
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

Year 206, and month 2 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

I brought the unconscious Li Ming back and explained what happened to my wives and daughters. I also told them that everything would be fine and they didn't need to worry.

And while my daughter was unconscious, I could further monologue about how amazing everything was going. Well, my life wasn't super and there were hard moments. But I was happy, and so was my family.

Probably the thing I hated most in these 2 years was the contact I had with Yang Ting.

2 years ago, when I regained my determination. I also wanted revenge. So I promised myself I would use Yang Ting just like she used me.

But of course, she's way too strong for the current my. So I couldn't just capture her. But I could capture her heart.

I had decided I wanted to seduce her. Play with her, and destroy her.

So around a year and a half ago, I contacted her again. I said I meet with her for 2 days in return for her helping me.

I then remained 3 days with her. And then the next time, I did something similar. First approaching her with a deal. And then making the deal better for her.

But from then on, I just visited her once every 2 months or so. Slowly talking with her, holding her, and loving her.

And while she was a stone-cold woman, who clearly wasn't infatuated with me yet. My work wasn't for nothing and I could feel her affection for me grow.

A big way I realized was that she started taking more care of her appearance when she met me. 2 years ago, she just seemed like a fit woman who looked like she was very pretty in her past.

But the more I met with her, the smoother her skin seemed and the younger her body was.

Now she looked like a pretty 50-year-old woman who was taking good care of herself.

And although she was prettier, I still felt rage when I saw her, disgust when I held her, but I couldn't stop. I needed my revenge.

So every time I felt like vomiting, I swallowed it. Every time I didn't want to spend time with her, I kissed her.

And like that, for a year I had lived.

And one of the few things that kept me going besides my revenge was that she was very generous and would give me gifts. From helping me in the business world to giving me Eartly-Grade artifacts.

But besides Yang Ting, a lot of happy things have happened in my life. Li Huo and Li RonRong had birthed 2 more daughters.

Li Qing was Li Huo's child, and Li Rui was Li RongRong's child.

They were 2 cute pumpkins who gave me the determination to move forward.

In the business world, everything was also going well.

I had been rapidly advancing, now currently occupying several Second Grade Cities in 6 of the 11 Counties inside QingFeng prefecture.

I was even the biggest player inside 3 First Grade City. And the only way I grew this fast was because of Yang Ting's help. It was something even I couldn't deny.

But I also had some problems.

Mainly, with upgrading the system. I needed 50 members. That meant having a lot more children, and I didn't know how to go forwards.

I had even begged the system to change it. But I didn't have a living system so it remained silent.

And while I could just take like 40 wives. I didn't want that. How was I even supposed to support and love them all? Maybe when I slowly built my harem, then it would be possible, but all at once. No way.

But I couldn't currently do anything about it. So I just ignored it.

And 2 months ago, I also visited the Fallen Tree Sect to teach their disciples about Talismans and Formations.

"him, papa, what happened". Li Ming woke up. She called me papa, which she sometimes did.

"After you picked up the ring, you fell unconscious. I think the ring is a powerful ancient artifact. Do you feel any different"? I asked.

"Yes, papa has some red numbers above his head". She said looking above my head.

"Do you know anything more"? I asked curiously.

"Yes, there is this strange book in my head. It says that these numbers and their color represent someone's karma. And as long as the person is weaker than me, I can control their karma. I can give the karma to either someone else or use it myself. And it says that I can use the karma for whatever I want".

When I heard this, I was very surprised. Although the concept was simple, it was very overpowered. She could even create a Spiritual Grade Artifact without actually having any forging talent.

"Does it give information about what karma is"? I asked an important question.

"It doesn't say much, but it says that karma doesn't affect someone's luck, but their health. It doesn't say what happens when someone has a lot of good karma, but if some have a lot of bad karma, their health will get worse and they will have a shorter life".

"Papa, I'm scared. Is something wrong with me"? Li Ming hugged me tightly, reminding me that despite how mature she acted, she was still only a soon-to-be 7-year-old child.

"No of course not, this is daddy's gift for his little treasure. This will help you become a cultivator". I patted her small head, smiling.

"Really, can I become a strong cultivator and protect Daddy". Her beautiful bright smile made my heart melt. I was so happy I had the system.

"Of course. In the future, Daddy will marry his little princess who will protect me". Li RongRong had been teaching her a lot in the past 2 years, teaching that protecting me was the most important part.

A big reason why I liked having Li RongRong as the teacher was because her affection was the most cult-like. Which was why I wanted her to teach my children.

"Follow me, Li Ming, we should try your ability". I said before bringing her to an orphanage I sponsored a lot. The ability said she needed someone weaker than her, since she was a mortal, my best guess was a child even younger than her.

I used my abilities to make us invisible, not wanting to attract attention. "Try if you can steal good karma from those kids".

"But dad". She said feeling bad about doing something like this. But I interrupted her.

"Daddy likes good girls, and good girls are obedient". I said bringing out Li RongRong's teachings. She still clearly needed to be taught certain things.

I didn't care about the kids here. First of all, losing a bit of karma wouldn't kill me. And I would need to be ruthless, which I had become more after that experience from 2 years ago.

"Yes, daddy". She said before taking the karma from the little kids in front of her and giving it to herself, raising her good karma from 21 to 29. She wanted to take more but started to feel tired and slowly fall asleep.

"Did I do good"? She asked wanting to know my opinion before going to sleep.

"Yes, now rest. My little treasure". I said while patting her head before she fell asleep.

Although I couldn't see anything happen, seeing Li Ming start to sweat before falling asleep made me sure something happened.

I placed Li Ming in her room before entering my office again and thinking about the future.

I opened a closet, revealing a map, which showed the entire QingFeng prefecture.

And on most cities, there were red pins which meant that he had conquered their Talisman, Alchemy, and Formation for at least 70%.

There were other cities that had no pins and a few that had a black pin, which signaled a 90% market share in said city.

In QingFeng prefecture, I had become a large economic behemoth. No one dared to underestimate me anymore.

And using my large economic power, I made connections with the powerful clans in QingFeng prefecture that had both political influence and territory.

The Feng clan. The Lin clan, and the Hei clan. Which was the second most powerful clan in QingFeng prefecture after the Yang clan.

Their influence was so large they had a third-grade official inside the Imperial Palace. They also had a colonel in the Imperial Army, which was a position similar to a Fourth-Grade official position.

So because of this, their influence wasn't only inside QingFeng prefecture but spread far and wide.

And they were the clan I wanted to cozy up most because they had 4 counties under their control. All counties that I wasn't inside yet but wanted to.

And soon, I would get the opportunity. The 300th birthday of the old patriarch of the Hei Clan. Old Patriarch Hei was a legend within QingFeng prefecture. And despite his old age, he was in the Late Nascent Soul Stage, so he still had another few hundred years to live.

It was customary for everyone to give valuable gifts when such a big shot had an important birthday.

And as long as I could give something that would outshine the rest, gaining me the favor of the old patriarch. I could get their support when entering those 4 counties.

The problem is, of course, this was a giant party. Everyone in QingFeng prefecture that held power, and even those from outside QingFeng prefecture would come.

Lord Yang, Sect Leader Kim, Patriarch Feng...

I would need to overshine all these people that would gift tremendous gifts.

But I had one trump card on me. My ability to create stuff. To the outside world, I may be a Mortal-Grade Formation and Talisman maker.

But I was actually an Earhtly Formation, Talismand, and Alchemy master.

So in these past few months, I had been gathering resources while creating a box full of Earthly grade stuff.

And now the box was already full with 5 Earhtly Grade Talismans, Formations, and Pills. And since I didn't want people to think I actually had the talent to create these, I would use a little trick called lying.

As long as I said that I didn't create these treasures but instead had been searching far and wide, people would believe me. Because it was more believable than that a 23-year-old Talismand, Formation and pill master was born in QingFeng county.

I took my box and departed to the Hei manor which was quite far. Since I had taken a carriage, it would take longer than a horse and I arrived in a week.

The Hei manor was truly giant and luxurious, and I was given a room.

I had arrived a few hours before the birthday party would begin and used this chance to rest a bit.

When it was finally time for the birthday, everyone that was invited had been given the chance to personally give the Old Patriarch Hei their gift. And when it was my turn, I was definitely nervous but also determined.

"I have searched far and wide, and have found 5 Earhtly-Grade Talisman, Formations, and Pills. I hope this pleases Old Patrirch Hei".

When I said this, I could hear the other guest cause a small ruckus, surprised by the worth of my gift which made me proud.

I gave the gift to the servant next to the Patriarch, who seemed pleased by the gift.

For the rest of the evening, I enjoyed the party but before I could go back to my resort, I was halted by a servant who said that Old Patriarch Hei and Patriarch Hei wanted to talk to me.

I was very surprised hearing this, thinking the gift played a role in this. But I dispelled the thought. 'Why would they want to meet me now'.

Currently, it was the moment when most guests were already sleeping or going to sleep. So they wanted me to meet them when other people didn't know.

Despite my suspicion, I followed the servant to a room.

There I found Old Patrirch Hei, sitting on a couch, behind him, Patrirch Hei. Who was his son.

"Please sit down". Said Patriarch Hei motioning to the couch in front of me. I sat down, curious about what they wanted.

"Young man, you want us to help you with your business within the 4 counties we own, right"? Said the Old Patriarch Hei. He talked like he was asking it, but I knew he knew what I wanted.

"Yes, Old Patriarch Hei". I said truthfully answering.

"You gave me a very expensive gift hoping to curry favor with me. But before I can help you, you need to do 1 more thing for me". He said with serious eyes. Despite being 300 years old, one would think he was only 50.

"What can I do, Old Patriarch Hei". I asked. But got the answer from Patriarch Hei.

"I have seven children, each more talented than the other, outside the Seventh. She has no spiritual roots and neither concerns herself a lot with important matters (basically saying his daughter isn't smart.)". Said Patriarch Hei with seemingly great sadness.

"I wish her to have a happy life, but that is a life she can't find within the Hei clan. So young man, no, Daotist Li. I ask you to marry my daughter". He said looking me in the eyes like a person who had gone through great pain would;

"As long as you are kind to her. We will help your business".

I thought for a small moment before accepting. "As long as she consents, I shall accept". I didn't want to force anyone to marry me or get pressured into doing it. And this would also make me seem like a more stand-up person.

"Thank you, Daoist Li". Patriarch Hei said seemingly sighing of relief.

"Remember young man, if I wind even a strand of hair missing on my granddaughter's body. I will kill you". Said the old patriarch, seemingly very caring towards his granddaughter.

They asked me to meet them in 2 days again when all the guests had left to flesh out the details.

I returned to my room, thinking about what had happened.

First of all, who is my new fiance? She is called Hei Ying. And is the seventh child of the current Patriarch.

But she has infamy for being untalented. Not only does she have no Spiritual roots. But she is neither smart nor confident. There were also rumors going around that she was as big as a bear and very ugly.

But I didn't care about that. I didn't mind marrying her as long as it would help me.

But what was also interesting was that both Old Patriarch Hei and Patriarch Hei seemingly cared a lot for her.

And as far as I knew, there were rumors going around that both of them were cold against her. And never acted like a grandfather or father to her.

Maybe I could use her in the future getting even more out of the Hei clan than only helping in business.

2 Days later.


Hey, Author-chan here. Sorry for again not uploading for a while. I started working again and just felt tired. So I didn't really have the energy to pick up my computer and write.

But now I'm Back, and I want to start uploading more again. Today you will have surely this chapter, and maybe also a second one. But I need to warn everyone, I think I will soon not be able to write again. I'm not fully sure but quite sure, and it will begin Saturday, so I will try to write today and Friday as much as possible.

Also, Powerstones, Collections and reviews and ideas would also be welcome.

Also, the Karma thing is very much inspired by the idea of Daoist92VPav.