
Reborn into Enchantment

When a middle aged empty-nester from Earth is reborn into a magical fantasy world, what could possibly go wrong?

JustRyn · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch. 6 | Meeting Other Humans

Scrolling past her skills for now, on the assumption that would be populated as she gained them, Stephanie focused on the traits portion of her soul status screen. Responding to just a thought, the script moved to accommodate her as she focused on the first, Blessing of the Goddess. To her absolute astonishment, the trait expanded into a list of abilities, some greyed out and others lit as brightly as the trait title itself:


Blessing of the Goddess:

As a soul that has attracted Her attention through the millennia, you have been blessed by Astellia, the Divine Weaver of Destinies.

- Wisdom's Insight: You have enhanced wisdom and intuition. You gain a heightened awareness of your surroundings, as well as an enhanced ability to seek insight into another being's feeling and motivations.

- Resilience of the Divine: Your connection to the Goddess infuses you with divine resilience, making you resistant to certain kinds of damage and symbolizing Her protection.

- Celestial Guidance: <Not Available Yet>

- Radiant Presence: You exude a radiant aura, inspiring confidence and courage in your allies. While within line of sight of you, your companions gain confidence to resist fear-inducing effects.

- Healing Touch: <Not Available Yet>

- Divine Favor: <Not Available Yet>

- Sacred Protection: <Not Available Yet>


As Stephanie gazed upon the radiant glow of the "Blessing of the Divine," a profound sense of awe and wonder washed over her. The ethereal essence of this divine gift resonated with her dream encounter with the goddess, affirming the sacred nature of what she now possessed.

Her heart swelled with gratitude, recognizing the celestial powers now bestowed upon her. This Blessing of the Divine was more than just a boon; it was a tangible link to something greater than herself—a force transcending mortal limitations. Stephanie felt a surge of empowerment, knowing she held a divine purpose and the potential to be a force of positive change in the world.

Yet, amidst the luminous glow, she also felt a weight of responsibility. The gift was not solely for her benefit; it carried the charge to serve the greater good and to honor the wisdom of the Goddess, even in a world unaware of her existence.

As Stephanie reflected on the powers coursing through her, a mixture of excitement and trepidation stirred within her. The unknown depths of the Blessing enticed her curiosity, urging her to explore its capabilities fully. But she also understood the necessity of using such a gift wisely and with great care.

With a thoughtful gaze, she focused on the last trait revealed to her—the notion of an "Eternal Soul."


Eternal Soul:

The Eternal Soul grants its bearer the extraordinary ability of reincarnation upon death. With this divine gift, the individual's spirit is bound to the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Upon passing from one life to the next, the soul seamlessly transitions into a new vessel, awakening in a fresh existence with memories of past lifetimes intact.

Embrace the Eternal Soul and traverse the ages, for as long as the cycle of rebirth persists, your story will continue. Use this gift wisely, for with each lifetime, you gain wisdom and a chance to fulfill a greater purpose. However, be wary of the challenges that may arise, as the wheel of destiny turns endlessly, and each reincarnation is an opportunity to shape your own fate and destiny.


As Stephanie's awareness gradually returned, she found herself blinking back into consciousness, the dreamy haze dissipating like morning mist. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the surrounding light, and she saw a curious little boy gazing at her with wide, puzzled eyes.

She blinked a few times, trying to gather her thoughts and remember where she was. The last thing she recalled was exploring the depths of her soul's status screen in the mystical realm of dreams. Now, reality surrounded her, and she couldn't help but feel a bit disoriented.

The little boy's gaze never wavered, and he tilted his head to the side, making him look even more adorable. Stephanie managed a weak smile, unsure of how long she had been unconscious or how she had ended up in this situation.

"Hi there," she said, her voice hoarse from sleep. "Um, sorry if I startled you. I must have dozed off."

The boy continued to stare, as if trying to make sense of the peculiar sight before him. Stephanie realized she must look quite odd, waking up in the middle of the forest, wearing her makeshift vine clothes, and with leaves and twigs clinging to her hair.

"I'm Stephanie," she introduced herself, attempting to break the awkward silence. "What's your name?"

She paused for a moment, unsure if the boy understood her English; he hesitated for a moment, still studying her intently, before finally answering, "I'm Theon."

"Nice to meet you, Theon," Stephanie replied warmly. "Do you live around here?" <Guess I got lucky with a universal translator>, she thought to herself.

Theon nodded, still looking curious but less wary now. "Yes, I live with my family in a village not far from here. What were you doing sleeping in the forest?"

Stephanie chuckled softly, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Long story, Theon. I got lost, and it's been quite an adventure trying to find my way back."

The boy's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Lost? In the forest?" he asked incredulously.

Stephanie nodded, deciding to share a simplified version of her tale. "Yes, it's a big forest, and I'm not from around here. I've been exploring, and I guess I got a bit turned around."

Theon seemed to ponder her explanation for a moment before grinning mischievously. "Well, I can help you find your way back! Follow me!"

Before Stephanie could respond, Theon darted off, leaving her momentarily stunned. She quickly scrambled to her feet, brushing off the leaves and dirt from her clothes, and followed the spirited little boy.

As they walked through the forest together, Stephanie couldn't help but feel grateful for Theon's assistance. His youthful energy and excitement were contagious, and it reminded her of the wonder she had felt when she was his age. The world seemed so mysterious and full of possibilities back then, just like this enchanted forest did now.

As they reached the edge of the forest, Stephanie could see the outline of a village in the distance. Theon had led her back to safety, and she felt a sense of relief and gratitude.

"Thank you, Theon," she said, crouching down to his level. "You've been a great help."

The little boy beamed with pride. "You're welcome! It was fun exploring with you."

As she made her way into the village, Stephanie knew that her adventure had only just begun. The forest had brought her back to consciousness, and in doing so, it had also awakened something inside her—a curiosity and courage to embrace the unknown.

I did some editing to make this easier to read, which resulted in us losing a chaper due to word counts. Hopefully I've got it from here on out though. Let me know!

- Ryn

PS. I'm still trying to figure out the best time of day on Tuesday to release this, time zones are hard. *_*

JustRyncreators' thoughts