

Chapter 326: Six Hundred Years (Seeking Subscription)

For Lin Yuan, the Martial Realm wasn't just a simple place for cultivation. It was the world where future martial cultivators, holding aloft the divine kingdom, would reside.

Here, martial cultivators referred to those who, through martial cultivation methods, reached the level of Eighth Tier True Gods.

Compared to martial cultivators, the Martial Realm was akin to what the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness were to the gods.

"Unfortunately, this world's suppression of lifespan is too harsh. Wanting to comprehend the essence of external rules normally and then break through to the Seventh Tier within a millennium is as difficult as ascending to the heavens," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The path of martial evolution had been localized by Lin Yuan, emphasizing the exploration of his own bloodline. While this could lead to rapid progress in the early stages, ignoring the comprehension of external rules made it difficult to establish one's own inner world solely relying on faith.

Why did the gods hold aloft their divine kingdoms? Was it because they were unwilling to incorporate the divine kingdom into their bodies? Or was it because, with the power condensed from belief, the divine kingdom couldn't control their inner worlds as absolutely as the Eighth Tier evolutionists of the main world?

Of course, even with the world's rules suppressing them, Lin Yuan left behind insights into external rules within the martial cultivation methods, allowing practitioners to establish their inner worlds without relying on faith.

"However, the advantage of bloodline cultivation is clear: using the power of bloodline, there are almost no bottlenecks in the early stages of cultivation," Lin Yuan thought silently.

Every time he traversed a world, Lin Yuan would try to absorb the essence of its cultivation system and integrate it into his own martial evolution path.

"And the divine kingdom structure in this world is even more stable than the inner worlds of normal Eighth and Ninth Tier powerhouses," Lin Yuan murmured. Closing his eyes, he quickly analyzed the countless divine kingdoms within the inner worlds of the two major gods. Particularly, the divine kingdom of the main god was far more complex than that of a Ninth Tier powerhouse with a million layers.

If Lin Yuan, with his hundred million-layer inner world, wasn't an exception, he would dominate over Ninth Tier gods. Even if it was only a million-layer inner world, it would probably be difficult to deal with those main gods. Even if he could defeat them, he wouldn't be able to completely kill them. As long as the main gods hid in their divine kingdoms, it would be very difficult to deal with them using just a million-layer inner world.

Although Lin Yuan could deal with the main gods by severing their belief from the mortal world, it was too slow to be effective. The main gods had been harvesting belief from the mortal world for who knows how many years, accumulating enough belief power to last for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

"The structure of the divine kingdom," Lin Yuan carefully observed the details of the divine kingdoms of the twenty-four main gods.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary. By observing a large number of special world structures, your understanding of the world itself continues to increase.]

At that moment, a large amount of comprehension rushed into his mind, and Lin Yuan subconsciously adjusted the subtle structure of his own inner world.

"My Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter, in addition to opening up more spatial layers, has also made subtle changes to the inner world itself," Lin Yuan's eyes lit up. All this time, he had been hesitating, not systematically perfecting his Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter.

Because the Ninth Tier martial cultivation path he walked was completely unique and couldn't be replicated. Could the martial evolutionists of the main world comprehend divine natures? And discern the rules contained within them?

Without Lin Yuan's extraordinary comprehension, even if the divine natures were truly presented before them, they would still gain nothing.

The gods of this world have possessed divine natures for an incredibly long time, yet none have directly comprehended the corresponding rules of the divine natures like Lin Yuan.

Furthermore, the divine natures are just special products of this world. The main world doesn't have the concept of divine natures, so martial evolutionists couldn't possibly follow the path Lin Yuan has taken.

As a result, without widespread adaptation, even if Lin Yuan forcibly opens up the Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter, there wouldn't be anything remarkable about it.

But now, by comprehending the divine kingdoms of the various gods and main gods, Lin Yuan keenly grasped the key to opening up the Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter.

Whether for Eighth Tier, Ninth Tier, or even Tenth or Eleventh Tier, the inner world is the foundation and the source of one's own power.

The construction of the inner world, perfected by many scholars of human civilization in the main world, has already reached its limit. It's like the shackles of a race extending for tens of thousands of miles, making it difficult to improve further.

But the divine kingdoms of this world showed Lin Yuan a direction completely different from the inner world.

In this situation, Lin Yuan, leveraging his extraordinary comprehension, comprehended some of the concepts of the divine kingdoms and then integrated them into the Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter.

"If successful, the inner worlds of Ninth Tier martial evolutionists will be more stable and perfect than those of their counterparts at the same level. Transforming into an inner universe in the future will also be easier," Lin Yuan's spirit was uplifted.

In simple terms, this is akin to each future Ninth Tier martial evolutionist having their own World Tree.

The World Tree, as a top-notch universal treasure, has the effect of stabilizing the inner world. After Lin Yuan's Ninth Tier martial cultivation chapter was perfected, the stability of the inner world was no less than that of the World Tree.

Most importantly, this stability comes from the inner world itself, not from external forces, making it easier for the inner world to eventually transform.

Of course, the World Tree not only stabilizes the inner world but also possesses other effects. Nevertheless, Ninth Tier martial evolutionists have an inherent advantage over other counterparts.

This is similar to how special organisms differ from normal counterparts.

This is the gap stemming from one's foundation.

When facing the same attack, your inner world is on the brink of collapse, while the inner world of a Ninth Tier martial evolutionist only wavers for a moment before returning to normal.

"The divine natures, world constructions, and bloodline evolution paths are the three biggest gains from my travels this time," Lin Yuan thought.

The first two are self-explanatory, and as for the bloodline evolution path, although it has many shortcomings, it depends on the specific situation.

In the main world, many citizens have low comprehension, and they are slow to perceive fluctuations in external rules, making the bloodline evolution path suitable. Of course, the prerequisite is having a bloodline with sufficient strength.

But no matter what, it's still a path, far better than never being able to become an evolutionist in one's lifetime.

"Perhaps I can integrate the bloodline evolution path into martial cultivation as well? Similar to how the path of body cultivation was integrated into martial cultivation previously?" Lin Yuan pondered.

The bloodline evolution path isn't a specific evolution path; it's more like a method to utilize the power of one's own bloodline to enhance one's strength.

There are many bloodline evolution families in the main world, but their exploration of bloodlines is not as comprehensive as that of this world. After all, in human civilization in the main world, the bloodline evolution path is just a niche path, and the upper limit is easy to be locked. If you want to become a real powerhouse, you still have to rely on the path of comprehending rules. 

"Take it slow."

"The remaining time is still considerable, with plenty left," Lin Yuan thought, his mind focused as he glanced down below.

Dragon Mountain Range, arrived.

Outside the Great Hall of Dragon Mountain.

Many members of the Dragon Mountain clans were still patiently waiting. They could sense that the great Dragon Mountain Patriarch, Longshanyuan, was still alive and well.

Just then, a figure quietly appeared in front of the hall.


"Patriarch, you're back?"

Longshan Ling and a few others were the first to react, hastily showing respect.

"Mmm," Lin Yuan glanced at the excited faces of the Dragon Mountain clan members.

"Patriarch, about what happened in the sky..." Longshan Ling summoned up the courage to cautiously inquire.

"I did it," Lin Yuan replied directly. At this point, there was no need for concealment anymore. He was already invincible in the world; why bother hiding or being low-key?

"Is it true?" Longshan Ling and the others from the Dragon Mountain clan were stunned to hear Lin Yuan admit it with his own mouth.

Even though they had speculated about this possibility long ago, when it was confirmed, it still felt surreal.

The Patriarch was so powerful?

"There's one more thing." Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred, and a figure was teleported out.

It was the Pope of the Order of the Holy Church.

More accurately, it was the divine incarnation of this Pope located in the Sea of Light.

This time, among the gods slaughtered by Lin Yuan, this attached divine spirit was the only one who survived.

The reason was naturally because Lin Yuan had a good relationship with him over the years.

Secondly, this Pope of the Order only had the power of a lower god. With the death of the Order's main god, as an attached divine spirit, his power plummeted, and he could probably only barely reach the threshold of a true god.

As an attached divine spirit, his power was permanently fixed, and there would be no further improvement.

In fact, if it weren't for Lin Yuan's deliberate rescue, at the moment when the main god of the Order died, the Pope of the Order should have been backlashed to death.

"Dragon Mountain Patriarch." The Pope of the Order looked at Lin Yuan with complex eyes.

He had indeed seen the scene of Lin Yuan slaughtering the gods in the Sea of Light. At this moment, surprisingly, there was no fear in the Pope's heart.

Because being afraid wouldn't make any difference. If Lin Yuan wanted to kill him, there would be no hope for the Pope of the Order to survive.

"You can leave now." Lin Yuan had no intention of killing the Pope of the Order.

A mere attached divine spirit held no attraction for Lin Yuan's divinity, and it would not pose any threat to the Dragon Mountain clan in the future.

"Thank you, Dragon Mountain Patriarch, for sparing my life," the Pope of the Order took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably moved in his heart.

Under the twilight of the gods, with the extinction of the gods, even the self-proclaimed strongest main gods had all died. Unexpectedly, as the weakest attached divine spirit, he survived?

The strongest died.

The weakest survived.

The thoughts of the Pope of the Order were complex.

"Dragon Mountain Patriarch," the Pope of the Order silently prayed in his heart, knowing that his survival was entirely due to the kindness and mercy of the Dragon Mountain Patriarch.

"In the future, it will be the era of the Dragon Mountain Patriarch." The Pope of the Order left the Dragon Mountain Range, a thought suddenly rising in his heart.

Since the creation of the Sea of Light by the Lord of Light, the era of the gods has officially begun.

Even powerful main gods like the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness dare not prefix their names on the era.

But in the future, the name of the Dragon Mountain Patriarch will completely overshadow the era. Even if it's a million years or a billion years from now, all future beings and gods will fear the name of the Dragon Mountain Patriarch.

Outside the Great Hall of Dragon Mountain.

Lin Yuan looked at Longshan Ling and the others.

"I will leave the mortal world next," Lin Yuan said.

"Leave the mortal world?" Longshan Ling and other important members of the Dragon Mountain clan looked at each other. Standing in front of Lin Yuan now, they all felt a certain pressure emanating from the essence of life.

"Patriarch, where do you plan to go? The Sea of Light, or the Abyss of Darkness?" Longshan Ling asked in a low voice.

"I will go to the Martial World," Lin Yuan smiled faintly.

"The Martial World?" Many members of the Dragon Mountain clan looked puzzled. It was the first time they had heard of such a place.

"Where is the Martial World?" Longshan Ling asked cautiously.

"There." Lin Yuan raised his right hand, and space was torn apart, revealing a complete spatial layer.

Stepping inside, amidst the astonished gazes of Longshan Ling and many others from the Dragon Mountain clan, Lin Yuan began to calm the spatial turbulence.

Where Lin Yuan stood, everything stabilized. The energy became mild, the space became stable, and a thick earth and sky appeared.


A world far surpassing the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness was opened up, its influence even beginning to appear as a reflection in the mortal world.

"Who is that?"

"Someone is opening up a new world, just like the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness did in the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness."

"This person should be the one who ended the era of the gods. Now, opening up a world, it should be used as their residence."

The ancient demigods of the mortal world, who had not yet recovered from the fall of the gods, witnessed such a shocking scene.

After spending over four hours, Lin Yuan finally stabilized this spatial layer. He nodded in satisfaction. "The foundation is almost laid down. For now, it'll do."

Finally in his own created world, Lin Yuan felt much more comfortable. Under the influence of the heavy spatial layers, Lin Yuan felt the long-lost freedom.

"Let the mortals know as well." Lin Yuan glanced at the vast mortal world, manifesting his figure that reached to the heavens and pierced the earth. "From this day forth, the Martial World is open. Any practitioner who achieves godhood through martial arts can enter the Martial World."

After announcing to the mortal realm, regardless of the magnitude of the shock it caused, Lin Yuan returned to the Martial World and sat at its center.

"Finally, I can quietly cultivate and comprehend." Lin Yuan brought out many divine essences.

"Twenty-four main divine essences, three thousand and sixty-three upper divine essences, twenty-nine thousand six hundred and forty-two middle divine essences, and one hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and forty-two lower divine essences."

Lin Yuan was delighted. Just looking at these divine essences made him feel enlightened, and he began to seriously contemplate.

"I wonder how much these divine essences can enhance my strength," Lin Yuan thought. Relying on the divine essences of the demigods in the mortal realm, Lin Yuan had opened up to a layer of over one hundred million.

But what about true divine essences?

And main divine essences?

"Let's start comprehending." Lin Yuan casually picked up a divine essence. This one contained spatial attributes, a 'key' to the higher spatial nature of this world.

And so, time quickly passed.

In the blink of an eye, six hundred years had passed.

Tomorrow, he would return.

Beginning the sweeping of the Profound Yellow Secret Realm plotline.

Please vote for me with your powerstones~~

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 327: Results of Cultivation (Seeking Subscriptions)

In the vast Martial World, ever since the first Martial Dao deity ascended a hundred years ago, the once quiet and lifeless Martial World gradually became lively.

The Martial World was opened up by Lin Yuan, its scale far exceeding that of the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness. Even Martial Dao deities had not explored its entirety.

Over the past hundred years, with the ascent of various Martial Dao deities, the Martial World gradually developed three main regions.

One region was the gathering place of Martial Dao deities from the Dragon Mountain clan, centered around Dragon Mountain City.

Another region was the gathering place of Martial Dao deities outside the Dragon Mountain clan, centered around Wanxiang City.

As for the third region, it was the cultivation place of the great Dragon Mountain Patriarch, occupying the central region of the Martial World, the place with the thickest origin.

The spread of Martial Dao cultivation methods and the opening of the Martial World all originated from the Dragon Mountain Patriarch. Any Martial Dao deity who ascended from the mortal realm held immense respect for the Dragon Mountain Patriarch.

He was the unparalleled figure who ended the era of the gods and ushered in the era of Martial Dao.

Now, although the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness still existed, with new gods being born successively, their power could not compare to that of the Martial World.

[Name: Longshan Yuan (Lin Yuan)]

[Identity: Controller of the Gateway to the Myriad Realms]

[Bonded Talent: Heaven-Defying Insight]

[Divine Abilities: Blood Rebirth, Mountain Moving, Strengthening, Elemental Form]

[Current Status: Consciousness Descended]

[Remaining Residency Time: Three Years]

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the rows of illusory characters below his sight.

"It's almost time for my residency to end."

Lin Yuan looked ahead, taking in every detail of the vast Martial World.

As the creator of this world, he couldn't be kept in the dark about anything happening in the Martial World. It was almost like a second internal world to him.

"When I killed the gods, causing a surplus of faith to overflow into the mortal realm, coupled with the dissemination of Martial Dao cultivation methods several times, it's only been five hundred years, and the first Martial Dao deity has already been born," Lin Yuan thought.

Martial Dao deities corresponded to the eighth stage of Martial Dao cultivation, of course, with significant differences between the two.

The advantage of Martial Dao deities lay in harnessing the power of bloodlines. Therefore, before the seventh stage, their cultivation speed was extremely fast, and as long as the upper limit of their bloodline was high enough, they hardly encountered any bottlenecks.

After the seventh stage, igniting the divine fire should have required a long period of dormancy to secretly gather faith. However, with the fall of the gods and Lin Yuan's presence, Martial Dao practitioners had enough confidence. After the first Martial Dao deity entered the Martial World, numerous others quickly followed suit.

In just a hundred years, the number of Martial Dao deities in the Martial World exceeded one thousand.

"Out of a thousand Martial Dao deities, there are less than a hundred who belong to the Dragon Mountain clan?"

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. He definitely favored the Dragon Mountain clan. The two main spirits often returned to the mortal realm to enlighten the 'martial geniuses' of the Dragon Mountain clan.

However, the martial geniuses of the Dragon Mountain clan were not competitive enough compared to those from other places in the mortal realm.

Actually, this was quite normal. Even with Lin Yuan's presence, the Dragon Mountain clan was ultimately just a clan with a limited number of people, naturally far fewer than the beings in the mortal realm.

However, even if the Dragon Mountain clan had only dozens of martial dao deities, they still held an absolute dominant position in the Martial World. Martial dao deities outside the Dragon Mountain clan dared not offend the martial dao deities of the Dragon Mountain clan.

And all of this was naturally because of Lin Yuan, the patriarch of the Dragon Mountain clan.

"Hundreds of years ago, a little guy from the Dragon Mountain clan begged me to suppress the martial dao deities outside the clan, to suppress the martial geniuses in the mortal realm from the source of faith," Lin Yuan said calmly. He naturally did not agree to this request.

Lin Yuan's goal had always been to better spread martial dao. As for the rise and fall of the Dragon Mountain clan itself? He didn't care much. As long as the martial dao cultivation methods continued to spread in this world, it met his expectations.

As for restricting the development of martial dao cultivation methods for the sake of the Dragon Mountain clan's dominance, Lin Yuan naturally couldn't do that.

Even for the Dragon Mountain clan, Lin Yuan was gradually letting go. He hadn't allowed the main spirits to return to Dragon Mountain Ridge for several decades now.

"Their lifespan should be reaching its limit," Lin Yuan said, looking down at everything in the mortal realm.

With Lin Yuan's help, the Dragon Mountain couple had reached the perfect level allowed by this world for their physical bodies, equivalent to the level of legendary knights, with a lifespan of a thousand years.

However, even after a thousand years, if they still hadn't ignited the divine fire, they would still face death.

Here, death wasn't physical death, but the decline of the soul and even the will of the mind.

With Lin Yuan's strength, as long as he maintained the nourishment of the internal world, the Dragon Mountain couple could probably live for thousands of years.

But the premise was that they didn't stop nourishing. However, Lin Yuan would eventually return to the main world. Once he left, without his nourishment, the Dragon Mountain couple's souls and minds would quickly wither.

"Ignite the divine fire."

Lin Yuan's gaze was profound. Igniting the divine fire in this world was extremely important, marking the boundary between mortals and demigods.

To ignite the divine fire, one must rely on one's unparalleled will and mind. External forces were of no use in this regard, similar to the 'heart demon tribulation' from the seventh to eighth stage in the main world.

Although there were over a hundred thousand martial dao demigods in the mortal realm over the past six hundred years, it depended on what kind of population base they were established upon.

On average, it was estimated that not even one martial dao demigod could be born out of a trillion people.

The Dragon Mountain couple's parents were just ordinary people who hadn't experienced any setbacks or hardships. Since Lin Yuan rose to power, they had been living comfortably every day, and the possibility of them igniting the divine fire was almost zero.

"Until one becomes the strongest, they will inevitably face the limit of their lifespan," Lin Yuan realized.

The supreme immortal kings of the spirit world and the gods of this world seemed to have eternal life, but it was only eternal on the level of the immortal body or the divine body.

In front of eternal time, the minds of weak beings would gradually distort and decay. Their cognition and understanding of all things would be influenced by time.

The same thing might have completely different perspectives between a being who lived for thousands of years and one who lived for hundreds of years.

Even the supreme immortal kings and gods would eventually go mad or even contemplate suicide after living for another billion or even billion billion years, as their minds and wills couldn't withstand the baptism of time.

Only the strongest, the ultimate existence on a certain evolutionary path, the twelfth-tier beings, with eternal and indestructible minds and wills, were truly eternal.

Of course, even the strongest would die, but they would never die due to lifespan.

"I have the Gateway to the Myriad Realms and many life-saving methods. It can be said that I won't die unless I seek death. But as long as I don't become the strongest, I will still have a day of death, and no one will be able to save me then," Lin Yuan thought. 

The strongest of the main world also had relatives, parents, and siblings, but as long as they didn't become the strongest, they would still have a day of death.

Those who had comprehended the complete rules of time could control the flow of time on their bodies, achieving a kind of 'alternative eternity,' essentially slowing down the baptism of time on their minds and wills.

In the external world, ten thousand years have passed, but only one day has passed for Lin Yuan. The time experienced by his mind and will is just one day.

"Now, my strength," Lin Yuan closed his eyes, and his consciousness descended into his inner world.

Within a sphere of 1.995 billion miles in diameter, his inner world was vast and magnificent. The mysterious gourd contained seven colors of liquid, each of which could amplify Lin Yuan's physical body and inner world by a factor of 3.33.

By completely absorbing the first six types of liquid, the final amplification would reach 1.998 billion miles in diameter.

With his inner world reaching 1.995 billion miles in diameter, it meant that Lin Yuan's absorption of the sixth blue liquid was nearing perfection, and he was about to start touching the final purple liquid.

"To completely absorb the purple liquid, perhaps I need to reach the tenth tier?" Lin Yuan speculated inwardly.

The amplification of the inner world requires consideration of both physical and soul strength, which is the basic strength.

Every time Lin Yuan shuttled, he waited until he had fully recovered to his peak before summoning the mysterious gourd. One reason was to ensure that he had enough power to protect himself.

The other reason was that his strength was too low. Even with the high-level "Blood Rebirth" technique, his physical body and soul might not be able to bear such a large inner world.

"Space layer," Lin Yuan's gaze shifted, looking deeper into the spatial depths of his inner world.

Lin Yuan had long anticipated the size of his inner world. He had a clear understanding of the amplification brought by each color of liquid. Before starting this shuttle, he had already deduced the final size of his inner world after the shuttle ended.

But the space layer was a complete surprise.

The divine grades of this world had completely exceeded Lin Yuan's expectations when it came to opening up space layers.

In Lin Yuan's expectation, as long as he could open up a million-level space layer and reach the ninth-tier million-level realm, it would be considered a successful completion of his goal.

But a million-level space layer?

Six hundred years ago, after Lin Yuan comprehended the essence of space in the semigod grades, the space layer of his inner world reached 120 million levels.

In the following six hundred years, Lin Yuan comprehended various true divine grades and main divine grades with spatial attributes. In terms of opening up space layers, he reached—

"2.331 million levels."

Lin Yuan's gaze penetrated the layers of space, and the thickness and depth of his inner world had reached an incredible level.

While many ninth-tier powerhouses in the main world considered a million-level space layer as the pinnacle of the ninth tier, Lin Yuan had already opened up a space layer of 2.331 million levels?

In terms of the number of space layers, it was 233.1 times that of a normal ninth-tier million-level realm. But in terms of actual power, it was far beyond tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times.

"This shuttle has brought me such great gains."

Lin Yuan couldn't help but marvel inwardly. The 2.331 million-level space layer was a number that all ninth-tier beings in the main universe had despaired of since its inception.

Lin Yuan didn't dare to say that the number of space layers he had opened belonged to the main world, but it was certainly unprecedented.

The 'ancient people' here were not limited to human civilization. Whether it was the myriad races in the starry sky, including peak tribes, or unique special beings, none of them could have this number of space layers at the ninth tier.

"I wonder what my inner world will look like when it transforms into an inner universe in the future?" Lin Yuan looked forward to it.

The transformation of the inner world into an inner universe was the ultimate sublimation, breaking all shackles and restrictions.

By then, the inner universe would not be limited to the size of millions of miles in diameter, and the layers of space would naturally evolve into more, deeper, and broader ones.

As for the specific degree of sublimation, it depended on the original size and depth of the inner world.

The strongest ninth-tier life of the Tianyu clan, the Hunyi, had opened up an inner world of over 30 million levels. Was that just for fun?

With the time spent opening up an inner world of over 30 million levels, they probably could have reached the tenth tier long ago. The improvement in their combat power would definitely far exceed the space layers from a million to thirty million levels.

Other ninth-tier powerhouses from other clans, as long as they had the spare capacity, would open up as many space layers as possible at the ninth tier. A million-level space layer was just the lowest threshold for them.

Why open up so many layers of space at the ninth tier? It's for the transformation of the inner world into an inner universe, breaking all shackles and limitations for ultimate sublimation.

"Focusing on the Ninth Tier of Martial Dao," Lin Yuan shifted his attention away from his inner world to examine his perfected Ninth Tier of Martial Dao.

Compared to the seventh and eighth tiers, the key to the Ninth Tier of Martial Dao lies in adjusting the structure of the inner world to make it more stable and powerful.

For ninth-tier powerhouses with the same size inner world, the same number of space layers, and the same foundation, those at the Ninth Tier of Martial Dao can definitely gain an advantage.

Furthermore, according to the bloodline cultivation path of this world, Lin Yuan specifically opened up a bloodline purification cultivation method for the martial evolution system.

Martial evolutionists can tap into their bloodline potential while comprehending the rules of the Great Dao. As long as their bloodline limit is high enough, their strength will increase much faster than their comprehension of the Great Dao rules.

Of course, this cultivation method is only applicable to citizens with high-level bloodlines and extremely rich bloodlines, with the limit being the seventh tier.

Because the main world emphasizes human rights and cannot gather faith, relying on this cultivation method cannot independently open up a divine kingdom, so they cannot advance to the eighth tier.

In Lin Yuan's vision, martial evolutionists with high-level bloodlines could fully tap into their bloodline limits, quickly reaching the fifth, sixth, and seventh tiers of the Great Dao, and then broaden their horizons, re-comprehending the rules of the Great Dao.

"The path of bloodline evolution is ultimately not the Great Dao," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

The nine strongest beings of human civilization, as well as the strongest beings of other peak tribes, none of them became ultimate by relying solely on their powerful bloodlines.

As the supreme beings of the Starry Sky Grand Alliance, composed entirely of special beings, the supreme beings who ruled there had noble bloodlines, but their ultimate entry into the twelfth tier was definitely not due to bloodlines.

In a sense, bloodlines are a constraint rather than a path to the peak.

"With the perfection of the Ninth Tier of Martial Dao and the addition of branches to the martial evolution path, the overall strength of martial evolutionists has been enhanced," Lin Yuan nodded slightly, satisfied.

Then he raised his right hand, and with a slight movement of his mind, the flow of time on the surface of his skin began to twist, slow down, or pause, incompatible with the main flow of time.

"The rules of time," Lin Yuan's eyes shone brightly. Over the past six hundred years, he had devoted considerable effort to comprehending the rules of time.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 328 Return (End of Shuttle, Please Subscribe)

The rule of time is the pillar rule that constitutes the world and is the highest among all pillar rules.

Comprehending pillar rules like the rules of life and space only requires reaching the sixth or seventh tier.

But the rule of time? Before reaching the ninth tier and becoming a multi-space life form, you can't even sense the fluctuations of the rule of time, let alone comprehend it.

Even Lin Yuan, with his extraordinary comprehension, chose not to forcefully comprehend the rule of time at the eighth tier because the efficiency would be too low, not worth it.

"Two thousand one hundred and seventy-three time rule models, and now I've comprehended eight hundred and fifty-one," Lin Yuan thought to himself. Normal ninth-tier powerhouses hardly spend much effort comprehending the rule of time. Often, they haven't even grasped the basics of time rules at the ninth-tier level.

Tenth-tier powerhouses have a deeper understanding of the rule of time, but they usually comprehend between two hundred and five hundred time rule models.

As for eight hundred and fifty-one time rule models? That's something only extremely powerful tenth-tier or even eleventh-tier powerhouses can achieve.

Fully comprehending the complete time rule is a level that only peak eleventh-tier powerhouses, those preparing to attempt to break through to become ultimate, can reach.

One of the prerequisites for breaking through to become ultimate is to comprehend the rule of time, then merge with the rule of space, mastering spacetime for the ultimate leap.

During the spread of their own evolutionary paths, the more beings cultivate, the greater the power they will become as the driving force for the ultimate leap.

"It's a pity there are too few true godheads and main godheads containing time attributes," Lin Yuan sighed. If there were more godheads containing time attributes, he would be confident in comprehending a thousand time models.

Being able to comprehend a thousand time rule models at the ninth tier, although not as unprecedented as opening up over 2.3 billion layers of space, is still astonishing.

Generally, only those with time talents and unique special beings have a chance to achieve this.

"Slow time," Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly, and the flow of time on the surface of his body began to slow down, quickly slowing down. While one day passed in the outside world, only an hour passed for Lin Yuan himself, with a time flow ratio of twelve to one.

This is the maximum degree of time flow control that Lin Yuan currently manages. The main reason is that his own life level is too heavy, and the cost of slowing down his own time flow is too terrifying.

If it were an ordinary ninth-tier life form, Lin Yuan could easily achieve a time flow ratio of one to a thousand compared to the outside world.

In the river of time, slowing down the energy needed for a whale is far greater than that needed for a small fish.

"After time slows down, even the perception of the rules of the Great Dao becomes blurred," Lin Yuan's current time flow rate with the outside world is only twelve to one.

Even so, the clarity of perceiving the rules of the Great Dao plummeted.

It can be inferred that in an environment where the time flow rate reaches thousands or tens of thousands to one, it is almost impossible to comprehend the rules of the Great Dao in the outside world.

"No wonder those ninth-tier and tenth-tier powerhouses are unwilling to use time treasures like time mansions for cultivation," Lin Yuan pondered. The supreme beings of the main world have the ability to slow down the time flow rate in a certain area or even refine similar treasures.

However, in such an environment where the time flow rate is slowed down, it is difficult to have any help for self-cultivation, and the time passed is real lifespan.

"Only when the time flow rate in a certain area is different will it cause the perception of the Great Dao rules to be blurred because the Great Dao rules themselves naturally fluctuate with the main time flow rate."

"But by using the Gateway of the Myriad Realms for cross-dimensional travel, I am in a dimension where the time flow rate is the same. Even if it is different from the time flow rate of the main world, it does not affect the comprehension of the Great Dao rules."

Lin Yuan realized another benefit of crossing dimensions with the Gateway of the Myriad Realms.

Over six hundred years, besides the rule of time, Lin Yuan has also comprehended all other essential rules, such as the rules of life. This assistance from the true gods and main gods has undoubtedly been tremendous, saving a lot of time.

Without these true godheads and main godheads, Lin Yuan could still have reached his current height, but his progress in time would have been much slower.

Time passes.

Two more years have passed.

Longshan Fang's couple died one after another. After reaching the maximum lifespan of this world, unless they ignite the divine fire and change the essence of life, they will age normally.

This time, Lin Yuan didn't use the power of his inner world to delay his parents' deaths because it had no meaning. When he returned a year later, Longshan Fang's couple would still die.

Living one more year or one less year doesn't make much difference.

Moreover, Longshan Fang's couple didn't have any fearful emotions before their deaths. They gave birth to a son who opened up a new era, which was a great honor.

In the human world.

At the Longshan City ruins.

In front of the Longshan family cemetery.

Lin Yuan appeared, but this time, he didn't come as the two major soul avatars, but as his true self.

Lin Yuan stood in front of Longshan Fang's couple's tombstone, his expression calm, showing neither joy nor sorrow, just quietly standing there.

Around the cemetery, there were successive important members of the Longshan family coming and going. After all, Longshan Fang's couple were the parents of Longshan Yuan. Their status in the Longshan family was unshakable. Even the martial gods of the martial world would descend with divine incarnations upon their deaths.

However, no matter who it was, they didn't see Lin Yuan standing in front of the tombstone. It seemed that they were not in the same spatial layer.

Lin Yuan looked at the grave. Although he wasn't the true Longshan Yuan, after so many years of companionship, he still had some feelings.

"You have left, and a year later, I will leave too," Lin Yuan said silently. A year later would be the maximum limit of his stay this time.

Unless Lin Yuan was willing to expend ten strands of boundary-breaking source power to descend into this realm again, there would be no possibility of coming back.

"It's time to prepare for the final arrangement." Lin Yuan stood in front of Longshan Fang's couple's tombstone for a long time before finally disappearing quietly.

In the martial world.

Longshan City.

Although there were fewer than a hundred martial gods in the Longshan family, the construction of Longshan City was extremely luxurious, far exceeding another city called Wanxiang City.

The first member of the Longshan family to become a martial god was named Longshan Quan. As for Longshan Ling and others under him, they still haven't ignited the divine fire.

Although they haven't aged yet, they won't live for many more years. They are spending their old age peacefully in the human world.

The many martial gods of the Longshan family in the martial world all follow Longshan Quan. After all, as the first genius of the Longshan family to become a god, his influence is profound.

In the Longshan Hall.

Longshan Quan gathered with several other martial gods of the Longshan family for discussions.

"The ancestors are kind, giving so many opportunities to outsiders," Longshan Quan's expression showed dissatisfaction. Over the years, he had become increasingly resentful of the martial gods of Wanxiang City.

The martial world was opened up by their Longshan family's ancestors and should be their Longshan family's own land. Yet, a group of outsiders had taken over.

The other martial gods also nodded repeatedly. They had long regarded the entire martial world as their backyard. How could those martial gods from Wanxiang City be worthy of living in the same place as them?


At this moment.

A figure quietly appeared on the side.


"Longshan Ancestor."

Longshan Quan and the other gods of the Longshan family immediately respectfully called out.

"Ancestor, you finally agreed to see us," Longshan Quan said excitedly.

Since ascending to the martial world a hundred years ago, he had only seen Lin Yuan once. After that, several attempts to visit were met with no response.

Lin Yuan's gaze was serene as he looked towards the Longshan Hall and the entire Longshan City. He said calmly, "The prosperity of the Longshan family is because of me. I don't want it to decline because of me."

"Ancestor, how could the Longshan family decline because of you? Your strength is the strongest in history. You opened up the martial world, welcomed the martial gods, and the admiration of all beings towards you in the mortal world surpasses even that of the gods," Longshan Quan said somewhat puzzled.

As long as Lin Yuan existed, the status of the Longshan family was beyond dispute. That was already an ironclad rule.

"But I will also leave," Lin Yuan continued.

"Leave?" Longshan Quan was a little stunned. "Ancestor, where are you going? When will you come back?"

The other martial gods glanced at each other, their expressions somewhat puzzled.

"I won't come back," Lin Yuan said softly.

"Not coming back?" Longshan Quan was shocked. Lin Yuan was not only the god of the Longshan family but also the god of this entire world. If Lin Yuan suddenly disappeared, Longshan Quan couldn't imagine the uproar it would cause.

The blow to the Longshan family would be fatal.

"Yes, not coming back," Lin Yuan looked at the several martial gods of the Longshan family. "So in the future, the Longshan family should not be too harsh on foreign gods."

Although Lin Yuan's concern had always been the spread of martial arts cultivation methods, he had never cared about the prosperity or decline of the Longshan family.

But before leaving, he still reminded them.

"Ancestor..." Longshan Quan's face turned pale as he looked at Lin Yuan with pleading eyes.

He realized that what Lin Yuan said might be true, and the Longshan family would lose its strongest support in the future.

"Since I am leaving, I will leave something behind," Lin Yuan extended his right hand, and three crystals emitting profound auras floated up.

"This is?"

Longshan Quan was dumbfounded, and then his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Main God Grids.

These were Main God Grids.

Since Lin Yuan killed twenty-four main gods, twenty-four main god grids had not appeared.

But even if they yearned for the main god grids, no one dared to seek them out. Needless to say, all twenty-four main god grids were in the hands of the patriarch of the Longshan family.

"These three main god grids, I will leave them with the Longshan family. When you become the peak gods, you can try to refine them," Lin Yuan said.

Lin Yuan had already comprehended all twenty-four main god grids, so keeping them by his side had no meaning.

Moreover, the main god grids were the 'keys' to the rules of this world. Once they left this world, they would automatically collapse, and new main god grids would recondense somewhere in the world.

Therefore, before returning to the main world, Lin Yuan naturally had to arrange the whereabouts of the main god grids.

"With these three main god grids, even if I leave, the Longshan family can shine for millions, tens of millions of years, or even longer."

Lin Yuan looked at Longshan Quan, who was excited.

With these three main god grids, the future of the Longshan family was equivalent to having three main god-level powerhouses. With this foundation, it would be extremely difficult to shake the roots of the Longshan family unless another person like Lin Yuan appeared.

As long as the Longshan family didn't act recklessly and remained cautious and humble in the future, their glory wouldn't diminish much.

"Thank you, Ancestor."

"Thank you, Ancestor."

Longshan Quan immediately knelt down, and the other martial gods did the same.

"As for the remaining twenty-one main god grids, I will release one every once in a while, allowing other martial gods to compete for them. The Longshan family doesn't need to intervene in these god grids," Lin Yuan continued.

He didn't intend to place all twenty-four main god grids with the Longshan family. That would make the Longshan family's position unshakable and create a situation where they dominated the martial world practitioners in this world. This wouldn't be conducive to the development of martial arts.


Although Longshan Quan and the other martial gods were somewhat unwilling, since the Ancestor had decided, they had no right to refuse.

"Ancestor," Longshan Quan was about to speak, but then realized that Lin Yuan had disappeared, leaving only the three main god grids floating quietly.

"The Ancestor has left," Longshan Quan murmured absentmindedly.

"The Ancestor is too kind," the other martial gods looked at the three main god grids with eager eyes, but they didn't dare to have any thoughts of seizing them. Who knew if the Ancestor was observing them in secret?

"Yeah, the Ancestor is kind," Longshan Quan sighed, "But since the Ancestor has decided, our Longshan family will follow the Ancestor's words in the future, restrain our people, and completely give up the pursuit of other main god grids."


The several martial gods of the Longshan family nodded to each other.

Deep within the layers of space.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

"Everything that needed to be done has been done," Lin Yuan looked down, gazing at the martial world, the Sea of Light, the Abyss of Darkness, and the mortal world.

"Now, it's time to return to the origin."

Beside Lin Yuan, two figures appeared, the Yin and Yang True Gods.

At the same time.

The 'bell-shaped' Primordial Essence Gold also floated in front of him, slowly sinking, emitting an indescribable aura.

With a rustle.

The forms of the Yin and Yang True Gods began to disintegrate, turning into the purest energy and merging into the Primordial Essence Gold. Lin Yuan's true body did the same.

If the true body and the two True Gods were too powerful, even if they started to disintegrate, it would be extremely slow.

One year later.

As the last energy from the physical and soul internal worlds merged into the Primordial Essence Gold, the projection of the Gateway of the Myriad Realms within Lin Yuan's mind suddenly began to radiate light.

"I'm going back."

Lin Yuan's mental will rushed into the Gateway of the Myriad Realms and disappeared from this world.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 329: Xilan: Where Are the Elders? (Seeking Subscriptions)

Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Deep within the layers of space, two auras were in pursuit and evasion.

However, it was clear that the aura in pursuit was much stronger than the one fleeing.

As time passed, the fleeing aura was slowly weakening.

But every crucial moment, just as the pursuing side was about to close in completely, the fleeing side always managed to slip out from among many layers of space.

It was like a hundred-meter giant chasing after an ant. The latter, taking advantage of the terrain, could make the giant return empty-handed to a certain extent.

Of course, the pursuit and evasion between ninth-ranked experts, crossing numerous layers of space, was much more complicated than within a single space.

Even in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the longer the delay, the more space layers the powerful side occupied, and the narrower the space the fleeing side could maneuver.

Eventually, it was completely locked in like a bird in a cage.

Being caught was only a matter of time.

"It's been two and a half years," Xilan seized the opportunity, instantly crossing from this layer of space to another, once again putting distance between himself and Hunyi.

But it was only temporary. In less than half an hour, Hunyi caught up again.

"I can feel that more and more space layers are being occupied, leaving me with less and less room to hide," Xilan sighed inwardly.

This was the gap brought about by absolute strength. The space layers he opened up were less than a million, while Hunyi, the strongest ninth-ranked being of the Tianyu Clan, had opened up over thirty million layers of space!

If not for the suppression of any teleportation means within the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and Xilan voluntarily burning everything, even his mental will, gaining a significant boost in strength, he would have been captured by Hunyi long ago.

Even so, Xilan vaguely felt that he might not be able to hold out much longer.

One reason was that Hunyi would soon completely occupy all nearby space layers. The other reason was that his mental will was almost depleted and couldn't burn for much longer.

"Just hold on for another six months," Xilan steadied his mind, glancing at Lin Yuan sitting in meditation within the corner of his inner world.

He trusted Lin Yuan a lot. Since the Silver River Star Lord said that as long as he persisted for three years, he could await the support of the "elders," Xilan never doubted it.

"I wonder which powerful figure of my human civilization the Silver River Star Lord's elder is?" Xilan was curious. The Silver River Star Lord's teacher was the Lord of the Red Kun Star.

However, the Lord of the Red Kun Star was only invincible at the eighth rank. Even if he broke through to the ninth rank, he couldn't support them from afar. For those who had just entered the ninth rank, facing Hunyi, the strongest ninth-ranked being of the Tianyu Clan, was just a matter of one move.

Xilan relied on burning everything, combined with escape techniques from a certain powerful evolutionary path inheritance from human civilization, as well as the special environment of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, to persist until now.

"It's not the Lord of the Red Kun Star. It should be those ninth-ranked beings from my human civilization who have opened up over twenty million layers of space?" Xilan pondered.

This was also the only pleasure he had during the pursuit.

Ordinary ninth-ranked human evolutionary beings with only a thousand layers of space couldn't rescue them. At least twenty million layers of space needed to be opened up to restrain Hunyi, thereby buying time for their safe retreat.

"Twenty million layers of space," Xilan sighed inwardly, realizing the difficulty of opening up space layers the longer one practiced at the ninth rank.

Opening up space layers was just superficial; what was more important was the understanding of the essence of space. Without sufficient understanding to support it, it couldn't be sustained. Even if forcefully opened, it would collapse rapidly.

Honestly, Xilan admired Hunyi, who had opened up space layers far beyond tens of millions, because he knew the difficulty involved.

At that moment, Hunyi, who was chasing from behind, transmitted again.

"Xilan, I know you're desperately trying to buy time to keep the treasures you've gained in the secret realm."

"In that case, I can promise that as long as you hand over the Silver River Star Lord, I will let you go. You can take all the treasures you've obtained in the secret realm back with you."

Hunyi continued, "You should know what my promise means, even though we belong to opposing camps, I will still honor it."

Hunyi was getting impatient with the chase. If this continued, it might take another three to five months.

From beginning to end, Hunyi's goal was to kill the Silver River Star Lord, or more accurately, to kill this particular incarnation of the Silver River Star Lord and settle a score from the recent battle.

As for Xilan, Hunyi had never taken him seriously.

If it weren't for being in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, with his strength, there was no need for such a long chase.

"Hahaha, you bird people still want to sow discord between me and the Silver River Star Lord," Xilan remained unmoved.

As an evolutionary being of human civilization, Xilan was very clear about his roots. The biggest crisis he faced right now was leaving behind this incarnation and the secret treasures he had gained in the secret realm.

As for handing over the Silver River Star Lord? Leaving aside the betrayal of human civilization, even considering the potential and talents exhibited by the Silver River Star Lord, Xilan wasn't foolish. How could he possibly choose to do so? On the contrary, dying together with the Silver River Star Lord in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm would deepen the bond between them.

"All right, since that's the case, prepare to leave this incarnation behind completely," Hunyi no longer persuaded. After more than two years of pursuit, he had transmitted multiple times, but Xilan had always mocked him in return.

"The escape techniques of the Void Evolution Path are indeed well-deserved," Hunyi's expression slightly serious, as he hastened to completely occupy the layers of space.

The Void Evolution Path was precisely the evolutionary path Xilan cultivated, and it was also one of the nine strongest evolutionary paths currently mastered by human civilization.

The ultimate existence of this path was the Void God, one of the nine strongest beings of human civilization.

The Void God's combat power was not as strong as the Summer Qin Strongest or the Ancient Power Strongest, but in terms of mastery of the void, he was the strongest among the nine strongest beings.

Among human civilization, the evolutionary path with the largest number of practitioners was where the nine strongest beings were located.

Although these nine strongest evolutionary paths had their ultimate existences, for the vast majority of human evolutionists, there was no desire or ability to challenge the ultimate.

In their eyes, the nine strongest evolutionary paths were mature and almost perfect. If one had the qualifications to cultivate one of the strongest evolutionary paths, who would choose other paths?

Xilan had a talent for the spatial domain and possessed a special constitution with spatial attributes. He could activate many escape techniques from the Void Evolution Path, which was why he had persisted under Hunyi's pursuit until now.

"It's almost done."

Hunyi's thoughts converged. Even if the Void Evolution Path was exquisite, it required space to operate. Now, after two or three years of continuous space occupation, he could see that Xilan was about to be trapped by him.

The pursuit of Hunyi, the strongest ninth-ranked being of the Tianyu Clan, also attracted the attention of other ninth-ranked beings nearby.

"Is that Hunyi from the Tianyu Clan? Known as the number one ninth-ranked being of the Tianyu Clan in this era? Who is he chasing?"

"Don't you know? The one being chased is Xilan, a ninth-ranked evolutionary being of human civilization. But Hunyi isn't chasing Xilan; he's chasing the Silver River Star Lord who is traveling with Xilan."

"The Silver River Star Lord? Isn't he the human genius who suffered a great loss on the battlefield of the Tianyu Clan not long ago? The youngest ninth-ranked being in the history of human civilization?"

"I see."

Nearby ninth-ranked beings watched from afar, and Hunyi's pursuit was not hidden at all. The bursting spatial fluctuations were easily noticeable.

"The Silver River Star Lord is being pursued?"

Some ninth-ranked aliens with decent relations with human civilization were slightly moved. If they were to rescue the Silver River Star Lord at this moment, they would definitely gain the goodwill of this extraordinary genius of human civilization.

But unfortunately...

The one pursuing the Silver River Star Lord was Hunyi. Even if some ninth-ranked aliens wanted to please Lin Yuan and human civilization, they didn't have enough power to detain Hunyi.

In the cosmic starry sky, human civilization was one of the several peak clans, an absolute behemoth with enemies and followers alike.

Apart from the grand alliance established by human civilization itself, there were still many clans unwilling to offend human civilization, even wanting to befriend them.

"Hahaha, Hunyi has been chasing Xilan for more than two years. The Silver River Star Lord should be hiding in Xilan's inner world. It is said that Xilan cultivates the Void Evolution Path, which is indeed well-deserved."

"Chased for more than two years, the Silver River Star Lord is really pitiful!"

"I wonder what the Silver River Star Lord is holding on for. Xilan must have used some secret techniques to influence his true body. By paying such a price, could it be that a special ninth-ranked being from human civilization is coming?"

"I haven't heard of any ninth-ranked humans approaching Hunyi in the nearby area."

Many ninth-ranked aliens communicated with each other across different layers of space, interested in the pursuit, whether they were the pursuer or the pursued. Both sides were extremely famous.

They were also happy to watch the drama unfold.

On the other side of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, a human evolutionist in purple robes continuously shuttled between layers of space.

He was extremely fast, and with each teleportation, nearly forty million layers of space were affected.

This evolutionist in purple robes was named Duoke, who had opened up three hundred and ninety million layers of space and was the strongest ninth-ranked being of human civilization in this era.

"Just hold on a little longer. As long as I arrive, Hunyi will definitely pay the price!" 

The location Duoke was heading to was the area where Hunyi was located.

Both being the strongest ninth-ranked beings of their respective peak clans, Duoke and Hunyi often fought each other. The former had opened up more layers of space than the latter, giving him an advantage in battle.

Since learning about Hunyi's pursuit of the Silver River Star Lord more than two years ago, he had rushed over at the fastest speed.

Normally, the Xuanhuang Secret Realm suppressed all easy teleportation, and any powerful being could only fly slowly. When Duoke received the news, he was quite far from Hunyi's location.

It was almost impossible to arrive within three years.

Even so, Duoke rushed over without any hesitation.

"Hunyi, if you dare to kill this incarnation of the Silver River Star Lord, none of the ninth-ranked beings of your Tianyu Clan will live in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm."

Duoke thought silently to himself.

Usually, special ninth-ranked beings like them wouldn't actively hunt down other ninth-ranked aliens after entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Because it would be a waste of time. The Xuanhuang Secret Realm isn't like the outside world; you can only fly slowly when traveling, and the time limit is only a hundred years.

Is chasing down other ninth-ranked aliens worth sacrificing the many opportunities within the secret realm?

But Hunyi dared to actively pursue the human civilization's extraordinary genius. This couldn't be allowed. Duoke would rather give up searching for opportunities within the secret realm and retaliate.

Deep within layers of space.

Maduo, the wanderer, was also observing from afar, watching the pursuit and the pursued.

Hunyi had been chasing Xilan and the Silver River Star Lord for more than two years. After Maduo received the news, he also rushed over.

"The Silver River Star Lord is really unlucky."

Maduo thought to himself. He had already warned the Silver River Star Lord, and presumably, the other party would try to avoid Hunyi as much as possible.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm had a unique environment. Even if Hunyi received information about the Silver River Star Lord's location one moment and arrived the next, it was highly likely that the Silver River Star Lord had already disappeared.

Unless the two coincidentally met.

"However, the Patriarch really values ​​the Silver River Star Lord. He actually asked me to use that last resort to block Hunyi and save the Silver River Star Lord."

Maduo shook his head slightly.

As the most outstanding descendant of the ancient god Patriarch, Maduo was greatly favored by the Patriarch. This time, entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, he was bestowed with a life-saving trump card.

Once this trump card was activated, even special ninth-ranked beings who had opened up fifty million layers or eighty million layers of space would be trapped for a while.

"The Patriarch said that I shouldn't directly use the trump card to save the Silver River Star Lord. Instead, I should wait until the most critical moment, when the Silver River Star Lord is about to be captured by Hunyi, before taking action. Only then can I get the Silver River Star Lord's maximum gratitude."

Maduo remembered the Patriarch's instructions and found them reasonable.

"It's almost time." Maduo continued to observe for a while and noticed that Xilan's struggle was gradually slowing down. His expression immediately became solemn, waiting only for the critical moment to activate that life-saving trump card.

Inside Xilan's inner world.

Lin Yuan quietly opened his eyes.


Lin Yuan's gaze was deep, and the thousand years he experienced in the world of the gods flashed by like a dream.


Sensing Lin Yuan's movement, Xilan immediately descended his consciousness and appeared not far away.

"Brother Xilan." Lin Yuan smiled. Xilan's perseverance was crucial for the perfect completion of this traversal.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would have to terminate the traversal prematurely or abandon this divine consciousness within the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Either way, it would be a considerable loss.

"Silver River Star Lord." Xilan's aura was low, but he still forced himself to gather his spirit.

After exchanging a few words, Xilan cautiously asked, "Silver River Star Lord, has your elder arrived?"

"Elder?" Lin Yuan glanced at Xilan.

(End of this chapter)