
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Not another one

Today was the day we'd make it to the island and the day I'd get my answer. The island was Arder Island and it bare a great resemblance to 18th century France. It was about half the size of Alabasta and constantly in spring so they produce most of their own food.

Arder Island was allied with the World Government so they had a marine base stationed on it. According to the rumuors I heard on the boat the Island also had a strong underground presence.

Going over the information I gatgered over the island in my head. I heard someone knocking on the door.

Telling the person to enter I the door creak open and Salvador came in, he close the door behind him and looked at me.

"So, what's your answer going to be"

"I've come to ask you a question, based on your answer I'll see if it's worth joining your crew or not. What's your dream, your goal in life?"

"A grand adventure. My dream is to gather a crew and go on an adventure so amazing that all other adventures and crews will be outshined by us"

"I see. I hope you can take care of me well, Captain."


"You don't have to do this for me you know, I can pay for myself"

"What type of captain would I be if I didn't pay for my 1st mates weapons, plus we'll be needing them soon. After all we are going to free our 3rd crew mate.

*3 day flashback*

Salvador and I have been discussing future plans. The island here has string ties with the El Drazo's.

"Taking out the trading port here will considerably weaken the El Drazo's, only problem is we don't know where exactly it is, it seems like they also have the marines here turning a blind eye to their actions."

I said as I looked at Salvador. We were currently in a bar trying to gather possoble information.

"Mmmh, the marines are going to be a problem, they'll likely try silencing us when they hear about us trying to gatger information about the people stuffing their pockets." Salvador reply.

"Alrighty. Let's split up and continue gathering more information. We won't get anything done by just sitting here. If anything comes up make sure to call me with the transponder snail" I said.

Salvador nod and got up and left the bar. Ordering another drink I sat down in silence. I tried listening in on other people's conversations but they were mostly going on about useless things like how their bed room life.

"I can't believe they actually caught her. You know they say she's never missed a shot."

Now this might be something worthwhile, I was still on the lookout for new crew mates.

"Ya I know right, apparently they got her held up in some cell in the marine base, apparently they even got a rear admiral on their way to transport her to Impel Down"

This is definitely interesting, troublesome enough to get a rear admiral to escort here. Definitely a person worth getting into my crew. Putting my drink down I got up and walk out the bar not before hearing "OI,SOMEONE GET THAT BLOKE, HE DIDN'T PAY FOR HIS ALE"

Oops, gotta dash I guess. Using Soru I got up to a rooftop and started making my way to the marine base.

Sneaking through the marine base was easy enough. After all the base was being guarded by a bunch of fodder. Making my way down I got to the holding cells. The place was underground and had no access to sunlight, the smell was rancid and the air was damp.

All the cells were empty except for one. A women was chained to the wall by both arms with her head looking down. She had white hair but from her posture that's all I could tell. The woman looked up and look around before looking down at me. Well as best as someone with scars around their eyes could look at someone.

"I know you're there, you back to torture me for fun again" she spat out.

"How did you know I was here, I made sure no one saw me get here." I was currently in my shrunken form at 30 cm, and I really did make sure no one saw me.

"I don't need to tell you now do I. What do you want from me."

"I heard an interesting rumuor in bar earlier today. A story about a woman who never missed. She's even got a rear admiral on their way to escort her. I'm here to recruit her to my crew."

"Do you take me for a fool, even if you were a pirate how would you get into such a secure base."

"I don't need tell you do I" I said mocking what she said earlier.

"Now if I break you out will you join ny crew."

"No thanks"

"So you'd rather rot in Impel down" I ask

She kept silent after my question.

"Alright let's make a bet, if I manage to break you out and get away successfully you'll join my crew and if I can't I'll go to Impel Down with you."

"Sure,I've got nothing to do anyway."

"I'll be back soon, not sure when though but before this week ends."

I left the base with a smile on ny face, I mean why not, I've got another capable crew mate on my team who seems like she's got observation haki due to the fact that she could see me even though she's blind.

Taking ny transponder snail out I called Salvador.

*purupurupuru gatcha*

"You got anything Captain"

"Not yet, I've found another crewmate though. Don't worry about her capabilities, we'll meet up tomorrow and review a new plan"


Shorter chapter yeah but I'm a bit burnt out from popping out all those chapter in like 2 days. I'll take a break on Wednesday.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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