

Chapter 321 The Supreme God (Subscribe)

Dragon Mountain Temple.

Lin Yuan is contemplating the spatial essence within the demi-god level.


Lin Yuan opens his eyes.

"Someone is peering at me?"

A faint sense of surveillance floods Lin Yuan's mind in that moment.

This surveillance isn't spatial but rather temporal in nature.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan's deep understanding of temporal rules over the years, he probably wouldn't have sensed anything unusual at all.

Even ninth or tenth-tier beings would find it challenging to counteract in the domain of time.

Simply put.

There's someone, against the flow of time, trying to understand Lin Yuan's true origins.


Lin Yuan delves into his mind, the grandiose Gate of the Myriad Realms standing there, emitting a negligible backlash, spreading casually along this projection of the Gate of the Myriad Realms.

"Peering at the Gate of the Myriad Realms, or rather, detecting subtle traces, then encountering backlash?"

Lin Yuan's expression turns slightly odd.

The Gate of the Myriad Realms, Lin Yuan has yet to fully understand its specific rank, but what can be confirmed is that it far exceeds the level of a twelfth-tier powerhouse.

Crossing dimensions, something unattainable for powerhouses, is effortless for the Gate of the Myriad Realms, as easy as eating and drinking.

Such an existence already possesses the characteristics of "unobservable" and "unscrutinizable," like a burning sun, emitting energy at all times.

Lifeforms whose strength levels are insufficient, if they dare to observe directly, even if they are separated by multiple dimensions, will suffer terrifying backlash.

This is only a projection of the Gate of the Myriad Realms. If it were the true body of the Gate of the Myriad Realms... which is actually not possible because when the true body of the Gate of the Myriad Realms descends upon this world, everything will collapse.

Lin Yuan cannot bear the true body of the Gate of the Myriad Realms, and likewise, neither can this world.

"Is it the God of the Ocean of Light? Or the God of the Dark Abyss?"

Lin Yuan speculates in his mind, while raising his head to gaze at the sky.

Stars symbolizing the gods hang high like eternal symbols, and within the largest twenty-four stars, one of them begins to fluctuate violently, showing signs of collapse.

"The God of Divination?" Lin Yuan observes carefully and concludes.

The many stars suspended above the firmament correspond to certain true gods, especially the twenty-four largest stars, which are the divine realms of the main gods.

Just as the backlash from the Gate of the Myriad Realms was transmitted, a divine realm trembles. Lin Yuan can almost confirm that the one who was peering into him at the temporal level was the other party.

"But there's actually a main god who controls the attribute of time?" Lin Yuan's heart feels slightly heated.

Although temporal rules belong to the same pillar rules as spatial rules, the difficulty of understanding and mastering them is unknown how many times greater than the latter.

The demi-gods, true gods, and even main gods of this world, their divine nature is equivalent to a "key" to unlock the essence of the rules.

For example, a demi-god with spatial attributes allows Lin Yuan to see the true spatial essence of this world, thereby providing unimaginable benefits for opening up spatial layers.

So, what about divine nature with temporal attributes? Or main god nature?

"It depends on how much the divine nature of that time god contains the essence of time," Lin Yuan thinks to himself.

If the essence of time contained is too high, Lin Yuan would feel a bit of a headache because it would mean that this time god possesses a higher level of mastery over temporal rules, such as directly reversing time with their true body, hiding in the past?

In that case, even if Lin Yuan has absolute strength, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

But this probability is low. To truly reverse time, one would at least need to comprehend the complete rules of time. If that time god has such strength, peering at Lin Yuan on the temporal level wouldn't even be noticed.

So far, Lin Yuan's understanding of temporal rules is only at the beginner level, far from proficiency.

"I shouldn't be directly backlash to death, right?"

Lin Yuan carefully observes the huge star in the sky.

After learning that the other party possesses the rare divine nature attribute of time, Lin Yuan is worried about the other's safety instead.

The Ocean of Light.

In front of the temple.

The gods are all eagerly awaiting the God of Divination.

Hoping to use the power of this great main god to understand the origin of the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief.

However, what happens next is a scene that shocks the true gods.

The originally deep and unfathomable God of Divination suddenly starts to fluctuate, and its breath plunges almost endlessly.

Above the earthly sky, the changes in the huge star belonging to the God of Divination are quickly noticed by the gods.

"What's going on?"

"What exactly happened?"

"The God of Divination, the great God of Divination, why would this happen?"

Many true gods find it hard to believe. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't even think that the lofty main god could have such a scene.

Divine power, divine body, and even the divine realm are all declining.

This is a main god?!

Since ancient times, even in the brutal god wars, the main gods have always been superior. Indeed, there have been instances of main gods inexplicably disappearing from history, but it was absolutely not due to battles with other main gods.

"Backlash, it's backlash."

"The God of Divination has encountered backlash."

An ancient higher god seemed to realize something and couldn't help but whisper softly.

Theoretically, the 'divination' authority wielded by the God of Divination requires a cost each time divination is performed.

The cost depends on the diviner and the one being divined.

However, the God of Divination is too powerful. He is one of the strongest twenty-four main gods in the world. Even if he divines the secrets of main gods at the same level, he would not pay much of a price.

This has caused the vast majority of true gods to forget about the fact that the authority of 'divination' requires a cost.

"What exactly is the origin of the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief that would make the God of Divination pay such a price?"

"Is it related to the legendary 'Supreme God'?"

"Supreme God?"

Many true gods have solemn expressions.

Since the beginning of the world, since the birth of the first main god, the God of Light, there have been rumors of the 'Supreme God'.

It is said that the 'Supreme God' created everything, even the 'divine nature' possessed by the main gods was bestowed by the Supreme God.

Why is the number of main gods fixed at twenty-four? It's because in order to become a main god, one must possess a divine nature.

And there are only twenty-four divine natures.

In theory, only when the previous main god falls will a new main god be born.

There have been several incidents in history where main gods disappeared, and shortly afterward, corresponding divine natures for these main gods would reappear in the world.


Just as the true gods were communicating with each other, the God of Divination, whose breath and divine body had plummeted to the bottom, barely managed to support himself.

"What is that?"

The God of Divination's eyes showed a hint of fear.

He tried to lock onto the origin of the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief using the means of reversing time, but in the end, he didn't see any useful scenes. He was only now recovering from the impact of the incoming backlash.

"Supreme God?"

The God of Divination also immediately thought of the Supreme God.

He had never seen the Supreme God, but at present, besides the legendary 'Supreme God', the God of Divination couldn't think of any other explanation for causing such a backlash to him.

"So the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief has actually obtained an opportunity related to the Supreme God?"

The God of Divination took a deep breath. He didn't think that the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief was the Supreme God because if that were the case, the previous events wouldn't have happened at all.

With the status of the Supreme God, even main gods like them would have to obey orders obediently. How could they still capture demigods in the mortal realm?

"The opportunity of the Supreme God." A hint of longing flashed in the depths of the God of Divination's eyes.

Dragon Mountain Ridge.

Many members of the Dragon Mountain Clan also received the news. Over the years, the Dragon Mountain Clan, starting from Dragon Mountain Ridge, has exerted influence throughout the Myriad Nations Plateau.

Naturally, they have made many connections with demigods.

As a result, the fact that hundreds of divine incarnations of the true gods who descended had all died at the hands of the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief quickly spread to the Dragon Mountain Clan.

"The Clan Chief killed hundreds of divine incarnations of true gods?"

Many elders of the Dragon Mountain Clan were shocked. They had witnessed the Dragon Mountain Clan grow from a former viscount force step by step to its current state.

Even the reason these clan elders could live for so long was the blessing of the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief.

However, no matter how highly these clan elders regarded their Clan Chief, when they learned that the divine incarnations of lofty true gods had become like ants before Lin Yuan, they were also shocked.

How could this be possible?

Isn't it said that under true gods are mere ants?

How come the true gods have become ants now?

"My son, has he become a god?" Longshan Fang said blankly. He is not at a high level and is not aware that becoming a god and raising a divine realm cannot be hidden.

But Longshan Yuan being able to easily kill hundreds of divine incarnations is the only possibility that he has also become a god.

"Ah Yuan." Longshan Fang's wife also looked incredulous. She still remembers that Longshan Yuan was a useless playboy at first, but now he has reached such heights.

"The Clan Chief hasn't become a god."

The Dragon Mountain Spirit Lord stepped forward to say.

This is also the information revealed by the Order Pope, so it shouldn't be false.

Moreover, any strong person who becomes a god must first enter the Ocean of Light or the Dark Abyss as soon as possible. This is an iron rule among the gods.

But now, the Dragon Mountain Clan Chief is still in the temple practicing.

"Not become a god?"

The many members of the Longshan family looked at each other in confusion.

Most of them did not understand the significance of what had happened, but their respect and admiration for the Longshan Clan Chief grew immensely.

The Ocean of Light.

The Hall of the Main Gods.

On the twenty-four thrones, figures began to appear.

These figures were all main gods, not just from the Ocean of Light but also from the Abyss of Darkness.

Though the Ocean of Light and the Abyss of Darkness belong to different factions and have fought several divine wars over the ages, these conflicts were among the lesser gods. To the main gods, whether it is the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness, it makes no difference.

The twenty-four main gods are essentially beings of the same tier, with no irreconcilable hatred between them.

At this moment, they gathered in the face of an opportunity related to the Supreme God.

"Divination, does the Longshan Clan Chief truly have a connection with the Supreme God?" A figure shrouded in darkness asked in a deep voice. He was the God of Darkness.

He was the second main god born in the world. While the God of Light established the Ocean of Light, the Abyss of Darkness was his creation.

"If it weren't related to the Supreme God, how could I end up like this?" The God of Divination's breath was weak.

Even though he barely resisted the backlash, the God of Divination had exhausted his foundation, with his divine kingdom on the brink of collapse.

Such a loss would take a million years to recover from.


The God of Darkness's eyes flickered, and he said no more.

"What is the current level of the Longshan Clan Chief?" At this time, a figure shrouded in endless light spoke.

"I can confirm that the Longshan Clan Chief is still a level-nine being. The backlash I suffered did not come from him."

The God of Divination immediately responded.

"The Longshan Clan Chief's strength surpasses any of us," the Goddess of the Web of Fate said coldly.

Not long ago, she had descended in an avatar to communicate with the Longshan Clan Chief, only to be annihilated by a wave of his hand.

From this brief encounter, the Goddess of the Web of Fate vaguely assessed the strength of the Longshan Clan Chief.

"As long as he hasn't completely surpassed level nine, we can manage." A phantom-like main god said, looking around at the other twenty-three main gods. "Everyone, how should we deal with this Longshan Clan Chief?"

Upon hearing this, the twenty-three main gods looked at each other but remained silent.

The twenty-four main gods, who had lived for eons and had their emotions worn down by time, now rekindled their desire.

A desire for the opportunity related to the Supreme God.

This could potentially help them take a step further, surpassing the other main gods.

At that point, there would be no distinction between the Ocean of Light and the Abyss of Darkness.

"Do you want to deal with the Longshan Clan Chief and seize the opportunity related to the Supreme God?" The God of Divination understood the intentions of the main gods.

In fact, he had the same thought. Who wouldn't want to advance further? But given his current state, it was just a fleeting thought.

"Dealing with the Longshan Clan Chief requires extreme caution. Don't forget, he is in the mortal realm. Even if we join forces, we might shatter the mortal world without obtaining the Supreme God's opportunity."

Another main god spoke.

Whether it is the opportunity related to the Supreme God or the potential to advance further, the mortal world is the foundation of the main gods.


"We need to find a reason to lure the Longshan Clan Chief to the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness."

The other main gods nodded slightly. Only in the depths of the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness, layered with dimensions, could they act without restraint.

Dragon Mountain Ridge.

Longshan Hall.

Lin Yuan was still in seclusion, contemplating the nature of the demigod.

[Your insight is extraordinary, observing the essence of world rules, and your understanding of space continues to rise.]

[Your insight is extraordinary, observing the essence of world rules, and your understanding of space continues to rise.]

[Your insight is extraordinary, observing the essence of world rules, and your understanding of space continues to rise.]

As a vast amount of understanding merged into his mind, a qualitative change finally occurred. Lin Yuan suddenly comprehended the foundational essence of space in this world.

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, which were deep and profound.

At the same time, the world within him began to undergo earth-shattering changes.

(End of this chapter)

**Chapter 322: Stars Fall Like Rain**

The world within Lin Yuan surged mightily.

Layer upon layer of space rapidly expanded and multiplied.

Lin Yuan briefly sensed the current layers of space within his internal world.

Twelve million layers of space.

In the main world and the main universe, ninth-level beings are also known as multi-space beings, needing to occupy as many space layers as possible.

But Lin Yuan was unsure if there had ever been a ninth-level being in the long history of the main world who had developed such a vast number of space layers.

He hadn't heard of any.

Most ninth-level beings, after exhausting everything, could only manage to develop ten million space layers. Even reaching twenty or thirty million layers was the limit.

Some unique and exceptional beings might achieve seventy or eighty million space layers?

Exceeding one hundred million space layers? Let alone one hundred and twenty million? It's not that it's impossible to develop such layers, but normal ninth-level beings simply don't have the lifespan to do so.

Even Lin Yuan only achieved such a height in a short time due to the unique nature of the "godhead" in this world.

"It's about time."

"I should try the true godhead and the main godhead."

Lin Yuan looked into the void, seemingly piercing through the layers of space, his gaze landing on the Ocean of Light and the Abyss of Darkness.

With this in mind, Lin Yuan walked out of the Longshan Hall.


"The Chief has come out."

The members of the Longshan family had been waiting outside. Upon hearing the incredible news, they immediately gathered outside the hall.

"Ah Yuan." Longshan Fang and his wife also looked at Lin Yuan, wanting to speak but unsure how to start.

The current Lin Yuan felt no different to them than before, making it hard to associate him with the Longshan Clan Chief who could kill true gods like ants.

"Chief, did you really kill those true god avatars?" Longshan Ling couldn't hold back anymore. "Is what the Archbishop of Order said true?"

"It was indeed me who killed them," Lin Yuan nodded. After reaching twelve million space layers in his internal world, he was confident enough to challenge even tenth-level beings.

In this world, he was truly invincible.

"The Chief really did kill them."

"If the Chief can kill so many true god avatars, he must have the power to kill true gods too."

Hearing this from their own clan chief was vastly different from hearing it from others, causing the members of the Longshan family to tremble.

"Is our Longshan family going to become a divine family?" Many of the elders of the Longshan family wept.

On the plateau of nations, some transcendent forces, superior to empires, are families that have birthed true gods.

These families are the rulers, second only to the great churches, often receiving attention from true gods in the Ocean of Light.

Now, the Longshan family was about to join their ranks.

This news was far more shocking than Lin Yuan previously announcing his demigod status. In this world, true gods signify eternal glory.

Lin Yuan looked at the excited and elated members of the Longshan family and smiled, "I need to go to the Ocean of Light."

"Go to the Ocean of Light?" Longshan Ling realized her clan chief was different from normal true gods.

According to the Archbishop of Order, the Longshan Clan Chief had not yet elevated his divine kingdom but possessed near-invincible power.

"Chief, why are you going to the Ocean of Light?" Longshan Ling hesitated but gathered the courage to ask.

"To negotiate a deal with the gods." Lin Yuan did not hide his intention.

The deal Lin Yuan intended to propose to the gods was for them to voluntarily offer their godheads. After comprehending them, he would return the godheads.

In fact, if the gods cooperated, Lin Yuan could even grant them some dignity.

"Negotiate a deal?" Longshan Ling gulped. She noticed that Lin Yuan wasn't referring to a single true god but to all the gods!

What could this imply?

Longshan Ling dared not think further.

Other members of the Longshan family didn't dwell on this. They were still immersed in the joy of their family becoming a divine family.


Lin Yuan took a step forward.

The stable space before him immediately "tore" open, revealing an expansive world filled with endless light.

It was the Ocean of Light.

Lin Yuan stepped into the Ocean of Light.

The rift rapidly closed behind him, leaving the Longshan family members in shock.

This was their first time seeing the true Ocean of Light. The residence of the gods, long desired by countless demigods to glimpse, appeared so easily before them.

The Ocean of Light.

Vast and boundless, filled with an endless aura of light.


Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. It is said that the first primary god of this world is the God of Light, who controls all the light in existence.

As Lin Yuan entered the Ocean of Light.

In the temple where the twenty-four primary gods were gathered, the God of Light's expression changed slightly.

"The Longshan Clan Chief has already arrived in the Ocean of Light," the God of Light immediately said.

Since the Ocean of Light was created by him, he could sense any subtle changes within it.


"The Longshan Clan Chief actually dared to come here voluntarily?"

"We were just thinking about how to lure him here, and he came on his own?"

The other twenty-three primary gods were somewhat incredulous, but they quickly realized this was an unprecedented opportunity.

The Longshan Clan Chief must not understand the true strength of the twenty-four primary gods working together, which is why he dared to come.

"I have sealed the Ocean of Light. Now, no gods, including us primary gods, can leave for a short time."

The God of Light looked around, "Let's see what the Longshan Clan Chief has to say first. If he is willing to share the opportunity related to the Supreme God with us, we can let him join us."

This immediately garnered the approval of the other primary gods.

If they could 'peacefully' obtain the opportunity related to the Supreme God, they naturally wouldn't want to risk their lives.

Who knows what trump cards the Longshan Clan Chief might have? The fact that he dared to come so openly surely means he has confidence.

Even if the twenty-four primary gods were confident in suppressing the Longshan Clan Chief, they might end up losing a few in the process.

No primary god could guarantee that they wouldn't be one of those 'lost'.

"This layer of space is sealed?" Lin Yuan, having just arrived in the Ocean of Light, quickly noticed the changes in the spatial layers.

"What a weak seal."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. With his power, he could easily tear through such a seal.

However, his purpose for coming was to obtain the gods' divine essences, and the sealed Ocean of Light suited Lin Yuan's plans perfectly.

As Lin Yuan pondered.

Figures began to appear in the distance.

These were the many true gods summoned by the primary gods.

"Is he the Longshan Clan Chief?"

"Did he really gain an opportunity from the Supreme God?"

"The Supreme God... that's an existence we true gods can't even begin to look up to."

"I always thought the Supreme God was a myth, but it turns out to be real."

The true gods looked at Lin Yuan with various emotions—reverence, greed, excitement, curiosity, and more.




At that moment.

Above the true gods, twenty-four figures appeared silently.

These twenty-four figures seemed eternal, exuding nearly immortal auras.

"The twenty-four primary gods? Even the twelve primary gods from the Abyss of Darkness are here?"

"It seems the Longshan Clan Chief is in grave danger today."

"The opportunity of the Supreme God—if the primary gods can fight for it, so can we."

The true gods had different thoughts. In their view, Lin Yuan was just an ordinary viscount's heir in the mortal world who had suddenly gained immense power due to an opportunity from the Supreme God.

If they could obtain that opportunity, wouldn't they have a chance to surpass the primary gods?

"Longshan Clan Chief."

At this moment, a tall primary god with golden dragon horns spoke.

He was the Rainbow Dragon God, the source of faith for all dragon-kind. Technically, the Rainbow Dragon bloodline within Lin Yuan originated from this primary god.

"Why have you come here today?" the Rainbow Dragon God asked, staring at Lin Yuan.

Though he intensely desired the opportunity from the Supreme God within Lin Yuan, it was crucial not to show any impatience at this moment.

"I am here to discuss a deal with you," Lin Yuan said with a smile.

He looked at the many true gods and the twenty-four primary gods, filled with anticipation about how their divine essences would expand his space layers.

"A deal?"

"With us?"

The Rainbow Dragon God was slightly taken aback, as were the other twenty-three primary gods.

"What kind of deal?"

The God of Light spoke directly.

"I would like to borrow your divine essences," Lin Yuan said.

As soon as he spoke.

Not only did the twenty-four primary gods fall silent, but the numerous true gods below also fell into silence.

The divine essence (神格) is the absolute core of a god. Handing it over is akin to entrusting one's life to another. Especially for the primary gods, their status is bound to their primary divine essence. Surrendering it would mean falling into an irreversible abyss if Lin Yuan harbored any ill intentions.

"Longshan Clan Chief, you're too arrogant," the God of Darkness said coldly. "You want us to hand over our divine essences? What do you plan to offer in exchange?"

Though he had no intention of agreeing, the God of Darkness was curious about what Lin Yuan would propose as a trade.

"If you hand over your divine essences, I will spare your lives," Lin Yuan said frankly.

"Hahahahaha, it seems the Longshan Clan Chief is very confident in dealing with us?"

"Spare our lives? Today, you'll stay in the Ocean of Light!"

The primary gods and true gods laughed in anger. Even though Lin Yuan displayed spatial prowess beyond that of an ordinary primary god, they had twenty-four primary gods and numerous true gods on their side. No matter how powerful Lin Yuan was, he couldn't possibly oppose them all.

The authority held by the twenty-four primary gods corresponds to the fundamental powers of this world, which is why they were confident in suppressing Lin Yuan. Working together, no one but a true Supreme God could stand against them.

"It seems the deal is off," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. It was indeed difficult to get the gods to voluntarily hand over their divine essences. However, this was not a major issue for Lin Yuan—he could just take them by force.

"Longshan Clan Chief, hand over the Supreme God's opportunity, and we will let you go," the God of Order spoke. His subordinate gods had originally intended to recruit the Longshan Clan Chief, so he still had some compassion for Lin Yuan.

"Yes, hand over the Supreme God's opportunity, and everything can be discussed."

"The opportunity of the Supreme God is not something you can monopolize."

The other primary gods immediately chimed in, staring at Lin Yuan with eyes full of desire. They no longer concealed their intentions and directly demanded the Supreme God's opportunity from Lin Yuan. They weren't worried about angering the Supreme God; if the Supreme God didn't want them to obtain the opportunity, they wouldn't have any contact with Lin Yuan in the first place. The fact that the Supreme God had not given any indication meant the opportunity was up for grabs.

"Supreme God's opportunity?"

Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow. "Enough arguing. There's no point."

"If you all want to die, I'll oblige."

As soon as he spoke, all the true gods were stunned, and the twenty-four primary gods felt a tightness in their hearts.

Though they were greedy, they were still rational. The Longshan Clan Chief remained so assertive, could he really have the means to sweep away all the true gods and twenty-four primary gods?

However, before the true gods and primary gods could react, Lin Yuan raised his right hand, instantly occupying 1.2 billion spatial layers. A terrifying force swept over all the true gods and primary gods.


The true gods were the first to feel despair. They sensed their bodies and souls beginning to disintegrate.


A large number of true gods turned to dust. Even the oldest high-ranking gods couldn't withstand Lin Yuan's attack. Their wills were instantly plunged into darkness, leaving only bright divine essences behind.


The 1.2 billion spatial layers shook back and forth, quickly enveloping the twenty-four primary gods. Fear flashed across their faces. They tried to hide deep within the spatial layers, but found that every layer they could occupy was also covered by Lin Yuan's strike.

Dragon Mountain.

Outside the Dragon Mountain Hall.

The many members of the Longshan Clan were still excitedly discussing.

"Was that the Ocean of Light just now?"

"The place where the gods live, the holiest world. I can't believe the Clan Chief entered so easily."

"Of course. With the Clan Chief's strength, even in the Ocean of Light, he must be among the strongest gods beneath the primary gods."

The clan members were filled with pride.

"By the way, the Clan Chief mentioned negotiating a deal with the gods. What did he mean by that?"

A clan member, seemingly thinking of something, couldn't help but ask.

"It should mean a normal transaction, right?"

"Not sure. But since it's a deal, it could succeed or fail."

"Yes, if the Clan Chief can't strike a deal with the gods, what will happen?"

The clan members pondered and couldn't help but feel worried.

Could it be that the Clan Chief had already run into conflict with the gods upon entering the Ocean of Light?

At that moment, a clan member seemed to notice something, his voice trembling, "Look at the sky."

"The sky?"

Though puzzled, the clan members looked up at the sky.

What they saw was an unforgettable sight.

In the sky, stars that had hung eternally began to fall. At first, a single star fell, then a region of stars, and soon the entire sky was filled with falling stars, like a meteor shower.

Stars fell like rain to the earth.

 (Requesting monthly votes~~~)

 (Pen heart~~~)

 (Chapter ends)

### Chapter 323: Twilight of the Gods

Outside the Longshan Hall, the members of the Longshan family looked up at the sky with trembling hearts. Massive stars were falling to the earth like rain. It wasn't just one or two stars, but a large region, even the entire sky, where all the stars were falling.

This was beyond belief. Everyone's minds were blank as they stared at the astonishing scene before them.

In this world, the stars in the sky weren't just stars; they were the divine realms of the gods, symbols of their immortality. Even those without any faith held the highest reverence for the stars in the sky, seeing them as the ultimate limit of life.

For countless ages, the stars in the sky had been seen as eternal and unchanging. People were born and died, and their descendants were born and died, all under the same stars. So, many believed the stars were as eternal as the heavens and earth.

But now, the understanding of the Longshan family members was shattering as they watched the stars fall.

"What is happening?"

"Stars, those are the gods' divine realms. How can they fall?"

"The fall of a divine realm means the death of a god, but how is that possible?"

"Gods are immortal, how can they die?"

The Longshan family members couldn't believe their eyes. Some even thought they were dreaming and slapped themselves, only to feel pain and their fear intensified.

"This is bad. The clan chief just entered the Ocean of Light."

"The divine realms are falling rapidly. Something significant must have happened in the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss. Could the clan chief be in danger?"

Some of the more thoughtful members of the Longshan family grew worried. Lin Yuan was the pillar of the Longshan family, poised to lead them to the peak of the World Plateau. Now, this catastrophe struck.

"Let's hope the clan chief is alright," some of the older members of the Longshan family prayed silently.

The falling stars were visible not just to the Longshan family. Across the vast human world and the World Plateau, people noticed the change in the sky.

"Are the stars falling?"

"Are gods dying?"

"How can this be? How could so many gods die at once?"

In many secret places, ancient demigods who had lived for tens of thousands of years were also stunned. They had survived through ages, knowing the history and the existence of the 'God Wars.' Gods weren't entirely immortal, but they lived so long that it made mortals believe they were eternal.

During the 'God Wars,' true gods from the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss would battle, causing divine deaths. However, even the most brutal God Wars only resulted in the death of a few dozen or hundred gods. But now? Thousands of stars were falling.

The hearts of these ancient demigods began to slow. The scene was a direct assault on their souls. Some even suspected that the gods of the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss were being wiped out in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, how could so many stars fall at once?

"What on earth is happening?"

"What is going on in the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss?"

"Could it be that the twenty-four primary gods are slaughtering the other gods?"

Many ancient demigods speculated, their faces filled with fear. The only beings capable of causing such a massive fall of true gods were the primary gods. Not just one, but all twenty-four primary gods had to be collaborating in the slaughter. If even one primary god opposed or resisted, the stars wouldn't fall so quickly.

From the regions and extent of the falling stars, these ancient demigods surmised that a one-sided massacre was happening in the Ocean of Light or the Dark Abyss, with the true gods unable to resist.

This realization left many ancient demigods disheartened. They had paid immense prices to ignite their divine fire and reach the seventh level, then hidden away to secretly gather faith, hoping to establish and elevate their divine realms. 

Now, seeing the true gods they had aspired to become being slaughtered like livestock in the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss, their goals seemed futile. 

Were the gods they revered also powerless to control their fates? Destined only to wait for death?

Many ancient demigods felt their divine fires waver. What was the point of gathering faith or establishing divine realms? Even if they became true gods and entered the Ocean of Light, what then? It might not be safer or more fulfilling than the human world.

"Why are the primary gods slaughtering the true gods?"

"For faith? That can't be it. The twenty-four main gods already hold the majority of human faith. Even if they eliminate all the true gods, their own faith won't significantly change."

"Are they worried about their positions being threatened? That's unlikely. Setting aside the power gap between main gods and true gods, the number of main gods is fixed. No matter how talented a true god is, without a main god's divinity, they can't become a main god, much less challenge their positions."

The ancient demigods exchanged rapid thoughts.

"The grand twenty-four main gods, resorting to slaughtering ordinary true gods," a relatively young demigod said indignantly, wanting to condemn the main gods.

At that moment, in the highest part of the sky, above all the stars, twenty-four massive stars, the divine realms of the main gods, hung.

Now, following the stars falling to the earth, the twenty-four massive stars in this higher region began to fall as well.





In just a few breaths, more than ten of the main gods' divine realms fell to the earth.

This sight left the demigods who were condemning the main gods in complete silence, followed by utter confusion.

It wasn't just true gods falling.

Main gods were falling too?

This realization brought an unprecedented terror to all demigods.

Main gods were falling.

And in large numbers.

So who was the one doing the slaughtering?

If the twenty-four main gods were slaughtering the true gods, how could the main gods themselves be falling?

It's known that battles between main gods are prolonged. Even the strongest main gods of light and darkness can't easily kill the weakest main god. 

Let alone a massacre like this?

"What on earth is happening in the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss?" an elderly demigod, whose divine fire was about to extinguish, murmured.

Even main gods were falling. This hadn't happened even during the 'God Wars.'

"This is the twilight of the gods," another demigod thought silently.

Here, gods meant both true gods and main gods.

"This is bad. The fall of the divine realms into the human world will cause unimaginable consequences," one demigod suddenly realized.

Even the powerful demigods were shocked by the falling stars. A few, however, thought about the consequences of these divine realms falling to the earth.

In ages past, the 'God Wars' had caused a few stars to fall to the earth, leading to irreversible destruction. Even after tens of thousands of years, the effects hadn't completely faded. Those few stars' fall created the forbidden areas in the human world.

After all, what fell weren't just stars but divine realms containing immense energy.

Just a few stars' fall had such severe consequences. Now, with countless stars falling, including massive divine realms of the main gods, if they actually reached the ground, humanity might survive, but nine-tenths of all living beings would surely perish.

These ancient demigods likely wouldn't survive either.

"This isn't the twilight of the gods; it's the end of all beings," a demigod said, revealing himself. It didn't matter if he stayed hidden or not; death was imminent either way.

As for running? With the speed of the stars falling, where could the demigods run? With so many stars falling, even running far away would still be within the divine realms' reach.

Just as the demigods were turning pale and realizing their impending doom, a black-and-white yin-yang light curtain spread across the vast human world like a giant net, capturing all the falling stars.

At the ends of the human world stood Lin Yuan's two primal spirits, the Lunar Primal Spirit and the Solar Primal Spirit.

This yin-yang net, cutting across the entire world, was Lin Yuan's work.

Long ago, Lin Yuan had plans for the gods' divine realms. These realms, existing for thousands of years, had absorbed vast amounts of faith and contained an immense amount of pure energy.

When Lin Yuan went to the Ocean of Light to negotiate with the gods, he anticipated this outcome. If negotiations failed and fighting began, he wouldn't waste the falling stars.

Even if he didn't need them himself, he could use the 'primordial force' to revert the divine realms to their purest energy form and let the primordial essence absorb them.

This indirect method would bring the energy back to the main world.

The sound of the stars falling ceased.

As the black-and-white yin-yang net spread out, the divine realms of the gods began to appear within Lin Yuan's internal world.

Accommodating so many divine realms at once, including those of the main gods, would surely have overwhelmed any other ninth-level expert's internal world. However, Lin Yuan's internal world was nearly 200 million miles in diameter and comprised 120 million layers of spatial dimensions.

Most importantly, Lin Yuan had three such internal worlds.

One for his true self, one for his Solar Primal Spirit, and one for his Lunar Primal Spirit.

Over the past three hundred years, Lin Yuan's two Primal Spirits had transformed into flesh and blood through the secret technique "Illusory Reality," and with the help of a mysterious gourd, they had amplified their physical forms and internal worlds to their current maximum limits.

"It's too much, too much," Lin Yuan thought joyfully. Each divine realm entering his internal world was quickly dissolved and absorbed into the core essence gold shaped like a bell.

In the vast human world, many demigods, who had been prepared to close their eyes and accept death, suddenly noticed a black-and-white yin-yang net stretching across the sky.

All the stars falling towards the human world disappeared upon contact with this net, as if they had never existed.

"What is this? It actually stopped the falling divine realms?" The demigods were incredulous. The divine realms falling from the sky, laden with terrifying energy and impact, far exceeded the power of any true god's self-destructive attack.

The falling stars were equivalent to the gods burning everything in one final attack. Even the main gods couldn't withstand such a force.

Yet now, under this yin-yang net, all the falling stars were effortlessly neutralized, including the massive divine realms of the main gods.

"Who is the owner of this net?" Some of the ancient demigods were filled with dread, suspecting that the owner of the net might be the very source behind the fall of the gods and main gods.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?

The stars had just begun to fall, and then they were immediately caught by this net?

And to have the strength to casually block so many falling stars, slaughtering gods and main gods didn't seem impossible either?

In the Ocean of Light, Lin Yuan's internal world unleashed a terrifying force through multiple layers of space, crushing everything in its path.

In just a moment, over eighty percent of the true gods had fallen. The remaining twenty percent were high-level gods, whose divine bodies, though pulverized, could still reassemble.

The gods of this world had transformed their life forms, abandoning their original flesh for divine bodies composed of pure faith.

They had no vulnerabilities.

However, under the continuous spatial tremors, even these high-level gods, no matter how many times they reassembled, were reduced to dust again.

Even the exalted main gods were caught off guard, their divine bodies shattered multiple times. Lin Yuan's attack was primarily aimed at the main gods, with the true gods only experiencing the residual impact.

Thus, while a few true gods were not completely obliterated, some main gods had already begun to fall.

"What kind of power is this?"

"Spider Goddess, didn't you say the Dragon Mountain Chief hadn't surpassed the ninth level?"

"This is the power of a Supreme God, a power at the level of a Supreme God."

The main gods roared in fury, employing every means to resist the attack piercing through the spatial layers, but to no avail, as their divine bodies were repeatedly shattered.

Even the profound reserves of the main gods couldn't withstand such relentless destruction.

"Retreat," commanded the main gods of the Dark Abyss, attempting to escape, only to encounter barriers set by the main god of light.

"Light God, you deserve to die," the main gods of the Dark Abyss cursed furiously. Breaking through the barriers set by the Light God was difficult but not impossible for them.

However, they needed time.

But now, where was the time?

Boom, boom, boom.

One by one, the main gods of the Dark Abyss tried to flee but couldn't escape.

(End of the chapter)

### Chapter 324: Endless Comprehension (Subscription Requested)

"Chief of Longshan, we are willing to surrender."

"Yes, we will offer up our divine spark if Chief Longshan spares our lives. We will obey your commands from now on."

"We beg for mercy, Chief Longshan."

Witnessing the complete annihilation of numerous true gods and even main gods, the surviving gods were filled with fear and immediately began to beg for mercy.

Even gods who had lived for countless ages would tremble in fear in the face of death.

Compared to total annihilation, surrendering their divine sparks was not an unacceptable option. Besides, with the power Lin Yuan had displayed, clearly surpassing that of a main god and reaching the level of a supreme god, begging a supreme god for mercy wasn't disgraceful.

"Willing to surrender?" Lin Yuan remained calm and unmoved.

If Lin Yuan had initially intended to negotiate with the gods upon entering the Ocean of Light and they had agreed to his demands, offering their divine sparks willingly, he might not have resorted to extermination.

But now?

He had already started the slaughter, killing many true gods and main gods. Accepting their surrender at this point would be redundant.

Considering that Lin Yuan could only remain in this world for 1,110 years, these gods and main gods would likely submit unwillingly. Once Lin Yuan left and returned to the main world, the gods, free from his threat, could become unpredictable.

Thus, with a "leave no loose ends" mentality, since Lin Yuan had chosen to act, there was no need to show mercy.

Offering their divine sparks willingly?

Even if they didn't, Lin Yuan could take them by force.

Moreover, he would gain a vast, energy-filled divine realm to further enhance the primordial essence gold.

Lin Yuan knew exactly what choice to make.

Boom, boom, boom.

With terrifying energy shaking through the layered spaces.

Within the Ocean of Light, all the true gods were utterly obliterated; not even the oldest could withstand such devastation.

Only eight main gods remained alive.

Even so, these eight main gods were severely weakened, their auras drastically diminished.

In fact, from the moment Lin Yuan started his attack, less than ten breaths had passed.


The main god of light burned divine power, finally breaking the spatial seal on the Ocean of Light.


"Hurry, escape."

The remaining eight main gods didn't hesitate for a second, immediately moving to deeper spatial layers, quickly distancing themselves from the Ocean of Light.

Lin Yuan stood still, his gaze profound.

Main gods were the "favorites" of this world, their divine sparks containing parts of the world's "authority."

With all their strength focused on escaping, Lin Yuan, despite having created 120 million spatial layers, couldn't easily stop them in a short time.

After all, fundamentally, Lin Yuan and ninth-level main gods were on the same life tier, though Lin Yuan had a slightly deeper foundation.

As long as they remained in this world, the escape capabilities of main gods far surpassed those of typical ninth-level peak experts.

Originally, Lin Yuan didn't expect to kill so many main gods in one go upon entering the Ocean of Light.

His initial goal was to eliminate all true gods, with the remaining main gods to be hunted down one by one.

Main gods' escape methods were indeed powerful, but with persistence, once Lin Yuan occupied more and deeper spatial layers, these main gods would still be like caged birds, easily captured.

Unexpectedly, the main god of light was so cooperative, actively sealing the Ocean of Light, turning it into a trap for all the gods, giving Lin Yuan the chance to eliminate sixteen main gods at once.

Before Lin Yuan's arrival, the strongest beings in this world were the main gods, and the numerous lethal measures within the Ocean of Light were primarily designed to target other main gods.

Sealing the spatial layers of the Ocean of Light was initially meant to temporarily trap other main gods.

Who could have predicted it would now become a death sentence for all the main gods?

In such a moment, with Lin Yuan's full power, both true gods and main gods would be dead within five breaths.

However, such full power was so terrifying that Lin Yuan worried it might damage the divine and main divine sparks within their bodies.

Divine sparks weren't indestructible. If Lin Yuan wished, he could easily destroy even half-divine sparks.

### Unending Understanding (Subscribe Now)

Perhaps the divine spark of a true god is far sturdier than that of a demigod, but it still couldn't withstand Lin Yuan's full force strike. As for main god sparks? They might endure, or they might not.

But Lin Yuan didn't want to gamble.

After all, each divine and main god spark was a shortcut for Lin Yuan. Their value far surpassed that of true god sparks.

Therefore, when he acted earlier, Lin Yuan was cautious, carefully controlling the force of his attacks to avoid affecting any divine or main god sparks.

"The main god spark of the Divination God?"

Raising his right hand, a bright white divine spark floated gently—it was the divination spark from the twenty-four main gods.

In the first wave of destruction just now, the Divination God was the first main god to fall. This wasn't because the Divination God had the weakest survival capabilities. In fact, among the twenty-four main gods, the Divination God's survival capabilities ranked in the top three.

The reason for the Divination God's easy demise was encountering backlash from the Multiverse Gate, which completely destroyed their strength.

In fact, with the Divination God's personality, after such severe damage, they should have stayed hidden in their divine realm. But the temptation related to the Supreme God was too enticing. Even though they knew they were seriously injured, the Divination God still wanted to join in the excitement. 

What if?

What if they were fortunate enough to gain the chance of the Supreme God?

With such thoughts, the Divination God became the first main god to completely fall.

"The main god spark of Time?"

Lin Yuan carefully examined the bright white crystal in his hand.

During the confrontation with the main god just now, Lin Yuan was especially careful. As soon as the main god's divine body was completely extinguished, Lin Yuan immediately acted to protect the fallen main god spark.

"It's cracked."

After observing for a while, Lin Yuan noticed cracks on the divine spark.

It was these cracks that greatly reduced the Divination God's strength. Faced with Lin Yuan's strike, combined with the action of the main god of light sealing the spatial layers, they only lasted through the first few waves of destruction before completely perishing.

"These cracks should be caused by the Multiverse Gate backlash." Lin Yuan thought to himself, noticing that the cracks had been there for some time.

"It shouldn't have much impact."

Lin Yuan gazed at the main god spark of Time, glimpsing through this "key" the mysterious essence of the time rules in this vast and mysterious world.

"I'll contemplate it later."

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged as he solemnly stored the main god spark of Time into his internal world.

During this time, Lin Yuan casually glanced at the nearby hill.

It was composed of countless true god sparks. Virtually all the true gods that had existed in the Ocean of Light for countless eons were here.

More accurately, all the divine sparks were here.

"The myriad rules." Lin Yuan's gaze flickered slightly, looking at the hill-shaped true god sparks, various insights flooding his mind.

"Hold back, hold back."

Lin Yuan withdrew his consciousness from his internal world.

"What about those last eight main gods?" Lin Yuan glanced at the other spatial layers.

### Lin Yuan's Pursuit

Earlier, when Lin Yuan acted, he left marks on all the main gods. No matter where they fled, they couldn't escape his perception.

Actually, there was no need for marks. By locking onto the rules of cause and effect, he could know the location of those main gods.

Lin Yuan's direct actions against the main gods created the strongest cause-and-effect relationship. In the eyes of those adept in the rules of causality, it was undoubtedly a guiding light.

"Let them escape slowly. I'll deal with those true gods in the Abyss of Darkness first."

Lin Yuan casually tore open a spatial layer and stepped into the realm where the Abyss of Darkness resided.

In a world as vast as this, those eight main gods couldn't possibly leave its boundaries. Main gods wielded the authority of the universe and couldn't leave it either; once they did, their main god sparks would dissipate, only to reassemble elsewhere in this world.

That was why there had always been only twenty-four main gods in this world, no more and no less. Even if main gods inexplicably disappeared in history, their main god sparks would reappear within this world.

That was also why Lin Yuan allowed the eight main gods to escape.

One, stopping them was troublesome and uncertain; if he exerted too much force, he might damage their main god sparks.

Two, the main god sparks he desired wouldn't leave this world.

In a deep layer of space...

The god of darkness fled in panic.

"I shouldn't have dipped my toes into this mess. Opportunities related to the Supreme God are nonsense!" The god of darkness trembled with fear. His experience in the Ocean of Light had thoroughly terrified him. His supposedly indestructible divine body turned out to be so fragile before the Dragon Mountain Chief?

He had a feeling that if the main god of light had delayed the sealing of the spatial layers by another twenty or thirty breaths, he might have ended up like those true gods, stuck in the Ocean of Light.

"Terror, it's too terrifying."

The god of darkness felt numbness in his scalp. "But now I'm hiding in such a deep layer of space, constantly moving. Finding me won't be easy for the Dragon Mountain Chief."


"The true gods in the Abyss of Darkness are now facing slaughter by the Dragon Mountain Chief and seeking help from me?" The god of darkness seemed to sense something, his heart fluttering slightly.

As the second main god born in this world, the god of darkness had a close connection to the Abyss of Darkness and could sense the calls of the many true gods within it.

But at this moment...

"I can't even protect myself, let alone you?" The god of darkness thought to himself, "You can still seek help from me, but who can I turn to?"

The god of darkness felt helpless. Since becoming a main god, he had never experienced such a mass exodus. Even after battling his archenemy, the main god of light, for countless ages, he had never felt so hopeless.

Moments later...

Lin Yuan left the Abyss of Darkness.

"It's your turn."

Lin Yuan gazed at a certain spatial layer, the location where one of the main gods of the Ocean of Light was fleeing.

"The Rainbow Dragon God?"

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared once again, chasing after them.

Deep within the spatial layer...

A rainbow dragon, millions of feet long, was frantically fleeing. Each movement of its dragon body traversed numerous spatial layers.

At this moment...

The spatial layer where the rainbow dragon resided was instantly occupied, and Lin Yuan appeared before it.

"The Dragon Mountain Chief."

The rainbow dragon looked desperate. "How can you move so fast?"

As the main god of the Rainbow Dragon clan, the rainbow dragon was adept at controlling space, but it hadn't expected Lin Yuan to catch up so quickly.

"Do you have any last words?" Lin Yuan's tone was indifferent.

In reality, he was taking the opportunity to occupy more spatial layers. The battles between ninth-tier beings were essentially chases through countless spatial layers.

Even if Lin Yuan opened up more spatial layers, he needed to fully occupy them to gain absolute advantage.

Before completely occupying them, main gods adept at space like the rainbow dragon had a chance to escape.

"Dragon Mountain Chief, I can feel the bloodline of our Rainbow Dragon clan flowing within you." The rainbow dragon looked at Lin Yuan and spoke, "In a way, we are still family."

The rainbow dragon began to establish a rapport with Lin Yuan.

At this moment, as long as he could survive, he was willing to do anything.

"Family?" Lin Yuan smiled faintly. When they were asked to hand over anything related to the Supreme God earlier, they didn't mention family. Now that they were about to die, they talked about family?

"I can see that you're also maneuvering through the gaps between spatial layers to move to more distant spaces." Lin Yuan said directly.

As he took the opportunity to occupy more spatial layers, the rainbow dragon naturally wouldn't just wait to die and was also trying various efforts.

In direct combat, considering the strength Lin Yuan had displayed in the Ocean of Light, the rainbow dragon knew it was impossible to catch up no matter what. So, they tried to utilize their innate talents to move between spatial layers in an instant.

But obviously, the rainbow dragon's intentions couldn't escape Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan, who occupied ten million layers of space, had reached a terrifying level of perception in spatial matters.


Moments later, Lin Yuan had already occupied tens of millions of layers of space here. With a slight movement of his mind, a majestic force crushed toward the rainbow dragon.


The rainbow dragon watched helplessly as everything unfolded. He wanted to continue fleeing to more distant spatial layers, but he couldn't do it. The surrounding space was completely sealed off.

"I never thought I would also have a day of complete demise. Being able to die under the power of the Supreme God level is worth it." The rainbow dragon's divine body dissipated.

At the same time, a main god spark radiating with rainbow light fell and was held by Lin Yuan.

"This main god spark?" Lin Yuan carefully examined it.

Compared to the other main god sparks he had obtained, the rainbow dragon's main god spark was somewhat special, containing seven powers, or more accurately, seven rules.

Unfortunately, faced with Lin Yuan's absolute advantage, the rainbow dragon's mastery of the seven rules didn't even come into play before they died.

"Seven more to go." Lin Yuan said.


### Chapter 325: Opening the Martial World (Seeking Subscriptions)

Dragon Mountain Range.

Outside the Dragon Mountain Hall.

Many members of the Dragon Mountain clans were also observing the dark and lightless sky.

It used to be the eternal and immortal kingdom of the gods, revered by all beings.

"Why do I feel that the chief is still alive? His bloodline still exists?" A core member of the Dragon Mountain clan couldn't help but say.

In this world, many martial cultivation techniques, including the localized martial cultivation techniques of Lin Yuan, were centered around bloodlines.

Essentially, they all aimed to continuously explore the potential of bloodlines.

With the drastically shortened lifespan, comprehending external rules? That was too slow.

Only by relying on the potential of their own bloodline could they hope to ignite the divine fire before a thousand years passed, ascend to the seventh-tier demigod level, and then strive to elevate the kingdom of gods.


The strong in this world were extremely sensitive to bloodlines, especially to the flow of the same bloodline among their kin.

Lin Yuan, as the chief of the Dragon Mountain clan and the strongest individual, although many clan members couldn't perceive the specifics of Lin Yuan's bloodline.

But such an existence, once fallen, would extinguish the bloodline, and all the members of the Dragon Mountain clan would be aware of it, feeling grief from the depths of their bloodline.

But until now, all the Dragon Mountain clan members had not felt this way, especially the parents of the chief, Longshan Fang and his wife.

They hadn't felt the death of their son either.

"The chief isn't dead?" Many members of the Dragon Mountain clan widened their eyes, unable to react.

They had witnessed the chief entering the Ocean of Light. Now that such a major event had occurred in the realm of the gods, with all the gods dying out, how could their chief still be alive?

It's not that everyone hoped for the chief's death, but with almost all the gods dead and the main gods nearing extinction, and the chief being in the Ocean of Light, how could nothing have happened?

Although many members of the Dragon Mountain clan had almost blind faith in their chief, they had never arrogantly thought that the chief's strength surpassed that of all the gods and main gods combined.

"Unless..." The faces of some elderly members of the Dragon Mountain clan changed slightly, and they had a terrifying guess in their hearts.

This guess was extremely unbelievable, but everything that was happening now seemed to only be explainable by this unbelievable guess?

Longshan Ling and the confidants of the other clan chiefs exchanged glances, and the same speculation emerged in their hearts.

That is, is the terrifying scene of the present gods' twilight related to their chief? Or was it simply done by their chief?

This speculation was supported by two pieces of evidence.

First, the gods began to fall rapidly right after the chief entered the Ocean of Light.

Such an unprecedented event happened right after the chief entered?

If it were just this, no one would have any suspicions, at most, they would think that their chief had bad luck.

But until now, the bloodline of the chief still hadn't disappeared. He was still alive and well, which formed a strong contrast with the dark and desolate sky.

"Is the chief slaughtering the gods?" Longshan Ling and the souls under his confidants' command trembled. Many of them had watched Lin Yuan grow up.

For hundreds of years, Lin Yuan had created countless legends. Even the shackles of the bloodline of the first-generation Dragon Mountain Viscount were easily broken by him, becoming the first demigod in the history of the Dragon Mountain clan.

But no matter how strong he was, could he single-handedly overthrow the gods?

"Let's wait for the chief to return and ask him."

Longshan Ling took a deep breath. Although, after excluding all possibilities, the remaining possibility was still incredible, it was still the truth.

But without the chief's confirmation in person, they still found it hard to believe.

In the depths of countless layers of space...

Lin Yuan strolled leisurely, swiftly closing the distance between him and the figure frantically fleeing ahead on the spatial layers.

"The main god of light."

Lin Yuan looked at the last remaining main god.

This was the first main god born in this world, and also the most powerful main god among the twenty-four main gods.

Over the long years, the main god of darkness had mostly been at a disadvantage in battles against him.

"Longshan Chief, you are not the Supreme God, you are definitely not the Supreme God." The main god of light felt despair in his heart as he continuously broke through layers of space, trying to enter the deepest part of this world's space.

"Whether I am the Supreme God or not doesn't matter to whether you can survive." Lin Yuan's expression remained calm.

Previously, the main god of light had gathered the other twenty-three main gods and many true gods, trying to suppress Lin Yuan and seize the so-called opportunity of the Supreme God, but he hadn't shown any mercy.

If Lin Yuan's strength wasn't strong enough and he had encountered the siege of the main god of light during the seventh or eighth tier, he would be the one running for his life now.

In dealing with enemies, Lin Yuan had always been thorough. As for the innocent? As long as they were true gods, they had stepped on countless mortal bodies to rise to their positions. What hadn't they done to gather faith?

The goddess of desire established the Church of Desire, tempting high-ranking officials and nobles with the allure of extreme pleasure. But are those beautiful maidens who seduce high-ranking officials and dignitaries deserving of their fate?

In the eyes of the gods and main gods, beings are mere resources, ants, dust. As long as they don't kill too many at once and affect the supply of faith, they have no qualms.

Now, Lin Yuan regards the gods and main gods as insignificant ants, and there's nothing wrong with that.

"Dragon Mountain Chief, as long as you let me go, I have a secret about the Supreme God to tell you," the god of light shouted loudly as he felt Lin Yuan getting closer.

He was the first main god born in this world and knew many secrets. It was said that no creature had ever seen the Supreme God, but the god of light did know a secret related to the Supreme God.

"You mean, the palace in the deepest part of space?" Lin Yuan said casually.

Early on, when he rapidly occupied many layers of space, Lin Yuan vaguely sensed that there was a hidden paradise in the deepest part of this world's space, an ancient palace.

However, Lin Yuan was busy chasing the remaining few main gods, so he hadn't checked immediately. He planned to explore it after settling everything.

Now, the direction in which the god of light was fleeing was precisely towards that ancient palace in the deepest part of space.

"You know?" The god of light was incredulous. He had first discovered that mysterious palace and speculated that it was related to the Supreme God, but he had never found any more useful information.

"You're too weak."

"At my level, there are hardly any secrets left in this world." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly and closed the distance between them in space once again.

By now, Lin Yuan had opened up 120 million layers of space, while the total number of space layers in this world was only around a trillion.

In other words, as long as Lin Yuan was willing, he could completely explore all the space layers of this world with some time, relying on the volume of his own space layers.

Many hidden secrets hidden in layers upon layers of space were not secrets to Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan was now extremely close to the god of light.

"Is this what death feels like?" The god of light suddenly stopped, and his divine body and soul were completely annihilated.

"The divine nature of light?"

Lin Yuan reached out his right hand, and a divine nature radiating endless light appeared in his palm.


"It actually contains endless light and some essence of time?" Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, somewhat surprised.

The god of light was indeed the strongest among the twenty-four main gods, unquestionably powerful, and his divine nature contained two essences of rules.

Although it couldn't compare to the seven essences of rules of the Rainbow Dragon God, both endless light and time belonged to extremely powerful rule essences.

"However, when escaping just now, the god of light didn't use any means related to the essence of time," Lin Yuan thought for a moment and immediately understood the reason.

The rule of time, although profound and mysterious, also had to consider the power comparison between the two parties.

For example, the most basic time-stopping technique, in a situation where the strengths were similar, indeed had its uses, whether it was for fighting or fleeing, it belonged to the top-tier 'divine technique.'

But in a situation where there was a huge difference in strength and life essence, it was useless.

It might even have negative effects if used recklessly.

If time were likened to a long river, then time-stopping would be like setting up a 'net' at a certain point along the river.

It would immobilize the lives flowing downstream, causing them to stop.

But if the life you wanted to immobilize was a huge whale, far exceeding the net's carrying capacity.

Then the only result would be the net breaking, and the whale not pausing at all.

The god of light probably sensed Lin Yuan's overwhelmingly strong life essence and realized that even if he died in the end, there was no means related to time that he could use.

Because it was meaningless.

In fact, not only the rule of time, but any other rule ability, talent, or divine power, before the strength difference reached a certain level, was basically useless.

Just like Lin Yuan now, without using any means, solely relying on the world inside his body that had opened up 120 million layers of space, was enough to crush all ninth-tier lives.

Even terrifying, unique special lives had no chance of resisting before Lin Yuan.

Under absolute power, any means were just empty gestures.

"Now that I'm here." Lin Yuan put away the divine nature of light and looked towards the ancient palace in the deepest part of space.

Originally, Lin Yuan planned to explore after settling everything, but since he was already here, he might as well take a look.


The Sun God appeared beside him.

After transferring many divine natures from his inner world to the Sun God's inner world, Lin Yuan took a step and entered the deepest part of space.

Although Lin Yuan considered himself invincible in this world, he didn't harbor any arrogance. With two major gods outside and many refined blood left behind, even if Lin Yuan unfortunately perished in the mysterious palace, there would be no loss.


The mysterious palace was majestic and vast, with a terrifying pressure pervading it. Even powerful gods would struggle to resist such pressure.

This was why the god of light believed this palace was related to the Supreme God. Besides the Supreme God, who else could build such a palace?

"The Supreme God?"

Lin Yuan leisurely walked along the main road of the palace, but he was slightly wary inside. With his strength, he could ignore the pressure, but since this space clearly wasn't the work of a main god, if there truly was a Supreme God, perhaps it was their creation.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan had basically explored the entire palace.

"Is it just a palace?" Lin Yuan observed carefully, even penetrating deeper layers of space, but still found nothing.

"It holds no value to me." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. After observing the palace for half a day, he hadn't gained any insights, far less than from divine natures.

"Perhaps this palace is from a more distant past," Lin Yuan speculated.

In the era of the gods, it began with the god of light, but what about before the god of light?

It was too ancient.

As for the Supreme God?

At Lin Yuan's current level, he had seen the limit of this world.

That was the ninth level.

The Supreme God, acknowledged by the gods to surpass the ninth level, was beyond Lin Yuan's reach. Despite Lin Yuan's overwhelming strength and formidable life essence, he was still at the ninth level and had not reached the tenth.

To surpass the ninth level, perhaps only the world consciousness of this world could achieve it.

Lin Yuan was no stranger to world consciousness, a kind of almost selfless instinct born from the world itself, also known as the 'heavenly way.'

During his previous travels, Lin Yuan had encountered the world consciousness several times.

Since the era of the gods, the world consciousness of this world had subtly guided the overall situation.

Lin Yuan had no fear of the world consciousness because it wasn't a living being and lacked specific emotions. As long as Lin Yuan didn't intend to destroy the world, the world consciousness wouldn't target him excessively.

During his fourth journey, when he became the great demon Xiahou Yuan, he caught the attention of the world consciousness, but it was only attention, nothing more.

"Let's go back."

Lin Yuan took one last look at the palace before turning to leave.


Lin Yuan returned to the mortal world.

"I still need to conceal my aura."

Lin Yuan began to suppress his aura. With his level of life, even a slight leak of aura could influence the surroundings, even turning everything into his 'domain.'

In addition, the spatial constraints of the mortal world gave Lin Yuan a feeling of being stranded, like a beached whale.

In fact, not only Lin Yuan, even those gods, even the lower gods, would feel this way.

Why did the gods reside in the Sea of Light or the Abyss of Darkness? Besides fearing that unconscious leakage of aura would cause 'deviation' among sentient beings, it was also because the mortal world would constrain them.

In contrast, the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness had no such restrictions. With the support of many layers of space, even main gods could act freely.

"It seems I also need to open up my own space layer."

Lin Yuan made up his mind. Although he could suppress and conceal his aura, now that he was invincible, there was no need to continue suppressing and concealing as before, worrying about attracting the attention of the gods.

"Open the space layer."

Lin Yuan looked up. The god of light could open the Sea of Light, the god of darkness could open the Abyss of Darkness, so naturally, he could open up a vast world of his own.

To be precise, it wasn't opening up but completing and transforming the existing space layers.

If he wanted to truly open up a complete independent world, he would have to comprehend the complete rules of space and time.

The inner worlds of those eighth-tier powerhouses in the main world were all based on the main world itself and couldn't be considered independent worlds.

"What should I name the world I open up?"

Lin Yuan pondered, and immediately had an answer in his mind. "Let's call it the Martial Realm."

(End of this chapter)