
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

"Malachios?" Max and Ella asked, both looking uneasy.

"Yes, that is the name of the mysterious Pokemon." Professor Gab confirmed.

"What's his ability?" Ella asked.

"The legends say that it has the ability to warp reality around him, twisting the minds and bodies of those caught in his influence." Professor Gab explained.

"How do we stop it?" Ella asked.

"It is said here that there's six temple all around the Adele region, those six temple are the six trainers resting place." Professor Gab said.

"Wait, resting place? Did they passed away after the fight with Malachios?" Ella asked.

"Yes, it is written here that they passed away three days after the fight with Malachios." Professor Gab said.

"So the temples are their graves?!" Ella asked, stunned.

"Unfortunately, it is more than that." Professor Gab said. "The temples are also the six seals that keep Malachios and its power from re-emerging. If all six temples are destroyed, the seals will break and Malachios will return and the devastation that occurred in the past will begin again."

"Is there a temple here in Metro City?" Max asked.

"Yes." Professor Gab said. "But let's not get hasty. It is written here in this book that there's no way stopping Malachios from re-emerging, but there are ways to weaken it, or at least, that's what the legend says."

"So what are those ways?" Ella said, sounding hopeful. "Let's not delay. We need to act fast if we want to stop Malachios."

"First of all, the power of Malachios is connected to black dimension, it is said that defeating it in the black dimension will weaken its power by half." Professor Gab reads. "But someone also need to defeat it from the outside world, the same time it got defeated in the black dimension."

"So what you're telling us is that we have to fight Malachios in the black dimension and in the real world, at the same time?" Max asked, trying to confirm.

"Precisely." Professor Gab replied.

"And if they have this much information, why they couldn't stop Malachios?" Max asked.

"There's nothing written here on why they couldn't fully defeat Malachios." Prof. Gab answers.

"So how can we open a portal to the black dimension?" Ella asked.

"Well it's all explained in this book." Professor Gab said, handing the book to Ella. "I think you better take a look."

Ella opened the book and began reading aloud.

"Alright, let's see.... to open the portal to the Black Dimension, we need to get the six artifacts from the six temples in Adele and bring them to the ruins of The Black Castle." Ella read.

"So where is the location of this Black Castle?" Max asked.

"It is located in– wait the page is burned." Ella said.

Prof. Gab quickly grab the book from Ella's hand and look to see that the page is burned not only one page but all the pages after it. "Its all burned..."

"Burned?" Max asked, looking at the burned pages. "What happened?"

"It appears as if this page was intentionally burned." Prof. Gab said, looking at the charred paper. "Someone doesn't want us to know about the location of the Black Castle."

"But why?" Ella asked. "Why wouldn't they want us to know where the Black Castle is?"

"Uh, hey miss! Is there someone that comes in here earlier and read this book?" Prof. Gab asked the librarian.

The librarian thought for a moment before replying, "Actually, yes, I remember an young gentleman coming in here earlier and reading this exact same book."

"Do you recall what his appearance was like?" Prof. Gab asked.

"He has dark blonde hair,a burned mark on his left eye, and wore an all-black suit." The girl said. "He was very mysterious and quiet."

"Did he happen to mention where he was going or what his plans were?" Prof. Gab asked.

"No, he didn't talk much and i didn't even see him leave." the librarian said.

"Okay, thank you." Prof. Gab said with a slight frown. "I think he may be the one who burned the pages."

"Why would he burn the pages?" Ella asked.

"Well, I think it's because he doesn't want us to know where the Black Castle is located." Prof. Gab replied.

"What should we do?" Max asked.

"For now, you should continue your journey and collect gym badges." N said, walking inside the library.

"N!" Ella cheerfully shouts.

"Hello Ella," N said. "Max, Colress and I will find the location of the Black Castle, so continue collecting gym badges and become the champion."

"He's right Max, you should continue your journey, I will help find the location of the Black Castle. N right? I want to help for your research." Prof. Gab asked.

"Of course, Professor Gabriel, I'll be happy to have you." N said holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Professor Gab is fine." Prof. Gab said, shaking N's hand. "Max go to the thunder temple after you defeat the GymLeader. Its southwest from here."

"We will." Max said, he and Ella walked out of the library and start heading to the gym.

Standing infront of the gym, its a large building with a big sign on top of it.

'Welcome to the Metro City Gym'

"Come one Max let's head inside!" Ella said cheerfully.

Max follows her inside. Inside the building is a large room with a bunch of electric mechanism and many people playing with their pokemons while some are training.

"Hey Max!" Amara calls out from the distance.

"Hey sis, stop shouting there are many people here." Darius said as he walks behind Amara.

Amara ran towards Max as she continue to call him out, she stop Infront of Max and reach out for his hand.

"Are you here to challenge me now?!" she cheerfully asked.

"Yes." Max said.

"Let's go to the gym stadium so we can fight already!" Amara cheerfully said.

Max, Darius, and Ella follows her as she ran towards the gym stadium where many people are eagerly waiting for a gym battle. Amara grabs a microphone and starts speaking.

"Welcome to my stadium!" Amara shouts. "People! I introduced you my next challenger! Max!"