

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 8-My mission..

Now I'm getting more anxious by the day, Baby Sarah is up to 8 months now and she's grown to be the cutest angel I've ever seen, her beauty is out of this world and the more I saw her and the more time passed the more I felt the fear of losing her. I can't image her Dying, I will go really crazy. She's the best child anyone could pray for, she doesn't give me any hard time, she knows when to laugh and when to cry, she doesn't poop when I'm holding her, even though I was always busy trying to kill someone so that she could live I would make time for her in a day so that she won't feel distant from me.

Everytime I got to her cot, she would smile and raise her hands and kick her legs in the air, she laughs whenever I make funny faces and we sleep together every night, she would sleep until she's seen my face at night. She's quite playful too and she eats a lot, she eats almost half of what I eat in a day, and that's why she's such a big cute and healthy baby. When I was pregnant with her I would always fear complications or having a deformed baby because if everything I passed through.

This has made me even more determined to kill Bishop Christopher, I don't want to know what ever it is that Lilith holds against him but I'm definitely not losing my child because of him, Its a month down today since I've been given the assignment, I remembered packing snakes in a sack and releasing them all in bishop Chris hotel room when he was out for a crusade, I also remember removing the brakes of the car he was supposed to take to his church on a Sunday morning, but he went to church and came back home with the same car unharmed in the same condition, sincerely the fire I see in this man is more than what anyone has.

About last week, I pretend to be a waitress in a restaurant where he was supposed to eat lunch with some executives of his church, I poisoned his food and served the poison myself, but he didn't touch the food he was called out immediately on emergency and I failed. I even sent Theresa to his office for prayer and we planned she would seduce him in any way but as beautiful as she was, she was chased out of the office like a dog. He's truly not touchable and it's pissing me off.

Then I decided it was now or never, on Sunday, I got dressed like a married woman and took my child with me, I was in a totally different disguise, so I attended his church and took the front row, when it was time to call out the first timers I went out and went closer to Bishop Christopher who was praying for us and I started shooting arrows at him spiritually, he kept staring at me as he prayed but I felt like he wasn't seeing me.

After the prayers, his eyes never left me when he made a announcement, "There's a person among us right now in this auditorium that's shooting arrows of death at me, but do you know the reason why I'm not retaliating, it's because innocent lives will be lost, it's better you stop what you are doing or you'll be facing the wrath of God!" he still kept looking at me while saying those words so I took my baby and went out immediately.

I know you will think I am a bad person but trust me I was only protecting my child any mother would kill for her only offspring to live, I didn't feel good trying to kill someone but I was only trying to protect the last strand of my sanity, if Baby Sarah dies I will not be different from a mad Wolf and I will kill anyone that stands in my way. I woke up early today and saw glints of sadness in my baby's eyes, she was Missing me so I promised to be back home as early as possible. I was going to kill Bishop Christopher today even if it meant losing my life.

I waited patiently for him to walk out of the museum he went to and raced my car at him I crushed him with my car and turned around and raced away immediately, police sirens were after me but I came out of the car on the high bridge and jumped into the water under the bridge. The police men took the car for investigation and I was taken off by Theresa who was my back up plan, my yacht workers dived in to rescue me, but I was the one that ended up rescuing one of them, I don't know why I feel at home inside water.

Theresa became my best friend in no time, she helped me with my disguise again and I went straight to the hospital where he was admitted. He was in VIP ward p06, but there was heavy security at the entrance, I saw a handsome looking guy talking to one of the police men, his back side was so familiar but I don't know what came over me immediately he looked behind him I turned around, I didn't get to see his face, I went to the body guard at the entrance of his ward immediately the young man passed behind me and the body guards said I wouldn't be allowed to enter except for two people the bishop trusted with his Life.

I couldn't even think of teleporting, appearing in a room where there were security men and CCTV cameras was a bad idea.

I left the hospital, I was disappointed that bishop Chris didn't die, so I just left home tiredly. I got home and all the workers welcomed me warmly, I was exhausted and just wanted to cool my head off, so I ordered a maid to tell the cook to make something very light for me. I went up to my room and took a shower and wore my pajamas, I let down my hair freely and sat in my couch facing my billboard sized television. I was extremely exhausted, and sad as well, I raised my head and was looking at the chandelier at the top deep in thoughts.

"Mama" something jolted me at of my thoughts, I was back in reality, did I just hear mama, I looked down to my feet and saw Baby Sarah smiling at me, her big cheeks showed of some cute dimples and I carried her in my arms, she must have senses I was back, did I just hear her call Me mama! I was so happy, warm excitement rushed through me, I took her in my arms and told her to say it again but she just looked away and blushed, I began to cry, it was tears of joy but baby Sarah didn't understand, so she started crying too. I petted her and went to the freezer and brought out a giant bowl of ice cream with a spoon.

One of the maids brought my food to me, there it was Fried hot plantain with fried eggs and fried Chicken, this cook surely knows how to make me feel better, my baby held my bum short, she was sitting beside me staring at the TV like she understood the movie going on before, when she smelled my food she sat up and stared at me with hungry eyes. I fed her with the softer parts of the plantain and some eggs, I guess her nanny didn't feed her with too much of fatty foods and mostly nutritional value baby meals, she needed to be comfortable around me so I fed her with what I was eating and dropped the plate on the table when it was finished, she ate a lot even with just two teeth.

Then I held my bowl of ice cream, I fed her with little and sat her beside me to watch TV, she sat obediently and held her toes, she looked so cute In her hello kitty outfit, I didn't give her much ice cream because It was too cold and I didn't want her to get a cold and mostly because I don't share my ice cream. I got so absorbed in the movie I was watching and I didn't know baby Sarah sat up and dipped her hands in my bowl of ice cream and licked her hands she did it again and then literally she liked the taste and we started eating the ice cream together without my knowledge.

She held my bumshort with her tiny fingers and took more ice cream, when she had enough, instead of sitting in one place, her baby instinct kicked in and she followed her instinct, she dipped both hands in the ice cream and started squishing everything together, she washed her hands in it and made a mess of the whole thing. when I looked at her she cutely smiled and showed me her hands to see what she had done and brought it close to my mouth. "Eww! Sarah, what have you done? why did you do this? now I can't eat this anymore" I said looking upset, I was talking to her like she would understand apologize, walk up to the freezer and bring another one,but then she pouted, she knew what she did was wrong, she made a cute face and I couldn't stay mad at her so I cleaned her hands with a napkin and called a maid to clean the mess.

I went out to check on my outdoor workers and asked if they've all eaten they nodded and adored my baby, I knew they loved me because I was very nice and generous to them, I'm not really wicked to weak and powerless people, if I was wicked to those with no power then how was I different from uncle Jude. I went in and called my indoor workers to make sure they were fine and they seemed good so I left for my room with my baby and we slept.

When it was around midnight, Baby Sarah just let out a harsh and painful cry! I woke up and checked her body temperature, Goddamn it! she was burning seriously, and wouldn't stop crying, I carried her and ran to living room, I screamed for her nanny and my personal assistant, my driver was on stand by and we all rushed her to the hospital, I was so scared and I was crying all the way to the hospital, she was checked and the doctor said it was just a minor fever and she shouldn't eat too much of cold food. I used the opportunity to check bishop Chris ward, baby Sarah mustn't die because of an old man whose spent more than 60 years on earth.

He was moved home for home treatment instead. I just went home and took care of my child and then I'll think of what to do next. Theresa came around early the next morning to check on baby Sarah but it was like nothing happened in the midnight, she ate well in the morning and was playing bubbles with her nanny. I got really worried, what was that all about? Theresa told me it was a sign that time is going and Sarah doesn't have much time left!

I don't know how else to kill this man, do I have to stab him in the throat with a knife, before he dies by my hands! wait! that's was the only option left .

Bishop Christopher was placed on home treatment and hospital facilities were moved to his house. He's In a coma, I bought an injection, and disguised as a nurse that will be sent from the hospital to treat him, actually I double crossed the nurse that was coming, tied her to her car by the side of the road, and took her uniform, ID card and file, some of my goons together with Theresa made sure she didn't leave or do anything funny.

I walked into the mansion, and went to a maid to show me to his room, she looked at me strangely and was like, "aren't you nurse snow! haven't you been coming here before??" I was using a nose mask so she didn't see me, I just laughed and said I was just joking then I went up the stairs and started opening the rooms one after the other, then I got to a room and opened, a man was just coming out of his bathroom, he was holding a towel and wiping his face, then I saw him.

He was standing Right there as I was staring at his abs I knew for sure that he worked out at the gym, he had the body of a Greek god and his dick was showing right through his boxers, I looked up to his face and there he was. I looked up at him as he was staring back at me, "Is there anything I can do for you, and have you given my did his medications this morning? wait, you look new here! who are you?" he asked a little irritated by the way I was staring at him! My heart skipped beats, it was him, the man my heart yearned for, Kelvin Christopher! wait Christopher Ikemefuna was his dad! why didn't that occur to me sooner and why was he staring at me as if I was some random girl, I'm his girlfriend Jessica!

Then I remembered I looked different from the way I was before. I looked more beautiful and womanly, he wouldn't be able to recognize me even up close, something inside me wanted to scream "It's me Jessica" but it was useless if he knew who I was anyway because I can't sleep with a man twice or he will die, I can't marry any man at all, so everything would just be a waste of time, I felt terrible, why would our paths meet now and get everything so complicated. I just cleared my throat and told him I was nurse snows replacement and his face softened. No one can even see a clear picture of my face because I was wearing eye glasses and nose mask.

Kelvin walked me to his dad's room and I started shivering, "Are you okay miss?" he asked worriedly. "Finally I got the chance to kill Bishop Christopher in his coma, it was a silent poison I was holding, his heart beat will only stop in an hours time and he won't even show any sign of poisoning, it was the easiest way to kill a person, but I was shivering as Kelvin was looking at me, I just couldn't do it, knowing that he was Kelvin's dad, he's all he's got, after his mom died, and he's said a lot about him on how amazing he was as a father.

I packed my stuff and turned around, I'm sorry I can't do this" I said and picked race out of the mansion to my car and drove away. I called Theresa to drug the nurse with Rophynol! my mission was aborted, I can't kill Bishop Christopher. I got to a safe spot and dropped all that belonged to nurse snow in it and texted the address to Theresa, they dressed Theresa back and put her in her car. "the drug will erase her memory of what happened before she was drugged and the people who did it."

Theresa was worried about me and I told her what actually happened, "Oh poor baby! I'm so sorry! what will you do now!" she asked but I didn't know what to do. she left me after a call and left telling me she had a business to finish. I just cried my eyes out and slept off, Baby Sarah couldn't bare to see me cry so I told nanny cruson to take care of her.

I woke up in the midnight and decided to watch the news and saw the news of Bishop Christopher's accident and his house burning. I rushed out of the house to see myself, and when I got near the destination I saw that Bishop Christopher has woken up from his coma. Kelvin was fine too. They moved to the mansion very close to my estate, they have different houses everywhere. I went home and just slept off, I was too exhausted to think about the fire.

Now that I've given up on killing Bishop Christopher, I need to look for ways to keep my child from dying. The next day, I will be fresh and able to think straight, then I had this dream of drowning Baby Sarah with my own hands!! she was drowning into the dark ocean and before I could go to rescue her she was far beyond reach, a portal opened and she fell into the extremely bright light and the portal closed.

I couldn't scream in the water I looked everywhere and tried to catch my breath by bringing my head above the surface but then I was pushed back into the ocean. When I saw the person's face, the one who pulled me back into the ocean I saw my mom holding a leg and baby Sarah holding another leg and no matter how hard I tried to catch my breath and breath in air at the surface they kept pulling me deeper.