
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 16

Li Huo P.O.V.

When I was younger, I was the treasure of my clan. Born from the current patriarch and his first wife, I grew up with everything I needed.

I was even engaged to a talented young man from another big clan in the city. And while their grandparents had forced them into it, she didn't mind it that much.

But then, his talent suddenly disappeared. He became gloomy and didn't talk to me anymore. And our relationship drifted apart.

And when I was 11, I had awakened the 9 Colored Feathered Vermillion physique. A strong fire physique that is rarely seen. It was so strong, the Huofeng sect came and I became a disciple of an important rising elder there.

When the family elders heard this, they pressured me and my family into breaking off my engagement. I had tried asking my master for help because I didn't love him. I didn't think it was right to just break off the engagement.

But my master said, "A Vermillion Bird shouldn't be engaged to a weak cat".

And while I tried to talk with my fiance, saying I didn't want this, he didn't listen and instead say that in 6 years, he would challenge me to a duel and make me regret giving up on him.

My life continued, and just as he said, 6 years later. He came to the Huofeng sect and challenged me to a dual. But he had changed, and he wanted revenge for the humiliation I had caused him.

I didn't understand why he was like this, I had always treated him nice, even when he was trash. I didn't care, so what right did he have to say such things to me?

He then made a bat with me, offering a very attractive fire herb, while I would need to offer up ly cultivation base if I lost.

And no one expected him to win, he was only in the Peak Foundation Stage while I was in the Empty Golden Core Stage.

But to everyone's surprise, he showed amazing strength and defeated me. And since I had vowed on the Heavenly Dao. I had no choice to break my cultivation base and leave the sect.

I went back to my family, hoping I could live there, but got pierced with cold eyes, even from my family. Apparently, my family had been suppressed by my Fiance's family which had become very strong after my fiance suddenly became talented again.

Everyone in the family was angry at me, and I had never felt so only. The only thing I wanted was to rest. I wanted to kill myself.

It felt like every moment I lived, everything that happened made my mind crazy. Life fell like hell, and death felt like a relief.

But I didn't just want to die anywhere and used my remaining strength to travel to a small village in Blossoming Sword County.

The reason why I went to a small village in a different kingdom to die?

Because it felt like the last good memory I had with my Fiance happened there.

When we were young, our grandmothers brought us here. Saying this is the place where they met each other and become friends.

My grandmother had saved my fiances grandmother, and they became good friends while saying they would marry the oldest grandchildren to each other.

But just before I was about to die, I got saved. He was a very handsome man, but I couldn't care about that and just wanted to die. But didn't have the strength to move my body.

I hoped he would just leave me here, but he took care of me and brought me to his home. There I met his 2 wives, and they seemed like the perfect happy family. It was what I wanted with my fiance.

I remained there for a few days, getting closer to the man who made me feel my heart again. I felt happiness, but also jealousy.

He had 2 wives that were happy, but why wasn't I as happy as them? I wanted to be them, I wanted to be with him.

And I gained an epiphany, If I couldn't be them, I could just take what was theirs.

So I proposed to marry him, which he didn't refute. I knew my own beauty after all, and tried to use it for my own benefit. Seducing him, wanting him to only have eyes for me.

But soon I realized, that I couldn't hurt him like that. He had 2 amazing women as his wives. They were people who brought him happiness. And that was what I wanted him to be. Happy.

My savior.

Li Meiying P.O.V.

In this dark world, I felt lost. I felt like I had no one to trust. When I was young, my life was alright. My relationship with my parents may not have been the best but I had food on the table, clothes on my body, and a roof above my head.

But then my grandfather got my family into a large debt and to repay that debt, my family sold me to a powerful cultivator.

And although we had a wedding ceremony, I didn't dare to believe I was his wife. I was only a weak cultivator while he was someone brightly shining like the sun.

But after the wedding ceremony. He was incredibly kind to me, and seemingly reading my mind, consoled me. I felt so fortunate. Even if I couldn't hold a position in his heart, I was already happy, because I realized this wasn't my old life anymore.

This was now my life of luxury. I had a handsome and rich husband who could make me feel like heaven. He was rich enough that I could buy anything I wanted within Slow Sword City.

And while I believed I could keep my heart closed from him, not wanting to ever feel pain again. But I couldn't shield my heart from his kindness and grace.

And before I knew it, I had done what I promised to not do again, love. But you know what? I didn't care, I was happy, and I would do anything to keep that happiness.

I was surrounded by kind people I loved. I have 2 daughters I love. I have actual talent in cultivation. But most importantly, I am with him.

I am with the person who made me love again, and for that, I would forever love him.

Yang Ting P.O.V.

(the reason why she gets a P.O.V. moment is because I want her to become someone more important later in the story. And I want to flesh her out slowly but surely till she resurfaces so that she will be a more enjoyable character to read from at that moment.)

Unlike what many people know, I wasn't born in luxury. I wasn't born in the Yang clan but worked my way up there.

I was born as someone in the slums, never knowing who my parents were. But I had the ambition to reach the moon.

And when I was eight years old, I secretly snook into a spiritual roots testing, but before I could test my roots, I was found out and was almost killed.

But then, the current Lord Yang saved me and said they should first test my roots before making a decision.

So with my entire body shaking, I put my hand on a Spiritual Root Testing Artifact. And was actually found out to have Double Earthly rank roots, which was something rarely seen in a decade.

Immediately, the people that wanted to previously kill me wanted to have me. But I chose to enter the Yang Clan.

And from there, I became Lord Yang by marrying the son of the current Patriarch.

I suppressed him, destroyed him and all the people from the Yang clan, only so I could hide the fact that I wasn't actually from the Yang clan.

And when years passed, everyone thought so too.

I now had power, actual power. Someone like me who came from the slums now owned an entire prefecture.

And I used that power to get what I desired. Suppressing the people I didn't like, and forcing handsome men to f*ck me.

And then I met him, the most handsome man I had met yet. I had heard from an acquaintance of mine that he was doing illegal stuff to suppress her business.

And when I met him, my ideas completely changed regarding with what I wanted to do with him. I know wanted him under me.

So I forced him, for 3 entire days. His focus was on only me. And I had never felt such a passionate man. So strong, wild, rough. I had never felt so amazing.

And after 3 days, he left me, I felt quite sad. I had grown a bit attached to him. Maybe because he was such a good f*ck or maybe because he was around my son's age when he died.

After all, I needed the feeling of someone inside of me, it helped me forget my pain for a while.

But even though I grew attached to him, I didn't have the time for those feelings currently. Maybe in the future, I would make him pleasure me again.

But for now, I had more important stuff to do. I still needed to get my revenge after all.


Okay, your perfectly fine Author-Chan is here with his thoughts. I truly which to use Yang Ting to bring some character development in our MC. But I also want there to be a reason for the stuff she does. So I want to slowly develop a bit off a tragic background for her. But I am currently still thinking of how tragic I should go.

So like I don't know if r@pe is too much. Like in a way, I did it to the protagonist. But if I do r@pe, I don't know, I don't think her characters and actions will make as much sense anymore.

So I am thinking of instead havening something bad happen to really her. I want something unfortunate to happen to her loved ones, which will make her become evil in a way.

Also, power stones, collections, and reviews are appreciated.

The reason I haven't been updating for the past few days was because I was busy with my family.