
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 12

The Next Day

The own elder Ceremony wasn't very interesting, I just needed to wear the official Elder uniform, and pledge my alliance to the sect in front of the statue of the founder before cutting down a tree. Yes, cutting down a tree. it was quite funny but it seemed it was very important to quite a lot of people.

But now that that had finished, the interesting part would happen. The benefits. While I had talked yesterday a bit about them, I was a special case of an elder so we would need to flesh out a bit different deal than with normal elders.

The first of course was with Talisman and Formations, and after a bit, we reached a good deal. I would create twice as many talismans and formations for them. And they would pay for the cost of resources plus 10K spirit stones.

I would give them a heavy discount, but in return for that, I asked for a guard. And while A Nascent Soul Stage guard was too much, a Golden Core guard seemed to be quite a good deal. And while I already had Li Huo, it was better to have 2 than one. And while my guard was a woman, she was already quite old and seemed to have reached her maximum potential, so I decided to pass on making her my wife.

Besides that, I could also enter the library on the Fourth floor of the six it had. This made me very excited because the 4 techniques I had received from Patriarch Feng and Peak Elder Chen were very good and helped a lot. And apparently, those from Peak Elder Chen only came from the Second floor. But best of all, I could read the actual books written by people who had actual knowledge of the technique.

There was a special phenomenon that would happen when someone in the Nascent Soul Stage writes a book on a technique they have reached a certain level of proficiency in and was called Written Intent. And it would make the reader feel like they were actually experiencing someone do it. it would help a lot when trying to learn a technique.

Then we also talked about my allowance. Erh, I mean pay. Every elder would receive a XX amount of spirit stones. And normally, it would be 10K spirit stones, which was a lot. But keep in mind that elders are all in the Nascent Soul Stage. But since I wasn't in the Nascent Soul stage, people believed I should also receive less. But then at the same time, I was a formation Master and Talisman Master, so other people believed I should receive more.

And in the end, the compromise was that I would receive an allowance of 8K, but could monthly request a number of resources worth 4K based on their price outside the sect. Which was a quite nice deal.

And lastly, I received a Mortal-Grade Protection robe, A Mortal-Grade Protection Ring, and a Mortal-Grade Life and Death Ring that would send a signal to the sect when I died. I was very happy since normally elders wouldn't receive a Mortal-Grade Protection Ring. Well, I was happy, till Peak Elder Chen told me it was because everyone thought I was too weak and would need it. Now I was sad because I was weak but happy because I received a treasure.

I, Lu Huo, and Li Ming remained in the sect for 6 more days. In which I trained 2 techniques. Fleeing Mountain and Standing Mountain. 2 techniques created by a past Peak Elder. Fleeing Mountain was a qinggong technique (basically a technique that helps with agility) and standing Mountain was a defense technique. One that would make my body stronger by making my body refinement stronger.

(For me, body refinement is a kind of talent like your cultivation speed. And it is that every time you break through, your Dantian becomes stronger, which would in turn temper your body. And the amount your body becomes stronger depends on your body refinement talent. And so this is a technique, like a mediation technique that makes you cultivate faster. This is one that makes your body become slightly stronger. Almost like Raising your Body refinement talent just like a meditation technique does with your cultivation Talent)

I had also slightly trained another technique, Mountain Punch, again created by the previously said elder. And just like its name applies, using your Qi it will make your punches several times stronger and heavier.

I didn't focus too much on this technique, wanting most of all to be able to run away and tank attacks.

I also used this time to create connections with other elders, core elders, peak elders, and the Sect leader. The sect leader was kind, so we hit it off quite well. I had a bit more problems with the 2 other peak masters but it was alright and among the 9 core elders, there were 2 under Peak Elder Chen with whom I immediately hit it off. I also used this time to advertise my pumpkin. Hoping that when she would try out for the sect, they would be kinder to her.

And now that a week had passed since I was here, it was time for me to return, which only took a week time.

Year 203, and month 4 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

I was very happy with my journey. Not only had I been able to relax and take my mind off things for a while, but I was also able to accomplish quite a lot.

But I was very happy to arrive home. I was able to see all my cute pumpkins again. And also my cute wives. Almost directly after I was home, I had a big orgy with all of them.

Li RongRong also updated me on what happened the last month regarding business, and not much had happened. The caravan business was doing good, being everywhere in Blossoming Sword County and also in most of High Tide County. It helped a lot when breaking into High Tide County that we already had some fame and credibility.

The construction company, while still in the red, was actually showing promising results, especially with the VIP structure which had given us a few big shots of clients.

Everything was going well, and I think it's time for me to explore the Guard function. I hadn't done it yet, not really caring and being busy.

But now, I had some free time, and I thought it was time to explore the function. (I have updated in the chapter that introduced the function that he can currently have only 1 guard. The reason because turning into a guard will help you, so he could just do it with all his wives and descendants. Which ruins it a bit.)

I called over Li Huo while sending away the guard the Fallen Tree Sect sent. I didn't want her to see something if something happened.

"Darling, do you need something".

"No, I just wanted to reward my beautiful wife. You have been acting as my guard for a while. And I want you to become the first official Guard of the Li clan. Your duty shall be to protect me and the Li clan as the Offical Guard. And your duty as my wife to please me shall remain. Do you accept"?

(sorry if this part may seem a bit rushed in writing, I had already written the entire chapter. but then Inkstone made me need to log in again in every open tab, causing me to lose my progress in this chapter.)

"Yes, I would be honored to become an Offical Guard". She didn't mind becoming an official guard but was happy about it. She had been acting as her darling guard for a while, and this felt like him recognizing her hard work. And besides, he said she would remain his wife, and that was all she needed.

"Good". I put my hand in front of her forehead, and suddenly these symbols sprung out, 警衛. They circled around her head for a while before putting themself on her forehead and then seemingly melting with her head.

"Do you feel any different"? I asked like I was confirming something. But I myself was curious if something and what had changed.

"Yes, when I close my eyes, I can see this strange blue book". She answered with closed eyes.

"Can you open it and do you see something inside it".

"Yes, when I open it, I see a single strange sentence".

[Mission: Do 1000 push-ups, 0/1000

Type Quest: daily (Time limit is the end of the day)

Reward: 1% increase in arm strength]

"Can you open other pages or see other text". I finally understood what the Guard function was, and found it very OP-sounding. This had also given me a notification.

[Congratulations on finding a hidden function. Sub-systems are given to people who hold Offical positions, like Guard. Sub-systems are customized per person so as to not scare them too much]

"No, I can't open another page nor do I see other sentences".

"Good, the ritual is complete, you have now become an official guard, open your eyes". I looked deep into her eyes.

"This is one of the mysterious powers, but it is quite difficult to do. So I hope you will do your best to complete your daily quest and make me proud". I was serious, wanting to make it clear what she was holding.

"Of course darling, I will never disappoint you. And as a thank you, let me do my wife's duties". She took off my robes and took my already erected c*ck in her mouth.

After having a wild session with her, she started doing push-ups. She was doing them in the training hall I had created. And I had convinced her to do them naked, letting me appreciate the slight muscles she already had. It was also beautiful seeing her breast hang like that.

And after doing 1000 push-ups, she said that her arms felt slightly stronger. Which I had already expected but still made me jealous.

If every daily quest gave a 1% increase in strength, in only a year she would be several times stronger than her past self. I would truly get a monster as a wife.


Elloooo, Author-Chan here. As always, leave a collection, powerstone or review if you enjoyed it.

I also wanna give a thanks to a reader. The users name is Mozzy_da. He said I could give the guard a system, also giving me the idea for quests and everything. So thank you. Because well, I basically stole their idea.

Hope everyone has a good day.