
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


"I made it. Now let's see what's going on."

Eostion had arrived at the camp of our friends. He could see every magician that was there.

"Shit. There are a lot of people here. If I fight with them I'm definitely going to die. Wait that doesn't have to be the case, maybe there are so many of them because they are weak...

And so Eostion started to see the status of everyone there.

"Shit, shit, shit SHIT. What the hell. Level 15, 18,23,29. Why are these guys so strong?! I don't stand a chance if it comes down to fighting them.

While Eostion was thinking about his current predicament he heard the voice of a small girl. It was a cute voice filled with excitement, but what she said scared him to no end.

"A CHAMELEON?!" that was what the voice said

Eostion: What? How did they notice me? I'm perfectly blended with the trees. This makes no sense.

Hana: Brother, it's a chameleon. Can I keep it, please, please?

Evans: Hana, NO. What did we just talk about? Beasts are dangerous and we need to exterminate them.

Eostion: Wait they want to capture me? I still have hope.

Eostion took advantage of the situation and walked forward while removing the hiding ability.

Hana: Ah look how cute it is. Brother, please.

Evans: What do you mean cute? Look how ugly it is, and it is even more dumb than ugly. It just approached us on its own.

Hana: What? It's not ugly, it's cute. Please? I have read that they can change colors. Come on, just this time? Please?

Evans: No, plus what makes you think that you can make it change colors? This is final, either you kill it or I will.

Eostion: Color? OH, I can change color alright?

And so he approached the little girl even more, while also changing his skin color. Right now his skin has a bright shine with all the colors of the rainbow creating a beautiful pattern.

Hana: Ahhh!!!!

Hana couldn't resist anymore and rushed towards the chameleon and hugged it.

Evans: HANA.WAIT. IT CAN BE DANgero....

Hana: What are you talking about?

Right now Hana was already hugging the chameleon with all the power she had. If it was any other beast it would have already attacked her, but this was not an ordinary beast. This one knew that if it attacked its life would be over.

It had no choice but to endure.

Hana: I WANT IT.

Evans: Hana, no.


Evans: What?

Hana: You said that if I went to the carriage you would fulfill any wish I had. Well, this is what I want.

Evans: What, you can't just ...


Evans: But .. Hana..

Hana: No BUT's Hm

[Well, well, well how turntables]

While the siblings were fighting Eostion was still trying to find a way to escape but to no avail.

Evans: Fine you can keep it. Go make the contract, and put that thing on a leash.

Hana: Really, thank you so much. You are the best brother ever.

She took Eostion in her arms and took off to the carriage.


Hana: Yeah, yeah. I know so annoying.

Evans: What?! Who has spoiled her so much?! I swear...

At that moment every single magician turned their head and looked towards Evans like he had said the world's funyest joke.

Evan: What are you looking at? Go back to your work.

Everyone: YES SIR

Bruno: Maybe this is for the better young master. The young miss will come around, you don't have to force it.

Evans: I know Bruno but when is the time?

Bruno: Well she will be going to a magic school soon won't she. That is the place where many start their real life. There she will understand why we do what we do. So relax a little.

Evans: I guess. Aghh I'm too tired for this, im going to sleep. Wake me up when we arrive.

Bruno: Yes sir, have a pleasant sleep.

[2 Weeks later]

"How the hell did I end up here" thought Eostion to himself in a discauraged voice.

Right now Eostion was inside a large room filled with animals of all kinds and even s few beasts. The beasts however were all very small and weak not a threat to him at all.


<Name: Eostion>

<Form: Slow Chameleon >

<Level: 6>

<Rank: 1>

<Power: 168>

<Skills: Absorb, Copy, Fusion>

<Soul inventory: [...]>

<Bloodlines: No name, Slow chameleon>

<Form abilities : [...]>

<Status: Under the constrictions of a contract>

"This damn contract. If only it didn't exist, I would already leave"

The contract stated that Eostion that the beast could not harm the master in any way or leave without their permission more than 50 meters. The contract is valid for creatures of level 10 and below.

"It's frustrating. I have the power to break free since I already have a form that surpasses level 10 but I can't change into it since I would be discovered immediately. I don't even want to imagine what they will do to me if they catch me.

Hana: PRINCES!! There you are. I've been searching for you everywhere. Come on, it's time to study.

[Guess who princess is]

She picked Eostion up and left the room. After a few minutes of walking, they stood before a huge elegant doar. This was the entrance to the library. For the past few days, Hana always came here to study for her entrance exams, and she brought "princess" with her for company.

Hana: Come on princess you know where to sit.

As much as Eostion hated being here he had no choice but to suck it up and behave. If she stopped liking him his life may be in danger.

But in truth, it wasn't so bad. Yes, it was a little boring at times, but he also gained a lot of knowledge. For example,

he learned the name of the forest he was born, which was Lah. He also discovered that the name of the city he was currently in was Mello. Mello was a part of the Losthill province which was a part of the Tori's Kingdom.

This information surprised Eostion a lot, as this was the first time he had learned how big the world truly was.

Hana: OH, I just remembered, I have to show you this.

Little Hana got up from her chair and started to search for something on the shelves of the library. This library

belonged to her father and was one of the largest libraries in the Losthill province.

Hana: Ah, here it is, the 'Beasts Ecyclopedia'. It shows every beast that humankind has come across and their

special characteristics. You know Princes this is only the first volume but almost every adventurer has one of these. Look, here are you.

On the page where the book was opened a photo of a chameleon was present, and beside it, there was its description.

Eostion: WoW. If I had this book, my road to strength would be so much easier. But from what I saw the animals were pretty small. I need to see more.

So Eostion tried to walk towards the book and turn the page, but the little miss didn't think so.

Hana: Princess, NO. Not for eating, if you damage the book father will be so mad. He will never allow you to come here again. Don't do that again, okay. Turn pink if you understand.

As the good pet he was Eostion turned pink and spent the rest of the day cursing, for being humiliated like this.

"I can't take this no more. Two weeks, two whole weeks have passed and I have made absolutely no progress. I need to leave this place as soon as possible, BUT HOW?

This was the question that Eostion had found himself questioning every day, but he still had no answer. The only way I have found till now is to wait until the girl goes to school. Only when she is alone i can escape. But even that has its problems, where would I go, and who the hell wouldn't notice a beast covered in lava. It's not something that can really be hidden. Haa, so many things to think about, to even move around I need a human form, but I can't get one in here, it needs to be in a secluded place like the forest. But to get there I need to leave this darn place. God damn it, what do I do first?

Alright, alright, (deep breath), calm down. Let's take things from the beginning. I need to get stronger, therefor I need to get out of here. To get out of here I need to get a human form, and to get that I need to kill one. The only ones available are the ones in the mansion's surroundings but they are all so strong, except the maid and the carriage driver and the gardener... O m g. I just found my way out.