
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

Houndour strike first with the command of Max by using bite, Houndour dashes towards Jolteon, using a Bite attack. The attack is fast, but Jolteon manages to dodge at the last second and counterattack with a Thunder Shock.

The two Pokemon face-off once more, ready to strike again.

"C'mon Houndour, use Fire Fang!" Max shouts.

Houndour charges towards Jolteon, who tries to dodge but is unsuccessful. The fire on Houndour's jaws quickly burn Jolteon, who is forced back in a defensive position.

"Alright Houndour, use Flare blitz!" Max shouts.

Houndour rushes towards Jolteon, with fire covering it.

"Jolteon move out of the way! Then use Electro Web!" Amara yells.

Jolteon quickly dodges the Flare Blitz with the command from Amara. It then fires an Electro Web out at the Houndour, trapping it in place. Houndour struggles against the web but can't break through.

"Jolteon now! Use Wild Charge!" Amara shouts.

Jolteon charge towards the trapped Houndour with lighting covering its body.

"Houndour, use Fire Spin!" Max yells.

The two commands are given and both Pokemon move to make their attacks.

Houndour tries to break free from the Electro Web as Jolteon charges towards it. The wild charge makes Jolteon's entire body glow with electricity, as it approaches the trapped Houndour.

The two Pokemon's attacks collide, creating a massive explosion of fire and lightning. The crowd sits back in awe as they watch the spectacle.

The dust settles and the two Pokemon remain standing, but are both greatly weakened. The match is up in the air right now as either one can still win.

"It's time to get serious." Amara said as her facial expression change. "Jolteon, use Electric Terrain."

As the two Pokemon remain on the arena in a weakened state, Amara orders her Jolteon to use Electric Terrain.

A powerful burst of electricity spreads out from Jolteon, causing lightning to spark across the ground.

Electric Terrain has been created, which increases the power of electric moves.

With that command being made, the momentum of the battle has shifted towards Amara and her Jolteon now being at an advantage if they use Electric moves successfully.

"Jolteon, use Volt Tackle!" Amara yells.

Jolteon flashes with electricity, as it quickly moves towards the trapped Houndour.

Volt Tackle is a powerful Electric type move that Jolteon uses to charge ahead with incredible speed.

The crowd gasps, as Houndour is quickly being charged at by Jolteon using Volt Tackle.

Houndour is struck by Volt Tackle, and is sent flying backward, hitting the ground hard from the force of the hit.

"Finish this now, Jolteon, use Thunderbolt!" Amara yells.

"Come on Houndour, use Fire Spin!" Max yells in desperation.

Houndour is on the ground and injured, but still has a sliver of health left.

Jolteon, on the other hand, is still at a reasonable amount of health, and so the momentum of the match is definitely on the side of Amara.

The crowd watches as Houndour tries to get up, while Jolteon flashes with electricity, the moment the Thunderbolt comes down, it strikes Houndour.

"This is it for Max." Darius said as he stand up.

"What do you mean?" Ella asked.

"This is my sister's battlefield, consider this as a great lost." Darius starts walking back towards the lobby.

But as he starts to walk, the crowd make a confused noise, a bright light covers Max's Houndour.

"What's happening?" a person asked in confusion.

"Is it evolving?" another person ask.

The crowd watches as Houndour starts to glow with an intense, bright light.

As the light starts to fade away, Houndour is no longer on the ground, its standing in a powerful stance as Houndoom.

"What an interesting turn of events." a man in a black suit said as he starts to walk back as if he knows who will be the winner.

A hush falls over the crowd as everyone is waiting for what happens next.

The Houndoom seems confused by its sudden evolution, but the crowd is amazed by the transformation.

The Houndoom slowly looks around at the arena, as if trying to process what just happened.

The Houndoom turns its attention to the match, as it locks eyes with the Jolteon across from it. The two trainers stand proudly on their sides, and the announcer takes the mic again.

"It seems that Max's Houndour has undergone evolution and is now standing as a fierce Houndoom. What an amazing comeback for Max, I don't think anyone saw this coming."

Amara is somewhat amazed, but she this as an opening, because Max's Houndoom is still confused by the sudden evolution. "Jolteon, use this opportunity to attack, use Wild Charge!"

Jolteon charges towards Houndoom, and Houndoom tries to dodge out of the way, but it's too late and the Wild Charge hits, sending Houndoom flying back again.

"Use Electro Web, Jolteon!" Amara yells, knowing that Houndoom is weakened and the wild charge has tired the Pokemon out.

The Electro Web hits the Houndoom, preventing it from moving.

"Use Volt Tackle!" Amara yells, the momentum of the match now firmly in her and Jolteon's favour.

Max is still shock by the sudden evolution of his Pokemon, but he knew he needs to win this battle. "Houndou– Houndoom, use Overheat!"

Houndoom unleashes a powerful flame from the horns on its head, blasting Jolteon with a blazing inferno.

Jolteon is hit head-on by the flames, and is sent tumbling backwards out of the flaming blaze. Houndoom roars in triumph as its flame dwindles and the flames on its horns go out.

Houndoom stands tall against Jolteon, who is left dazed by the heat of the attack. The crowd starts to cheer as Houndoom has taken the advantage in the match.

"Alright Houndoom, let's finish this now! Use Inferno!" Max yells at the top of his lungs.

Houndoom begins charging up an inferno in its mouth, the fire growing more and more intense, as it focuses all its attention on the stunned Jolteon.

The Inferno explodes from the Houndoom's mouth, sending a blazing inferno of flames towards Jolteon.

The flames hit Jolteon full on, sending it flying into the air.

Houndoom watches with satisfaction as Jolteon tumbles back to the ground. Houndoom turns to the cheering crowd, and then back to the stunned Jolteon.

"Houndoom, use Flare Blitz!" Max yells.

Houndoom charges forward, covered in flames once more.

The crowd watches in awe as the Houndoom charges towards Jolteon, the heat from its fire growing more and more intense as it approaches.

"We won't go down without a fight! Jolteon, use Wild Charge!" Amara yells.

Jolteon begins to charge forward, it's lightning crackling as it races towards Houndoom.

The two Pokemon collide in an explosion of electricity and fire.

The crowd watches in awe as the fire and the lightning clash, sending sparks flying everywhere.

The collision left large black smoke covering the whole arena, after the smoke clears out, one pokemon is left standing. Its Max's Houndoom.

The crowd erupts.

I'm going to take a break for one month guys, my family, we're going on a vacation.

Lourd_Xencreators' thoughts