
Reborn into Enchantment

When a middle aged empty-nester from Earth is reborn into a magical fantasy world, what could possibly go wrong?

JustRyn · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Ch. 5 | What Is a System?

Shifting on her leaf-strewn bedding, she felt the cool earth beneath her and the comforting embrace of her makeshift walls. The rustling leaves and distant sounds of awakening wildlife created a morning symphony celebrating a new day.

With a soft stretch, Stephanie sat up, fully immersing herself in the world of the forest. A sense of accomplishment washed over her as she marveled at the simplicity of her shelter, a testament to her resourcefulness.

Gazing out of her lean-to, Stephanie witnessed the forest coming alive. The sun's golden light caressed the tree trunks, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Birds darted between branches, harmonizing with the gentle whispers of the breeze.

The morning mist added an air of mystique, hinting at undiscovered secrets. Taking a moment to appreciate her natural sanctuary, Stephanie felt her connection to the wilderness deepen, filling her heart with belonging.

After a moment of reflection, Stephanie prepared to leave her cozy refuge. She carefully untied the vines securing the branches, allowing nature to reclaim its space. Stepping outside, she felt gratitude for the forest's generosity—the resources it offered and the wisdom it shared.

Taking two of the fruits she had saved, she began to eat them carefully, savoring their juicy goodness. As she ate, Stephanie recalled the whisper from the day before and fragments of last night's dream. The message echoed in her memory, prompting her to close her eyes and turn her focus inward. In her mind's eye, a vast celestial sky unfolded, shimmering with stars that represented facets of her being—emotions, memories, and dreams.

Stephanie imagined herself floating within this cosmic realm, weightless and free. A door seemed to open within her consciousness—a portal leading to the sanctuary of her soul.

In this inner world, Stephanie found a place of calm, untouched by the external world—a sanctuary of purity and authenticity. It exuded a warm glow, like an eternal flame, a cosmic version of her cozy fireplace.

Here, she felt a profound sense of peace and connection, reuniting with the essence of her true self. It was a living tapestry of her existence, woven with threads of joy, pain, love, and growth.

As Stephanie explored this inner sanctuary, she gently touched the memories that formed her life's story. Each recollection held a lesson, offering a glimpse into her soul's evolution.

She embraced every aspect of herself—the light and the shadows, the triumphs and the mistakes. It was a place of unconditional love, free from judgment or fear. As she ventured deeper, Stephanie noticed an intriguing display of glowing runes hanging in the air.

Curiosity led her forward, and she marveled at the celestial constellations of runes swirling and shimmering. They formed an intricate pattern, dancing in harmony. The runes glowed with vibrant energy, pulsating with life.

Though she couldn't decipher their meaning, an intuition told her they held the secrets of her soul. As she watched, the runes seemed to rearrange themselves into English, responding to her presence.

An invisible force guided her, and she realized this mystical display was meant for her alone. With wonder and trepidation, Stephanie focused on the runes, allowing her mind to merge with their dance.

As she began to read, she gasped, realizing she was looking at something like a character screen from her son's video games—an intricate status page revealing hidden aspects of herself.


Stephanie <No Surname>

Level: 1

Class: None


Strength: A

Dexterity: B

Constitution: B

Intelligence: S

Wisdom: SS

Charisma: S

Skills: None

Traits: Blessing of the Goddess, Eternal Soul


With newfound awareness of her soul's status screen, Stephanie felt a deep determination to delve deeper and gain more insights from this mystical well of information. Her curiosity sparked a subtle shift in the luminous patterns of celestial stars. They seemed to respond to her desire for understanding, rearranging and shifting to reveal new aspects of herself.

Checking each attribute in turn, Stephanie discovered that "Strength" measured her physical prowess, "Dexterity" gauged her physical agility, and "Constitution" assessed her physical resilience and overall health. On the other hand, "Intelligence" seemed to reflect her level of book smarts, while "Wisdom" captured her practical and intuitive knowledge, particularly her forest smarts.

She couldn't help but smirk at her own joke about forest smarts, taking a brief moment to enjoy the playfulness. Yet, her focus returned to the celestial display. Surprisingly, the "Charisma" attribute served a dual purpose—it determined not only how well she could interact with others but also appeared to be linked to her physical attractiveness.

Stephanie recalled the attention she had received from men in her youth, and she guessed her charisma attribute might be above average. The thought brought a smile to her face as she continued exploring the unknown. "What is a class," she thought to herself inquisitively. She focused on the class notation, curious if a tool tip of sorts would pop up for it as well. It did, reading as follows:


A class defines your core abilities, strengths, and unique talents. It is like choosing a profession or role for yourself within this world, but it will also imprint onto your soul, and be carried with you into your next life. Choose your class wisely, as it will influence your skills, combat prowess, spellcasting abilities, and role in this world. You can find classes by seeking instruction in that field, or by completing hidden quests.


In her quest for self-awareness, Stephanie sought to understand her strengths and weaknesses on a deeper level. The soul status screen showed her virtues: intelligence, wisdom, and charisma, shining like bright stars. It also revealed areas for growth, reminding her that imperfections were opportunities for personal development.

Stephanie's intelligence sparkled brightly, signifying her capacity for knowledge. Her charisma glowed gently, symbolizing her ability to connect with others. But her wisdom, like a guiding light, glowed the brightest.

There were dimmer spots, too. Stephanie acknowledged her physical weakness and natural clumsiness, areas where she could work on becoming stronger and more graceful. The lack of knowledge about this world also glimmered, urging her to explore and learn.

Seeing this cosmic reflection of her soul was empowering and humbling. Stephanie realized it wasn't about being defined by her attributes but using them as a guide for growth and transformation.

With newfound clarity, Stephanie embraced her journey of self-discovery. She understood that her soul's stars were guiding lights, showing her the way through life's complexities with love and compassion.

As the celestial patterns shifted, Stephanie felt a deep connection to herself, the mystical forest, and the universe beyond. She knew her soul's journey was a unique thread woven into the grand tapestry of existence.

I dislike the lack of formatting options in the WebNovel editor. If you have trouble reading this, let me know. I've tried to space it out well enough that it would stay clear what parts of the text are on her soul-status screen, and what parts are narration or speech.

- Ryn

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