

Mana... The so called source of everything Ever since the gates of monsters had appeared, society had been plunged quickly into great dismay. Yet, it was also blessed with unimaginable wealth and new opportunities, Humanity had been granted the gift of magic and its endless potential. However, the cataclysm occurred. As the whole of humanity was driven to extinction by monsters, one man stood alone as he faught a hopeless war by himself, when it was his time to die, he couldn't begin to imagine what he saw in front of him. "what da fuck..." *** Cover not mine, just comment and I'll remove it

Random_Asian · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Trouble 6-1

"what the hell do you think you're-!! Mmph! mmpgh!

"so, what seems to be the problem"

The servants around them screamed in shock as a man came out of nowhere and suddenly attacked the noble by grabbing his mouth like a pitcher tightly gripping the baseball. As the man struggled to get himself off of the death grip he began to grasp for the last bit of air he can get, however it was like breathing in the vacuum of space for him.

"s-stop.. y-you're hurting. him" Stella said, with a tone that couldn't decide whether she was being sincere or lying

"if I overload a bit of my mana here, I could crush his jaw right now if you want to" he said with a heavy tone as he pierced his eyes towards her to prove his point

"w... wait" she replied with a weak willed voice and nothing more, as her mind was even more divided into how she viewed the situation


As the man gave out and collapsed on the marble floor like a dead body, Ferris stood up and approached Stella with a face that made her think that he was also going to suffocate her till she drops unconscious.

"I've seen these types of situations all the time, regardless what the context is, the idea is always the same. I don't care how severe the situation is but nothing will change, this dude here gives zero fucks about you and unless you don't do anything about it you'll just rot under his hands"

"and just because you're the descendant of my close friend doesn't mean I'm obligated to protect you, though I don't expect you to immediately change mindsets... it's not like we live in some sort of story with unrealistic characters"

"w.. wait-

"whatever happens in the next few hours is up to you, oh and I'll guess that the consequences of you rejecting him would be bad but.... obeying to these types of people are even worse for you"

Ferris stood up while caressing the hand he used to perform that death grip, despite what he just did he still kept a straight face as if he has already experienced this situation himself. as he went near the exit door he experienced that pain on the back of his head again which made him remember something.

"here.. your great granny's diary, now heal that bastard's jaw and take him to bed, just tell him he hit his head or he fell or something while I hide in the garden"

She watched as he walked away from the wild scene as if nothing happened, she even heard him mumbling about something while scratching the back of his head.

"(Lara better stop annoying me from her grave...) I'm not a babysitter..."




[dear diary, i rode my first wyvern today, now im scared of heights. like omg there's literally no safety features on there]

[i just accidently burned the kitchen today... and maybe the first floor too....]

with the help of the moonlight to lighten up the pages she quietly read the diary by the window. Despite trying her best to understand and rationalize the countless random sentences that filled each corner of the book, she couldn't help but feel that it was a pointless endeavor. Her head was in flames as it became even more separated, despite the stories she heard of her great grandma, this diary itself contradicted everything she knew about her.

(I don't even have a mom anymore to look out to and I barely even see my father anymore... how the hell does Ferris expect me to go through this?!?) she said while looking at a giant portrait of a blond woman with a child beside her

She cried out as loud as she could in her mind but nonetheless, reality provided her with nothing other than the noise of howling wolves in the distance as the full moon was fully visible in the sky. While looking down on the book something caught her attention for some reason, it wasn't like the sentence that caught her eyes were colored with a different ink, but the very presence of it caught her mind off guard.

[dear diary, I suddenly miss my home now well its not like everyone I loved is still alive, even if there were only a few hundred people left I still kept fighting with the people that I still had if I was ganna die in the very end, I'll die on my own terms... but it seemed like the universe didn't like that idea since I'm here, but someone in the world will eventually face that]


The dust inside the book shot out into a cloud of smoke but she paid no attention to it even if it got into her nose and eyes, without a single thought or reason she strided forward with no plan etched in her movement.



Don't search scienctific name of pig or else

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