
One piece: Sir Oliver Granger

Intro huh_ Well we have a mc who suffers in the one piece world, watch him grow in his journey to become a top powerhouse. This is my '3rd' time rewriting my first fan fiction..' what a shame ' , I learnt from my previous mistakes and tried to correcten it as far as I could go for. Don't judge my english as it's not my first language, I also took inspiration from fanfics. Hope you guys like my work......

ImPerfectlyPerfact · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Escape (2)

[3rd person pov]

After the small reunion the room turned quite. Oliver looked at Gabriel and said, "Uncle Gabriel, now would you tell us what happened?"

With a hesitant expression, Gabriel said, "We have been betrayed, master Oliver."

Gabriel stared at Oliver, who was quiet. He continued, "Today, in the morning, Finn came to father's office and informed that some local gangs are going to attack our island. Father believes in Finn, with some of his loyal man he followed him to the town.

At town everything seemed quit, we went to check but were ambushed by Finn and his men. We lost some men and father was also wounded, but we still managed to win against Finn.

Father was shocked to Finn's unexpected betrayal. When we asked him the reason he said that our Granger family were targeted by one of the 5 biggest family in west blue 'The George family'.

They were offering huge amount of money for killing father and destroying our family. In his dying moments, Finn laughed and said he was the first one to attack, but it wasn't the end.

Hearing his statement, father sent me to escape from the island while ensuring master's safety. As both of you are our family's last lifeline. Having said that, Gabriel got up and asked the trio to follow him. Walking out of the broken house, the group of four continued to walk deeper into the woods.

1 hour later,

There is a huge cliff at the edge of the island. From the top of the cliff you could see the unsteady waves of the sea. Cold breezes come and go every once in a while. On one side of the cliff, there are man-made stone staircases. On the staircase, a middle-aged man with three children appeared to be coming down the cliff.

[Oliver pov]

When we got to the bottom of the cliff, we saw a large cave beneath the cliff. Walking a little closer to the cave we saw a beautiful small ship. The ship seemed well maintained.

Gabriel walked near the ship and ripped off a fabric, there were around a dozen wooden boxes under the fabric. He took a piece of wood on his side and put it down to get into the ship. Leo entered with great enthusiasm and Alucard followed.

I saw Gabriel pick up a wooden box and walk into the ship. I opened a few wooden boxes out of curiosity and found rations and clothes inside. There was even a box with guns.

After a while, we prepared for sailing. Because it was a small ship, it could be operated by a single person. After setting sails Gabriel held the helm and took control over the ship. The ship was set in motion. Gabriel seemed like a skilled sailor.

Staying on the ship for a while, i felt a little uncomfortable. As if understanding my problem, Gabriel passed me an orange and told me to sleep. I went into the store room, find out a blanket, covered myself and slept in a corner.

When I woke up...