
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 17

Year 204, and month 1 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

A week had passed and I had finally arrived at my mansion.

When I was traveling, I heard rumors about Protections Shop's downfall. But even that couldn't make me feel happy.

I still felt depressed and disgusted about what happened. And the only thing that I felt that could help me was the embrace of my family.

(This is probably quite obvious, but I myself haven't been r@aped nor sexually harassed in my life, and neither now someone who has been r@ped. So I can't perfectly represent the terrible feelings someone must have when going through something like this. But I will try to do my best to well represent them)

So when I finally arrived and saw them, all the emotions I had been bottling up poured out of me. And I started crying in the embrace of my wives.

And without knowing what happened, they consoled me. "Don't worry, we're here for you".

"We always will be".

I cried, crying more than I believed I could, and let my weak body fall asleep in their arms.

1 month later

Year 204, and month 2 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

The business was going well, but I not so much.

The actions that had previously happened were still weighing on me.

They affected me in my life, and made me colder. I felt like life wasn't good. Like everything wasn't worth it.

I felt depressed. The only thing keeping me going on was the sense of duty I had for rebuilding my clan.

I was currently sitting behind my desk, thinking about what I needed to do in the future. The protection shop is almost fully ruined, and I stepped in, taking over their place.

So the next step was taking over the alchemy shops in those cities.

*KNOCK**KNOCK* "Hubby, can I enter". I saw Li Liu's head peak through the door.

"Yes, enter". She came and sat on a chair before me.

She was fidgeting a bit nervously, and it was clear she wanted to say something.

"Eeuhm Hubby, I and the others are worried about you".

You guys don't need to worry about me, I'm alright". I said not wanting to worry them.

But it seemed this made her angry.

"D-Don't lie to me, We all know something is going on. We are your wives, we deserve to know". She screamed clearly angry, and this gave me a bit of a wake-up call. These people were my wives, they weren't slaves just because their affection was 100.

They were real people who cared about me, they weren't just people I could use for furthering my talent.

"I-I'm sorry". I said almost crying. I felt terrible.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you". She said hugging me. But even though she was apologizing, I knew that everything she was saying was true.

"Liu'er, could you leave me alone for a moment, I need some time to think". I said while breaking our hug. She didn't say anything but silently left the room, sensing I needed some time alone.

I leaned into my chair, looking at the ceiling while sighing. The words my wife said to me were like a cold splash of water.

In this world, I wanted to reach the top. and I was currently on the journey to the top. And I had met people who I started with by using them but then learned to love them.

I now had people to protect in this world, but I still wanted to reach the top.

But now, I just didn't want to reach the top for myself, I also wanted to become the strongest for them.

And for my journey there, I didn't mind hurting anyone except the people I loved.

And today I understood, this wouldn't be an easy journey. I would need to hurt, use and destroy many people.

I would need to make sacrifices. Do things that would hurt me. Do things that disgust me.

But didn't I still want to reach the top? Didn't I despite being hurt still want to continue this journey?

And for the first time in a month, I felt a special feeling again. The feeling of determination. The determination to continue on this path.

"Thank you". I whispered. I whispered to my wives. They were the people who loved me and stayed with me. I would make sure to reach the top, not only for me but also for them.

And while I may be hurt on this journey, I would make sure to get revenge on the people that hurt me.

And the person highest on this list was Yang Ting. I would use her, manipulate her and destroy her.

I didn't want my revenge to be easy. I didn't want to just kill her. I wanted to use her just like she used me. (You know what he means, not exactly use her in the same way.)

I left my office and entered my living room where I found my wives.

We didn't say anything and just embraced each other. But everyone understood, I was back. But I wasn't the old Li Wei anymore, I was a stronger and better Li Wei.

We all cried tears of happiness. Till suddenly, Li Ming came inside.

"Who hurt daddy, I will punish them". She said while holding a wooden sword and a cute robe.

I laughed at my daughter and picked her up which made her embarrassed.

2 years later

Year 206, and month 2 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

In these 2 years, a lot had happened.

But let's start with my status.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 23

Realm: Empty Golden Core stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 11

Family Fortune: 54 (okay, so quick thing, this isn't only because of his 2 new descendants, but I decided to give him 10 extra family Fortune. This won't be added in the previous chapters because I'm lazy, but the reason is that I think in one chapter, I gave him a little too less Family Fortune which comes me biting in the ass right now. You will maybe understand why later.)

System upgrade: 16/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 130Km2/50Km2, Clan Treasury 2,1M/100K spirit stones


Earthly-Rank Fire Root: 24702=>39822/50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 3762=>8072/10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 3772=>8082/10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 10046=>25166/50000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 3760=>8070/10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10 6480

Earthly Formation Talent: 15=>6495/50000 Earthly Alchemy Talent: 3942=>10422/50000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 6486=>12966/50000 Earthly Divine Sense Talent: 6806=>3286/10000=>50000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

(lol, just realized I have made a mistake, I think. It said that Talisman was already Earthly grade despite needing 10000 to upgrade. So either it was already Earthly grade and I forgot to write 50000, which I hope it is. Or it wasn't actually an Earthly grade, which means that I have been putting bullshit about the Mc making Earthly grade Formations and Talisman. And I am pretty sure it's the later.

So I just wanna say this. It's not that important and I am too lazy to read everything again to correct it. Sorry.)

My divine Sense Talent had become Earhtly grade, which made me very happy. And my fire and water root were getting closer to becoming Spiritual rank, which was very rare even in the entire Great South Alliance.

But most importantly, I had reached the Empty Golden Core realm. These past 2 years, I had become even more determined and hard-working than before. And focused a lot of time on my cultivation and reached the Empty Golden Core realm.

This made me very proud because I had begun at around age 14 and reached it in basically 9 years. Of course, I didn't only rely on my talent and used the Cultivation Piramide. And also buckets of spirit stones.

Besides this, Li Ming was growing up well. But sadly enough, we had tested her, and she had no spirit roots. And although she said she was fine, I knew she wasn't and we had a really good talk.

And when she was sixteen, I would help her. Of course, this is how the future would turn out if we didn't have Family Fortune.

A few days after her spiritual roots testing, I decided to take her to the forest near our mansion. I wanted to make her day and forget about the spiritual roots.

But suddenly, Li Ming found a black ring. Despite its simplicity, it was very beautiful, and Li Ming put it on her finger.

But suddenly, her body started shining very brightly and the ring disappeared, leaving only weird symbols around Li Ming's finger that were also on the ring.

I knew something very special had happened since I received this notification.

[Congratulations on finding a hidden function. Special Descendants. Just like the host is someone special, so are his descendants.

The universe has many special people, who can be considered heavens chosen one. They are strong, talented, and lucky. But what truly sets them apart from the rest is that their luck is Heavenly Luck.

And Family Fortune has many functions. And one of them is that the more Family Fortune the host has, the higher chance his descendants have to become a Heaven's Chosen One]

The system explained to me a bit more. Family Fortune could make one of my descendants a Heaven's Chosen one.

There were no requirements for being heaven's chosen one. They could still be in the womb. Or they could be old grannies, it didn't matter.

But what did matter was that it would cost me the amount of Family Fortune I received when the child was born.

It also told me that the amount of Family Fortune they were born with (thus sacrificed) didn't matter in how good their "Destiny" would be.

I was very happy with the system notifications when I found a hidden function because it always gave me information that was useful.

I picked up the unconscious Li Ming, my worried heart now less worried.

The only question now was what cheat did she receive.


Author-Chan is here back with a new update.

I just wanna hope this small chapter that also brought a bit of character growth to the Mc that I want to show in other chapters wasn't too cringe. Because sometimes I felt it was a bit cringe but alright, who cares right?

Next up, gimme gimme some power stones, collections, or reviews if you want. Would be appreciated.

Also, I have been thinking about creating a chapter where the Mc, has some fun with his wives if you know what I mean. What do you think.

Do you want one or not. And with creating one I mean like chapter 20 or 20+. It is certainly not coming before that.
