
RE: A New World In Marvel

With Just six words Welcome to the Word of Marvel A teen's life is changed as he is taken into the Marvel. Danger is everywhere with allies by his side and power in his hands maybe just maybe he could make the world of Marvel his.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A knock at the door

Every head turned to the door as the atmosphere grew tense again. Gwen especially was running through all the worse cases of who may be behind the door.

James hesitantly walked over to the door as caution flushed through every fiber of his being. He stood as still as a statue behind the door as he felt the same weird gnawing in the back of his mind from earlier. The feeling wasn't bad in the slightest but it was definitely powerful. This familiar feeling made him slightly relax as he knew that behind the door was Cindy Moon.

The apartment door opened with a creak that surges through the tense living room and through the rest of the silent apartment.

"Hey I came over to talk, I only have a few minutes to talk but I wanted to figure out how you felt about the accident?" Cindy spoke to James' figure in the doorway

"Oh, well come on in the others have been here for a little bit but I'm sure we can catch you up".

Cindy looks confused for a second before looking past James and at Gwen and Peter who were sitting comfortably in Jame's small living room area. Seeing the others there she looks a little disappointed as she wordlessly walks into the apartment.

"Cindy could you come into the bedroom I need to show you something"

Cindy looks at James funny for a second before making eye contact with both Peter and Gwen and both seemed relatively normal so Cindy walks slowly behind James into his bedroom.

The door to his room opens and she's greeted by the minimalistic but well-organized room. Her eyes go to the bed which is surprisingly big enough for two people. She focuses back on James who is currently rooting through his closet reaching for something before he pulls out a Large backpack that seems to be filled to the brim.

"Yes! I found it" James declared completely forgetting about Cindy who was right next to him as he raised his fist to the heavens in triumph. Once he regains awareness he stares silently at Cindy as she tries to desperately stifle a laugh.

Eventually, Her laughter erupted into a melodious cry as she tries hard to rain in her laughter.

James just smiles at the pure unadulterated Joy radiating from her massive smile as well as her laugh practically being music to his ears.

"C'mon Cindy that was a really serious moment and you're laughing not cool" James quipped at Cindy who was just about to double over laughing.

"No-no it's just that in school you have this reputation of being cool and a badass but you were acting so goofy just now so I couldn't help but laugh" Cindy replied as she frantically tried to catch her breath.

"Movin' on I need you to sign this form okay?" James says as he hands her the same form that Peter and Gwen got. Once in her hand Cindy carefully scrutinized the paper as she goes over it line by line.

After ten minutes of reading Cindy was finished and even more confused. "Why would Mr. Osborne ask us to sign these forms they're so slanted in his favor that the only real thing that we're gonna get from this deal is the money" Cindy pointed out as her once smiling face fell into a deep frown.

"Just sign it Cindy, take the money while that corrupt bastard still has it because I promise you that an opportunity like this ain't coming from Ozcorp ever again if I have anything to say about it" James declared clenching his fist extra tight as he proudly declared his goal to Cindy.

"And how are you going to do that James, in case you haven't noticed you're 16 and he's one of the most powerful men in the world."

The accident changed us all and I know that you just like me Gwen and Peter have the power to do something about it


What are they talking about an increasingly antsy Peter asked Gwen as the duo quietly sat in the sparsely decorated living area of James' apartment.

"I'm not sure but it's been ten minutes maybe we should just go see what's holding them back so long," Gwen replied as she walked in the direction of James' bedroom.

Peter followed Gwen down the hall until they were met with the closed door of James' bedroom. Peter and Gwen look at each other as a knowing look flashes across their faces.

"You don't think that they're doing the deed" Peter sheepishly asked Gwen

"I doubt it they know that we're still here so they probably wouldn't do something like that" Gwen countered trying to move her friend's mind away from impure thoughts.

The two continue listening for a few more minutes before the door swung open and James and Cindy stepped out standing in front of the nosy duo.

"Well well looks like we've got eavesdroppers"

"Well you kinda left us hanging James"

"Whatever let's go to the living room and discuss, how the four of us are going to completely destroy Norman Ozborne and His precious empire"

As James announced his intent Cindy smiled at his aspiration while Gwena and Peter both cracked unsure half smiles still on the fence about destroying their friend's dad.


I'm trying my best to kinda lay the foundation for Cindy and James to get together as well as make the way for the eventual fall of Oscorp.

Sorry for the short length Btw