
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"Go Magnemite!" Amara throws a pokeball, revealing a robotic Pokémon that has a gray, spherical metal body, with blue-and-red tipped horseshoe magnets on each side and a single, large eye.

"Go Mankey!" Max shouts as he throws a pokeball.

The crowd erupts as the two Pokemon circle each other.

"Magnemite, use Thunderbolt!" Amara shouts.

Magnemite lets out a blast of electric energy at Mankey, who dodges it with ease.

"Mankey! Come on, you've got this! Use Low kick!" Max says to his Pokemon.

Mankey winds up for a powerful kick and nails Magnemite, sending it flying backwards. The crowd cheers as the match continues.

Magnemite recovers quickly and fires another Thunderbolt at Mankey, who is too slow to dodge this time. Mankey gets hit, but he isn't knocked out. He stumbles backwards from the hit, but manages to stay on his feet.

"Alright Mankey, use Close combat!" Max yells.

Mankey dashes forward towards Magnemite, throwing a series of powerful punches at the robot. Magnemite is hit numerous times, as each punch lands with a loud and resounding THUNK. But Magnemite is tough and manages to stand up to the barrage of punches.

"Magnemite use Gyro Ball!" Amara shouts ordering her pokemon.

Magnemite quickly spins its body in a large gyroscopic motion, gaining momentum before launching itself at Mankey. Mankey gets hit with a powerful impact by the spinning Magnemite and is knocked to the ground.

Magnemite keeps on spinning, looking to send Mankey flying. But Mankey manages to grab the spinning Magnemite, stopping it abruptly.

"Good job Mankey, now use Seismic toss!" Max yells.

Suddenly, Mankey throws Magnemite to the other side of the ring, sending the robot Pokemon crashing into the wall! The crowd goes wild.

"Mankey, you've got this! Use Rock Smash to finish this!" Max shouts excitedly.

Mankey runs to his fallen opponent and hits the Magnemite with a powerful blow from his forearm. The Magnemite is smashed on impact, falling to the ground and staying motionless.

Amara puts Magnemite back to its pokeball. "You did good Magnemite." she the throws another pokeball in the arena. "Go Flaaffy!"

A Flaaffy pops out of the Pokeball. The crowd cheers as the Pokemon stands ready to battle.

"Alright, Mankey! You've got this!" Max shouts to his Pokemon. There is tension in the arena as the two Pokemon circle each other. The crowd watches on in suspense.

"Flaaffy, you've got this! Let's get out of this jam with Thunder Wave!" Amara commands.

Flaaffy releases a wave of electric energy towards Mankey, who is hit by the attack. Mankey stumbles backwards in pain and is temporarily paralyzed by the powerful strike.

With Mankey weakened and unable to move, Flaaffy has the advantage.

"Flaaffy, don't let up! Use Thunder Shock!" Amara yells.

Flaaffy blasts Mankey with another burst of electric energy, leaving him paralyzed once more. Mankey cannot move, leaving him totally defenseless from Flaaffy's next attack.

"Now use Discharge!" Amara commands.

Flaaffy charges up electricity and releases it in a massive burst around her, striking Mankey with countless lightning bolts. The crowd cheers at the epic show of lightning.

The massive blast of electricity hits Mankey, who is completely paralyzed now. He cannot move, and so Flaaffy has a clear shot.

"Flaaffy, use Volt Tackle!" Amara shouts to finish things off.

Flaaffy charges towards Mankey full-speed, hitting him with all her energy.

The crowd goes wild! Mankey stands no chance against the powerful attack, and falls to the ground unconscious. It's a decisive victory for Flaaffy.

"Yes! We did it! You were amazing, Flaaffy!" Amara cheers.

"You put up a good fight Mankey." Max puts Mankey back to its pokeball, he then throws another pokeball in the arena, Max's Houndour comes out of the pokeball. "Alright Houndour we need to win this, quickly use Fire Fang!"

Houndour rushes up to Flaaffy, and bites into it with its powerful Fire Fang attack. Flaaffy recoils in pain, but is undoubtably strong, and is able to withstand the attack.

"Flaaffy, quickly use Thunder Shock!" Amara yells.

A burst of electricity charges through Houndour's body as Flaaffy attacks.

"Houndour, use Incinerate!" Max commands.

Houndour breaths a massive stream of flame at Flaaffy, hitting it with multiple intense flames that burn it harshly. The Flaaffy is now in pain from the attack, and is clearly in a weakened state.

"Flaaffy, use Volt Tackle!" Amara yells.

"Houndour, use Flare Blitz!" Max yells.

Flaaffy rushes towards Houndour with all its energy, Houndour do the same, both pokemon charge at each other causing a massive explosion.

The crowd gasps at the explosion, and a lot of smoke starts to come out from the flames, making it hard to see the battlefield.

The smoke clears, revealing that Flaaffy is unconscious in the middle of the arena. Houndour stands there next to it. The crowd goes wild as they see this.

"That was a good fight Flaaffy." Amara said as she puts her Flaaffy back to its pokeball. She then throws her last pokeball. "Go Jolteon!"

A Jolteon pops out of the Pokeball, ready to fight. The Arena is filled with anticipation as Amara's final Pokemon enter the ring.

"Alright Houndour, we've got this!" Max says to his Pokemon. "Let's finish this off for good!"

A hush falls over the crowd as the two Pokemon circle each other. The tension is thick in the air, as the two Pokemon prepare to go all out.

"Jolteon, use Thunder!" Amara commands her Pokemon.

"Houndour, use Fire Blast!" Max shouts to his Pokemon.

Fire blasted out of Houndour's mouth, quickly moving towards Jolten as it tries to dodge the attack. The fire nearly grazes the Jolteon, but it manages to avoid the attack and counterattack with Thunder! Jolteon shoots a bolt of lightning towards Houndour, who gets hit and is stunned for a moment.

Amara and Max have a look of confidence as they continue to give commands to their Pokemon. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, as the Pokemon continue to circle each other, getting ready to strike.