

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6- The death of Jessica Gilbert..

In the biggest room I slept with my baby, I breastfed her and was served with different kind of food that I haven't eaten since my parents died, I ate so hungrily that I almost choked on chicken bone, I don't understand what's going on but what matters more to me right now was filling my stomach, now I understood what my mom meant by, people will do anything to eat what I was wasting, I never knew the value of comfort until I lost it.

I walked into the pool and was washed clean but I still looked ugly and I hated looking in the mirror. I was too exhausted and I just slept off on the bed, I woke up the next morning and didn't see my baby beside me, I don't think a one day old baby could crawl out of bed, I was alarmed I almost lost my child to that market woman and now this?? I rushed out of the room shouting where's my baby and all the workers were too scared to talk to me, I got scared and ran down the stairs case and saw the slim lady holding my baby and placing her in a baby cot.

I rushed to her and snatched my baby, she apologized for taking her away like that and she asked me to trust her, "What's all these? is this a set up, that market woman asked you to take my baby away from me right?" I screamed, I was angry and fierce, I needed to protect my child but it ended up waking her and she let out a loud cry, she was startled by my screams I guess. She shook her head and explained that she only wanted me to sleep soundly, then I realized I was actually shouting at someone who helped me and could throw me out anytime.

Slowly I calmed down and apologized for shouting at her and she just nodded and said "totally understandable". She sat and asked me to sit. "Do you own this house?" I asked curiously, she nodded and said this is just one of her houses! my mouth was left wide open, this enter mansion is bigger than my dad's mansion times three.. I was like wow and thanked her for helping me and volunteered to be a maid in her house as well. She rested her back on her chair and looked at me for a while like she was scanning my brain, "You are the empress don't ever say you are going to be my maid, I don't know how you became like this but I must tell you, you are worth more than what you think you are."

I sat up and stared blankly at her, she asked what happened and I narrated everything that has happened to me since my 16th birthday till now and she shook her head, "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. and I've got an offer for you. I was just like you except that I was sold by my dad to a brothel and he used the money to marry a new wife, my mom is actually dead and he thought I was the cause of her death. I later realized he was just my mom's make up lover who she married while she was pregnant with me, not even my father and I made him wish he was dead, I had my revenge in short.. I could give you that. If you agree to be the Empress you really are." She said. "I'm Theresa collins" she said and I nodded.

"What Empress?" I asked Theresa and she smiled. "Well, There's an association where broken women are accepted to rule the world of men and trample on evil men like your uncle, and good thing you have no man in your life you hold dear anymore, thats a sure qualification.. We will stand and fight for you, where do you think all these celebrities and influencial people got their fame and wealth, we will make you what you've always wanted to be and make Jude a walking zombie.. think about it" She explained and I kept nodded until I came to a realization, my eyes went wide open and I gasped "You are introducing me to a cult, you want me to be a cult leader, why me? I won't be a cultist! bye!" I stood and carried my child, my dad will never be happy if he knew I was a cultist.

"Jessica! think of your dead family, now the only living family you have is depending on you what will you use to train that child, won't you get justice for your parents, do you have anywhere to go, how do you feel seeing Jude and Helen squander your father's wealth ugh?" she said and sniffed "I won't force you to join but it's your destiny to be our queen since the leader died and the prophesy has said who ever comes to me last night that's not a member of our group will be leader, you'll have power to control anything, the most powerful cult you think is matia is just a little branch set aside you'll have the entire world under your feet! it's your choice!" she said and I took my baby out but before I got to the gate I came to realize she was saying the truth and I went back in and wept and fell on my knees.

Theresa came to me and hugged me, she knew it wasn't easy for me but I had no choice, "I had no choice either but it's not actually bad and it's a very great choice I made." I realized I was beginning to shed blood, I will make Uncle Jude pay him and every one else I will kill them all and spread their corpses all over the streets.

I was taken inside and she made me relax, my child was given to a nanny, I named her after my mother Sarah.. I was taken out and made to sign some documents they were my travelling papers, I will be going to UK for a Plastic surgery, that was the first step, my looks were too bad and needed adjustment. Theresa being the number three of the cult taught me everything I needed to know and I learned fast, I guess she was still telling me the easy parts and I'll know the real deal once I'm into it.

She has been receiving different visitors who wanted to see what the new leader looked like, some thought Theresa brought me from somewhere and I'll be her puppet. She hid me because I won't seem worthy with my looks. I flew to UK and was transformed, I took care of my entire body, my physical appearance needed to be healed, I used that opportunity to heal from all my hardship and after my surgery, I looked in the mirror and saw a work of art, I looked like a goddess, my hair my face my entire body was transformed.. I wasn't Jessica anymore, Jessica died the day she gave birth to her child and Queen was born.

I travelled back to Nigeria with my baby who was already 4 months old. I was someone else entirely. I got out of the Aeroplane and met women in suits, men in suits as well, but very few men they welcomed me like a real empress, I felt a rush of power surge through me. My baby was held carefully by a maid, I got out in heels and a very slim dress that exposed my seductive curves. I just looked ahead and did as Theresa taught me, I must not show a sign of weakness at all, I must be confident, I met with the number 2 who wasn't really happy to see me but just pretended. She could have been queen if not for the prophesy.

I just ignored her and went to hug Theresa. They held a welcome party for me and I expressed my gratitude, all the members, almost all my childhood heroines were present and I could have rushed at them to get autographs if I wasn't their queen. I haven't been crowned queen yet but I needed to show I was worth being crowned and made a wonderful speech before I left with Theresa.

An entire estate was bought for me and I could pick any house I wanted for myself to live in and give the rest to whoever I wished to. 15maids were assigned to me, 2 cooks, 3 drivers, 2 gardeners, a gatekeeper, 7 security men, 4 bodyguards, a nanny for my baby, a personal assistant for a start.. I wasn't the queen yet and I was enjoying this, I picked the biggest mansion and fleets of cars drove in about 16 if I counted well. I was getting scared but I can't show fear not now, I mean without raising a finger and my life turned around over night.

Theresa kept reassuring me I was cut out for this, I held some meetings with the top members and I knew the cult was more spiritual than physical, the number 2 kept going against everything I said, and I knew she was really a threat, she kept rubbing it in my face that she knew better than me and it was getting on my nerves seriously. From what I know she's the richest woman in the Africa. She would interrupt me and show she's fit to rule and stronger. I felt inferior and intimidated but I was never to show it. I met with the woman who prophesied, she looked at me and shook her head, the rest of the cult members were behind me and tried to confirm if I was truly the one or not, the woman confirmed it and marked me on the fore head and she crashed to the fall.

"Queen of the seven oceans, forgive me for standing before you! Spare my life!" she trembled and I just held her up. I heard Hilda scoff! I turned around and she kept rolling her eyes, I'm sure she's clearly annoyed for bringing someone outside over her but If I didn't show who the boss was as soon as possible, others will start rebelling too. I controlled myself and left in a limousine with Theresa..

I was thought the rules, the first was no husband! seriously? I wasn't getting married, anyways I already have a child, I could cope with that so I moved on to the next level. I would be crowned in seven days, then given my first assignment as the leader to prove my worth. I signed a death certificate of my past self and did a funeral for Jessica Gilbert,myself, Theresa and my baby was there and it was given to the Government Incase of investigation. I'm now Queen Marina, no male surname.

On my way to the venue where I'll be prepared for my coronation, Theresa was sad all through and couldn't look me in the eye, I asked her what was wrong but she couldn't tell, I was asked to stay in a pool of some funny looking black water, she pushed me into the pool and it was sealed up, I'm sorry, I heard her mumbled as she walked off, and the rest of the cult started humming, I would be in the pool for 3 days if I didn't die then I was truly the queen, I couldn't breathe, I found Hard in the darkness to get to air was but then I felt strangled, I really wanted to live but then drowned into the pool and gave in to the darkness.

I felt like I was falling into peace and all my worries and memories sipping at me, but when my Back reached the floor of the pool, my eyes flew open, I was extremely actually under the pool, I was clearly in the water but I could see everything around me and I could breath, I felt like I was in my own element. I felt some eyes around me and looked behind me, I couldn't speak but I knew the people surrounding me were after my life. "was this a test or what", those people charged at me and I noticed they had no legs at all, they were fucking evil spirits.

I needed to exercise my authority, I stood my ground even though in fear I looked them deep in the eyes like I feared nothing, but I couldn't take it anymore, I kept shifting backwards until my back hit the wall, I couldn't run or hide, I don't know what came over me the moment a hideous looking spirit charged at me, I screamed in the water, "mummy!" like I usually did when watching horror movies and all of a sudden I saw something drag them, like the force in the water pulled all the darkness and formed them together, including the evil spirits and turned it to a vault, the sounds of the spirits were clearly in the vault.

The water was now clear as crystal, not like before then the force disappeared. I sat in the water watching the vault for a long time until the seal of the pool opened, I looked up and people fell back and started trembling, I walked out of the pool with the vault and gave it to the number two Hilda but she was too scared that the glass vault fell at her feet and broke and the spirits consumed her and she turned to ashes, immediately they saw me the flew off. The woman with the prophesy didn't look suprised. Everyone including Theresa bowed in front of me and now it's time to meet the real boss!

Theresa was automatically number two and I went with her and the sorcery woman with the prophesy into a dark room. Now I was feeling cold, I spent 3 days under water without dying. When I got inside, I didn't see anyone, she was invisible, the supreme mother of all demons and spirit, first human woman and wife of the devil, Lilith. She didn't talk but she possessed the prophesy woman who spoke her words to me.

"Daughter of the sea, I see your origin, and your ancestors guardians of the waters swore allegiance to me and serve my purpose, I am happy you are here. You are now the queen of wealth and ruler of most of all, now I have given you the world, you must give me what I want, your soul! But before submitting your soul to me, there's a task for you, A man of God must die by your hands between now and the next three months, if you don't take his life, you will lose what you love most, your child. Then you'll come back to me and I will give you anything else you want in exchange for your precious soul."

I trembled as Lilith spoke to me, I left the room with theresa and left the prophesy woman there with her.. I was speechless on my way home and I didn't have anything to say to Theresa who felt guilty of pushing me into the pool, I went inside to carry my baby in my arms, I've left her for so long that I neglected her..

The next day I was crowned as Queen of my cult and the celebration was don't in the biggest hotel in Japan where all the elites were gathered, 97% of the population there were women. After the celebration, I forgave Theresa and moved on from the pool drama, now I need to accomplish my mission if I want to keep my child alive. She's the only thing that's keeping my sense of humanity and if I lose her, then I will become worse than Lilith herself.

I went through the file given to me and saw the name of the Man of God, he's Named Bishop Christopher Ikemefuna. He's known to keep destroying the work of Lilith's Messengers and children, and losing those that the witches has bound. He has snatched too many souls from the grasp of Lilith's and won them over to God and now I have to kill him or my daughter will die!

The celebration went on for seven days but I was busy thinking of ways to kill him, because every minute that passes was dangerous for my child, I am doing all this mostly because of her and I can't lose her, she was the main reason I joined this in the first place. I was given a lion share of everything every member of my cult had from the highest to lowest, they all worshipped me, there were great pastors and presidents and business women, and actresses, it means bishop Chris refused a position in the group, nothing worldly moved him.

I don't need to work again until the day I die. I'm set up for life. My revenge is coming soon but first I have to save my child's life. I set up a plan and discussed it with Theresa on how to hatch it but she turned it down, looks like every member of the cult has been given the same task but failed and had to pay with the life of someone very dear to them, whoever doesn't have someone she or he loved would lose their lives. So many plans has come and gone and nothing worked.