
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

First Mate?

Making my way towards his lifeforce he was stood near the front of the ship with his hands on the railings looking into the distance. Noticing my appearance he turn around and look at me before looking back.

I got to get a better look at the man this time around. He seemed to be of hispanic decent tho that wouldn't exist here. He had short, wavy black hair with two locks on the side. His eyes were a green blue colour and he stood at about 180cm.

"How'd a guy as strong as you get caught by guys like that" I ask him

He was silent for a few seconds before he respond.

"Got in lil altercation with the El Drazo family, they ordered a hit on me. Took out the assasins they sent to me but they were damn strong. Those guys just happened to get lucky and managed to get me when I was recovering," he respond.

"Got anywhere to go back to, a family perhaps." I ask whilst looking into the distance.

"Lost those I call family long ago, I'll probably just go island to island in hiding, there's still a hit on me after all."

"So you got nowhere to go huh, why don't you join me, could use a strong guy like you on my crew"

"You a pirate?" He ask with his eyebrows raised.

"Not yet, so how about it Mr..."

"Salvador, its Salvador. You?" he said

"Vergil, no last name. So what say you Salvador, let's go on a grand adventure together, etch our names into this worlds history."

"I'd love to but, still got a hit on my head remember."

"Then lets destroy the El Drazo family. You and me together, maybe even get another crew member."

"You don't understand, they've got ties with Joker."

"Joker?" I inquired

"He's one of the biggest underground dealers, located in the New World, his influence is beyond your capabilities or mine" he replied.

"Doesn't change anything, we start with the El Drazo's then work our way up to Joker himself. Disrupt his business by taking out the groups under him, go out with a fight.

We'll destroy Joker and go even further beyond."

Spreading my arms I continue

"The world's too big for you to live your life in hiding away from one man. Come on Salvador, join my crew." I said.

"I'll... think about it, I'll give you your answer when we reach the next island.

Getting of the railings he walks back to the quarters leaving me looking into the distance on my own. Hopefully he'll agree. I wonder how many people with potential were killed simply because they got in trouble with one of the bigger fish.

But Joker? That's a name I've never heard. An underground dealer with Influence reaching all the way to North Blue? Was he introduced at a later point in the anime? Seems like I'm gonna get involved with some pretty big fish.

*Salvador POV*

The world's too big for you to live your life hiding away from one man. Those are the words a strange man told me today.

He was a man of large stature standing at almost 2 metres. He had a singular horn growing from the left side of his head above his ear. He had strange black markings that didn't seem like tattoo's on his body leading up to his horn. He had dark, long shoulder length hair tied in a low pony tail.

He stood next to me for a bit before asking me how I got caught. I simply told him I got into an altercation with the El Drazo's before he left the topic and ask me about a family. Seems like he wants something from me. I gave him an honest reply and answered his question.

He offered me a place on his crew. I guess he understand. I told him about their ties with Joker and he said it changed nothing.

I was originally going to reject his offer but his words somehow got to me. I had to act back. Even if I died fighting against the El Drazos atleast I died fighting.

The man... No Vergil, Vergil's last point had me thinking and he was right. The world is too big for me to spend it hiding from one man.

Perhaps I'll accept his offer and maybe just maybe we'll take down Joker.

*Vergil POV*

I managed to get my hands on a newpaper and get a grasp of what era I'm in. It's currently April of 1512. So around 12 years after Rogers execution and 10 years before Luffy sets sail. Atleast I wasn't born 100 years before or after canon.

Flipping through the pages I got to the bounty section. The bounty section was categorised by the different seas. The sections only show the 10 highest bounties in the area as there were just too many bountied pirates to put in one newspaper. I got a look into North Blue and the highest bounty was currently 50 million Belli for a pirate called Peg-Leg Tommy who was the captain of the Peg Leg Pirates. A crew somehow composed of only people with peg legs.

Was having a leg leg some sort of prerequisite for entereing the crew, or maybe they chop your leg of and give you a leg leg as some sort of right of passage? Brushing the weird thoughts away I flip the page and look at the Paradise section. The highest bounty held there was by Mammon the Greed at a whooping 550 million Berry. His poster had a picture of him looking i the distance with a frown on his face. Quite cool if I may so so myself. Hopefully I'd get a cool bounty poster too.

Flipping over to the New World section my eyes landed on the number one bounty and my jaw drop to the floor. 5 FUCKING BILLION, how was one man worth 5 billion. That's probably more money then some kingdoms have. Granted he is the strongest man in the world. After seeing his bounty a large grin broke into my face.

I mean how could I not smile. Those were the levels I was gonna reach one day. People all around the world will see my face and hear of my exploits, even if the government paints me in a negative light. I'll gather a crew I can consider family and go on a grand adventure with them. An adventure so grand that even the title of Pirate King will be overshadowed.


Fun Facts: Vergil's original name was going to be Dior D. Vergil but I struggled fitting it into his backstory so the idea was scrapped.

Salvador is named after the 1st person to give my fanfic powerstones Salvador_300.