
Magic 101 with Puck


Honestly this mansion is just too large. It really does make me respect the amount of dedication both the twins show everyday.

I managed to get through a lot of the simple things relatively well however. I'm no where as good as Rem but I'm not a dumpster fire like Ram.

However I have been told that this is just morning duties. Thankfully I have a decent period of rest before I help out with the afternoon work.

Currently I'm watching Emilia communicate with the spirits as I have a certain goal in mind.

"Say puck." I call out grabbing his attention. "Just how does Emilia cast magic?"

"Well Suburu, she isn't using magic per say, she's using what is called spirits arts."

"So she's more of less using magic through spirits?" I question

"Precisely correct suburu." Puck says impressed by my wit. "Instead of using mana from her gate, she instead uses a spirits mana to form spells."

"So if I where to use magic I would use a gate correct?"

"Yes pretty much." Puck nods while his tail curls into a circle. "But you'll also have to control the amount of mana used."

"So in simple terms, while a spirit user just focuses on the spell, I would have to focus on the amount of mana, control said mana, and then use the desired spell." I state.


"Say Puck is there anyway for me to use mana?"

"Yes indeed suburu, I can actually check which element you have if you want." Puck answers. "I'm interested in which of the 4 elements you may have suburu."



So shadow didn't change. I was far to scared to actually attempt to cast Shamac. This either means my soul is compatible with shadow or The witch has already gotten ahold of me.

"Say puck, what is a spell for shadow?" I ask in hopes of experiencing Shamac for myself.

"There is Suburu." He says. "It's called Shamac, a spell that makes you lose all of your senses except touch."

"Well can you show me?"

"Sure why not." He says as he raised his hand.


Hmmmm, this is indeed interesting. I can't hear anything. Neither can I smell either. My sense of sight is gone.

However, I can feel the vibration in the ground when I step. But I can interestingly enough 'feel' where puck is. I walk towards his presumed location and stick my hand out, I can feel his fur.... pretty soft.....


"Suburu, where you playing with Puck?" Emilia asks while giggling. "I saw you where rubbing his stomach."

"I was?" I ask in denial. "I was under the effects of shamac so I didn't notice."

Emilia then looks at me with a sly smile.

"Doesn't Shamac keep your sense of touch?"

Ignoring her question I turn to Puck.

"Say Puck can you teach me how to use Shamac, I've never used my gate and need some help."

"I don't mind Suburu." Puck says as he flies on top of my head. "Emilia I'd stand back In case he suddenly goes boom."


"Well now I'd close your eyes and imagine the feeling of mana going throughout your body?"

"Wait isn't mana supposed to be found in my gate?" I ask him.

"Ah.... I'm sorry I forgot." Puck says frowning in realization. "As a spirit I don't use a gate, I'm made of mana after all."

Well this would explain why suburu failed his first attempt at magic.... Puck is a bad teacher....

"Well I guess I should correct myself then Suburu." He says regaining his smile. "You should first look through your body for the existence of your gate."

Closing my eyes I start to look around my body. Soon I feel a source of coldness. The type of coldness you feel when you are extremely sick.

"Now all you really need to do is open your gate carefully and release enough mana and then visualize your spell."

Carefully I open my gate. And inside I can feel a cloud of mana, enough to cover this whole entire courtyard. I then split a bit of mana off of the mana cloud and guide it towards my gate.


"Congratulations you did it Suburu." Puck says as he flies around the newly formed ball of Yin. "However I would work on the speed and control of your mana more."

Looking at this ball I begin to experiment with it. Using my thoughts I can move it wherever I want.

"Say Puck, can my own spell backfire on me?"

"No, only the more powerful spells of Shamac can do that."

Once I hear that I immediately condense the ball of Yin and store it in my sleeve. However, I feel the amount of mana in this ball draining. And with the amount I can guess that it can at most last 10 minutes without having to be fired.

"Impressive idea Suburu." Emilia says as she makes her way over. "And also congratulations on getting it first try, you may have what it takes to be a mage."

A mage would indeed be smart if I don't want to die. But at my current level I will need a lot of weapons training. The most I could probably do is 30 Shamacs using the bare minimum of mana.

And even if my shamac did land. I would have to go in and fight. And from what I've seen in the show, the humans here are stronger than normal. Even I can feel a difference in my strength, I've tested my strength and I am able to lift the bed in my room up to my chest. My endurance however is trash, I can't even run 6 laps around the mansion without passing out.

"Thanks you, Emilia." I then turn to Puck. "Is there any other spells I could use?"

"Yes, but the most a novice like you could use is Murak." Puck says as he flies into Emilia's shoulder. "Murak is good for dodging certain attacks and jumping onto very high places."

"Ok then, let me try it out."

I then quickly disperse my Shamac spell.

Once again I close my eyes and dive into my gate. And then I split off a bigger chunk from my mana cloud. However, this chunk is a bit harder to control than the small bit I tore off. It's resisting my will and is trying to break free.

I soon get it under control thankfully and lead it out my gate in preparation for my spell.


The effect then kick in and I feel extremely light. I have a feeling that I can even control how light I want it to be. I then test out some different things and am satisfied.

If I make it light to the max I can float in the air. And i can even jump extremely high at lower settings. I then proceed launch roughly off the ground and then switch my body to light effectively sending me flying.

But then my spell shuts off and I land face first on the ground.... I need more practice...


That’s right he has magic!

Havengicreators' thoughts