
One Piece: The Strongest of the Shinobi

Alex... No, his name is Gu now. He died, but thanks to the System, he got his second chance. However, even with the System, Gu will have to work hard to gain a grain of strength in this turbulent world.

vektor_189 · Book&Literature
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"Maybe I should try to combine their structure ..."

Gu immediately set about testing his new guess.

"They have overlapping elements and if we omit them, then through these missing places we can combine the Sheep and Snake seals ..."

After several hours of vigorous mental activity, Gu stood up and folded his arms in the shape of the Tiger seal.

Two smoke curtains appeared beside him, but when they dissipated, there were no Clones in them.

"It's close, but I'm still doing something wrong ..."

Gu got up from the ground and walked from side to side for a long time, trying to figure out where he had pierced.

"I create a combined structure of the Chakra of the Sheep and Snake seals and then complement it with the Tiger seal ... Perhaps the problem is in the structure? Or else ..."

Finally, it dawned on Gu.

"My structure should be created simultaneously with the Tiger seal, and not in front of it. Otherwise, it is not much different from simply adding several seals! At the same time, you need to check the structure for conflicting areas with the Tiger seal ..."

After spending another hour perfecting his method, Gu folded the Tiger seal again and this time two normal Clones appeared next to him.

At the same moment, Gu saw a translucent window in front of him.

[Quest: Initiation to Genin (E-rank).

Description: You have opened the Chakra in yourself, now you have to learn how to use it. Attention! This assignment is being graded.

Objective: To learn three basic shinobi techniques - Cloning Technique, Transformation Technique and Body Replacement Technique (tutorial attached).

Rewards: Predisposition to the random Chakra Nature (the higher the score, the higher the predisposition will be); Ninjutsu C-rank (depending on the Nature of the Chakra).

Progress: Clone Technique - A, Transformation Technique - F, Body Replacement Technique - F. (E +)

Term of completion: 1 week.

Failure Conditions: Score F.

Punishment for failure: Penalty mission E-rank.

Tip: This is a ranked quest. Runtime doesn't matter, but how well you master these three techniques is important.]

But the window, although inwardly pleased Gu with a new mark, the average grade still looked disgusting.

"I have almost completely depleted my chakra ..."

Realizing this, Gu headed home. On the way, he pondered how the seals work.

"In fact, seals create certain structures from Chakra inside shinobi, which, when superimposed on each other, can already reproduce some kind of technique. Since the structures go out rather quickly after their creation, the faster the seals fold, the less Chakra loss and the more effective the technique is. . "

Upon returning home, Gu heard Versa's voice:

- Son? You came just in time for dinner! Go my hands and you can sit down at the table!

Gu quickly went to the sink and went to the kitchen.

- Mom made cakes with meat and potatoes, sit down and eat quickly! - said Versa gently.

After spending huge amounts of Chakra that day, Gu was not sickly hungry, so in order to get enough he had to eat as many as four cakes.

When Gu was about to go to his room, Versa suddenly stopped him:

- I noticed that you have been walking a lot in the last few days.

Gu froze, dazed, unsure of what to say. It never occurred to him that the past Gu almost never walked.

Noticing this unusual behavior, Versa's eyes flashed imperceptibly.

She came close to Gu and bent down so that her face was directly opposite Gu. Her face was so close that Gu could feel her hot breath on him.

- Know that if someone offends you or teases you, you can always tell me about it. - and with that, she hugged Gu.

Not knowing any other way to respond to such warmth, Gu just hugged Versa back, saying nothing.

After a few seconds, she let go of him and lightly clicking on his nose, said:

- It's late, go get ready for bed.

Gu rubbed his nose in embarrassment and retreated to his room.

"How embarrassing! I never thought that I would find myself in a similar situation ... And you, a traitor? If she had noticed you ..!"

Realizing that dialogue in this situation is impossible, Gu forgave his soldier and sat down on the bed.