
RE: A New World In Marvel

With Just six words Welcome to the Word of Marvel A teen's life is changed as he is taken into the Marvel. Danger is everywhere with allies by his side and power in his hands maybe just maybe he could make the world of Marvel his.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


That last chapter was really weird and to be honest I'm gonna ask you to disregard that chapter.


The city lay in ruins, a desolate wasteland stretching as far as the eye could see. The once bustling streets were now empty, the buildings reduced to crumbling remnants of their former glory. A heavy fog hung in the air, suffocating and eerie.

Norman, dressed in a dark, ominous suit, stood at the center of the city, his face twisted into a maniacal grin. His eyes glowed with an unholy power, and his voice echoed with a chilling command. With a wave of his hand, he summoned monstrous creatures, twisted and deformed, to do his bidding. They prowled the streets, their roars of agony echoing through the once-vibrant city.

The people who had once lived here were mere shadows of their former selves. They cowered in fear, their faces etched with despair. They had become slaves to Norman's tyrannical rule, forced to bow down before him and worship him as their omnipotent ruler. Their once vibrant lives had been extinguished, replaced by an existence filled with fear and hopelessness.

In the darkest corners of the nightmarish world, he caught glimpses of the heroes who had once stood against Norman. Spider-Man, with his web-slinging abilities, fought valiantly but was quickly overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite forces at Norman's command. Iron Man's armor gleamed with defiance, but it was no match for the unstoppable might of Norman's godlike power.

The nightmare twisted and turned, each scene more horrifying than the last. The young hero felt the weight of hopelessness pressing down on him, threatening to crush his spirit. But somewhere within him, a spark of resistance remained. I refused to accept this twisted reality, this world ruled by a madman.

He gathered all his willpower and with every ounce of Power in his body he forced his body to move calling on every fiber of his being to move and stand up and FIGHT!

James woke up from the horrifying nightmare, his body covered in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. He gasped for breath, trying to shake off the lingering fear that had consumed him during the dream. As he lay there, his mind still reeling from the vivid images, he struggled to separate the haunting visions from reality.

His mind raced as the beaming morning sunlight illuminated his face and did nothing to segregate the dream from his mind. The dream was just that a dream and nothing more but James couldn't help but dwell on the vivid nightmare he experienced, the things that had happened may not have been real but the emotions he felt were real and they overpowered his thoughts with panicking and what ifs which lead his mind even deeper down the proverbial mind rabbit hole.

James ran a trembling hand through his disheveled black hair and let out a deep breath.

"I'm not ever gonna let that guy get anything he wants and that's the damn truth" the teen announced to his empty apartment but more so to reassure himself that he can win this battle with Norman.

Shaking off the remnants of the dream, James rose from the bed and walked towards the window. He pulled the curtains apart, allowing the morning sun to flow into the room. The warm rays painted the walls, casting away the lingering shadows of the nightmare.

As he stood there, gazing out at the city sprawling before him, James reinforced the promise to himself. He would not let the nightmare consume him, nor would he allow fear to paralyze him. Instead, he would channel the lingering emotions into action and destroy Norman Osborne completely.

Starting with his money.


James strolled into the main headquarters of Oscorp as he had done a week earlier with an aura of giddiness surrounding him as he walked over to the cute receptionist.

"Heya, it's Mr. Piers here to see Mr. Osborne.

The receptionist's ears turned red as she remembered their interaction just a week prior.

"Right away Mr. Piers"

James smiled and tried his hardest to not laugh at how determined the receptionist was "Don't rush on account of me, they say the best things in life are worth waitin for".

James stood there for about a minute before the secret executive elevator came down to take him to his best pal in the whole wide world Norman Osborne.

James stepped into the elevator and rode it in silence for ten seconds as the executive elevator zoomed up to the top floor of the headquarters.

"Gentlemen, I know I'm a day early but I'm excited to get my hands on the rest of the money you owe me." James cheered as he actively ignored the shocked faces of the two lawyers who were once again present.

"Well, Mr. Piers it looks like you're a ball of energy Today, I suppose we should keep this as short as possible so that we don't put a damper on your positivity" the businessman replied with a painfully forced smile on his face.

'How bout you drop dead, that'll solve all my damn problems ya prick'

"I guess we should get the business outta the way"

The lawyer to the right turned to James handed him a bank card with an address and said "It'll look suspicious if you were to leave here with another briefcase so we created a Swiss bank account that is accessible with this bank card, the temporary pin is 0-0-3-0, you can change the pin once you initially access the bank account"

James observed the sleek black bank card that sat unbelievably comfortably in his hand. The sheer amount of money the piece of plastic held was staggering to someone like James who had to scrounge around for every dollar that he got.

Ahem! The lawyer on his left fake coughed to regain his attention "These two meetings never happened and if the nature of that account were to be found out we or any other representative of Oscorp have not at any time had any involvement with this situation or your procession of the funds within that swiss bank account" the lawyer rattled off quickly seemingly trying to confuse James with his lawyer mind tricks.

"Yea, I don't plan to keep contact with anyone in this room from this point on so I doubt I'll ever see you guys after this point.

James walked into the elevator taking it all the way down and exiting the building.

Once they were certain the teen was gone the two lawyers went milk white.

"S-sir please understand, we have absolutely no idea how he wasn't killed by the Hitman"




The CEO laughed with no real joy behind his laughter, only rage. "I gave you two one job and you failed me so as of this moment you two are fired, remove yourself from my building or I will be forced to use force" the rich madman calmly informed his two former lawyers.

The two frantically exited the room like their lives depended on it, which it very well did.

Norman stood up from his desk and turned to the sprawling glass wall behind him, overlooking the bustling city like a king. "It will all be mine soon enough" Norman silently spoke to himself.


The door softly closed behind him as he collapsed onto his couch exhausted by the weight of everything that has happened in the last three weeks.

"I wish I was back home where all this Marvel shit was just fantasy". He said as he fell asleep right on his couch.

Ring... ring... ring...

The shrill sound of a ringing phone pierced the silence, echoing through the room with an eerie insistence. Each ring seemed to grow louder, more annoying as if it carried a terrible message within its tone.

Ring... ring... ring...

James took his phone out of his pocket and answered "Hello'' with sleep and exhaustion hanging from every word and seeping through the phone.






The voice on the phone James recognized as Peter tried desperately to say something to his friend over the phone.

"What's wrong Pete ya sound weird," James asked his nerdy friend worriedly.

"My Uncle died" Peter finally managed to say over the phone though James could tell he was just barely on the verge of a complete breakdown over the phone.

Once again the Marvel universe seemed like a bitter medicine James wanted to spit up.

"I'll be right over"