
One Piece: The Strongest of the Shinobi

Alex... No, his name is Gu now. He died, but thanks to the System, he got his second chance. However, even with the System, Gu will have to work hard to gain a grain of strength in this turbulent world.

vektor_189 · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs


"If this little scoundrel did not walk, then what could he do? Can't it be that a child of his age would be cool just to sit and stare at the ceiling?"

Gu looked around his room carefully. The closet with his belongings and a small children's table, which stood right next to the bed, were the only furnishings in his room.

"Why does he need a table? .."

This detail caught Gu's eye sharply. Without hesitation, Gu opened his closet and began to scour it.

But no matter how diligently he looked for Gu, he never managed to find anything special.

"I don't believe, kill me, I don't believe!"

In deep thought, Gu began to walk from side to side throughout the room.

All of a sudden, one of the pieces of wood slid under his feet and Gu barely resisted falling. He was about to swear hard, but his attention was abruptly intercepted by a crack, which was opened by a slid piece of wood.

"Is this ... what I'm thinking about?"

Bending down, Gu carefully slipped his fingers into the gap, and then pulled the plank out of the floor. There he found an oblong scroll, which he immediately took and opened.

Gu saw the writing in Japanese. And then Gu realized one unpleasant fact.

"I don't know Japanese! .. Stop, how do I communicate then?"

[Completed hidden quest: "Traces of a Forgotten Future". Awards: Knowledge of Japanese writing.]

"All this time, the system had hidden quests ?!"

A sharp headache suddenly covered Gu, but after a couple of seconds it passed and he was surprised to realize that now he really knows the Japanese literacy.

With this knowledge, Gu completely unrolled the scroll and began to read it.

"This is my last chance ... In short, it's me - Gu from the future. I ate the devil fruit Fuki Fuki no Mi, which allows you to return inanimate objects to your past, but besides the fact that it consumes an incredible amount of energy, it also and erases random memories, depending on how much the world has changed. So, I used my child's canvas from the picture and food on it this text, which should return to the future.

Perhaps, little me, you did not understand what I have just written, but this is not so important. The main thing you need to know is that the head of the village will soon be back with a gang of pirates. They will take all the beautiful women from the village, including the mother ... Show this canvas to her.

Hi Mom. Most likely, I will die after sending this canvas, or my memories will not be transferred to that Gu who will live with you, but you will live ... This is the most important thing. Know that I love you very much and have always loved you.

On the back of the canvas is a drawn map of a certain island leading to the place where I found this Devil Fruit. Unfortunately, by this moment the name of the island itself has already been erased from my memory, but it must be somewhere near the sharp one where we lived ... "

On this, the place on the canvas, and therefore the text itself, is over.

Gu had a headache from what he wrote, and even with his mind as a 25-year-old man, he had to work hard to understand the whole situation.

"This is definitely not me, but the original, previous Gu. Because I would not refer to myself as a little one for the purpose of conspiracy, and even more so to ask to convey this message to Versa ... And the message is written in Japanese, not in my native language . "

Exhaling heavily, Gu began massaging his temples.

"Next comes the second problem, namely ... This Devil Fruit changes the past, damn it! Moreover, the owner of the fruit will, as it were, transmit memories to himself from the changed timeline! With certain losses, of course, especially since the owner of the fruit does not move in time and he cannot even control the changes he made ... The question arises, what happens to the original version of the owner of the fruit from the unchanged timeline? Does he die? Or is he left to live? Or something else? "

And at that moment, something happened that Gu did not expect at all.

[Answer to user question: No "original version" exists. The Devil Fruit knows in advance that in the present scenario of the future, its powers will be involved. * Memories are taken in the same way, but due to various interferences, some of them are lost.]

The system answered him for the first time ever.

* At the heart of the mechanism of action of the fetus, I used the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and in particular its explanation of the experiment with a "message from the future". Often, in addition to the fact of the existence of other universes, many do not know about the true meaning of this theory, so if you want to deal with this, I advise the video on YouTube "Shadow from Other Worlds". It explains how this is even possible and why people who believe in the wave of probability are sheer idiots.

By the way about the same. I do not consider myself a super duper physicist, but as soon as I fully understood the many-worlds interpretation, I had a thought: perhaps dark energy is the effect of the gravity of parallel universes on our universe. On the Internet, no where and did not find anything about it.

It will be funny if in 100 years someone expresses this hypothesis, they prove it, and then it turns out that some person without higher education wrote her fucking cloud years ago in fanfic on One Piece).