
Reborn as a SCP

Leo was a surgeon in the foundation who had dedicated his entire life to the foundation, entering their ranks as a surgeon's assistant the moment he was qualified. He had seen everything from agents with minor injuries up to agents who had sustained major trauma to their bodies and had lost body parts, even operatives who were affected by SCP's. However, through thick and thin Leo stayed loyal to the foundation. Eventually, Leo qualified for a level three clearance level, all he had to do was complete a minor operation on an executive agent of the foundation. However, the agent mysteriously died and Leo was found responsible for the death after a trial. Leo lamented everyone as his hate for the foundation grew. "I dedicated my entire fucking life to your cause, I have saved hundreds of your operatives and this is the fucking reward I get!?!" After Leo found out he was scheduled to be tested on an SCP that could cause a horrendous death he rebelled, resulting in him dying. When Leo died, there was only one thought in his head. "Why am I the one who must always suffer? All of this happened due to the corruption of others, I've just been a puppet in the grand scheme of everything, the foundation is a predator, and I was the prey all along. The entire foundation, no, the entire world is corrupt. It should all be purged in order for a new beginning." Suddenly, Leo heard a mysterious and dark voice calling out to him. "Do you truly wish to purge the world? To create a new one?" Leo thought he was going insane for a second but still responded. "Yes, that is truly what I want. But before that, I want to trample those who wronged me in this world!"

lazylizard · Fantaisie
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196 Chs

Final escape

Leo didn't hesitate for long and chose to leave the containment complex.

Up next was arguably Leo's final trial before freedom, getting transport.

However, this problem was easier to solve than Leo thought.

Outside of the gate stood a numerous amount of vehicles, most turned off.

Almost all vehicles were civilian except a couple of humvees and such.

One of those cars was running.

Leo chose to approach the vehicle and he saw someone sitting in it.

He appeared to be waiting for someone but Leo did not waste his time, nor did he have mercy.

Leo exited out of his shapeshifter form as he no longer needed it, either way, he was closing in on the fifteen-minute mark.

He didn't know if he would get kicked out of the form or if he would have the change himself, so he chose to shapeshift back into his cultist form for now.

Leo tried to slowly pull open the door just to find out it was locked.

In return, Leo knocked twice on the window before ducking down.

After about five seconds a very confused driver exited the vehicle.

Leo dashed up and shapeshifted his arm into a blade, stabbing the driver through the head.

There was a split second of surprise in his eyes before they went dull.

Blood and brain matter splattered all over the vehicle and on the chairs since the driver left the door open.

Leo quickly dropped the body on the ground and it landed with a thud.

He didn't bother wiping off the brain matter and blood from the inside of the vehicle, either way, he wouldn't be in it for long.

Coincidentally, this was one of the few military vehicles that were stationed right outside of the gate.

Leo got in the vehicle and quickly drove off.

Meanwhile driving, Leo got an announcement.

[Missions complete, rewards will be issued later.]

He didn't comment on it and kept driving.

Due to the containment breach and the warhead being armed there were no guards at the final checkpoint, so Leo just drove right through it.

He took a look in the mirror of the car at the site, leaving it behind for hopefully forever.

However, Leo also knew that there was something else coming soon.

Leo didn't want to make everything complicated, it would be a while before the foundation would track him down either way, if they even could since the only camera footage of him was in the warhead room.

However, up next came the final conclusion, meeting the mastermind behind the plan.

Or simply put, the command member of the insurgency who ordered the raid.

Leo had a feeling that it was connected to him, more or less a way to test him.

The chaos insurgency didn't steal anything during the raid and didn't make any moves to, they simply plunged the site into chaos by destroying both generators.

However, Leo felt like they tested him in a way, to see if he was worthy enough or something along those lines.

Of course, there was also the chance that Leo was entirely incorrect and they just did it for their cause, but he did not feel like that was the case this time.

Site Phobos was located quite remotely and Leo took his time driving, he didn't switch over to any main roads and instead opted to continue driving on dirt paths and such.

He didn't drive quickly either, he only went about 30 kilometers per hour.

However, after a while, his suspicions were confirmed.

Further up the road was a T section, and from that part, another car drove up the road.

Leo instantly started observing the car.

It didn't appear to be foundation since they wouldn't take action so quickly since they had their own problems to deal with, such as the warhead and ongoing containment breach.

The car pulled out of the T section and started driving in front of Leo.

The road ahead was mostly straight and the car in front of Leo started slowing down even more, forcing Leo to come to a stop further up ahead.

Two men stepped out of the car in front of Leo, both casually dressed.

They kept their hands close to their hips and Leo knew the reason for that all too well.

In the end, Leo also got out of his vehicle and approached the two men.

"Chaos insurgency, I assume?"