
RE: A New World In Marvel

With Just six words Welcome to the Word of Marvel A teen's life is changed as he is taken into the Marvel. Danger is everywhere with allies by his side and power in his hands maybe just maybe he could make the world of Marvel his.

GhoulKingJay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Everybody Hates James

Kurotora thanks for all the chapter corrections


Norman Osborne walked slowly into Otto Octavious' lab with the utmost determination. "Octavius how much longer until you show me some results," he asked the greasy overworked scientist.

Otto turned to face his boss as the mechanical arms loom behind his portly figure, "It won't be much longer sir, since we finally found the right recipe we should be able to use a combination of gene editing and mutations to reinvigorate your cells and give them the regenerative ability needed to not only cure your disease but take you off the path of senescence" the tired scientist replied

{senescence is the condition or process of deterioration with age.}

Norman's lips curled into a manic grin as he heard the news he's been waiting for. "So when is the earliest we can schedule this procedure, Otto"

"Well, sir we need to do some final testing to make sure that everything runs smooth but I would say that the soonest we would be confident enough to let you undergo the procedure would be about one month from today sir".

"Very Good Otto," Norman said as he lightly tapped the scientist's cheek. "Well I'll leave you to it then," he said as he exited the lab area.

Once Otto was certain that Norman was gone his anger couldn't help but slip out as he felt disrespected by Norman and the dehumanizing way that he was being treated by him, but Otto knew better than to outwardly show his anger lest he ends ups floating in the east river.


In a large office area, two figures sat by a desk one a Caucasian man with buzzed black hair sat behind the desk while a curvaceous blonde sat on top of it.

"Look Lainey all I'm asking is that you just consider for a second letting me go in there and handling it. said a man with a very odd-looking sword to an exceedingly beautiful woman.

"No the last time you used that sword in New Orleans with Card trick we nearly had to exorcise the sword spirit outta you" the beautiful woman apparently named Lainey responded to her male counterpart.

"I mean still if we go my way we'll kill him in one fell swoop as opposed to your convoluted plan" the man fired back

She slammed her hand on the desk getting slightly angry as she exclaims "Look we're going with my plan because he's some horny sixteen year old and I can use my body to seduce him and quietly execute him without any loud noise or bloodshed Do you understand me Carver, there will be no crazy spirit sword nonsense this mission or I swear to god I will report you to Yevgeny".

His face goes milk white at her threat "You crazy bitch you can't report me to that Russian psycho it's like you're asking for my death"

"Then you'll quietly listen to my plan like a good boy" she added fixing her ruby red lipstick.

Okay can we run through your plan one more time please"

"Gladly my pet"


This is a pretty short chapter since I'm feeling a little sick. Regardless I hope you enjoyed it even though these last few chapters arent as long as my usual chapter length.