

Mana... The so called source of everything Ever since the gates of monsters had appeared, society had been plunged quickly into great dismay. Yet, it was also blessed with unimaginable wealth and new opportunities, Humanity had been granted the gift of magic and its endless potential. However, the cataclysm occurred. As the whole of humanity was driven to extinction by monsters, one man stood alone as he faught a hopeless war by himself, when it was his time to die, he couldn't begin to imagine what he saw in front of him. "what da fuck..." *** Cover not mine, just comment and I'll remove it

Random_Asian · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Trouble 6

#a review would be appreciated, I need to know what I need to improve or fix on this novel #

#i think using the tapping mode is more fun, u can activate it in display settings#


(seems like there's nothing else in here.. Let's see... It's written in English thankfully)


The paper was clear and white as if it belonged to the modern day world, not only that but the ink was somewhat intact throughout its century long life. At a glance he saw what any ordinary diary looked like, from daily events to big time ones, it was all written there with elegant hand writing.

(usually the most important info would be...

"in the back"

As expected there was a neatly folded piece of paper that was colored a bit differently from the paper the book used.

(my last notes...) he read the letter, while constantly thinking about what would be contained in the her last letter, while questioning himself whether he'd be disappointed or not


The letters weren't as graceful as the ones written in the diary, the font gave off a sense of weakness and fragility and the strokes felt weak and were as thin as a human hair as if an old lady was wrote this note.

[Ferris, Stanislav, Zeng Jie, Jacob, Lilia, Noella.. If it was anybody from Earth seeing this letter, it's probably any of you guys and if not... Then I guess everyone on Earth died.

I got here when I didn't exit the closing gate, idk if it was the same for you but to be clear I wasn't going to end myself there haha... I was actually too deep into my mind back then.. When I got back to being focused I actually thought I was still on earth, but no, instead I found myself here and met my future husband that same day, Lawrence Todias.

I'll skip the story, just ask my descendants from the house of Todias, they should understand the moment they see anyone outside the family speak English.

Long story short I went around the world with my husband and there were still a lot of questions unanswered when I returned home, due to circumstances I'll restrain myself to not tell you anything that might get you killed, also.. Don't trust the church of divinity, even I couldn't mess with them.. btw they're total pricks and one last thing, since I was getting old I couldn't finish my research on this world but what I found was that spatial compass looking thing, I found it when I was exploring the deep cave systems of a Dwarven empire though.. I can't recall the name of it, I must be getting old.. Anyways, the answer to everything is probably deep underground or something ok bye :3]




On his knees, he stared at the letter like a deer staring into an approaching train. His expression showed disbelief yet his lips were arching up on their own, though he had some sort form of relief going through his mind despite his reaction.

(she wasn't the type of person to take things seriously, even to her last letter, I felt like she was only being half serious.. I guess that confirms that she was the one who wrote this)

In the corner he saw a slight shine of light that caught his eyes, it was an old longsword that had a minimalist design and the sharpness of the edge was felt just my being near it. The old sword was bit dusty but it wasn't hard to clean it off.

(this longsword isn't bad, it's balanced and has a strong edge.. Finders keepers) he said without an ounce of shame as he quickly stored it in his spatial storage device and as he rummaged through the boxes he found and hid two daggers on his coat, then he stored the world map in his spatial storage device.

(how do I know which Dwarven empire it is... Oh well, I'll figure it out but first.. I should give her diary to her great granddaughter)

Leaving the room behind, he left in search for Stella inside the massive mansion.


"Stella! I remember telling you to stay in the city!" some dude shouted, the volume loud enough for nearly everybody in the mansion to hear


"oh, now you decided to shut your mouth eh?, it doesn't matter, the church has their eyes on your family becuase of that Lara wench- no.. Actually, maybe I should thank her for putting your family in danger"

"D-don't y-you-

"don't you what? Listen, only by connecting our families through marriage your family would live.. well, the Todias name would be gone of course heh."

"what a shame , the rumors of such a pretty girl with the renowned golden hair is training to wield the sword with such frail arms, don't tell me you're trying to be like that woman named Lara" the air became suffocating for Stella as he got too close for her comfort

"anyways, just sit tight behind me while I'll deal with everything, understand? And don't fucking try anything stupid"

Behind the stomach aching scene Ferris quietly observed the play taking place, although he couldn't understand a single word he said, the situation was as clear as day.

(Lara always had some sort of personality disorder, the moment she gets slightly pissed off she'd completely change into another person, though we couldn't diagnose what it was since all the doctors on earth died but she rarely got mad in the first place so it was a rare sight to see her angry but this.... Instead of getting mad and switch personalities she's just scared... ah why does the back of my head hurt? Is Lara from the grave trying to harass me into saving Stella or something?) Ultimately his head got the better of him while he approached the messy situation with heavy steps

"excuse me" Ferris said while approaching them

"who the fuck are you?" the man said but it was futile since Ferris couldn't understand anything

"sit still for me will you?"


Wake up, take a dump, eat, get out of bed, have breakfast

Sigma octillionere grindset

Random_Asiancreators' thoughts