
Reincarnated As A Kryptonian.

Title explains everything. Guess I should say my character will be based in certain verses. Nah, lemme rephrase that. My character will be set in a universe then when the time is right, he'll travel to different verses. Or if he wants too.

Bigt0ein_mouth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Ch.2: Successful Reincarnation

Pitch black. It was all he could see. 'W-Where am I..?' Rider was nonexistent and only existed as a thought. 'Its so deep and dark,..yet warm? I feel at home here..'

He sighed peacefully as he floated around. It didn't take long however for something to grab his curiosity.

[Choose A Qurik:

Kryptonian Phsiology.

Saiyan Phsiology.

Viltrumite Phsiology.


'Quirk..? What's that? Is this whole thing...the cheat God mentioned?' He had thought while looking at the words that formed in his thoughts. 'I've heard...of all of these. Superman is Kryptonian, right? That person from that anime is a Saiyan and a Viltrumite is like Mark..'

He had watched shows and read books in his little free time, so he knew of them briefly. 'The strongest would be superman, I think. He passively gets stronger while the others don't. Besides,

Saiyans like to fight beings who are stronger than themselves, risking their life. I don't want that. And Viltrumites aren't that much different..'

And like that, he chose Superman with a thought, resulting in more words.

[Kryptonian Phsiology Has Been Chosen. Perks included Are, Flight, Heat Vision, Frost Breathe And Much More. Is The User Satisfied?]

He gave a thought nod, dismissing the words all together. 'I can be as strong as Superman in this world? That's cool...' There should theoretically be no way for him to live a hard life in whatever world he was in, but superman had been known to attract danger.

'Hm? What's this..?' He looked down, yes he was able to look down strange enough, and saw that had arms. 'I-I can move now? What's happening..?' Then like a whirlpool, he was being pulled around in a circular motion while going towards a bright light.

'Oh, I get it now. Small arms and legs, pitch blackness... I was a baby in a womb. And now, I guess I'm being born. Glad I figured that out now..' He relaxed himself and allowed himself to swept away. When he got to the white light, he found himself stuck.

It didn't last long however to feel something touching his head. 'Hands..? This feels weird..' The hands pulled on his head gently yet roughly all while his body would slowly seep out. The bright light was now blinding, which resulted in him putting his arm up.

"It's a boy!"

A man had shouted while holding Rider up. 'Thank you God...for keeping me male..' The man, a doctor, then held the baby closer as he and other people in the medical field became curious. "Weird. He isn't crying for some reason.."

Rider was the calmest baby they had seen in all their years of working in medical care. "Maybe we just need to give him a little push..?" Believe it or not, a quiet baby was scarier than a crying one. "Let's hurry so mommy can finally hold you.."

A woman with her legs spread was patiently waiting with her hands out, holding everything back to not curse the doctors out. The doctor then started patting Riders back with little to no force. 'I'll have to play the part. I wanna see my mom..' And like that, he let out a cry.

"Perfect! N-Now, here you are, Ma'am.." The doctor nervously handed the baby over to the women who took Rider in kind. She cursed the doctor under her breath which scared him and his crew away. "My beautiful baby boy.." She switched from a devil to an angel in seconds.

"I see you'll be just like your father when you grow up. A handsome and caring man.." She rocked Rider in her embrace while kissing him on the forehead.

'So this is what it feels like...to be loved by a parent...?' He was an orphan, and so he never remembered his parents or their touch.

"U-Uhm, ma'am..?" The doctor said in the corner, "What will his name be..?" She continued rocking him while starring into his deep blue eyes. "Hmm.." She thought long and hard. As she did, Rider was admiring her beauty.

She could be described as an exact clone of Jennifer Aniston.

"How about..?" She also seemed playful with a hint of a devious nature. "Nolan. Nolan Kent, after your father. I think its fitting, don't you?" Rider sat with open eyes as she talked.

'That's fine. After hearing that reason, that's fine..' Rider blinked to show his appreciation which in return brought her a satisfied smile. "Is that what you've decided on ma'am?" The doctor asked while composing himself.

"Yes. Nolan Kent is his name. I hope.." She kissed Nolan's nose, "We can get along.." Rider said the same thing in his mind. 'I guess...my story has officially started, huh..?'
