

Mana... The so called source of everything Ever since the gates of monsters had appeared, society had been plunged quickly into great dismay. Yet, it was also blessed with unimaginable wealth and new opportunities, Humanity had been granted the gift of magic and its endless potential. However, the cataclysm occurred. As the whole of humanity was driven to extinction by monsters, one man stood alone as he faught a hopeless war by himself, when it was his time to die, he couldn't begin to imagine what he saw in front of him. "what da fuck..." *** Cover not mine, just comment and I'll remove it

Random_Asian · Fantasy
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23 Chs

My diary for you 5

"and that's how they met and lived happily ever after" Stella said as her eyes looked up in the sky with jealousy

She underestimated her own words when she said it was quite lengthy, the sun has already lost its shine as the moon grew a bit brighter while night approached the land to cover it in its cold blanket.

"when you said they went around the world, does it mean that they visited every known place?" Ferris asked

"only the significant places like capitals of empires or popular vacation sites, but they did go to some places that were quite weird, is what my mom told me" she replied, her chin resting on her hands

Ferris let out a long sigh as he rubbed the back of his head in confusion, even now he is still shocked from what was happening to him and the fact that he somehow met the descendant of someone he knew well.

"did she left some sort of diary?" Ferris asked as he leaned forward for a bit

Stella tilted her head, even if she knew English she didn't know every single word in the English dictionary.

"diary? What's a diary?"

"... It's a book where someone writes the daily events of their lives"

"!! Ah! My mother always used to tell me that my great grandma always wrote on a particular book all the time... Though... Nobody knows where it is"

Ferris looked back on his mind, he always knew that Lara wasn't the type of person to trash her diary after death. Doubts lingered on his mind as he was hungry for more information.

"does she have a bedroom?"

"ah, yes it's actually in this house you see... hehe this mansion is actually the place where she lived with her husband, however since barely anyone uses this mansion anymore, nobody ever cleans the place"

"(great, her old stuff must be in there somewhere) then why do you come here in this old mansion?"



"the social life for nobles are hard, it's a bit rough out there sometimes, that's why I come here to relax... and think about Earth sometimes" she exclaimed

"is that so"

"yes, earth seems so free, unfortunately... It's.. Gone.. right? That's what mom said"

Ferris let out a heavy sigh as he closed his eyes with bitterness "yes, it's gone now"

"sorry, that question must've been too personal... I'll call a maid to lead you to my great grandma's bedroom"

As Ferris left off with a maid, another one suddenly called out to Stella in haste. She immediately knew what was going on and looked away with slight disgust written on her face.

"my lady, someone is requesting for your presence"



"... Very well"


The sounds of his steps echoed through the long hallway, it was a bit dark since it was almost night time but the bright moon was enough for him to move around without accidentally bumping into something.

Even though it was dark, he clearly saw the dust covered furniture that must've sat there for years without cleaning, even the windows were a bit foggy.

(i wonder how she kept her strength even after coming into this world, am I just unlucky that I somehow got back to level 1... whatever it is, I could probably find it in her old bedroom or something)



(i guess this is the door that the maid pointed at) he said as he swallowed his dry saliva

The massive frame of the wooden door slowly opened as it made an ear piercing shrieking noise, the atmosphere was quite foggy since he could clearly see the rays of the moonlight being casted on the windows, if you wanted to see what a haunted room looked like, this was certainly it.

(good, there's a lot of boxes here, at least one of them contains something useful)

The search began as soon as he entered the spooky room, like a burglar he checked each item one by one as he examined their worth with a single glance.

"so many art utensils.... (I actually never saw her draw on anything other than on a screen though...?.. a painting?)"

In a flash a small flame the size of a tennis ball appeared on his hand to light up the scene and unlike before, his flame was more controlled, much like an undisturbed candle light.

(looks like it's central New York... not bad... another painting? No it's.. )

He grabbed a scroll that had that had the same size as his forearm, without waiting any longer he unscrolled the paper which revealed something that wasn't from this world.

(a map? A global map at that... The lines are natural and the continents seems realistically proportioned, ancient people drew maps but not this accurate... Great... Now I got even more questions, is this cross in the middle a continent?)

The map was clear and clean despite it being left to rot inside a box, the text were unknown to him but it seemed intact and as for what was inside, the map featured a large cross shaped continent that divided everything into 4 corners and each corner contained a world of its own.

(this will be useful... what else is here.. this is!)

In his hand was a small device that looked like a compass with a button, what was unnerving was that it look liked advanced technology, it was definitely not from here he thought with curiosity.


The space around his hand distorted and bent in weird shapes as if there was a black hole in his hand, however his hand still felt normal despite its distorted image.

(it's a spatial storage device... I remember the Chinese bureau of hunters giving me an experimental version but... This one in my hand is way more advanced)




"who made it" he mumbled

(let's see what's inside)

He stuck his arm in the distorted area around the device and felt something with a leather texture, without hesitation he yanked it out with little to no resistance.

"(no way!) it's her diary!"


Dry saliva

Only solo leveling mfs get it xd now collect or else >:(

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