
Path of the Twin Souls

Two souls. One body. Meet Clada and Ren, the inseparable twins confined to an island they never chose. Their dreams are teased by the vast unknown beyond their shores. On this isolated terrain, the rule is simple: be the predator or become the prey. The game changes when strangers trespass, hungry for what the twins possess. But as they'll soon discover, never corner a wolf on its home turf. "Apologies, I didn't understand your final words. But even if I had, no one would've heard them from my lips." Freed from their island confines, the twins enter the world of Nexa and the mysterious Animists. Here, potential is infinite, limits are self-imposed, and Clada and Ren embark on the journey of two lifetimes.

Tamashin · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 - The New Leaf

Before showing Clada to his room, Blim first led him to a bathing area. There, a wooden bathtub filled with steaming hot water awaited him. It was a far cry from the quick washes in cold rivers he was used to on the island.

After the most refreshing shower he'd ever taken, Clada found an outfit laid out for him. Dark pants, a top, and a robe – all seemingly made of the same material as Ophelia's attire. Slipping into them, Clada was taken aback by the comfort. Having worn only animal hides his entire life, this fabric felt like a gentle embrace; it was a sensation entirely new to him.

Blim couldn't help but notice Clada's subtle appreciation for the clothes. While the kid had tried to remain impassive, his reaction was evident.

Just moments ago, Clada had resembled a homeless person, his appearance was marred by grime and unkempt hair. But now, freshly washed and in the new attire, he could easily be mistaken for a noble's child.

However, Clada still felt naked without his weapons. Lorn's hasty kick that sent him here had denied him the chance to bring along any of his belongings.

Blim eventually led Clada to his designated room. As they walked the mansion's corridors, the twins caught glimpses of the outside world through tall windows. The mansion was surrounded by a sprawling garden, meticulously maintained and vibrant. Beyond the property's gates, a road meandered through a dense forest. 

Reaching the room, Blim offered Clada a subtle bow, leaving him with a request; "Visit me tomorrow morning."

Clada began to explore the room. Having never experienced a typical room to compare it to, his initial observation was limited to its pristine cleanliness; not a speck of dust was in sight.

The room was furnished with a bed draped in white sheets, a desk, two chairs, and a closet. Peering out the window, he was met with a familiar view of the garden he had glimpsed from the hallway earlier.

[Let's go out and get familiar with the surroundings,] Ren suggested, his ghostly form pressed against the window.

Nodding in agreement, Clada replied, [Yeah, I do agree it's crucial to create a mental map of the surroundings. But right now, I'm too tired to do anything. Let's rest and recharge.]

Ren's head snapped around, faster than an owl, as he exclaimed, [What the hell? Where did Mr. "Let's Be Cautious" disappear to? ...But I suppose it makes sense. Yesterday was too much. Even if that "poison" ensured our body felt refreshed, our mental fatigue is still there.]

Clada merely nodded in response and sank into the bed. He drifted into sleep almost instantly. The night had come and gone, giving way to a new morning.


Both twins jolted awake, springing up and instantly on guard.

A startled servant, holding a tray of food, stood before them. The flustered woman murmured something incomprehensible to Clada, then placed the tray on his desk. With a quick bow, she promptly exited the room.

Being so accustomed to the wilderness, their instincts immediately kicked into the fight-or-flight mode whenever something approached.

Clada shook his head, making his way to the desk to inspect the food.

[It's refreshing not having to hunt and prepare our own meal for once,] Ren remarked.

Clada nodded in agreement as he surveyed the spread before him. There was a loaf of bread, a bowl of Harira soup, and a small cube of butter. Alongside these, a silver butter knife and a spoon were neatly arranged.

Such a meal was completely foreign to Clada. He had never encountered bread or butter, and the most sophisticated soup he'd ever prepared involved boiling meat with a handful of random herbs.

He took the spoon and tasted the dish. His eyes widened as if he was tasting food for the very first time. So entranced by the flavors, Clada continued to indulge until Ren's voice echoed in his head, [Easy there! At least leave half for me.]

Ren had never seen Clada this enamored with food, leading him to deduce that it must be divine.

Faced with the decision, Clada hesitated. After a deep sigh, he relented, [Alright, I'll save you half.]

Having consumed half of each dish, they swapped control of the body. Ren then devoured the remaining portions. Their overwhelming appreciation for the meal stemmed from the seasonings. Accustomed to flavoring their meals solely with salt, this encounter with expertly seasoned cuisine felt as though they were truly tasting food for the first time.

Having polished off the food, the twins swapped control again. Clada's eyes landed on the butter knife. 'A dull knife is better than no knife,' he mused, taking it and concealing it within his clothes. He planned to sharpen it at the earliest opportunity.


As Clada traversed the corridor leading to the library where Old Blim resided, Ren posed a question, [What do you think he wants from us?]

[I'm not entirely sure, but I anticipated he'd have some expectations of us. Nothing in this world comes free, especially not a meal of that quality,] Clada responded, a hint of gravity marking his features.

Feeling the weight of the situation, Ren added, [It's unlikely to be a simple request.] Clada simply nodded in agreement.

Upon reaching the towering library doors, Clada didn't bother knocking. He pushed the doors open but paused at the threshold.

Before them stood a visibly surprised Blim, book in hand, clearly interrupted mid-read.

recognizing Clada, a flicker of understanding passed through Blim's eyes. He smiled invitingly, expecting the younger man to enter. Yet, Clada remained motionless at the doorway.

With a sigh, Old Blim gently prompted, "Please, come in." Taking the invitation, Clada advanced and positioned himself in front of Blim, stating, "I came as you asked."

Blim nodded appreciatively. As he closed his book, he inquired, "Good morning, Sir Clada. I trust you found your breakfast to your liking?" The question seemed to intensify the gravity of Clada's expression.

Ren's voice echoed in his mind, [Just as we suspected. They'll want something in exchange for that meal. We've been ensnared.]

Clada exhaled deeply before asking, "What do you want in return?"

The question seemed to catch Old Blim off guard, but he assumed Clada was seeking clarity about the reason for his summons.

Clearing his throat, Blim began, "Miss Ophelia was originally designated to mentor you during these six months. However, due to her preoccupations, I'll be stepping into that role."

He elaborated, "You see, my primary responsibility is guarding this library. Therefore, my assistance will largely be confined within these walls."

Confusion clouded Clada's features; he had assumed his stay would simply be a waiting period until Lorn's return. Taking in the vast expanse of the library, he curiously asked, "Are these books so valuable that you must dedicate all your time to their safeguarding?"

Old Blim traced Clada's line of sight around the room before explaining, "These books are indeed invaluable. But their worth isn't the sole reason I guard them. Some volumes here are prohibited for personal possession. My role ensures that this fact never gets out. However, because you have Master Lorn's permission, you are free to read any book here."

Clada's attention refocused on Blim as he inquired, "Do you have books that might help me learn the local language?"

Blim responded thoughtfully, "It's unlikely you'll find a guide to the Reil tongue written in Echoloch. However, I can personally assist you in mastering it. And should you have any other needs, please don't hesitate to ask me."

Ren gripped his ghostly chain, remarking, [This old man is a fox, feeding us 'free meals' until we're beholden to him.]

Reflecting on the situation, Clada responded, [After that meal, it's hard to decline. We might as well take advantage of his offers before he makes his real request.]

Considering Clada's point, Ren nodded in silent agreement.

Clearing his throat, Clada addressed Blim, "I need to go outside to get some weapons and familiarize myself with the area."

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