

Chapter 330: Lin Yuan and the Barbarians (Seeking Subscriptions)

Before Lin Yuan embarked on his ninth journey, in order to give Xilan some hope, he casually mentioned that his elders were on their way.

It wasn't entirely a fabrication. The significance of "elders" lay in confronting the Barbarians. As long as Lin Yuan safely completed his ninth journey and his strength soared, he would become an "elder" himself.

In Lin Yuan's anticipation before the journey, even without the assistance of divinity, after a millennium of traveling through worlds, he could probably cultivate to the ninth-tier realm of a millionfold density.

With the vastness of his internal world spanning over a hundred million miles, despite the disparity in spatial opening compared to the Barbarians, his overall strength could still match theirs.

Moreover, the actual gains from this journey would far exceed what Lin Yuan had initially anticipated.

"Internal World."

Lin Yuan also observed his own internal world.

Upon his return to consciousness, the size of his internal world remained unchanged. After all, it would require absorbing the liquid from the mysterious gourd to restore it to nearly two billion miles in diameter.

However, the depth of his internal world, namely its spatial layers, was expanding at a terrifying pace. Opening up layers of millions and tens of millions of densities required a deep comprehension of spatial essence. With Lin Yuan's current understanding of spatial essence, he could restore it to a depth of 2.31 billion layers in a short period.

"Let's go, let's get out."

Lin Yuan glanced up. With his current mastery of spatial layers, even with Xilan's internal world acting as a barrier, he could easily see the outside world.

"Get out?"

Xilan was a bit bewildered. Could it be that Lin Yuan's "elder" had arrived?

But Xilan didn't sense the aura of any ninth-tier experts approaching. Although there were many ninth-tier aliens watching from afar, based on their displayed auras, they didn't seem like the special ninth-tier experts who could restrain the Barbarians.

The next moment,

Under Xilan's gaze,

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from the spot.

"Did the Silver Galaxy Lord leave?"

Seeing this scene, Xilan was a bit slow to react.

Without his permission, the Silver Galaxy Lord had left his internal world?

As the opener of the internal world, Xilan was like a god of creation within it.

He could control all the powers within his internal world. Even a ninth-tier expert like the Barbarians, who had opened over thirty million layers of space, if trapped within Xilan's internal world, couldn't leave without his consent. The only possibility would be to forcibly shatter the internal world.

As for silently leaving? Perhaps tenth or eleventh-tier experts could do that. Their understanding of spatial essence had reached unimaginable levels, allowing them to disregard Xilan, the opener of the world.

But how did Lin Yuan manage to leave?

Xilan couldn't understand, couldn't comprehend. But then he realized one thing:

The Silver Galaxy Lord had left, and outside, the strongest ninth-tier Barbarian of the Tianyu Clan was hunting him down.

Without Xilan leading Lin Yuan to escape, the Silver Galaxy Lord would probably be captured by the Barbarians in an instant.

"Not good."

Xilan's consciousness in the internal world dissipated.


Xilan was relying on various escape methods through the void, trying to shake off the Barbarians as much as possible by traversing the gaps between spatial layers.

Just then—


Next to Xilan, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly appeared.

The Barbarian who was chasing him was slightly stunned, then ecstatic.

If Lin Yuan had continued hiding inside Xilan's internal world, he might have been able to survive for a while longer under pursuit.

But to come out actively? Moreover, after Lin Yuan came out, he didn't continue to flee but instead stood quietly there.


Xilan, who had fled to a distance, also returned to Lin Yuan's side.

"Silver Galaxy Lord." Xilan's expression was grave. He could keenly sense that the moment they stopped, the Barbarians seized the opportunity and had completely sealed off all surrounding spatial layers.

In other words, he and the Silver Galaxy Lord were now like turtles in a jar, completely at the mercy of the Barbarians.

At the same time,

Many ninth-tier aliens who were watching from afar also noticed the Silver Galaxy Lord's active appearance and his lack of intention to escape.

"Is the Silver Galaxy Lord in despair? Doesn't even want to escape anymore?"

"It seems so. It should have been this way long ago. When being hunted by the Barbarians, if nearby counterparts of the same level of human evolution, no matter how they escape, it's a death sentence, just a waste of time."

"Yes, if at the beginning of the pursuit, one detonates a clone, by now, the second clone might have already formed half."

The many ninth-tier aliens discussed fervently. They still showed no intention of dispersing. Being able to witness the fall of a peerless genius of human civilization, even if it was just a clone, was a rare occurrence.

Human civilization valued geniuses greatly. Most of the time, geniuses were protected tightly. Even on alien battlefields, there were high-tier evolvers specially watching over them.

But in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm? The origins of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm were special, prohibiting powerful experts of the tenth tier and above from entering, not even the strongest could peek inside.

Here, geniuses of human civilization needed to face many dangers independently.

For example, at this moment, the Silver Galaxy Lord faced the pursuit of the Barbarians.

"It's almost at a critical moment." In the depths of the spatial layers, the Wanderer Ma Duo also became nervous. He raised his right hand, and a vortex shaped like a black hole was slowly spinning.

This life-saving trump card came from Ma Duo's ancient god ancestor, containing the essence of some aspects of time rules.

Ma Duo's ancient god ancestor was extremely ancient, having long comprehended the complete time rules. Even so, to create this life-saving trump card, he had paid a considerable price.

There was no other way.

In comparison to the reproductive capacity of human civilization,

Most of the ancient gods in the depths of the universe are born as special beings. Their talents are terrifyingly strong, but their reproductive abilities are pitifully weak. Some unique special beings even lack reproductive abilities altogether. In the vast universe, there's not a single one of their kind.

That's why the ancestor of Ma Duo, the ancient god, attaches great importance to this descendant, even at the cost of creating this life-saving trump card.

In the depths of the cosmic sky,

Ma Duo's true body immediately informs the ancestor of what is happening inside the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord has appeared voluntarily?" The gigantic body of the ancient god began to influence the surrounding time and space. He stroked his chin and said, "When the Silver Galaxy Lord is on the verge of life and death, activate the 'Time Black Hole' I gave you."

"Do you understand?"

"You must not hesitate."

The ancient god reminded, albeit a bit late. If the Silver Galaxy Lord were to be killed by the Barbarians, it would have been a waste of so much time.

If they had acted earlier, before the Silver Galaxy Lord fell into despair, their intervention wouldn't have been so crucial.

"I understand, Ancestor."

"I am always prepared."

Ma Duo nodded. Although he didn't know why the ancestor valued the Silver Galaxy Lord so much and was willing to offend the Tianyu Clan to please him,

Over the long years, the ancestor had navigated between several peak tribes with ease, despite not being the strongest, relying solely on his foresight.

Even two supreme beings had received "assistance" from the ancestor before they grew up.

"Hahaha, Silver Galaxy Lord, it seems you know your fate."

The Barbarians swiftly sealed off all surrounding spatial layers. Looking at Lin Yuan standing calmly, they relaxed instead of immediately attempting to kill him.

Within the sealed-off spatial layers, even if a special ninth-tier human of the same level as the Barbarians were to arrive now, it would be of no use.

Many spatial layers were already sealed off, and the Barbarians could easily transfer Lin Yuan into their own internal worlds with a single thought.

So at this moment, the Barbarians were observing Lin Yuan with amusement. After chasing him for nearly three years, they were feeling a bit annoyed.

They wanted to humiliate the Silver Galaxy Lord thoroughly.

The Barbarians also knew that the Silver Galaxy Lord could expose this clone at any moment. It was impossible for them to bring the Silver Galaxy Lord back to their clan alive.

"Silver Galaxy Lord, you still haven't exposed yourself until now. It seems you are very unwilling?" the Barbarians said.

They also knew the talents and qualifications of the Silver Galaxy Lord. Crossing into the tenth tier in the future would be effortless, and perhaps one day he might even catch up to them.

But so what? At least for now, the Barbarians could crush the Silver Galaxy Lord.

"Barbarian," Lin Yuan also looked at the Barbarian, shaking his head slightly. "You're too weak now."

"Too weak?" The Barbarian was taken aback, then smiled. "You want to vent your frustrations before you die?"

Even a tenth-tier expert wouldn't say he was weak. Being able to open over thirty million layers of space at the ninth tier was something not everyone could achieve.

"I don't even have the interest to talk to you," Lin Yuan sighed.

Originally, he had wanted to mock the Barbarian after finishing the journey, but now, the gap between them was too great, and he didn't even have the thought to mock him.

"No interest in talking to me?" the Barbarian sneered, about to respond.

The next moment,

The Barbarian's face changed drastically.

Because in an instant, the spatial layer he occupied was forcefully expelled by a nearly overbearing force. A hint of fear appeared on the Barbarian's face.

In the blink of an eye, he lost control of all the surrounding spatial layers. All the spatial layers he perceived were now occupied by a completely new force, far exceeding thirty million layers.


The Barbarian broke out in a cold sweat, looking at Lin Yuan with disbelief. That new force originated from the Silver Galaxy Lord, who he thought he had completely controlled.

"Die." Lin Yuan's expression remained calm as endless layers of space pressed down.

"How could you?" Fear surged in the Barbarian's heart, and he immediately exposed this clone without hesitation.

If he didn't expose the clone now, the Barbarian felt he would be caught by the Silver Galaxy Lord.

By then, if this clone fell into the hands of the Silver Galaxy Lord and was brought back to the territory of human civilization, using the clone to perform curse techniques or memory poison, the Barbarian might face complete destruction.

In the territory of the Tianyu Clan,

The true body of the Barbarian opened his eyes, showing an incredulous expression.

"What's going on?"

"How could the Silver Galaxy Lord possess such power?"

"I can feel that the spatial layers he occupies far exceed thirty million layers. No, there must be at least a hundred million layers. Otherwise, how could I suddenly feel powerless based solely on the spatial layers?"

The Barbarian found it hard to believe. A hundred million layers of space? In the history of the Tianyu Clan, no ninth-tier being had ever opened so many layers of space. Even those unique special beings couldn't open so many layers of space.

Originally in despair, Xilan looked at Hunyi being forced to expose his clone in front of Lin Yuan, feeling bewildered.

What's going on?

What happened?

Xilan's mind was a mess.

"Silver Galaxy Lord," Xilan subconsciously looked at Lin Yuan standing nearby.

Although he didn't know why Hunyi exposed himself, he was sure it had something to do with the Silver Galaxy Lord.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord has occupied all the surrounding spatial layers?" Xilan also felt the heavy pressure that Lin Yuan occupied, although he couldn't determine how many spatial layers were occupied. But the pressure he felt now was far stronger than when Hunyi was chasing them.


"Hunyi is dealt with."

With a gesture of his right hand, Lin Yuan took Hunyi's spatial bracelet.

"Dealt with?"

Xilan felt like he was dreaming. He had considered countless possibilities, such as himself and Lin Yuan dying at the hands of Hunyi, or Lin Yuan's 'elder' suddenly arriving.

Or perhaps a special ninth-tier alien friendly to human civilization appearing and blocking Hunyi.

Or even a terrifying native life from a secret realm suddenly appearing and entangling Hunyi.

So many possibilities, so many speculations, almost exhausting Xilan's mind.

He never expected that Hunyi would expose his clone with just a lift of Lin Yuan's hand.

It was too unbelievable.

In the distance,

Many ninth-tier aliens who were watching the show were also wide-eyed.

"Hunyi exposed himself?"

"What's going on? Why did he expose himself for no reason?"

"Of course, it's the Silver Galaxy Lord. All the surrounding spatial layers are occupied by the Silver Galaxy Lord. The Silver Galaxy Lord's strength is far above Hunyi's, forcing Hunyi to expose himself."

All the ninth-tier aliens watching were in an uproar. They hadn't anticipated such a reversal of the situation. Hunyi, who had the victory in his hands, was forced to expose himself, while the Silver Galaxy Lord, who was at an absolute disadvantage, revealed an almost unimaginable power.

In the depths of the cosmic sky,

The true body of Madu, the wanderer, was somewhat dumbfounded. He witnessed the scene in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, but precisely because of this, he was so perplexed.

"How is it going?"

"Did you use the 'Time Black Hole' I gave you?"

The massive ancient god ancestor immediately inquired. In his speculation, even if the Silver Galaxy Lord appeared voluntarily, at most, Hunyi would just be embarrassed for a few moments.

The Silver Galaxy Lord wouldn't live too long.

At this moment, Madu, who was hiding nearby, was crucial. He had to use the 'Time Black Hole' at the critical moment to trap Hunyi and save the Silver Galaxy Lord.

This was the process predetermined by the ancient god ancestor. Through this incident, Madu could not only reconcile completely with the Silver Galaxy Lord but also gain his goodwill and favor.

"No." Madu was stunned for a moment, then after a moment of silence, he replied.

"No?" The ancient god ancestor frowned, somewhat annoyed. "Why didn't you activate the 'Time Black Hole'? Do you think this life-saving trump card is too precious?"


"With the time I give you, I could completely make a second or third one of these life-saving trump cards. But can you still have the opportunity to gain the goodwill of the Silver Galaxy Lord after leaving the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?"

The ancient god ancestor looked at Madu with some dissatisfaction.

"Ancestor," Madu shrank his head. "I intended to use it."

"Then why didn't you use it?" The ancient god ancestor's tone rose, about to continue reprimanding.

"Because Hunyi is dead, killed directly by the Silver Galaxy Lord." Madu collected himself, feeling somewhat wronged. "I didn't even have a chance to use it."

"The Silver Galaxy Lord killed Hunyi."

The ancient god ancestor fell into silence, staring at Madu with a puzzled and suspicious gaze.

(End of this chapter)

22nd April 2024 by: Not Sunday

Chapter 331: Unbelievable News (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Ancestor, what I said is true." Madu, the wanderer, seeing the expression of the ancient god ancestor, immediately added, "I saw it with my own eyes."

Madu noticed the doubt in his ancestor.

In fact, not to mention the ancestor, even he, as one of the parties involved, instinctively didn't believe it when he saw Hunyi expose himself in front of the Silver Galaxy Lord.

He thought Hunyi's death was caused by other reasons.

Such as whether some powerful figure intervened in secret, or if the Silver Galaxy Lord also used some powerful weapon?

After ruling out all other possible factors, he reluctantly believed that the Silver Galaxy Lord killed Hunyi.

Actually, Hunyi died by his own exposure, but if it weren't for the Silver Galaxy Lord, Hunyi wouldn't have exposed himself. So saying that the Silver Galaxy Lord killed Hunyi is not a problem.

Moreover, Hunyi's actions further demonstrated the terror of the Silver Galaxy Lord. Hunyi was the strongest ninth-tier life form of the Tianyu Clan in this generation. The fact that he didn't even dare to fight and chose to expose himself indicated what?

It indicated that he felt he could be completely suppressed at any moment. In order to prevent this clone from falling into the hands of human civilization, he chose to expose himself decisively.

In the battle between two powerful figures, the simplest outcome is defeat, followed by death, and the most difficult is suppression.

Suppression means capture, rendering the opponent completely powerless to resist, unable even to commit suicide. Such a situation generally does not occur in battles between opponents of the same level.

Even when Hunyi was chasing Xilan earlier, he didn't intend to suppress him, but rather to kill him to vent his anger.

"I understand."

The ancient god ancestor nodded. In just a few breaths, he had already contacted several Tianzhus of the Tianyu Clan and confirmed that Hunyi had indeed died in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, at the hands of the Silver Galaxy Lord.

"Show the scene from back then," the ancient god ancestor immediately said.

Those Tianzhus of the Tianyu Clan only confirmed his question, but they didn't disclose specific details, such as what Hunyi was facing at the time, etc.

The ancient god ancestor could sense that this matter had also caused a great impact within the Tianyu Clan. Tianzhus of the ninth and eleventh tiers were alarmed, and even those ancestors were paying attention to this matter.

The death of a mere Hunyi couldn't possibly cause such a big sensation. Life forms like Hunyi, ninth-tier beings, appear in every era of the Tianyu Clan. Many Tianzhus of the ninth and eleventh tiers were once the strongest ninth-tier beings of their eras.

Those Tianzhus and ancestors of the Tianyu Clan were concerned about how Hunyi died and what means the Silver Galaxy Lord used.

Originally, the Silver Galaxy Lord was the youngest ninth-tier in human history, and he was on the assassination lists of various major alien races, attracting much attention.

And now, the Silver Galaxy Lord has once again demonstrated such overwhelming strength. Even the Tianyu Clan, a peak tribe, feels threatened.

At least in the future, when the Silver Galaxy Lord advances to the tenth or even eleventh tier, on large battlefields, who can suppress him if the strongest do not intervene?


Madu also realized the seriousness of the situation. The combat power displayed by the Silver Galaxy Lord was way above standard. Did he want to recreate the scene from when he was eighth-tier, breaking the myth of special ninth-tiers within the ninth-tier realm?

Special ninth-tiers generally refer to those ninth-tier beings who have opened up more than twenty million layers of space. These powerful beings have long had the ability to break through to the tenth tier, but they keep opening up more layers of space.

Such ninth-tier beings are far superior to ordinary ninth-tiers with millions of layers of space, hence they are called special ninth-tiers.


Madu wiped his hands together, and in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the scene of the Silver Galaxy Lord appearing on his own and Hunyi exposing himself quickly flashed by.

These scenes were only seen by Madu himself, so the information contained was limited. However, the ancient god ancestor could at least glean some truth from these fragmented pieces of information.


The more the ancient god ancestor looked, the more serious his expression became, especially before Hunyi voluntarily exposed himself.

"The number of spatial layers occupied by the Silver Galaxy Lord is at least over a hundred million." The ancient god ancestor's expression became solemn as he spoke.

The reason why it's said to be at least is because it's limited to Madu's vision. He could only sense the vast and unparalleled fluctuations of spatial layers.

If the ancient god ancestor were personally present, he would definitely be able to perceive exactly how many layers of space the Silver Galaxy Lord was occupying. But Madu didn't have this ability.

The ancient god ancestor could only make conjectures based on the various pieces of information that Madu saw and felt.

"A hundred million layers of space? And at least that?" Madu took a deep breath. He was also a ninth-tier, and even a special life form, although not as terrifying as the ancestor in terms of talent, he had opened up nearly a million layers of space.

Even so, Madu realized how difficult it was to open up layers of space, and the involvement of spatial essence often made his scalp tingle.

Opening up a million layers of space is like this, not to mention a billion layers.

The more layers of space opened up, the greater the difficulty, showing an exponential increase.

"The talent and aptitude of this Silver Galaxy Lord are definitely the strongest I have ever seen among all living beings." The ancient god ancestor's thoughts converged, and his tone was full of emotion.

As a pinnacle eleventh-tier who had realized the complete rules of time, the ancient god ancestor naturally speculated that the Silver Galaxy Lord must have some great opportunity; otherwise, he wouldn't have gone from being hunted one moment to directly counter-killing the next.

Such opportunities, mostly related to time, the ancient god ancestor knew quite a bit, such as 'Great Dream Eternal' and 'Outsider's Land', and so on.

By leveraging exaggerated time flow rates, achieving a rapid leap in one's own strength within a short period.

Such methods are not secretive within the circles of tenth and eleventh-tier beings in the cosmic starry sky. Major peak tribes are even more so. Otherwise, why would human civilization produce so many terrifying powerhouses after only two million years since leaving their home planet? 

Two million years is just the time flow rate of the main universe. As for how many years those tenth and eleventh-tier powerhouses of human civilization have actually experienced, that's another matter.

But no matter how much time has passed, there are some things that you can't achieve just because you have enough time.

Opening up a billion layers of space at the ninth-tier, even if you give a genius like Hunyi a hundred million or a billion years, it's still impossible.

And once there is a difference in time flow rate from the main world, comprehension of the great Dao rules becomes infinitely blurred.

Without comprehension of the spatial rules of the main universe, is it possible to open up layers of space out of thin air? Basically impossible.

"Ancestor," Madu, the wanderer, was also extremely shocked. The ancient god ancestor had been born for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, and even 'assisted' two supreme beings who had not yet matured.

He had seen countless extraordinary geniuses and unique special beings in the universe.

And now, the ancestor actually said that the Silver Galaxy Lord was the most talented being he had ever seen?

"Ancestor, are you saying that the Silver Galaxy Lord can become a supreme being?" Madu's mind trembled. A supreme being? He had fought with the Silver Galaxy Lord not long ago.

"You can't say that," the ancient god ancestor shook his head.

Becoming a supreme being isn't something you can achieve solely based on talent; it requires various postnatal factors and, most importantly, luck.

Over the long millennia that the ancient god ancestor had experienced, the talents of the two supreme beings he had assisted, who had not yet matured, were not too extraordinary, not as exceptional as many special beings.

But in the end, they stood at the pinnacle of the universe.

"But at least, the Silver Galaxy Lord's hope of becoming a supreme being is greater than that of the vast majority of living beings," the ancient god ancestor said.

Talent doesn't help much in breaking through to become a supreme being, but it can lead to strong power. With strong power, one can obtain more resources and opportunities, which can still be beneficial in becoming a supreme being.

"However," the ancient god ancestor seemed to think of something, a touch of pain appearing on his face, "Such a good opportunity, and you actually didn't seize it?"

Madu held the 'Time Black Hole' sufficient to trap special ninth-tiers. If he could have intervened before the Silver Galaxy Lord acted, he could have saved him proactively.

Even if the Silver Galaxy Lord didn't need saving, he could have at least earned some goodwill.

"Ancestor, you were the one who said to act only at a critical moment," Madu, the wanderer, shrank his head, feeling somewhat aggrieved.

"Some things can't be judged by oneself," the ancient god ancestor glanced at Madu.

Human civilization, virtual world.

In a private virtual world.

Several ninth-tier evolvers gathered here, chatting casually.

How powerful are the mental wills of ninth-tier evolvers? It's effortless to multitask, relaxing by sending a thread of will into the virtual world without affecting what they're doing.

"That Hunyi from the Tianyu Clan is too shameless, not knowing how many tens of thousands of years he's cultivated, yet he specifically went to hunt down the Silver Galaxy Lord," several ninth-tier evolvers chatted, with most of their avatars entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

The topics they discussed mostly revolved around events inside the secret realm.

"Unfortunately, our human civilization's special ninth-tiers are too far away. They won't be able to arrive in a short time," sighed one of the ninth-tier evolvers.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm is too vast, and the suppression of any teleportation means leads to low rescue efficiency.

"Duoke has already announced that as long as there's any problem with the Silver Galaxy Lord, he'll actively hunt down the ninth-tiers of the Tianyu Clan during the next opening of the secret realm," the third ninth-tier spoke up.

Duoke is indeed the strongest ninth-tier evolver of this era of human civilization, having opened nearly forty million layers of space, surpassing Hunyi in strength.

If Duoke were to give up the opportunities inside the secret realm to hunt down the ninth-tier warriors of the Tianyu Clan, it would definitely be a major event, causing those ninth-tier beings of the Tianyu Clan to tremble in fear.

But the several evolvers didn't think Hunyi would compromise. Sacrificing ordinary ninth-tier warriors of the Tianyu Clan to stall Duoke, the strongest ninth-tier of human civilization, wasn't actually much of a loss for them. Moreover, they could kill the Silver Galaxy Lord once.

"But even if the Silver Galaxy Lord dies, at most, he'll lose a clone and give up the opportunity of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, which is still acceptable," said the first ninth-tier evolver who spoke up.

These old folks aim to utilize the opportunities inside the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to attempt further breakthroughs.

But the Silver Galaxy Lord is still young, and the Xuanhuang Secret Realm isn't essential to him.

"I'm worried that the Silver Galaxy Lord's mindset will change because of this incident," another evolver said with a heavy tone.

At this remark, the brows of the other ninth-tiers furrowed slightly.


If it were them, having one of their clones killed would have no impact at all.

But the Silver Galaxy Lord? He's too young, and his experiences are too few, almost having faced no setbacks.

Such a peerless genius, usually unstoppable, would definitely be affected once hindered.

Examples of such cases in human civilization history aren't nonexistent, although rare. But the Silver Galaxy Lord is too important to human civilization.

"I hope the Silver Galaxy Lord won't change because of this clone being killed," the last ninth-tier evolver was about to speak.


Almost simultaneously, several evolvers on the scene received a message.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord killed Hunyi?"

"And with absolute superiority? Hunyi didn't even dare to fight back, and directly exposed that clone?"

"How is this possible?"

The several ninth-tier evolvers blinked their eyes, somewhat unable to react.

If they hadn't simultaneously received this message and confirmed it multiple times, they would have thought someone was joking.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord."

After a long while, the several ninth-tier evolvers finally recovered from their shock. They looked at each other, unable to hide their astonishment.

It's too unbelievable.

How did the Silver Galaxy Lord manage all this?

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Duo Ke, who was swiftly moving through numerous layers of space, suddenly stopped.

As the strongest ninth-tier life form of this era of human civilization, he was planning to try to save the Silver Galaxy Lord.

Although the hope wasn't great, he had to give it a try.

But now?

Duo Ke looked shocked.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord doesn't need me to save him?"

"Then Hunyi died at the hands of the Silver Galaxy Lord?"

Duo Ke was a little confused. As a special ninth-tier like Hunyi, he had faced Hunyi more than once.

So Duo Ke was very aware of Hunyi's strength. Even he, defeating Hunyi was possible, but killing Hunyi? Or even forcing Hunyi to expose himself?

At least in Duo Ke's understanding, unless a tenth-tier powerhouse took action, no ninth-tier should be able to do it.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord, has he broken through to the tenth tier?" Duo Ke speculated in his heart, but immediately denied this possibility.

This is the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, which excludes any life form of the tenth tier and above.

If the Silver Galaxy Lord were an ordinary tenth-tier, undergoing a fundamental transformation in life essence, he would have been immediately rejected by the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"Not the tenth tier," Duo Ke found it hard to believe in his heart. He couldn't imagine what kind of strength the Silver Galaxy Lord relied on to achieve all this.

The events in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm naturally couldn't be hidden, and all the major tribes in the cosmic starry sky learned about them for the first time.

"The Silver Galaxy Lord, it's him again. When he was at the eighth tier, he could kill those eighth-tier invincibles as easily as slaughtering chickens. Now at the ninth tier, is he going to take action against those special ninth-tiers?"

"The Silver Galaxy Lord, could he be the direct descendant of a supreme being in human civilization? No, even if he were a direct descendant of a supreme being, he shouldn't be so abnormal."

"He's too amazing. The Silver Galaxy Lord is only in his early hundreds, right?"

Many tribes were incredulous. The miracles created by the Silver Galaxy Lord were already numerous enough. They didn't expect that shortly after entering the ninth tier, he would tear apart the myth of the special ninth-tiers again.

Many tribes vaguely realized that in the long years to come, the shadow of the Silver Galaxy Lord would cast over the heart of every ninth-tier being.

The Silver Main Star.

Lin Yuan also knew that his killing of Hunyi would have a significant impact on the myriad races of the universe.

But with the backing of human civilization, there was no need to conceal his strength everywhere. Moreover, Lin Yuan's killing of Hunyi didn't really exhaust his full strength; he only activated less than two hundred million layers of space, far from the more than two billion layers of space.


Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly.

A 'clock-shaped' treasure appeared in front of him, emitting a mysterious aura.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 332: The Value of Ninth-tier Martial Dao (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Source Essence Gold." Lin Yuan observed carefully.

After absorbing his main body and two major divine spirits in the Divine Realm, this treasure had undergone several transformations.

Now, its aura was not much different from a tenth-tier treasure.

"With the activation of the Source Essence Clock, along with the 'Elemental Body' and 'Blood Rebirth' two major defensive divine abilities, isn't my defensive capability comparable to a tenth-tier?" Lin Yuan smiled.

With over two billion layers of space, Lin Yuan's power when fully unleashed surpassed that of ordinary tenth-tiers.

Moreover, in understanding the essence of space, he surpassed most tenth-tiers.

In terms of defense, with the Source Essence Clock and two divine abilities, Lin Yuan was no less than any tenth-tier.

His defense here was direct, and in fact, even tenth-tiers would find it difficult to locate his true body in over two billion layers of space.

Let alone launching an attack.

"After this journey in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm ends, I'll start preparing to break through to the tenth tier," Lin Yuan decided.

He believed he had pushed his ninth-tier stage to its limit. As for continuing to open space layers? There was simply no need.

With over two billion layers of space, even if Lin Yuan spent a lot of time opening up a few thousand more layers, it would hardly make any difference compared to the massive volume of over two billion layers.

Moreover, after reaching over two billion layers of space, the difficulty increased many times over with each additional layer.

"That Hunyi had quite a few good things." Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred. After killing Hunyi in the Xuanhuang world, he casually took Hunyi's spatial bracelet and glanced at the treasures inside.

There were treasures, as well as some 'Xuanhuang Crystals', and some opportunities obtained from the secret realm itself.

Altogether, they were worth about two million cosmic crystals.

This was certainly not comparable to the value of a normal special ninth-tier, but considering that it was Hunyi's clone who entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it was normal not to bring in too precious treasures.

Although those who opened millions of layers of space basically had no opponents in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it didn't mean they wouldn't die.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm itself still had many dangers, especially in the core area, where there was no shortage of dangerous places that could severely harm special ninth-tiers.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Lin Yuan's thoughts moved, and he brought Xi Lan to the depths of the many layers of space.

"Silver Galaxy Lord, I'm afraid I can't make it," Xi Lan's vitality was depleted, unable to control it, and had been continuously burning his physical body, soul, and mind for two and a half years.

Xi Lan's life characteristics were now at rock bottom.

"I'll bring your treasures back for you." Lin Yuan also understood Xi Lan's condition. If it were in the outside world, with various cosmic treasures, there might be a chance to save him.

But inside the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, this condition didn't exist.

Actually, even if there were such conditions, Xi Lan wouldn't use them. After all, it was just a clone, and even if it perished, it could be reformed.

Thus, wasting many life-saving cosmic treasures was entirely unnecessary.

"Thank you, Silver Galaxy Lord." Xi Lan nodded, and his figure quickly dissipated.

He could still maintain for a few more months, but it wasn't necessary. After all, he would eventually dissipate, and the earlier he dissipated, the sooner he could condense a new clone.

"Brother Xi Lan."

Lin Yuan put away the spatial bracelet left by Xi Lan and decided to allocate a small portion of the rewards he obtained on the way to the core area to him.

Without Xi Lan, it would have been challenging for Lin Yuan to persist until now, so this favor had to be acknowledged.

"Calling sensation?" Lin Yuan looked up, gazing towards the core area of the secret realm. With the surge in the number of layers of opened space, he had a deeper understanding of that calling sensation.

If Lin Yuan's feelings were correct, that sensation was located in a certain layer of space in the core area.

"Let's go and see."

After some thought, Lin Yuan quickly headed towards the core area.

This time, Lin Yuan didn't conceal any of his aura but deliberately revealed it to attract the attention of the indigenous life forms.

Under the influence of that calling sensation, Lin Yuan didn't have time to specifically search for indigenous life to kill, but it didn't stop him from attracting them to come and be killed.

With Lin Yuan's current strength, he could basically sweep through the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Those indigenous lives that came would only bring cosmic crystals to Lin Yuan.


Under the surge of the many layers of space, even nearby ninth-tier aliens sensed something.

"Not good, that's the Galaxy Lord."

"Hurry, get away quickly. Even Hunyi died at the hands of the Galaxy Lord, or they were forced to expose themselves directly."

"Let's go, don't let the Galaxy Lord discover us."

"Is the direction the Galaxy Lord heading towards the core area?"

"This time, in the exploration of the secret realm, it's best to stay away from the core area."

Countless ninth-tier aliens trembled in fear, afraid that the Silver Galaxy Lord would discover them. Especially those powerful aliens with poor relations with human civilization were even more jittery and fearful.

Even the few special ninth-tiers who sensed the aura of the Silver Galaxy Lord quickly fled and dared not linger.

What a joke.

Even Hunyi died at the hands of the Silver Galaxy Lord, let alone them? Even if there were a few special ninth-tiers who could surpass Hunyi slightly, it didn't take much effort for the Silver Galaxy Lord to kill Hunyi.

Being able to kill Hunyi so easily, killing them, these special ninth-tiers, probably wouldn't be much of a problem.

In this situation, those special ninth-tiers naturally kept their distance. Even some special ninth-tiers with little enmity with human civilization were unwilling to get too close to the Silver Galaxy Lord.

Nobody wants to stay with someone who can kill them at any moment; it's too risky.

Moreover, the special ninth-tiers who have survived to this day have all gained a lot. In the eyes of the Silver Galaxy Lord, they're no different from moving opportunities for wealth.

Galaxy Main Star.

Lin Yuan satisfactorily stored the Source Essence Clock inside him and continued to nurture it with the power of the world.

"The Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter," Lin Yuan smiled, planning to upload it first.

This was something he needed to do every time he traveled, continuously updating the path of martial evolution to attract more practitioners for future breakthroughs.

Of course, this also amounted to earning substantial merit points and a lot of wealth as additional gains.

Uploading the Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter to the Goddess of Wisdom wasn't selling the ownership of this evolution path. Lin Yuan remained the founder of the martial evolution path.

For every copy sold, Lin Yuan could get thirty percent of the profit.

"Goddess of Wisdom."

Lin Yuan directly connected to the Goddess of Wisdom.

"Respected Ninth-tier Evolutionist, Silver Galaxy Lord Lin Yuan, the Goddess of Wisdom is pleased to serve you."

A dignified and cold voice sounded almost without any pause in Lin Yuan's ears.

"I want to upload the Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter," Lin Yuan said.

Immediately, he uploaded all the content of the prepared ninth-tier chapter.

In addition, Lin Yuan also uploaded his summarized path of bloodline cultivation as a branch of the martial evolution path.

"Respected Ninth-tier Evolutionist, Silver Galaxy Lord Lin Yuan, please wait a moment. The Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter and the path of bloodline cultivation you uploaded are being evaluated."

After the Goddess of Wisdom finished speaking, she fell silent.

Lin Yuan had expected this and patiently waited there.

In the depths of the virtual world.

A mysterious space.

Nine grand thrones stood majestically. 

At this moment, figures appeared out of thin air.

Summer Qin, the strongest.

Yudi, the strongest.

Guli, the strongest.

Xushen, the strongest.

A total of four consciousnesses of the tower masters of the Nine Evolution Towers descended.

"Goddess of Wisdom, why did you summon us here?" Xushen, the strongest, frowned slightly. As the ultimate of the void evolution path, most of his time was spent assimilating into the vast and endless source of space.

Finally, he came out for a trip, only to be summoned by the Goddess of Wisdom.

"Xushen, don't be so angry. The goddesses are also for the sake of human civilization." Guli, the strongest, spoke up.

The nine strongest of human civilization had different personalities. Guli, the strongest, was decisive in dealing with aliens, preferring to err on the side of killing rather than letting them go. But when it came to his own kind, he was quite gentle.

"Four strongest ones, the Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter needs your assessment," came the voice of the Goddess of Wisdom.

"The Ninth-tier Martial Dao Chapter? The evolution path established by the strongest genius in the history of our human civilization?" Xushen, the strongest, eyes lit up slightly.


"This kid is growing too fast. He just killed the Tianyu clan's Hunyi in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, opening at least a hundred million layers of space."

Yudi, the strongest, said with a hint of amazement.

As evolutionists, they have witnessed all sorts of incredible geniuses in the universe while defying the norm, but even so, Lin Yuan still surprised them.

One hundred million layers of space? Even with the help of time treasures, it's almost impossible to open so many layers of space.

Human civilization's nine strongest ones have also nurtured many descendants with various resources poured in, but none of them could open more than a hundred million layers of space at the ninth tier.

"Indeed, such a genius, unheard of even by hearsay," Guli, the strongest, also exclaimed, feeling somewhat lucky that Lin Yuan belonged to humanity.

"Hopefully, this kid can make it to the end," sighed Summer Qin, the strongest.

To make it to the end meant stepping into the twelfth tier, becoming the ultimate of a certain evolution path, and ranking as the tenth strongest of human civilization.


"Wisdom Goddess, please show us the Ninth-level Martial Path." The Virtual God Sovereign also became interested, especially after seeing the evaluations of Lin Yuan by three other Supreme Beings.

Especially Xia Qin, hoping that the little guy could make it to the end? The Virtual God Sovereign was well aware of how difficult it was to become a Supreme Being. It had almost nothing to do with talent. How many had inferior talents but managed to reach the peak of the Eleventh Order? It mainly depended on accumulation in all aspects, as well as a bit of luck. 

Before challenging the path to becoming a Supreme Being, few Peak Eleventh Order beings were confident they would succeed. 

"Four Supreme Beings, please take a look." The Wisdom Goddess sent the Ninth-level Martial Path and the Bloodline Cultivation Path to the four Supreme Beings.

With the computing power of the three Goddesses, even a Ninth-level evolutionary path could be judged independently, without notifying the Supreme Beings. But the potential of the Martial Path was too great. Relying solely on computing power might lead to oversight, so it still needed the scrutiny of the Supreme Beings to provide a more accurate assessment of the potential of the Ninth-level Martial Path.

In no time, the four Supreme Beings had roughly browsed through them.

"Interesting, this Ninth-level Martial Path actually involves the transformation of the internal world? I can deduce that after the transformation, the stability of the internal world is indeed greatly enhanced."

"Truly marvelous, such a direction of transformation has never appeared in the universe before. How did this little guy come up with it?"

"Rare, the Ninth-level Martial Path. The strength of future Ninth-level evolutionary practitioners in martial arts will be much stronger than other powerful beings at the same level."

The four Supreme Beings discussed quietly. They naturally could see the subtleties of the Ninth-level Martial Path, possessing a method to transform the world stably.

World transformation? Was it so easy to alter? In a stable world, every part formed a perfect balance. A slight change could cause the entire world to collapse.

"Also, this Bloodline Cultivation Path is several grades more mature than the bloodline cultivation methods of the current evolutionary families in our human civilization."

The Virtual God Sovereign looked over the Bloodline Cultivation Path and gave his assessment.


"The Martial Evolution Path, even if it cannot evolve into the path to becoming a Supreme Being in the future, is definitely a foundational evolutionary path of our human civilization."

"My human civilization has truly struck gold this time."

The four Supreme Beings glanced at each other, smiles appearing on their faces.

"Four Supreme Beings, regarding the final assessment of the Ninth-level Martial Path, valued at eighty million merit points, and the final assessment of the Bloodline Cultivation Path, valued at fifty million merit points, do you have any objections?" 

The Wisdom Goddess spoke.

"Eighty million merit points are a bit few, let's round it up to one hundred million."

"And as for the Bloodline Cultivation Path, although it is most compatible with the Martial Evolution Path, other evolutionists can also learn from it. Let's also make it one hundred million."

After thinking for a while, Xia Qin, the Supreme Being, spoke up.

"We are in agreement," nodded the other three Supreme Beings.

In fact, the three Goddesses had many reasons for the final assessment, not too many or too few.

But the four Supreme Beings felt that facing an extraordinary genius like Lin Yuan, giving a few more merit points wouldn't hurt. After all, the human civilization had grand ambitions, and Lin Yuan benefiting was equivalent to the human civilization benefiting.

"Assessment approved."

The Wisdom Goddess replied.

Galaxy Main Star.

Lin Yuan was resting with his eyes closed.

"Respected Ninth-level Evolutionist, Galaxy Sovereign Lin Yuan Scholar, the final assessments of the Ninth-level Martial Path and the Bloodline Cultivation Path you uploaded have been completed."

The solemn and chilly voice of the Wisdom Goddess came through.

"Finished the assessment?" Lin Yuan opened his eyes, listening intently.

"After assessment, the Ninth-level Martial Path is valued at one hundred million merit points, and the Bloodline Cultivation Path is valued at one hundred million merit points, totaling two hundred million merit points. Should we distribute them now?"

The Wisdom Goddess quickly said.

"Two hundred million merit points?" Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

What was most precious in the Human Civilization Alliance? Civilization Coins? Cosmic Coins? Universal Crystals? Many treasures? None of them.

The most precious thing in the human civilization was merit points.

Before, Lin Yuan didn't understand this, but after experiencing the Eternal Spring, he realized the value of merit points. In a way, the human civilization had many strategic-level treasures that were not open to outsiders. Even if those other races paid a huge price, they couldn't obtain them. But as long as you were human, met the requirements, and had enough merit points, you could achieve anything. In the human civilization, merit points could accomplish anything; it wasn't an exaggeration. Even Supreme Beings could be hired if you paid enough merit points. 

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 333 Martial Path Rankings (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Just these two hundred million merit points, and one hundred million of them are actually from the Bloodline Cultivation Path?" 

Lin Yuan felt slightly surprised. The value of the Ninth-level Martial Path being one hundred million merit points, though still unexpected, was within a reasonable range. 

But the Bloodline Cultivation Path? This cultivation method was restricted by the limitations of bloodlines, and reaching the seventh level was the limit, unable to open up an internal world like the Martial Path. 

To think it had the same value as the Ninth-level Martial Path?

"Is it because of its universality?" Lin Yuan speculated. The Ninth-level Martial Path was for the masses, for those who evolved in the martial path system and had to reach the Ninth level for it to be useful. 

Ninth-level evolutionists? How many Ninth-level evolutionists were there in the entire human civilization? Despite the large number of Ninth-level evolutions within the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, that was all life in the entire universe added together. 

Various major peak tribes, powerful tribes, and so on, plus some special beings and lone travelers, dispersed into individual tribes, and Ninth-level evolutionists were very rare. Even looking at the entire universe, there were still only a few Ninth levels. 

But the Bloodline Cultivation Path, despite being called a branch of the Martial Evolution Path, could actually completely separate from the Martial Evolution Path. 

Just like the body cultivation lineage in the Central Divine Continent world, not only disciples of the Moral Immortal Sect could practice body cultivation, but also those who practiced demonic and evil cultivation could try body cultivation techniques. 

"Even if it's more widespread, it still shouldn't be worth one hundred million." Lin Yuan was still puzzled. After all, the Bloodline Cultivation Path wasn't his original creation. 

Human civilization had bloodline evolution families long ago, but the purification and application of bloodlines were not as perfect as Lin Yuan's summarized Bloodline Cultivation Path. 

What did one hundred million merit points mean? It was almost equivalent to all the merit points needed for two level-eight citizens. The number of level-eight citizens in human civilization was much rarer than Ninth-level evolutionists.

"It should be influenced by other factors." Lin Yuan speculated. He didn't know that in the original assessment by the three Goddesses, the Bloodline Cultivation Path was only valued at fifty million merit points, and it was several Supreme Beings who forcibly raised it to one hundred million.

It was a smoother path for Lin's growth. 

Anyway, as long as Lin Yuan was a human evolutionist, giving a little more wouldn't hurt, and there was no loss.

"My current total merit points have reached two hundred million and eight hundred thousand?" Lin Yuan's mind was pleased. Two hundred million merit points were just acquired.

The remaining eight hundred thousand merit points, three million of which were left over from the last promotion to level eight citizens. The remaining five million were the gains Lin Yuan obtained after killing many Ninth-level aliens in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. 

Although they were just clones he killed, they were still Ninth-level aliens. Each was no different from completely killing an eighth-level alien, not to mention there was a special Ninth-level like Hunyi among them.

"Unfortunately, after I killed Hunyi, those hostile Ninth-level aliens of the human civilization abandoned many opportunities in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and hid in some corner." 

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. 

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm was vast and boundless, much larger than the Divine Continent of the Gods, and contained far more layers of space, far exceeding trillions of layers.

If those Ninth-level aliens deliberately wanted to hide, it would be difficult for Lin Yuan to find them unless he conducted a carpet search. 

But a carpet search was too time-consuming. Even though Lin Yuan had opened up more than two billion layers of space, during the hundred years since the Xuanhuang Secret Realm opened, even if he searched with all his might, he would only cover one hundred thousandth of the realm.

"Never mind, let's first find the source of that calling sensation."

Lin Yuan's perspective shifted to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, where his Sun Elemental Spirit was rapidly advancing towards the core area. 

Along the way, there was a great commotion, occasionally attracting the indigenous life of the Secret Realm, which he dealt with effortlessly, collecting Xuanhuang Crystals.

Nowadays, apart from human civilization evolutionists and those strong beings from tribes who followed human civilization, there were basically no Ninth-level strong beings daring to approach him in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. The deterrence was too great. 

Since the Xuanhuang Secret Realm opened until now, there had never been a Ninth-level being that could cause such a big impact without making a move, forcing those peak tribes' Ninth-level beings to retreat and give up many opportunities in the Secret Realm rather than show themselves. 

"Oh right, let's check the current rankings of the Martial Evolution Path."

Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred.

The Martial Evolution Path, even when it was at the eighth level, ranked first on the Red Kun Star Region Evolution List and the Annan Star Alliance Evolution List, dominating over all ninth-level evolution paths.

Reaching the top of the Annan Star Alliance.

Now that the Martial Evolution Path has reached the ninth level, and just the Ninth-level Martial Path is valued at one hundred million merit points by the three goddesses, not to mention the Bloodline Cultivation Path as a branch.

Lin Yuan was very eager to see the true ranking of the Martial Evolution Path now.

"Canglan Star first, Red Kun Star Region first, Annan Star Alliance first, Southern Region fifty-third?" Lin Yuan glanced at the latest ranking information of the Martial Evolution Path.

"Fifty-third on the Southern Region Evolution List?" A holographic screen appeared in front of Lin Yuan, displaying the rankings of the Southern Region Evolution List from top to bottom.

The Southern Region was one of the five major star regions of human civilization, with its size measured in light-years. Throughout history, countless evolutionists, Ninth-level evolutionists, Tenth-level evolutionists, and even Eleventh-level evolutionists had emerged. 

The evolution paths listed in the Southern Region Evolution List were all among the top evolution paths of humanity, with profound influence. Originally, the Eighth-level Martial Evolution Path didn't even qualify for the Southern Region Evolution List.

"Some Eleventh-level evolution paths are ranked behind the Martial Evolution Path?" Lin Yuan scanned it and was amazed.

He had underestimated the true potential of the Martial Evolution Path. In terms of rankings, for the Ninth-level Martial Evolution Path to surpass Eleventh-level evolution paths was quite incredible.

Those were Eleventh-level evolution paths, with the hope of stable cultivation up to the Eleventh level, even if the potential for advancement was zero, they were already the end point for many evolution paths.

"It seems that in the judgment of the three goddesses, the Martial Evolution Path has the potential to evolve into a Supreme Evolution Path." Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Only in this way could the ranking of the Martial Evolution Path be explained.

Many of the Eleventh-level evolution paths currently held by human civilization had exhausted their potential and had no hope of touching the Supreme Evolution Path. This was the only possibility for the Martial Evolution Path to surpass them.

"Supreme Evolution Path." Lin Yuan's heart raced.

This was the aspiration of countless lives. Just looking back decades ago, when the body of a Supreme Being drifted into the space crack outside a large-scale alien battlefield, it caused many Supreme Beings in the main universe to fight each other.

It showed the preciousness of the Supreme Evolution Path.

This was only speculation. That deceased Supreme Being might have contained the Supreme Evolution Path in his body. Just for a possibility, the insect race took a risk.

"Human Civilization Evolution List." Lin Yuan continued to look at the last list.

The Human Civilization Evolution List was the most authoritative list, recording the top hundred evolution paths of human civilization throughout history, including the nine Supreme Evolution Paths.

"Not in the top hundred." Lin Yuan didn't feel surprised.

It could be said that the evolution paths listed on the Human Civilization Evolution List all had tremendous potential, and even included Eleventh-level evolution paths that had hopes of evolving into Supreme Evolution Paths.

Even if the Martial Evolution Path was infinitely promising, it was still just a Ninth-level evolution path. It would be strange if it made it onto the Human Civilization Evolution List.

After uploading the Martial Evolution Path and reaping a sky-high merit point reward, Lin Yuan took out the mysterious gourd.

"Next, let's quickly restore the world within the radius of nearly two billion miles." Lin Yuan made up his mind.

Before the ninth shuttle, Lin Yuan had only absorbed up to the fifth drop of liquid in the mysterious gourd, and the size of the world within his body was only a little over one hundred and sixty million miles in radius.

But now, the world within his body was approaching two billion miles in radius.

Although it seemed like an increase of only over thirty million miles in radius, considering the more than two billion layers of space, one could realize the terrifying increase.

After the two major Elemental Spirits returned, Lin Yuan would prioritize restoring his true self to full strength.

As for the Sun Elemental Spirit, whether it fully recovered its strength or not didn't matter much, after all, all those who entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm were Ninth-level powerhouses.

With the known limit of Ninth-level powerhouses' combat power not exceeding ten thousand, there was no significant difference between a Sun Elemental Spirit with one hundred million combat power and one with eighty million combat power.

Annan Star Alliance Virtual World, Central Plaza Area.

One by one, evolutionists and high-level citizens kept appearing, looking at the towering evolution list and the Martial Evolution Path at the top, their expressions still revealing awe.

Decades ago, when the Martial Evolution Path first appeared on the Annan Evolution List, it skyrocketed to the top, leaving many strong jaws dropping.

While other evolution paths struggled to climb the rankings, the Martial Evolution Path effortlessly surpassed hundreds of others to claim the top spot on the Annan Evolution List.

Such an unbelievable rise in rankings had never been seen since the founding of the Annan Star Alliance, and there was simply no logical explanation.

"I heard that this Martial Evolution Path originated from the Red Kun Star Region and also quickly rose to the top of the Red Kun Evolution List."

"The Red Kun Star Region can compete with our Annan Star Alliance? But this Martial Evolution Path is indeed terrifying. Even with so many Ninth-level evolution paths in our Annan Star Alliance, none could suppress it?"

"Hehe, while you are still questioning the Martial Evolution Path, I have already started training the younger generation. With the potential shown by the Martial Evolution Path, it may even ascend to a Ninth-level evolution path in the future."

Various evolutionists and high-level citizens debated, with the core of their argument naturally centered around the Martial Evolution Path.

After all, this evolution path was too dazzling, making other paths from the same period seem dim and insignificant.

Fortunately, the creator of this evolution path was a mysterious evolutionist of human civilization, which was acceptable.

After all, these were evolutionists, representing the pinnacle of human civilization, while each evolutionist represented the depth of human civilization.

The minimum threshold for an evolutionist was the Eighth level, and many evolutionists had reached the Tenth or Eleventh level.

"I wonder when this mysterious evolutionist will update the Ninth-level section of the Martial Evolution Path?" a high-level citizen said with anticipation.

"I think it's difficult."

"Previously, when the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth-level sections of the Martial Evolution Path were not updated, many people thought it was difficult."

"It's different. How could the Ninth-level section be the same as the previous ones?"

Many evolutionists and high-level citizens had different opinions.

"Foolish, still daring to question the update speed of the Martial Evolution Path?" In a corner of the central plaza area, a slender man sat.

He came from the Red Kun Star Region and had witnessed the rise of the Martial Evolution Path, knowing that this path couldn't be speculated according to common sense.

"The Martial Evolution Path, it's a pity that my foundation is already established. The cost of switching to the Martial Evolution Path would be too great," the slender man regretted.

Then he opened the detailed information of the Martial Evolution Path and wanted to continue looking at the content of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth-level sections.

Although he had not practiced the Martial Evolution Path, he had purchased the first eight levels of the path.

Even if he couldn't use the Martial Evolution Path as his core evolution path, it was no problem to use it for supplementary practice.


The slender man opened the detailed information of the Martial Evolution Path and casually refreshed it, his expression suddenly stunned.

Because he saw three additional words after the original Eighth-level section.

Ninth-level section.

"The Martial Evolution Path has updated the Ninth-level section?"

The slender man was greatly surprised. He glanced around, most people were still debating, but a few evolutionists had a slightly changed expression, probably because they had discovered the updated Ninth-level section.

"Ninth-level evolution path."

The slender man's thoughts surged. After updating the Ninth-level section, the Martial Evolution Path would officially enter the ranks of Ninth-level evolution paths.

"Still first on the Annan Evolution List."

The slender man then looked towards the towering evolution list in the distance, noticing that the Martial Evolution Path still hung at the top.

When the Martial Evolution Path reached the Eighth level, it had already topped the Annan Evolution List. Now that it had updated the Ninth-level section, the Annan Evolution List couldn't show the potential improvement of the updated Martial Evolution Path.

"Southern Region Evolution List."

The slender man, with inexplicable thoughts, opened the Southern Region Evolution List.


The slender man fell silent. The Southern Region included countless regions similar to the Annan Star Alliance, and the evolution paths listed on its Evolution List were all at least Tenth level. Entering the top ninety meant they were basically Eleventh-level evolution paths.

Yet the Martial Evolution Path had suddenly surged to fifty-third place?

Even if the slender man held the Martial Evolution Path in high regard, at this moment, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a mistake in the rankings.

Meanwhile, as time passed, other evolutionists and high-level citizens around also gradually discovered the update of the Martial Evolution Path and its final ranking.

(End of this chapter)