
Re: As My Heart Grows Cold

How long would it take for one's heart to grow cold due to familiarity? Is it really love if it doesn't last? If a moment lasted for eternity, would people really remain still so?

Houteki · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

One more time - 7

ixFeixi [Ezzie?]

Who is this? I barely know anyone at both inside the game and in real life.

Aiden? But I barely gave him any usernames or character names that I frequently use.

Merk? Impossible. That brother of mine doesn't have time for this kind of thing.

A cousin? But it's been years since I've known anyone within the family tree, and barely even know people that might have been gaming.

The character's a girl, but I don't believe that just because it's a girl, it would be a girl playing behind too.

Esyllt's case was different though, and she sent actual pictures...

Could it be Lyn? Moriana? But those two barely even know about these kinds of things...

First of all, my character name is vastly different from my real name, which made me more curious...

Me [who is this?]

ixFeixi [it's me your girlfriend]

"Holy what!?"

I didn't even realize how loud my voice got from my initial surprise, and the milk carton on the side almost tipped over.

Me [Esyllt!? Is that you!?]

ixFeixi [yes it's me...]

She also skipped through time!?

ixFeixi [it's me, MERK!]

ixFeixi [who's Esyllt by the way?]

ixFeixi [dude ur account's on auto login]

ixFeixi [I just checked what ur doin as u haven't been home yet]

ixFeixi [hey?]

ixFeixi [who's this Esyllt btw?]

Dammit. That was so disappointing.

I checked my friend list once more and added this guy to make sure he won't be able to prank me anymore.

Without Esyllt or her brother on my friend list, I decided to log out and ignored Merk's messages ingame.

"Fuck that."

Tears were starting to come out from my eyes.

"I, I thought that you also were..."

My phone started to ring, and it was probably Merk as I just logged out from the game.

I rejected the call and sent him a text message saying, "just txt me instead" before I mourned at my own stupidity, or if it was a heartbreak or whatever. That moment just made me more sad.

The intensity of the feelings I had earlier rose so much that I felt elated, and within an instant I felt like something was ripped off from my chest, got out in the open, stabbed with broken pieces of glass, before it got stomped on by several farm animals which had all sort of germs and poop.

The hope that someone else had experienced this particular time loop with me is probably impossible for now.


A few minutes pass and I urged myself to hold my tears back and stop crying.

"I get it, he's not to blame. He doesn't know anything anyway."

I took my phone, glanced at the screen, and saw that my inbox was full.

"Did he have to spam my phone so much?"

My phone used its network card for its inbox, and it had a limit. I made it that way so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed if I got somehow spammed, just like right now.


<I left the money at the table>

<ur fridge still empty>

<dont die K?>


<if u wont reply I'll give you some creds>

<989-x2xxxxx has sent you an unlimited messaging promo for two days.>

<sorry for earlier>

<were u waiting for someone important?>

<u don't usually act like this>

<cmon let out some bad gas>

<dude u alive?>


<ima go there if u still dont reply>

Oh shit, he might just actually do that.

I immediately sent him a message after that particular one, and he replied right away.

<eh, ima sleep there>

After that he didn't had any more messages. He's probably on the way right now.


"I thought he'll sleep here?"

It was already 11 PM, and it shouldn't have taken him over half an hour before reaching the place, unless there was heavy traffic.

But at this period of time it shouldn't have been that heavy, so I'm getting worried.

Did he had an accident or what?

Just in case, I sent him another message.

<hey where are u?>

I waited for about a minute and no reply came.

"Fuck this, ima go out."

I wore only sandals and casual clothing and quickly opened the door.



My heart! He'll kill me at this rate!



"Man! How long were you there!?"

It's my brother, Merk. He wore a formal suit and had his hair parted towards the back. His car was nowhere around, which probably meant that he only walked while going here. He still hasn't graduated from university, but he's currently taking a part-time job.

I asked him about what type of job he had, but he just wouldn't let me know. He said that it would be a breach of contract, which would be highly likely true since it's a job that required a formal suit, after all.

After giving him a few hits on the arm, I interrogated this prick just to let out my remorse.

"I brought food from the convi-store. Here."

He held his hand over and proceeded to enter my house without letting me see what he bought.

"Fried Chicken bro."

He placed the plastic bag at the table and took out 2 pairs of spoon and fork.

"What'cha waiting for? Come, eat."

Of course no one should turn down a good offer, especially if it's good food.

"You have a GF now?"

"No man, not yet."

"Who's Esyllt?"

I knew it was coming. Of course, what kind of sibling wouldn't be interested on others' partner to be, what do you know, they might bring that special someone inside the house just one day and it would be strange if you didn't know anything.

"Just starting to court her recently, but I can't see her anymore---"

"Oof! That hurts man."

"Yeah, sure."

"I've had my fair share of heartbreaks, you know? Let me tell you about my first..."

"Stop it man, you've told that like, lots of times already."

"Exactly how many then?"

I gave a sigh and took out some water from the fridge instead.


The night passed without much issue, and I didn't end up having to tell him that I've travelled through time so there's not much happenings besides from us sleeping together on a single bed.

No malice, of course. I only got kicked once from all his turning around while asleep.

This morning, we woke up at the same time though, and took turns at the shower before finally leaving the house.


"You also buy bread from here?"

"Yeah man, it's good."

I thought he was just following me, but it turns out that he's also out early because he wanted some of this premium bread.

"Little girl? Little girl!"

He greeted the girl that helped around the store, and I found it weird that he knows her.

"Little girl?"

"She's a year younger than you, and she was so little when I started buying bread here." Without pause, he turned to the girl after explaining somewhat of a history. "Still remember? Ahhh... brilliant. Here's yours, Ezzie."


I heard the girl call my name so I responded.


"Oh, nothing. So it's your name... Ezzie."

"See ya, little girl!"

Merk dragged me without even letting me say bye towards her. I could only see her confused face as we disappeared towards the corner of the street.

"You already have your Esyllt, right?"

"What, do you like her?" I asked, and the other people who also went to buy bread from their place took a quick glance before minding their businesses.

"Shut up boy, you don't know anything! It's not that simple." He took a look around before whispering towards my ear. "That girl, it's rumored that her father's in a mafia gang, and it's taboo to have feelings for her, okay?"

"Just rumors, right? I could just ask her about it then..."

"Don't! They have CCTVs all around the place, don't you see? Every one of those are theirs. I even thought that it was from the local government but they actually don't give a shit about these things. Okay? We good? Hm? Hm?"

"Um... Fine."

"That's not enough. Answer better."

"Okay man, okay! I understood. Got it. Are we good?"

"It's good that you know. Be careful and don't be disrespectful all the time."

With the seriousness of his tone, I could only accept what he's currently saying.

We parted ways when I finally got to school, and as usual I greeted the guard at the gates before going upstairs.

I finished eating my bread and as soon as I finished licking my fingers, Moriana came up.

Besides her bag, she also held a pouch that was starting to have steam from the inside.

Our eyes met and she briefly snorted to the side before finally sitting over her seat.

Her eyes were somehow glowing as she ate the bread, and I couldn't help but look.

It wasn't long before she finished everything and also licked her fingers, and a faint smile even formed on her face.

As expected, she is really beautiful. But yeah, I think Lyn is better overall, but this girl has a different temperament, after all.

To each its own beauty?

"What, am I that too much good-looking?"

"Yes, your Highness. You have your own charms."

"Charm, what? Hey!"

I closed my eyes and took my usual nap, then disregarded her calls which didn't continue anymore after a few more tries.


Lunch time---

The three of us sat together, and Aiden made the opening statements.

"So, what was it that you had to tell us yesterday? That 'last' thing that you were thinking about?"


"Is Ezzie here?"