
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

9 Months Later

Year 204, and month 1 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

A pregnant cycle had passed, but I didn't have any more kids. I wanted to wait at least for a while, till my youngest daughter, Li Yu was at least a bit older.

I wanted in a way to create a difference in generation between my kids. And this was the first month my eldest daughter Li Ming would start the clan's education.

And only a few days had passed, but I could already see its effect. The beginning of my education was learning about myself. Glorifieng and Worshipping me. This was also something that would be carried over for the rest of her education.

And when we spent some time together, she talked a lot about how cool her daddy was. Which of course made me happy.

Outside that, I and all my wives were cultivating very well. I had reached the Late Foundation Building Stage.

Li Liu had reached the 10th Qi Refining Stage while Li RongRong had reached the 10th. But she would soon have less time cultivating, needing to spend at least 2 hours a day, 5 days a week teaching Li Ming

Li Meying had reached the 12th Qi Refining Stage. But most surprisingly, her Physique had upgraded. This was truly insane because while I was making my wives more talented by f*cking them, I didn't know that also applied to Physiques.

[Congratulations on finding a hidden function. The ability to upgrade a physique to either the stronger version of it, or to a stronger physique that is most similar to the old one as to make sure they can keep evolving infinitely.]

This was truly insane, and we had identified her new physique as the 'Turbulent Ocean' physique. The stronger version of the Turbulent water physique.

It not only upgraded her previous benefits. It made it so that when she used water techniques, they would be stronger but she could use them more easily. She could now bring more Qi out of water than before and the quantity she could daily use increased even more than it had increased before due to her realm. Reaching 7 liters now.

It had also upgraded her root to the Earthly Stage. But lastly, it gave her another special technique like the one where she could get Qi out of water. This one created armor out of water, that was incredibly strong.

Currently, she was very close to the Foundation Building realm but wasn't there. Meaning she also didn't have the strength of one, but when using her armor, she could even tank a normal attack from me. Someone that was in the Late Foundation Building Realm.

I needed 3 attacks to fully destroy her armor. Which was truly impressive. Also, she looked beautiful inside it, making me f*ck her when she was wearing it.

And almost just as impressive was the progress Li Huo made. Not only had she reached the Full Golden Core Stage (Middle Golden Core Stage, being only like 22. And while I heard from her that there were several people even younger than her that had reached this stage in the Southern part of the continent.

She was overly humble, not to mention she had a major setback. And if she was already one of the most talented inside her sect before. After spending so many nights with me, she had become even more talented and was probably talented enough to become the number 1 talent within her previous sect.

And she also had a strong physique, that would definitely upgrade someday. Only not being upgraded yet because of its strength.

But even more impressive than her cultivation speed was her strength. After becoming a guard, she received daily quests that gave her a 1% boost in something. And that alone was enough to create a monster because, in these 9 months, 270 days had passed.

But what was just as terrifying was that besides the daily quest, there was also a customized quest I needed to make and give.

So basically, I could give her a quest like protecting Li Na for 3 days. And then the system would calculate the reward depending on the difficulty after she completed it. I could give such a quest once a week and it was a hidden function.

We have maybe found out about it when roleplaying, but that's a story for another time.

I also realized that the quest depending on protection related to the clan gave the best rewards.

All this made Li Huo a monster, who could fight against very strong people. And while I wasn't sure about her total strength.

She could destroy the guard from the Fallen Tree sect, who was also a Full Golden Core stage, in only 4 moves.

According to her, she could probably fight and win against a Breaking Golden Core Stage (Peak Golden Core Stage).

Also, because of the quest, she had gained slight abs that stood out but weren't very prominent, and I found that incredibly sexy.

And I myself, like I said had also upgraded quite a lot. My status now looks like this after all.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 21

Realm: Late Foundation Building Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 9

Family Fortune: 38

System upgrade: 14/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 130Km2/50Km2, Clan Treasury 892K/100K spirit stones


Earthly-Rank Fire Root: 18582=>24702/50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 2152=>3762/10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 2162=>3772/10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 4376=>10046/50000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 2150=>3760/10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Earthly Formation Talent: 5965=>15/10000=>50000 Earthly Alchemy Talent: 9442=>3942/10000=>50000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 4776=>6486/50000 Mortal Divine Sense Talent: 2756=>6806/10000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

While there weren't any big upgrades, I was still happy. Slowly but surely, my talent was becoming better and better. In turn, helping me become a stronger cultivator, which would give me a longer lifespan.

Currently, I already had a life span between 200 to 250 years. And if I used my money, living for 300 years wouldn't be a problem. And on the subject of money, all was going well.

My Li Shop business was doing. It made me several tens of thousands every month of profits. Especially since I had been using the name of the Fallen Tree sect to give my business even more credibility. Who in QingFeng Prefecture didn't know what the Fallen Tree Sect was?

And using the Fallen Tree Sect name was especially profitable when using it for my caravan company and Construction company. Who had been seeing steady strong growth?

And I was gathering resources, wanting to try to break the 2 last Second-Grade Cities in Blossoming Sword City.

Both had a Formation Protection branch, while only one had an Alchemy Medicine branch and instead had a branch of a different large company called Love Medicine. While smaller than the other 2 companies, it was quite large despite having only 3 shops.

They were all shops in Second-Grade cities, which made the owner a lot of money. But not comparable to me or other large companies.

And then for the Talisman market in these 2 cities, one was very much spread among small shop owners, the biggest shop owner having only 8% of the market share.

And the other city had one large shop called Talisman Protection, and yes, it's owned by Formation Talisman. But clearly, their Talisman business wasn't very successful, having only one shop. with a 30% share of the Talisman market.

So while it would definitely be difficult to break through these cities, this time, I had the full Feng clan. Not only was I doing business with the Feng Patriarch, I had helped the clan a lot.

Since I had taken over Low Tide Cities with my shop, the city was growing very well. Which of course came because I had poured buckets of spirit stones inside the city.

Like I had spent more than 200K on spirit stones. and that was 200K spirit stones from losses, not what I had spent.

In total, I had spent almost 400K on spirit stones for my construction company and caravan company.

But in return, Low Tide City had grown very well and had become the Second largest city within Blossoming Sword County. The size and citizens of the city had grown by 50% since I entered the city. And the economy was growing.

According to Governor Feng, it would take only 2 more years before they would apply at the Imperial Bearue for becoming a First-Grade City.

So it was clear to say that I had become very well-connected and liked within the Feng Clan.

And as long as I gave them something in return, I knew they wouldn't mind helping me even if it meant offending these large companies.

Especially since there were some clear differences between a clan and a company.

A company could either be owned by a clan or several people.

And a clan could be many different things. It could just be a family of strong cultivators or a rich family, or like the Feng Clan that was a bit more political and owned cities.

While they didn't fully own this land, they owned the land. And the land was something companies needed, so basically they needed the clan that owned this land.

And while if they weren't welcome in one land, they could always go to another clan that had land. But that was easier said than done. Moving a lot of people and resources wasn't easy. And it wasn't good to spread all their business over several clans. That was only something a company could do when they were big.

But for clans, it was different, while they also needed large companies. They weren't the ones that wanted large companies, large companies wanted them.

If the kicked off one large company, a different large company would come or one would start existing from someone who lived in said land.

So while it wasn't without negative effects. Clans could kick out large companies, much more if they did it so a different one was immediately occupying the place from the previous company.

But just like when I entered the first Second-Grade City. If I wanted everything to go smoothly, I would need a plan.

I could use the High Sanctions plan again, but just like the first time, it would cost me a lot, so I decided to search for a new method.

And after searching for a while, I decided to use some more underhand tactics that wouldn't be connected to me.

First, I would start off weak. Hiring someone to buy a talisman from Talisman Protection, and then a few days later make a big scene. Saying the talisman suddenly exploded. Even taking his arm away.

While the effect of this itself wouldn't be large. Why would people trust someone with no evidence who was saying bad things against a company that previously was okay?

But it would make people talk about it, make them have the thought about the company being bad.

Then I would strike again. This time more hard and extreme. I would hire 2 groups of people. One group would rob a few people that bought Talisman and Formations from those 2 branches of the same company within one city.

Then the other group would spread the rumors of this, exaggerating it, and making sure everyone knew about it.

And while this wouldn't destroy it, it would definitely make the company lose a lot of customers and that would be the perfect time to open Li Shop. Advertising myself as a good place could come for steady quality. Using the name of the Fallen Tree sect to make people immediately trust me.

And after this, it was the moment to make all kinds of small attacks. Like hiring a group of hooligans to start living in front of several Protection Shops. From here, I wanted that not only the rumors but also actions would spread to other cities.

Then I would also bribe a branch leader to scam rich customers by giving them a Formation or Talisman from a lower grade.

All this would cost a lot of money, wouldn't be easy, and wouldn't even totally destroy Protection Shop.

But I really wanted to totally destroy the Protection shop. Not only in this city, and not only in these 2 cities. I wanted them to have no chance to survive anymore.

And to achieve that, I would do...


Hey, Like always, I am here. My name, I forgot. I have been trapped here for so long. I don't know what to do, but I know that I can get better if I receive your power stone, collections, and reviews. It's all free I heard. Aargh. The Pain is too much, do it Quickly.

But in all seriousness, I have something I would like. Does anyone of you have any idea for what I can call the Shop? Till now I just call it Li Shop. But I think it could be better, to be creative. It can be like Boom Boom Shop. But I need to like it, that's important.

Also for the caravan and construction company wouldn't be bad.

And lastly, I want to vent, this will also come up in chapter 15 when I was just creating it, but I want to vent again.

As some may have realized, there are grammar mistakes within certain chapters. And I have also realized this. but I can't change it.

Because every time I edit a chapter, save it, it doesn't save and when I reopen the chapter, it will just remain not edited like it was before. Quite irritating because new people will now think I am a bad writer, which I am, but I try to hide that, you know?