
Re:Zero, Power Driven Madness (Finished)

A guy dies and is reincarnated into re zero. Simple enough right? But what if he wasn’t crazy and instead was a normal human being who wanted to avoid dying? What if he wanted at least some form of power to avoid being chained by a certain crazy witch and her army of obsessed simps!!! ——————- I do not own Re:Zero, all works and achievements go towards Tappei Nagatsuki

Haven_of_books · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Reaching the Capital


"Suburu~, do you have your job for the capital memorized?" Roswaal asks as he runs his wet hands through his hair. "Because I would be truly~ disappointed if you failed such a simple~ task."

"I simply need to introduce myself as a servant of yours and grab the information and statistics of the shop correct?" I say to him as I lean back and enjoy the warm sensation of the water around me.

"Absolutely~ spot on." Roswaal says in satisfaction as he also leans back into the water to relax. "That should be all I need tot all you."

Hearing this, I proceed to quietly get up and move towards the exit of the bathroom. But once I open it and step out I am greeted by a familiar red head.

"Still waiting on Roswaal I presume." I say with a smirk.

Hearing me she just looks down at a certain area of my body and smirks. "And your still waiting for a growth spurt I presume."

Now that was just.... low.....and very uncalled for....

I then lifelessly walk over to my attire for today's events and slowly and almost pitifully put it all on.

I then send one last glare at Rem before leaving the bathroom only to see Emilia waiting for me.

"Are you ready to g-, wait, why do you look so upset?" Emilia asks me as I step out the door of the bathroom.

"It's nothing." I mumble. "Just learned that red is my least favorite color."

Emilia then falls into a state of confusion. "What does red have to do with your mood?"


Walking down into the courtyard of the Roswaal mansion I see a boy standing in the center of it while facing my direction.

"I see you have finally walked out to meet me Suburu." He then says as he brings his hand over the handle of his sword pulling it free from its sheath. "Have you perhaps forgotten about our fated duel?"

Hearing him I grab the blade I have brought from my room and pulling it from it's sheath also. "Why of course not Arthur!"

We then look at each other for a good few seconds before leaning forward and exploding violently towards each other.




Emilia seeinf our antics can't help but just sigh. And Puck who is upon her shoulder is laughing.

"So uh? Is this normal around here?" The driver of the carriage suddenly asks.

Hearing him, Emilia joins Puck and laughs.

Hearing the two laugh, the driver just scratches his chin in confusion. "Did I say something wrong?"


"Alright you two, we are at the capital." The driver then calls out from up front. "We just need to get through the gate, it should be quick and easy considering your lady's status."

"Oh looks like we are finally here." Puck says as he wakes up from Emilia's lap. "Lia, I'm going to go into the crystal now, have fun."

Emilia in response just looks down and smiles. "Alright, have a nice rest Puck."

And with that Puck blurs a bit before vanishing into the crystal on Emilia's necklace.

"Alright, I can drop you off here for now." The driver says as he opens the door of the carriage. And when we step out, I notice some people sending a look of interest towards us.

Thankfully, Emilia has her features covered so she can avoid looks of negativity and disgust. And when the crowd notices my suit, they quickly avert thief gazes. It seems the people here don't want to mess with the business of nobles.

I guess this does make sense considering the state of the slums. And as we walk I take notice of many different sights. Like a fountain that depicts the dragon believed to be one of the witch of envy's jailers.

A stone wall in a district's corner which tells of the kingdoms origin and upbringing.

And while walking I am able to use my ability to read and make out a lot of different stores. And the stores all range from tailors, leathery , carpentry, and forges.

"Suburu, we are coming upon the guard station soon." Emilia suddenly says bringing my attention to her confused eyes. "Haven't you already traveled through this city? How come your so absorbed?"

"It's the lively feeling of this city." I answer with a calm voice. "How the city 'looks' doesn't matter, it's what the people in the city do to make it 'feel'."

"I totally agree with you." A male voice then calls from the building in front of us. "It's been a while Suburu, I heard you two talking from inside and came to say hi."

"The fact that you can even hear us clearly is horrifying Reinhard." I say as I feel my face twitch. "And it's also good to see you, how's your 'mission' holding up?"

Hearing my question, Reinhard just smiles happily in response. "Well, My mission' is now complete thanks to your 'advice'."

"What 'mission' and 'advice' are we exactly talking about?" Emilia then asks us with a slight frown.

Reinhard and I just took a glance at each other and smiled, then we turned back towards Emilia.




"Oh your actually on a job right now." Reinhard says to me while raising his eyebrow. "I thought you where an adventurer, what made you suddenly want to settle down?"

"It was merely the allure of money, and the fact I've been looking for a job with good pay for ages." I say to him while also thinking of my pasta lives experiences. It really sucked having to work for minimum wage and having no raises or promotions in sight.

"I see, but as you work for Roswaal now. Are you perhaps on lady Emilia's side?"

No, I don't view her as a potential ruler, the current her at least. She's still missing complete independence and control of herself. She's still too immature and reliant on Puck's seal on her memories, and her selfless nature bugs me.

"Oh? honestly I don't know, picking sides so early without seeing what the other candidates have to offer would be too 'biased' for me."

"Well who knows? You could probably see them much earlier than you expected." Reinhard suddenly says out of nowhere while showing a smirk.

"Wait what?" I say sending him a look of shock.

"Nothing important for now." Reinhard says while waving me off before pointing at the building in front of us. "This here is the building according to memory."

Now that was definitely important! And how do you even memorize the whole layout of a city? And you even know the names and ownership of the buildings!

"Well anyways friend, until we meet again." Reinhard now done saying his goodbyes jumps onto a roof of a building and books it.


I would yell after him, but he probably already turned off the blessing that gives him that ridiculous hearing of his. I guess we will talk later then Reinhard.

I then take a look at the building in front of me. I take a quick scan of it and spot the guards near the door and approach them.

"Halt, what business do you have here?" The guard lazily says. Guess he got bored of standing still for the whole day.

"I'm the servant of Lord Roswaal, I came to take a look and get copies of this companies performance." I say confidently while staring into his eyes.

Seeing my suit and confidence, the guard nods as if acknowledging that I'm not another waste of his time and tells the younger guard beside him to check in with the boss.

And after waiting for about 5 minutes, the young guard walks out the door. The young guard then goes the run down guard and whispers something in his ear. All of the guards then turn towards him wondering if I'm fake or legitimate.

"He's alright, Sir please follow me and I'll lead you to the boss."