
Re: As My Heart Grows Cold

How long would it take for one's heart to grow cold due to familiarity? Is it really love if it doesn't last? If a moment lasted for eternity, would people really remain still so?

Houteki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

One more time - 6


I felt a bit dizzy from her sudden exclamation, and I slowly lifted up my head.


"At least tell me exactly where you bought this bread."

"Eh, that can be said later, I want to take a nap..."

I lowered my head once more and closed my eyes...


Something hit my head and I could only reflexively rise once more.

"Do you badly want to know where it's located?"

I wasn't sure what hit me, but she's so close that I could smell the fragrant shampoo that she used for her hair. Her eyes looked so earnest that I felt like doing this was already a big favor.

"If... you want to know about it badly, then I could just let you follow me as I go home."

"No, that won't do. Tell me! Now."

Wow, such a tyrant.

It's quite a bit of a surprise though, as this is the first time that we actually talked for a long time.

"Sheesh, so impatient. Here, I'll draw a map from the school..."

With that, I took a notebook from my bag and started to draw...


"Man, are you okay?"

"I haven't slept properly. Today's 11 right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just I forgot what date it is today since I'm confused from the changing of dates."

Aiden laughed as usual after my reply.

"That happened to me when I once lacked sleep too."

"No, I mean... it's just that I have something I'm not sure if I should tell."

His eyes suddenly narrowed into thin slits, and he moved his chair near towards me.

"What is it, c'mon, tell us?"

I saw Brian on the side try to slightly adjust his own seat towards mine.

"...Fine. It won't hurt anyway, and I'm not even sure if you'd believe me."




The two of them laughed as if they hadn't heard the greatest joke within their lifetime.

"I'm being kinda bit serious here though!"

"Sure bro, sure!"

"That was refreshing."

We both took a glance at Brian which rarely spoke or smiled, and I could see in Aiden's eyes that he was also given a surprise.

During the whole recess, I told them about the time skip, and about the previous one I've been to. I also told them about Esyllt who was my girlfriend during that time, including the break up.

Aiden's expression changed from time to time, and Brian almost teared up when I was telling them about Esyllt.

Everything was only a summary though, and at the end they pretty much didn't believe me.

"Are you sure that you really did skip through time?" Aiden asked, as he munched on the last of his food.

"Of course man, do you think I lie that much and tell about something I just made up?"

"Well, everything seems like fiction, and I can't believe easily what you've said. Maybe if it happens again, let me know a few of my own secrets and tell me about it when you get back. Sadly, you would have to probably wait for the next turning point again, I guess?"

The bell rang and we fixed the seats.

The time wasn't enough to explain everything, so I will tell them about it later at the end of classes.


"I've thought about it, and if it did really occur, then it would mean that you know the test questions, right?"

"Sure, some important questions were there. But most of them I couldn't remember. I could only remember that its quite average, and none of the questions were groundbreaking."

"That would still help, at least we could get a higher score when the test starts."

"Well, I'm not so sure though."

The two glanced at me and they had confused expressions written on their faces.

"Let me explain; The first time I've went through this week, I only met with Lyn once, and we didn't meet once more after that event."

"So this looks like a visual novel now, huh?"

"Well, that's true... no! I mean she didn't had the opportunity to visit me the following days."

"What did she do then?"

Brian asked, and his voice echoed throughout the room and I felt some kind of vibration, even.

"Nothing. She just approached me and we were noticed by a teacher I can't remember, before she went back to her classroom. After that, even after the later days, she didn't go at our classroom anymore."

"How about me? What did I do?"

"I can't remember. I pretty much don't remember most of the little things, but if you did approach us at that time I would remember. Now that I think about it, you weren't there at the time...most likely."

"That might be true. If it's anything about Lyn, I'd probably do something about it."

That thought scared me as this guy might just beat me half to death if he knew that I was kissed by the girl that she likes.

"That's that for the first. Now for the second part, I rarely see Moriana during the time I go to school. She was early twice from the previous time, and at this timeline she was early twice already."

"You're sure that you didn't just sleep and didn't notice her coming in?"

"I'm sure about it. I would know if someone came within the first seven minutes probably, but she really didn't come. This time she's also strange. Maybe it was influenced by the bread that I gave, but she just became... ah, I shouldn't talk about this."

Aiden was widely grinning from ear to ear before I stopped talking about Moriana.

He knows that I like her, but I stopped liking her from the moment she rejected me.

"Okay, what else?" Aiden followed up.

"During those times, of course I wouldn't have been noticed by the teachers since I became absent, but this time all eyes were just on me as I answered their every problem, I guess? Yep that's a fact in the earlier days but from the previous timeline, I think everything was just normal."

They both nodded their heads before I continued.

"Lastly, I mean, for now, since I want to go home already---"

"You're still here?"

Moriana was somehow on the doorway panting, and her face was slightly flushed.

"We cleaned the classroom!" Aiden was already holding a broomstick when my eyes looked at his side. Just where and how did he get that?

"We were discussing our approach towards the incoming masteries, actually. Do you want to join us?"

Somehow, those words just came out from my mouth without thinking.

"No. I'm just here to take my bag."

She briskly walked towards her seat and opened her bag, then glanced towards us three.

"You didn't steal or look at my bag, haven't you?"

"We didn't even know that your bag was still here." Brian replied, and the girl was a bit frightened from his blatant reply.

"S-Sorry. I'll be going then. Hmph."

After a snort with flick of her hair, she picked up her bag and left the room. Now we're the only ones remaining here.

"I'm pretty sure you'll say that that also didn't occur from your previous timeline." Aiden said, as he returned the broomstick to the cleaning cupboard.

"Even this talk here didn't happen, and I would have been playing at home right now instead."

"Well, that's true... Bri, I told you to download the same game, right?"

"I already downloaded it, but my phone can't handle the---"

"Oh shoot... I thought I would have another friend ingame but, that's fine. Let's find another low-end game instead."

"Um, we should probably go now?" I said as I picked up my bag.

We heard the loud sound of metal screeching through the ground which signalled the closing of the school gates, and we ran downstairs as if there was a ghost at the floor we were in. In reality we just wanted to not be closed inside the school.


Since I rushed from the school until I reached home, I was drenched in sweat and was forced to take a short break instead.

Still, I did not forget to turn on my PC and opened the game since the loading time was not so fast anyway.

"Is he still farming for those materials?"

I can still see StarQuincy09 online right now, and there might probably no sign of him logging out any minute so I decided to pm him at least.

Me [dude]

Me [have you got your leg?]

StarQuincy09 [not yet man still need 300 of silver flakes]

StarQuincy09 [sum1 was PKing us yesterday]

StarQuincy09 [and were forcde to quit]

Me [I see]

Me [good luck man]

I can't help but ask, but if I ask him he might not even let me reach her.

Worst case scenario... is that she doesn't really exist.

And I don't want that to happen.

I just want to ask if she has a sister, is that so difficult?

But it's also some kind of privacy regarding online information I guess, so it's highly likely deny anything too.

I could only let out a long sigh and wait for him to go offline.


Three hours later---

I couldn't help but just watch the still on-going anime that I've already watched, and having a rerun isn't also not so bad just to refresh the scene inside my mind.

I switched programs from time to time and checked the game to make sure I'm not missing on something, but I got hooked after a few minutes, which I only remember to check up on the game after a short cutscene.

He suddenly just disappeared from my friend list, which meant that it's either he's out of bandwidth, his sister's logging in, or they're sleeping already.

It's still early though.

I closed the site where I was watching anime, and waited instead.

The idea of letting others know what would happen wouldn't be so valid anyway, since there also a lot of spoilers and predictions in some sites, which kinda makes you disappointed so I don't dare visit those.

Most of the anime lately are also sourced from light novels and manga which are already usually finished during the time they're released as anime.

I was already getting bored, yet my heart was beating faster the longer I wait.

Wouldn't I die of having a higher heart rate than usual at this rate?

It seemed like time didn't pass the longer that I wait, so I drank some water first to cool my head.

I returned to the scene, and the words on the screen made me almost trip as I rushed to sit on my throne.