
Re:Zero, Power Driven Madness (Finished)

A guy dies and is reincarnated into re zero. Simple enough right? But what if he wasn’t crazy and instead was a normal human being who wanted to avoid dying? What if he wanted at least some form of power to avoid being chained by a certain crazy witch and her army of obsessed simps!!! ——————- I do not own Re:Zero, all works and achievements go towards Tappei Nagatsuki

Haven_of_books · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Meeting a Candidate


"Please tell Lord Roswaal my regards will you?" A man from behind me said as I stepped out of his office. Their really was no conversation, not that I really wanted one anyway. All I came for was this folder In my hand. Inside it is all the information from this buildings earnings.

Roswaal owns this building and a few others spread out throughout the capital. This is actually one of the smaller and less successful ones that was left unchecked for a little while due to the incidents of the village and royal selection.

Anyways, I merely gave the guy a yes to his request and walked out past the guards. I then made my way towards the market area as I had to buy appas. The village doesn't grow them as it actually grown somewhere else outside the kingdom. The capital and other cities around Lugnica is where you can buy them.

I promised to meet Emilia around here also. I almost can't help but feel bad for leaving a lady to herself in such a busy area. Unlike Subaru, I instead didn't ask her on a 'date', I just wanted to be here so I can meet a person I'm interested in.

"Oh Suburu!" Emilia then calls out from behind in relief. "You're finally here!"

Hearing her voice, I turn around and take notice that she is still covering her features.

"Oh? You have success finding that old man?" I question while looking around for a stand that sells appas and any other familiar faces.

Emilia hearing me just makes a bitter smile. "No, his store is being repaired. He may be at home, but I have no idea where he lives."

"Oh!" I voice out suddenly as I see three familiar figures go into a certain ally way.

"What? You see something?" Emilia asks me as she looks over her shoulder for anything of interest.

Hearing her, I just point in a totally different direction. "Yeah, there is a stand that sells appas!"

Emilia then makes an extremely confused and exasperated face towards me. "That is what excites you? A bunch of appas?"

Hearing this I just fold my arms and nod. "Food is the key to a mans heart."

"Also Emilia, I saw an interesting stand and want to see what the prices are there. Can you please go and buy the appas while I look at them?" I say to her while taking a bag of coins out of my right pocket and raising it in front of me.

"Uh? Sure I guess."

Hearing this I just give her the bag before going towards the direction I saw the three idiots. And once I get to a stand that is close to the ally, I quietly browse though it. I then make sure that Emilia is not watching me before slipping into the ally.

"Don't screw with us lady!" The boss yells towards the woman.

"Yeah, go ahead and cough up before we make you." The little one said while cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah! What they said!" The big one adds in while growling.

"Don't make so much useless chatter commoners." The lady says before bringing up her red fan. "Fools like you always pick fights for the dumbest of reasons."

Seeing her getting ready to attack I can't help but quicken my actions. I quickly throw out a smaller Shamac making sure to encompass only them and avoid Priscilla.

Once it hit and effects them, I move in towards the big guy and slam my hand onto his face before grasping it and slamming it into the wall next to me repeatedly. I then let go and let him fall before kicking him in his temple to make sure he's down.

With the shamac's smoke still up, I run towards the boss and kick him below the belt. And as he falls to his knees, I bring my foot directly into his temple forcing him to the ground before stomping on his head repeatedly.

I then feel the smoke of my shamac lift as I was walking towards shorty. Seeing his friend's bleeding and barely breathing, the shorty can help but step back unconsciously while looking up to me with fear.

"I- It's you! That one guy with the guard!" He shakily says.

Hearing his fear, I just sigh in disappointment. I then bring my eyes up to him before raising my finger to his forehead.

This draws the shorty's eyes to my finger unconsciously as he is still shook from my surprise attack. "W-What are you doing?!"

I then easily bring my leg into his temple and watch as he flies into a wall and bangs his head against it causing him to faint from both pain, fear, and blunt force trauma.

I then take a quick scan of the three and can't help but smile in satisfaction. I only did this because Priscilla would have killed them, and I still wanted to teach them a lesson for making an enemy of me. Hopefully, this will keep them from annoying me and anyone else who comes to the capital.

"Commoner." Priscilla's voice then calmly calls out from behind me. "Are you perhaps done with such an unsightly scene?"

Hearing her, I then calmly bring my gaze towards her before taking a quick bow. "Yes I am done with these three. May I ask if this noble lady is unhurt?"

"Oh!" Priscilla sounds out while fanning. "What a splendid commoner, knowing to lower his head before royalty!"

She then slowly closes her fan before putting it between her breasts. "I am Priscilla Barielle, a commoner like you should be overwhelmed to learn of this ladies name."

"I'm truly happy for this opportunity lady Barielle." I say to her while smiling brightly. But inside, I feel nothing for this woman. All it really takes to please her is to feed her delusion of being the center of the world.

Hearing this, Priscilla shows a self satisfied smile as she checks to see if her orange hair is still tied while looking at me with her crimson eyes. "Your flattery is on point, you could surely court any normal peasant girl with your tongue."

Hearing this I force myself to smile and bow. "I am truly grateful to hear your praise lady Barielle." Say where are the others? Shouldn't they be here by now?

"Oh?!" A aged and deep voice then calls out from the ally. "Aren't you the guy who brought the sword saint along?"

I see old man rom has finally arrived.

"Oh looks like this is where you are!" Emilia then calls out behind me. "And who's th-!"

And it looks like Emilia has arrived also. It looks like she'll finally be able to speak with him like she originally wanted too.

Emilia then makes a serious expression towards Priscilla before looking at me with questions present in her eyes. However, I'm not interested in what she is thinking right now. A person I'm extremely interested in is with her.

"My, my, so this is the man who left the lass alone." The man says to me before moving his helmet towards Priscilla. The man is wearing a helmet along with a cape. But he has relatively normal attire below that.

"It seems I've found the lost child as well." The man then says while speaking to Priscilla. And upon hearing this, she merely smirks in return.

"And It seems you where waiting in the place you knew I would be. I commend you for your dedication.... Al."
