriya looked at each other, got up from their lying position, and started working on their fifth set.

Seeing that her drivel worked, Kirari nodded in satisfaction.

She was making them do the famous workout from her past life. The one that was said to be able to make someone so strong that they could defeat anything with a single punch… at the unfortunate cost of losing all of one's hair.

In reality, Kirari was only making them do it to build their foundation.

The REAL workout will start when they can easily finish the 'one punch man' workout in one set.

'Soon, my precious walking exp generators. Soon… Hehehe'

(Scene Break)

*Kaminari House*

Kirari invited Midoriya to have lunch at their place.

During the meal, she taught them about proper dieting and nutrition plans.

Denki didn't have much to worry about since their meals were always prepared by their super mom. She was a pro hero who already knew about such things after all.

After lunch, Midoriya went home on wobbly legs and Denki passed out asleep in his room due to fatigue.

Kirari stayed at the dining table with her mom who came back from patrolling and ate lunch with them.

"So those two made up their minds and actually started putting in the effort to become a hero." Hikari said after listening to Kirari's explanation of what happened earlier today.

"Yep. I originally just wanted to cheer them up and get their minds out of the dump. One thing led to another and then… Really, it couldn't be helped. I know they are a bit too young to be starting hero training but…"

"Uh huh. Says the girl who has been working to become a hero since she turned five, pestering me daily for training." Hikari playfully pulled on her cute daughter's cheek.

One of the reasons Kirari was able to reach 15 in her Physical stat aside from using Electro-therapy, was thanks to her mom's training.

"It's fine, Kirari. Even if being a hero is a dangerous profession, if that is what they decided then so be it. I won't try to change their mind. In fact, the earlier they start training, the better. Your dad and I decided long ago that we will support you and your brother no matter what you choose to become in the future. We will only step in when we see that you have gone down the wrong path. Which you haven't done yet, right Kirari~?"

She eyed Kirari with a raised eyebrow as if she was trying to say, 'I know what you did last summer.'


Kirari sweat dropped.

"O-Of course, mom! How can I go down the wrong path when I'm so busy with school, training, and inventing stuff with Mei? My only free time is during the night, but I use that to sleep... Hehehe…" Kirari said with her head tilted and an innocent look on her face.

Hikari could only roll her eyes. She already knows that her daughter has a tendency to play cute when she thinks that she is about to be in trouble.

"Riiight. Because of your inventions, your dad has been busy making calls since yesterday night. It's like he hasn't lost his job at all! I thought he would have more free time and that we could spend more quality time together…" She complained while changing the subject.

Kirari felt a little guilty about this.

Her parents had only just entered their thirties so they should still be having a "healthy" relationship, just like four years ago…

But because of her idea to start a company, her dad will most likely be very busy for a good few months.

Setting up a company is no easy feat, and it will definitely cut into the "adult time" of her parents.

Kirari quickly thought of a plan to remedy this mistake.

"Hey, mom. When the company is up and going, why don't you make your office there?"

Since graduating, Hikari usually contracted to big hero agencies. The salary and benefits were great and she got used to working under more popular heroes.

Because Hikari and Haruto had kids at an early age, two in succession even, she didn't have enough time or money to start her own agency.

After years of working, she should have saved enough to start one by now.

"I don't see why not. We'd have to see if your dad can gain enough recognition to warrant having such a sexy hero make her base at his company though." She giggled.

"Yeah! You and dad can work and spend more time together. You can also become the sexy model that advertises the company's items! In the future, Nii-chan and I can intern there for hero training! That way, you can watch over us and have less worries. Then, we can become a pro hero family like the Ida family!" Kirari said with sparkles literally in her eyes.

"Haha. Looks like you have big expectations for us huh… Convincing your dad to start a company, training your brother, and now, telling me to start a hero agency… But Kirari, I wonder. Why are you doing all this?" Hikari questioned.

All of a sudden, in the span of one weekend, her family changed so much. And the biggest cause of this, was her very own daughter.

Suddenly, Kirari changed to a serious expression.

"I… I love my family. I love them so much. Mama, Papa, and Onii-chan. They are the most precious things to me." Kirari said, reverting to her old way of calling her family.

"Big companies, bullies, heroes, villains, or even the public civilians. I don't want anyone to get in the way of our family and separate us."

While recalling her past life parents who died tragically, Kirari spilled her true feelings to her mom.

"I will do everything I can for my family. I… I just want the best for them." She said with a determined look.

This earned her a tight hug from Hikari.

"Kirari... You are thinking too much. You don't have to worry about all that. Leave it to Mama and Papa." Hikari said to Kirari, not wanting her to try and shoulder such a big burden.

Even if she is a "genius", she was still only just eight years old.

'Wait, why am I feeling a sense of déjà vu?' Hikari thought to herself.

It was a repeat of what happened four years ago, only this time, Kirari wasn't crying.

Just in case, Hikari thought to reassure her once again.

"Besides, Kirari. You are already the best thing that this family could ever have."


In that instant, Hikari sensed some sort of electric pulse coming from Kirari.

She quickly loosened her grip to get a good look at her.

She was instantly shocked by what she saw.

Unlike the crying face she expected, Kirari only had a big, content smile on her face. But that wasn't the shocking part.

"Kirari? What happened to your left eye?? Are you okay???" Hikari worriedly asked.

Tilting her head to the side confusingly, Kirari said, "Yes? Why? What's wrong with my eye?"

"It's sparking, and it changed colors. Oh, and there seems to be a… tomoe symbol in there?" Hikari explained, relieved that Kirari didn't seem to be in any pain.

Kirari pictured the image.

'Tomoe??? In my eye? … Sharingan?! No, that's from the wrong anime!' She thought.

She opened her system to check her status and quickly found the cause.


Chapter End.

A/N: Work sucks. I have given up on meeting the deadline but my boss is still pushing for it. Haaa...

Anyways~ I think after this chapter, I will start picking up the pace. Story wise. Not chapter releases.

Still only one guaranteed chapter every week.

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