
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 11

Year 203, and month 3 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

And now that I had reached the Middle Foundation Building stage, I wanted to take over the business again. But decided to let Li RongRong have control over it for a bit longer.

The reason is that I wanted to do a few things, but also have a small vacation.

I decided to visit the Fallen Tree sect with Li Huo and Li Ming.

Just like I said before, I wanted to take a vacation, but also to do some things.

The first is that I would become an external disciple. An external disciple is either a disciple that has left the sect but still carries its name, or like me, someone who had connections within the sects.

The reason why I had decided to become an external disciple was that I needed its protection. Within the QingFeng prefecture and nearby prefectures, almost no one dared to offend them.

And I would need that because, for the future of my business, the knowledge that I had connections within the Fallen Tree sect would help me a lot.

The reason I brought Li Huo was for protection, and Li Ming was because I wanted her to familiarize herself with the Fallen Tree sect.

I wanted her to actually enter the sect. Hoping that she could become someone important in the sect in the future.

2 weeks later

I had taken it slow, enjoying my time with Li Huo and Li Ming, visiting beautiful places.

And now I had arrived at the Fallen Tree sect, who already knew of my visit and welcomed me.

I and Li Ming held hands while getting a tour while Li Huo remained invisible. Of course, people like Sect Elder Chen noticed her presence but didn't say anything. It was normal for someone like me to have a protector.

We immediately received attention from the disciples who didn't know me, but only saw a handsome man with a cute baby talking with Sect Elder Chen.

I received a short tour of the sect, seeing outer disciples that were Qi refining cultivators. Inner Disciples that were either Peak Qi Refining Stage cultivators or Foundation Building cultivators like me.

Then the next position was Elder, which I thought was the position Sect Elder Chen held. But I realized she was actually the second high rank. A Peak Elder.

Fallen Tree sect was split up into 3 different peaks, one being led by the Sect Leader and the other 2 being Peak Elders, which Sect Elder Chen was among.

I wanted to call her Peak Elder Chen, but she said I should just call her Chen Jie like always. We had gotten quite close after our business relationship. It was sad she was already very old and looked older, else she could maybe have been my wife.

Sect Elder Chen introduced me to many people, from core disciples to some elders all then to the room filled with the sect leader, peak elder, and several 7 core elders.

"Junior Li greets Seniors". I wanted to be as respectful as possible, so I even went on my knees to bow. Mostly when greeting a senior, you just need to give them a slight bow with the back. These were seniors that were even stronger than the entire QingFeng Prefecture. If they wanted, they could easily destroy QingFeng prefecture, of course, that would be suicide. Since QingFeng prefecture was part of the kingdom, which was an organization stronger than the Fallen Tree Sect, they couldn't just do what they wanted.

"Junior Li, you don't need to bow like that." Said the Sect Leader who was called Kim Minho, which was actually a Korean name, not a Chinese one. Which I found interesting because he also seemed to have more Korean features instead of Chinese ones. And I am not saying I am a pro at recognizing Asian people's nation by their features.

I found this very interesting because while he did have Korean features, I had never seen someone else with Korean features. And now thinking about it, it made quite some sense. This was a giant world, even the continent I was currently on was very big. Probably bigger than Europe and Asia together in my past life. So it made sense that in this giant world, not only people with Chinese features existed.

"Thank you Sect Leaded Kim". I got up and was happy to see that no one was displeased with my overly respectful bow. It looked like most people were happy. Who wouldn't be happy when a talented junior got on his knees to pay respect to you. And the reason why I called him Sect Leader Kim now instead of Senior Kim was that before when I used Senior, It was a way to speak to them all. But when using Senior to speak to an individual, it could actually be considered disrespectful because senior was mostly a term used for people you had some connection with or were in the same generation as you.

"Hoho, just call me Senior Kim. You're very talented in Formations and Talisman, I am sure you will make a name for yourself someday". Sect Leader Kim spoke with kindness and jolliness. And if he was fat, with his with hair and beard, he would be a perfect Santa.

"Thank you, Senior Kim".

"Of Course Of course, you're also about to become part of the sect after all. And if you don't mind, could I ask why". At the end of his sentence, it seemed he had become more serious. I could even feel a layer of pressure on my body, which seemed to be saying, if you lie, you will only be blood. After all, while there were many good reasons for me wanting to become an external disciple. But it could also be because I had maybe offended a great senior, which could put the Fallen Tree sect in a difficult position. So it was normal for him to do a quick check.

"Because I am a businessman who has amassed quite a great fortune, so I wish to use the Great Fallen Tree sect name to protect me but also because in the business world, it is normal to make enemies. And my cultivation base is quite low, so I hope that the name of the Fallen Tree sect would make them fearful. Because in the QingFeng prefecture, who would dare to offend the Fallen Tree Sect". I spoke with difficulty under pressure but didn't forget to make my words full of praise.

And after I spoke, the pressure disappeared and several elders and the sect leader seemed to be content with my answers. But it seemed to be more than only that. They started whispering among themself, and I looked at Peak Elder Chen, who wasn't whispering with anyone, for an answer. But she gave me an expression saying I would soon know.

So after a bit of whispering, I finally understood what they were talking about. "Junior Li, what do you think about becoming part of our sect as an elder instead of an external disciple? And don't worry, elders don't need to be present much in the sect, and it's normal for them to be outside the sect for missions or other things". And hearing this, I knew I f*cked up. I had dug a hole with my sugar-coated worlds and was now stuck in caramel. That was what I would think if I was some kind of loser.

This was amazing, Sect Leader Kim basically just said it was normal for me to be 364 days of the year outside the sect. But at the same time, I would have the position of an Elder. Who would dare to offend me in QingFeng prefecture? And sure, I may make a bit less money. And it may look like it would be tying me down. But that's what a stupid person would say. Think with your brain.

I could use the Fallen Tree Sect to become stronger, and they could use me for my Talismans and Formations. Besides my goal was to reach the top, so when I became stronger and they were holding me down, I would just leave. But my real plan was to take over the sect. For this reason, I brought Li Ming with me. Who was now sleeping in a room btw.

I wanted to use my children and send them to organizations like sects, armies, and other such things. And if they are talented, they would slowly become someone with a high position in the sect.

And while it may be hard with the current generation of my children, who probably didn't have the best talent, I believed it would not be long before a genius was born in my Li Clan.

"I would be honored". I said giving another bow, this time only with my back, not my knees.

"Good, then tomorrow will the official ceremony begin." I could see that most people were happy with my answer. And the rest just held an expressionless face like always. And I could understand why, they had just poached a very talented young man. Cultivation-wise, I may not be the most talented. Even if just looking at my age and realm, but when also taking in fact the amount of resources I had. My talent could only be said to be slightly good within the Fallen Tree Sect. But when looking at my achievements within the Formation and Talisman world, I was a monster. Reaching at my young age the Mortal Grade with both these was amazing. They knew I would have a bright future if I kept pursuing both these fields.

After talking a bit more with these seniors about tomorrow, I was led back to my room where I found my daughter peacefully sleeping. She had been very obedient these past 2 weeks, always talking about how amazing her daddy was. And it seemed while her education had not yet officially begun, she was already learning good stuff.

The Next day


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