

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 7-A peek outside my World.

Kelvin laid in his bed beside a young lady, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see a woman beside him and then he looked under his blanket and found himself naked so was the woman, he gulped his saliva and frowned he didn't even know how he got here. He tapped the woman harshly and woke her up, "Hey miss! who are you and why are you here?" Ivy woke up and smiled at him. "Hey babe, how was your night? Good morning." Kelvin wore his shorts and got up quick.. Kelvin packed her things and told her to start leaving, he even tried to pay her off.

"Fuck your money! I like you ever since you started coming to Green's bar but you never look my way and from my findings you have no woman in your life I could as well be your woman or what do you think?" Ivy suggested but kelvin wasn't listening, he felt like he has committed a serious crime. "Young lady please get out I'm going to class!" He said in a serious tone. "Drop me off then! we attend the same school" She replied and kelvin reluctantly drove her to school after leaving his apartment. They both got out of the car and left the parking lot for the lecture room but kelvin noticed she's following him.

"Hey! are you following me? what's your problem? Look I mean no harm okay, I didn't mean to do what I did last night, and everything I might have said or did was purely under the influence of alcohol, I was drunk last night so please forgive me and let's get over this. Stop following me! I can't do what you expect me to." He said and started walking away hurriedly but ivy kept following and he got really annoyed. "Are you stalking me? seriously?" he said angrily but ivy just smiled "This is my class too I guess you don't look away from the lecturers and you just leave class that's why you never noticed I've always been around you we are stuck together in almost everything, so deal with seeing my face around more often." Ivy said and walked past him to her sit and that was right beside Kelvin's.

Kelvin knew he's got somethings to deal with now that he's caught the attention of a girl. After class she followed him to the canteen and ate with him. Kelvin looked at her, "Don't get any funny ideas because of last night okay! I've got someone I love." She looked disappointed but kept on eating and a look of determination was in her eyes. Kelvin later realized that Ivy was also his next door neighbor! seriously this must not be a coincidence! Kelvin noticed the lady gave him no attention anymore after that for about a week or two.

Like the world was doing things against kelvin, He later saw her standing at the entrance of his apartment one day and asked what the problem was. "I'm pregnant!" She said with a frown on her face. She handed over the pregnancy test kit to him and went straight to her apartment. Kelvin felt like entering the ground, he's been working and studying in the day and the first time he took whiskey was the day he impregnated a lady he barely even knew. This was all too much for him he called his dad and explained to him that he missed him and would love to come home for a while during the holidays.

He later went to meet Ivy and told her he wasn't sure of what to say now but he will never shed innocent blood and she should keep it for the sake of responsibility. He wasn't sure if he was making the right decision but he knew killing his pregnancy was a terrible sin. Ivy held his hands and hugged him, she muttered a low Thank you but Kelvin detached himself from her and went back to his room and "vowed never to get drunk or take alcohol again. Ivy became a leech, she was everywhere around him and sometimes she would even go into his apartment without his permission.

"Kelvin, I think we need to get married, I won't want my child to come to this world out of wedlock." Ivy said smiling, kelvin almost choked on the water he was drinking. "We never agreed to get married, I don't even have any feelings for you and you know what! you first give birth to the child before we decide what to do after that! I'm not in for marriage okay!". Within a week kelvin was ready to come down to Nigeria. He told her he was going to see his dad. Ivy is a white girl who is always so obsessed with black men, knowing kelvin was an African she tried to get him for herself.

When Kelvin left for Nigeria, Ivy's ex boyfriend came looking for her, he is a hacker, he's been trying to get in touch with her but she blocked him off, Ivy was actually pregnant for Ryan but she wanted to get closed to kelvin so she spiked his drink and got in bed with him before the pregnancy reaches a month and then tie the pregnancy around kelvin, Ryan is not presentable enough, he's a smoker and a drug addict and ivy came from a very prestigious family, one of the richest families in the country, she needed to be with someone presentable and kelvin was presentable enough.

Ryan knew this but he also won't let go of Ivy because of her family's wealth, he impregnated ivy intentionally so that he would be a member of the family but ivy had to change plans. Ryan hacked into her phone and realized she's been texting a guy and claiming she's feeling sick and the pregnancy he put in her has been giving her a hard time and She needs his attention. Ryan know it's either ivy cheated on him and the baby wasn't his or she has found a victim of circumstances, so he took a screenshot of everything and went to pay her a visit, he had sex with her and recorded it on tape and left.

After two days he began to blackmail her with the videos and that would be a bad image to her family, so he paid lots of money and she was personally drained off money, and she's got to have a really good excuse if she wants to get money from her parents apart from her allowances. She got really mad and sent assassins to kill Ryan but he was smarter and he let out the video, the video hasn't reached kelvin where he was since he was out of the country to clear his head from everything and think straight. Kelvin noticed ivy hasn't been talking to him in a while now so he felt really at ease because she had him wrapped around her finger when he was with her.

Now in Nigeria, after resting for two days he went to visit Jessica at her home but he received a sad news, she died about a year ago! kelvin didn't believe but then he confirmed after visiting her grave, he wept so hard and mourned her, he couldn't move on and he kept regretting leaving her. His dad knew of Jessica so he comforted his son to take heart and move on and focus on the future.


Helen joined a modeling agency not long after she got back to Nigeria, she entered into the fashion world, the news of Jessica's death didn't move her. No matter how hard Helen tried she wasn't good at anything at all, so she decided to move into the fashion business world, she got a very huge amount of money from her dad about half a billion to open a boutique. Jude has been controlling billions of naira out of Jessica's dad's companies and it's resulted in their bankruptcy.

Helen placed a huge bid on a very expensive Jewel, it was actually the one she snatched from Jessica, the more she kept it with her the more she felt Jessica's ghost haunting her and she wanted to get rid of anything that reminded her of Jessica, its too expensive to just give away, so she placed it on display in a decorated glass and created awareness for it online and different people began to lobby for tickets to the event where the highest bidder will take the jewelry home.

This online sensation reached the notice of Queen, she smiled and got a ticket too, she was going to show Helen who she truly was, but first she had other things to do. Kelvin felt like the jewelry was too familiar as well, she's seen something like that around Jessica's neck in her 16th birthday picture and it was no coincidence that Helen put up the similar necklace online for sale, he knew how much it meant to Jessica so he decided he was going to buy it, kelvin is now managing his dad's company, he decided he won't go back to school, he's learned enough and he will simply complete the schooling program online and travel back on the day of graduation.


Very close to Jessica's grave, a worker has been assigned to keep an eye on whoever visits that grave, uncle Jude, Beatrice and Helen were seen with some family members visiting the grave once and never came back, A very attractive lady with her husband a white man of about 40years visited as well, Jessica knew it was her aunt Gina, she was so bitter and guilty for leaving her behind and not taking her out of the country when she could and she felt like she's failed her sister, Every Friday she would visit the empty grave and sweep the surrounding and decorate it with flowers, she felt regretful and guilty, none of it was her fault, even Jessy knew that.

She couldn't sue Jude and his family because there was no evidence and the judges had been paid off, truly there was no evidence that Jessica was maltreated, reports got to her that a young man visited too but Queen has no idea who it was so she thought it might be one of her friends in school. Three guys of about the same age as Kelvin came in so much guilt and shame as they knelt at the grave for forgiveness from Jessica, Queen took interest in those men and asked the worker to take a picture of them and send it to her.. It was the head boy of her school when she was In high school, the health prefect boy, and the social prefect boy. Jessica knew instantly that they were the ones that raped her and she got every information about them.

An old man of about 60 years also visited the grave, he was Senator Gilbert advisor and friend and lawyer! he was also the managing director of all of the Gilbert's companies. He has remained unchanged and knew Jude was up to no good but there's nothing much he could do.


(Some Centuries ago)

Under the Atlantic ocean, there was a kingdom where special humans lived along side with other aquatic and semi aquatic creatures like mermaids. The level of technology there had reached its peak, things that were yet to be produced in 2099 were already present there and they chose a king and queen, he was considered a god and he was a very special ally to every deity in the world, the king was given special powers to control the movement of the sea the storm and the creatures of the sea.

He would go up on land and do business with humans, he thought them how to create ships, submarines and make life better with a explainable form of magic in which we call technology today and he would go back to his kingdom and teach them of the ways of men, in no time the kingdom of the Atlantic ocean was so much like the human world except for the advanced technology. He fell in love with a human girl and took her with him under water but then he realized she wasn't like him, she would die if they went further and deeper under the ocean, so he returned her to land and married her and brought gifts to her like precious stones diamonds and the likes.

The king's wife got pregnant, there was a war under the sea and they rebelled against their king for marrying a human on land instead of the sea, it was basically against the rules and the rules were changed that only a woman was allowed to rule the sea and through this she won't be able to hide a pregnant man in the human world and to them a female was stronger and wiser and full of considerate emotions, no one wanted to understand the king's plight and love for the human.

The king sent the girl away to a far side where she won't be located and gave her the only key to the Royal treasure that would show the rightful heir and he warned her this must be passed down only to women because men could be selfish and sell it off but women would want to treasure it and keep the line going and it won't leave his blood line. She agreed, but by the time the king returned to the sea, he was killed and the key was no where to be found. He sealed up the portal of the kingdom so that no one will go in or out of the kingdom to the human world where the wife will be located and the key will be taken away from her, only his blood line from the human world will be able to locate the hidden kingdom and go out as they wished.

The king's wife gave birth to a male child but then the male child gave birth to a female child and was about to get married when the woman gave it to her, as from then on, the key was passed down from mother to daughter until it reached Sarah's mother, she was on her death bed when she handed it to her, she only told her it was the heirloom of her family and a sacred treasure to be kept but she didn't tell her the story behind it when she gave up the ghost.

Sarah kept it safe until when Jessica was born and for the first time in so many centuries the jewel necklace beamed a strange blue light when Jessica touched it when she was a toddler and then she knew the jewel was extra ordinary and always looked forward to the day she was going to hand it over to her.

Losing the jewel was just like losing your birth right and no matter how many times Jessica asked of the name of the kingdom her mother was from, Sarah wouldn't tell and the location was not on any world map.