
Reborn as a SCP

Leo was a surgeon in the foundation who had dedicated his entire life to the foundation, entering their ranks as a surgeon's assistant the moment he was qualified. He had seen everything from agents with minor injuries up to agents who had sustained major trauma to their bodies and had lost body parts, even operatives who were affected by SCP's. However, through thick and thin Leo stayed loyal to the foundation. Eventually, Leo qualified for a level three clearance level, all he had to do was complete a minor operation on an executive agent of the foundation. However, the agent mysteriously died and Leo was found responsible for the death after a trial. Leo lamented everyone as his hate for the foundation grew. "I dedicated my entire fucking life to your cause, I have saved hundreds of your operatives and this is the fucking reward I get!?!" After Leo found out he was scheduled to be tested on an SCP that could cause a horrendous death he rebelled, resulting in him dying. When Leo died, there was only one thought in his head. "Why am I the one who must always suffer? All of this happened due to the corruption of others, I've just been a puppet in the grand scheme of everything, the foundation is a predator, and I was the prey all along. The entire foundation, no, the entire world is corrupt. It should all be purged in order for a new beginning." Suddenly, Leo heard a mysterious and dark voice calling out to him. "Do you truly wish to purge the world? To create a new one?" Leo thought he was going insane for a second but still responded. "Yes, that is truly what I want. But before that, I want to trample those who wronged me in this world!"

lazylizard · Fantaisie
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196 Chs


Leo opened the door to the living room and was once again met with Noah's pleasant furniture style.

The living room looked a lot like a cigar lounge and Noah was sitting on one of the couches.

"Ah, Leo. Please take a seat."

Noah pointed to the couch opposite to him and Leo sat down.

"What is it that you want, sir Noah?" asked Leo.

Noah looked at Leo harshly.

"Enough with the formalities, just call me Noah from now on. You will be seeing me a lot more so I don't mind."

"What do you mean with that?" questioned Leo.

He was interested because of this statement, their squad was not really fit for deliveries and they would most likely not meet again.

"Oh, have you not been informed yet?"

Noah let out a chuckle before continuing.

"Well, let's just say that there will be a "pleasant" surprise for you when you arrive back at headquarters."

Leo was still intrigued but did not question Noah further.

"Now, Noah. What is the real reason you called me here?"

Noah narrowed his eyes to a slit before speaking.

"Cutting right to the chase, are we? Well, I don't blame you. I called you here to propose you a offer."

Leo was interested, Noah was a very influential person so an offer from him could be lucrative to Leo.

"I want you to cut your ties with MC&D and work privately for me as a personal guard."

Leo looked Noah in the eyes before shaking his head.

"Even if I wanted to accept MC&D would not let me go, I hold too much value to them."

"Even if I pay fifty million for you?"


Leo looked at Noah with shock and was thinking to himself.

"Is this man insane? No way that he would actually be willing to pay fifty million for me to MC&D."

The man looked Leo in the eyes before standing up and returning with two briefcases.

"In these two briefcases is ten million in cash just to show you that I am dead serious about this."

Leo sighed before responding to Noah.

"Even fifty million would most likely not be enough, you would either have to contact Iris or Percival dark if you wish to buy me, but they probably won't even consider it."

Noah closed both briefcases and smiled at Leo.

"No need, I was planning on buying you, but after hearing that there is no need. My suspicions have been confirmed."

Leo was confused and wanted to ask what Noah meant but he interrupted Leo before he could speak.

"Anyways, you should go back to your room. You are expected to leave tomorrow so you will be back in London on time."

Noah snapped his fingers and the door opened, revealing Alyona.

"Sir Leo, please follow me." she spoke.

Leo did not bother asking Noah his question and got up from the couch.

He followed Alyona back to his room and collapsed onto the bed.

"The hell is Noah even talking about?" thought Leo.

After laying in bed for another while longer he fell asleep with all his clothes on.

The next day Leo woke up early and quickly had breakfast.

During breakfast Noah did not mention a thing about their conversation yesterday, so Leo assumed he wanted to keep it quiet.

After breakfast, Leo went back to his room and got dressed in his tactical outfit before heading downstairs to meet with his squadmates again.

"Is everything ready for departure?" asked Crawler.

Artemis gave a nod of approval before speaking.

"The drivers are ready for departure, if you have any business left to conduct do it now. We will be taking our leave in fifteen."

Leo wanted to say goodbye to Noah before he left but Noah had already came outside to speak to him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Noah, let this be farewell," spoke Leo politely.

Noah shook Leo's hand and looked him in the eyes before speaking.

"This farewell will only be temporary, we will be meeting again soon."

Leo once again wanted to question Noah, but he already knew what answer to expect.

Leo ended up talking a bit with Alyona and Crawler before it was time to depart.

He quickly climbed in the vehicle and after another short check the vehicle left.

[Objective completed!]

[Reward given!: Three additional shapeshift slots have been added!]

[New objective: Meet Iris dark and collect your next assignment.]

[Reward: additional SCP shapeshift slot]

"All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed."

lazylizardcreators' thoughts