
One Step At A Time (DanMachi)

Argus Hale is a dreamy 22 years old. Living the life of luxury which most would consider fantasy, he never encountered obstacles, other than just one time. During the last of his high school days, something happened, leaving him with an emotional scar. It ran so deep that he still struggles with it. As time went on, he made peace with the fact- that’s just the way he will spend his seemingly meaningless life. Having no real friends, he created an imaginary friend in his mind which helped keeping him all the pieces of sanity he could gather. Anime and Video Games helped too. In midst of living in his own fantasy, he ignored one thing which ended it all for him, just as it had for many others. While it did snatch it all, ‘it’ also gave something in return and his life began anew. But this time he will ignore nothing...he’ll ignore no one. This time around, he has chosen to fight with whatever he’s got. Even with a face stained in tears and snot. Even with a body screaming ‘GIVE UP’. Or with a mind filled with demons. He will still fight. Regardless of how ugly his struggles may look. Because he somewhat understood what his father once told him, “The only way I know to beat it... is to fight as though you’re immortal. Fight like a Knight... that never dies!” This is the story of a dreamer facing off against Reality. . . That ends the synopsis. Before you tap ‘Read’, I would suggest you read what I have to say first. 1. Read my work with an open and accepting mind. 2. Argus, the protagonist is born out of me getting bored with those perfect-looking MCs. Shocking people to oblivion just by breathing. Almost every female they come across gets crazy for them. They’re so-called ‘Alpha Swag’ has lost its charm to me. Those who are not ‘perfect’ are downright insane. That’s when a question came to my mind - What happens to the souls of the ones whose bodies our Reincarnated MC’s inhabit. My overthinking mind went on about it for days. That’s where Argus came along. So here we are. Idea was to create an MC that is at heart and soul, a human, just like any other. 3. Initial chapters may feel rather heavy. but, I wanted to establish Argus as clearly as I Can. 4. I’m open to constructive criticism but not biased. 5. Rather than blowing everyone’s breath away. This novel focuses more on the emotional aspect and growth of characters. 6. Characters in my novel will have the ability of independent thought and action. I’ve done my best to portray all characters as alive as I Can. 7. I had once dropped this novel because of the exams. now that I’m done with them, I’ve picked it up again...as promised. 8. I’ll be releasing a chapter a day. 9. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants it down... it will be done. TAGS: Action, Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Family. The ride may be bumpy but, I assure you- you’ll come to love it. That’s all!

An_Imperfectionist · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

The Guild.

Below the sea of stars, another place stood. No less appealing than the other.

Magic lamps were glimmering just like the stars above, lighting up the streets of the massive City.

People of all kinds were about their way in harmony unique only to Orario.

And among them were two figures- One tall, clad in all black, and a short one carrying a bag at least twice her size.

"Here it is, Master Argus."

They stood before a marvelously architected three-story structure decorated in brown- The Guild.

[This looks so good in 3D… Wait! Hold on… Eina is most probably in there!]

/ What about it? /

[But she's the 'Onee-Sama' of the series… And one of my favorite characters!]

/Whatever you do… just don't sound like hysterical Fan-Boy and it'll be alright. /

"Something wrong, Master Argus? You've been spacing out a lot."

"It-It's nothing… Don't worry about it. So, shall we?" replied Argus, as he gestured a hand forward.

"Yeah, it's kind of getting late now," Lili said, before they started making their way towards the Guild.



The Guild's main reception area was a wide space with counters lined beside each other.

On top of each counter was a designation board hung from the ceiling.

On the right was a space designated- 'Waiting Area'. It had 4 sofa sets, each arranged in a square with center tables in the middle.

Right beside the main entrance was a huge bulletin board, with a small crowd clustered in front of it- Quests.

On the left were two of the longest queues in the entire establishment. One was for the ladies and they dedicated the other one for men. 'Exchange' was written above.

They lined the unruly Adventurers up in front of the 'Exchange' counter, having them wait patiently for their turn.

Dressed in a set of black vests and trousers with white collared long sleeve shirts, the Guild employees greeted everyone with a calm professional smile.

"One of the few places in the entire city where Adventurers behave with the dignity they're supposed to, or at least they try," said Lili, with a small sneer.

Argus's strange silence replied to her.

Lili turned to him in curiosity, only to find his eyes darting around, scanning the whole place. His neck covered in sweat.

"What's the matter, Master Argus? An enemy of yours?" she asked, with sharpened eyes, as she clutched her spear in her small palms.

"Huh? No… Don't mind me. I just…" he said, as he snapped out with a jolt. An apologetic smile hung on his face.

[Weirdo…] She thought, as she gazed at his goofy laugh.

"How about you get yourself registered over there and I submit his belongings and cash-in our cores?" Suggested Lili, while pointing at the counter which read- Registrations.

"Kay… I'll wait till you've redeemed our stuff. I doubt it'll be over in a jiffy."

"Sure���" Lili said with a nod.

After parting ways, for now, Argus joined the short queue in front of the 'Registrations Counter'.

A Dwarf clad in travel-worn clothes stood before Argus. The man had his hands folded, foot-tapping in a rhythm as he mumbled a song.

/ Isn't that a jolly little man? Why don't you ask him about the procedure? /

[I was thinking the exact same thing…]

"Ahem… Excuse me, sir."

"Ya need Somethin, lad?" he replied with an eyebrow curled up. A happy grin plastered on his face.

"Would you happen to know about the procedure to get a permanent ID issued?"

"Ayeh… Wa'cha you do is, you hand the paper to that sweet large thing sittin over there and watch her do the magic… and yeah! Do clap when she goes, 'Tadda! " He replied, with both hands up in the air.

[Well… That was enlightening.]

/ Would you mind showering some of that enlightenment over here? /

Soon it was Argus's turn.

Before him sat a beautiful Elf. She had silver hair a few shades brighter than Argus's. Her eyes looked just like him. They'd look like a pair of siblings if they stood beside each other.

"Um, greetings miss. I'm Argus Hale, and I'd like to learn about the procedure for a permanent ID." Spoke Argus after a few seconds of surprise, while passing her the temporary ID he received on his first day.

"Ah! Yes, we share a remarkably similar appearance, don't we? Pardon… for the delay, my name is Sophie. And as for your inquiry… We'll just need this form filled alongside your temporary ID." She replied as she chuckled with eyes no less surprised than his own.

"What's the difference between the two IDs?"

"Well, temporary ones just signifies your entrance using legal channels, while a permanent one grants you the citizenship of our city of Orario and makes you an unofficial affiliate of the Guild…

The permanent ID will have a code unique to you, and it also comes with a small Pass-Book which will have the record of all the businesses you've had with the Guild…

When I mentioned 'citizenship', I meant that constitutional rights of Orario will then apply to you, allowing you to buy properties into the city, as an adventurer- you only must pay 10% TAX when you exchange your cores and many similar benefits…

Now, about the Pass Book, it will hold the record of all the dealings above 10,000 Valis, while keeping the record of all transactions conducted in the Guild.

Are there any more questions, Mr. Hale?"

She said in a soothing voice with a small smile adorned on her face.

"Yeah… Just one. And forgive me, I'm making you talk so much." Argus responded with a sheepish smile while scratching the back of his head.

"Think nothing of it, Mr. Hale. It's my job. So, please ask away."

"What did you mean by unofficial affiliate of the Guild?"

"I see… I overlooked that part. The Official affiliate of the Guild is a member of a Familia that is registered with the Guild…

Being an Official affiliate grants an individual more rights and benefits, for example…

If you join a Familia that trades in potions and the like, then you may open a licensed Pharmacy. Not to mention there will be no TAX on the monster cores…

The permanent ID or just ID will cost you 1,200 Valis. I hope you found my explanation helpful." Sophie explained, while still keeping the patient smile on her face.

"Why do I feel tired for you? Well, anyway… I understood everything crystal clear. Thank you for that, Miss Sophie." Thanked Argus, as he bowed a little.

Argus was positive if he was in her place, he would've flipped the table by now.

"Happy to serve, Mr. Argus." She said as a sweet smile blossomed on her lovely face.

/ By all means, she should've just slapped you with a handbook or something… /

[Well, am I not a little too charming for that?]

After filling up the form, Argus submitted it to her along with the cash required.

Receiving the form, Sophie did the rest of the work.

"Here, Mr. Argus… the receipt. Your ID will be ready in a day or two, and in the meantime, this receipt will serve as your ID."

"Oh, that's neat… Thanks again, Miss Sophie," said Argus.




With the receipt in his storage, Argus then sat in the 'Waiting Area', gazing at the various equipment the Adventurers were carrying.

Each had something interesting on them.

His body flinched in astonishment when he saw a male Werewolf walking in. He had light grey hair and amber eyes, a blue tattoo on the left side of his face, and an athletic physique. He was grabbed in grey and black clothes.

Just like many others, Argus had his eyes glued on the man as he walked in like he owned the place.

"That's Bete Loga, a first-class adventurer belonging to the Loki Familia." Heard Argus from his left.

Lili stood there with the gigantic bag on her shoulders.

"Loki Familia, huh?" said Argus with an eye burrow raised.

"Yup… That's one of the three strongest Familias of Orario. Anyway… Here's your money." Lili said as she handed him a pouch full of Valis.

After making sure no one is looking their way, Argus sent the pouch to storage.

"Okay… Where to now, Loli?"

"Wait, a min… Aren't you going to count it?"

"Nah… Wanna grab dinner? My treat" he simply replied, with a nonchalant shrug.

"I like the sound of that… the 'my treat' part." she said as her lips morphed into an 'evil' grin.




*Argus's POV*

I was walking down the streets of Orario with a spear in my hands and my Loli tottering right beside me; it was around 10 PM so we decided to search for Inn to crash.

We were on the North-West Street, also known as the Adventurer's Way. It was so because the street started from the entrance of the city, had the Guild in the middle, and ended all the way to the center of the city- Babel.

It was basically the largest gathering of Adventurers because it also housed a Hephaestus Familia's weapon store and a Dian Cecht Pharmacy and a lot more.

My head was turning left and right, marveling the entire path. I saw some unknown Gods too. Just like almost any other race, they too were easily identifiable. They looked so perfect that my instincts simply declared them Gods.

The motel Lili was staying in was located in the South-East corner of the City, Daedalus Street. And it just so happened to be about 60 KM from the Guild.

Still being within human parameters, I was too damn tired and irritated to take another step. So, we decided that we'll find a cheap inn to spend the night.

"Master Argus, I know of a cheap inn just right from here…" Lili said, as she pointed towards the alley on the right.

"You're not taking me somewhere funny, right? Look, my love for Lolis is a really pure one, ya'feel me?"

Her face blushed crimson right then and there.

A second later, as if something clicked in, she jumped with an adorable war cry. Face still glowing. Cheeks puffed.

"Aaahaa! Why are you always messing with me?! Let's just duke it out and be done with it!"

"Aww… You're so cute~,"

Lili's body froze solid in the awkward battle stance she was in the middle of. Face getting redder by the second.

"Y-you idiot!" Lili then shouted, before 'escaping' ahead.

/ Congratulations…You've successfully flirted with a lady for the first time… or a Loli, should I say? /

I hear 'HER' as I watch Lili in her attempt to hide her embarrassment.

[Yeah… Now that I think about it... I did! I'm not feeling nervous around her!]

I conveyed while trailing behind Lili.

/ You weren't even nervous when you spoke with that Elf from before. /

[Maybe because she looked kind'a like me…?]

/ Could be… So, what's the plan now? /

[What plan?]

/ Lili, I meant. /

[What plan is there supposed to be? I'm the adventurer and she's my supporter.]

/Are you serious? I hope you do realize that you're expandable to her. /

[And what the hell makes you think that?]

/I thought it was obvious… She is going to send to that job she was talking about and bail on you. /

[You don't know that.]

/What I do know is that you're trusting her way… way too much. You didn't even cross check the exchange rate with someone else… not to mention that you simply took whatever money she gave you, without counting. /

[What about it? Even if she did stole something… It's just some valis. She needs them more than I do anyway.]

/You're no longer as rich as you were, Argus. You don't even have a home… a safe heaven if things go down south. Other than me, you have no one… and I can't do much to help you. /

[Hold on a sec… You're jealous?]

/Jealous of what exactly? /

[Jealous that I'm now taking the first few steps towards making an actual friend… You're jealous of Lili, or afraid to be more accurate. Afraid that I won't need you anymore, and you will disappear!]

/It's nothing like that. The sole reason I'm still existing is because you still want me to./

[Oh really? I see no other reason for you to sound so upset. I don't know, if I would hear your voice after gaining an actual friend to call my own.

And honestly I don't care… I'd feel nothing but smug if you died tomorrow.]

/You don't really think that… /

[Aww… is you're voice trembling? Where's that heartless demon that whispered suicide in my ears a few days ago.]

/ I did no such thing! I only ever gave you the best practical solutions to everything you came across.

I just told you the reality of the situation! Something I should've done from the start! May be things wouldn't have gotten to the point they did.

My only mistake is that, I let you indulge your childish fantasies after Amy. /


My eyes shot wide open in madness when I heard the name, I thought I never would.

I could feel something inside me snapping, and somehow I also knew that if it did, there will be nothing but carnage.

That terrified me.

This insatiable desire to kill. To murder someone, everyone.

At that moment all I wanted was to see someone withering in misery. Begging for death.

My breathing was growing ragged. I could somewhat hear 'HER' screaming but it felt so distant. So far away.

Until I heard…

"There'ya are you lil'shrimp!"

Word Count: 2278

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