

Veldanava D. Howard was on his way to his house, when all of a sudden a falling truck appeared on top of him killing him instantly. When he thought he had gone to the afterlife he finds himself naked in front of an execution platform surrounded by people looking at him weirdly, and that execution platform looks kinda like the one where the pirate king was executed in his favorite anime "One Piece".

Rin_Mori · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 ~ Finally a Chef and a Sniper

Howard: "Ok let's summon another one."

Howard said as he ignored the passed out Kazuma on the ground. He then proceeded to use his summoning ticket.

A ligh appeared and from the light a person walked out. The back of her hair is tied into 5 top knots and wears a bikini top with a mesh shirt worn over it, alongside daisy duke denim shorts.

Menchi: "Hello, I'm Menchi. Nice to meet you guys. I'm looking forward to seeing and cooking some strange animals, fruits, and other delicacies, as that is the deal I made with the system!"


Menchi introduced herself energetically and also revealed the reason why she accepted the deal with the system. It seems like she's excited about this new world, as can be seen by the expression she has on her face.

Howard: "Hello to you too. I'm Howard, and this girl sitting on my lap is Han Juri."

Howard introduced both of them, clearly forgetting about the passed out Kazuma sprawled on the floor.

Juri: "Good. With a chef here to cook, we won't have to worry about the quality of our food."

Juri seemed to be very welcoming to Menchi. The idea of having to eat a dish prepared by a chef is much better than eating a dish prepared by someone who just cooks as a hobby.

Menchi: "Leave the cooking to me. Do you have any strange delicacies here?"

Menchi asked the two enthusiastically, and her eyes sparkled with expectation. Different worlds, different delicacies, she can't wait to see and cook them.

Howard: "I have some devil fruits, do you want one?"

Menchi though about it deeply before asking.

Menchi: "Are they really that disgusting as the system said?"

Howard and Juri: "Yes."

Menchi looked conflicted; she did not want to taste something disgusting, but as a chef, she also wanted to know how it tasted. After a long time, Menchi finally decided.

Menchi: "Show me all of it."

Howard nodded, and he showed all his collection of devil fruits, and explained to her the abilities that they grant.

Menchi: "I'll take this one, then."

Mechi chose a devil fruit, and ate it and it seems like she's tasting it, 'how brave of her' twe two of them thought at the same time.

Menchi: "It really is disgusting."

Menchi said before she looked at her status.


Strength - C-

Speed - C+

Durability - C-

Cooking - Master

Observation Haki - Beginner

Armament Haki - Beginner

D.F. - Duplicate-Duplicate Fruit


People Duplication - The person touched by the user can be duplicated; the duplicated being will have the same memories and abilities as the original; if it dies, it will not disappear, as it has flesh and blood. Only 1 duplicate per person; the stats of the duplicated being will be the same as those of the user; the duplicated being has no time limit for it's existence.

Object Duplication - The user is granted the ability to create a duplicate of an object by touching the object the user want to duplicate. With only 1 duplicate per object, the item will not disappear.

Howard: "I'll take you out to catch some Sea Kings later."

Howard said to Menchi, and she looked excited after hearing his words, she would finally see some new species just after being summoned.

Menchi: "I know it's too late to ask this but, who is this weird guy?"

Menchi asked as she pointed at kazuma who is currently sprawled on the floor like a dead dog and fainted previously after drinking the Super Soldier Serum.

Juri: "That is a Kazuma."

The answer Juri gave was one that confused Menchi as she did not know what a Kazuma is.

Menchi: "What is a Kazuma? Is that a new type of species?"

Menchi asked seemingly excited as she looked at Kazuma with the intent to disect him. Kazuma's body twitched as it instinctively felt danger.

Howard: "He's a human and also one of our companions, he just passed out because of exhaustion. He will wake up eventually. (I think?)"

Menchi was disappointed that he was not a new species. Kazuma stopped twitching after feeling that the danger had passed.

Menchi: "Can I go out? I want to see what it's like outside."

Menchi asked eager to explore the outdoors.

Howard: "You can do whatever you want."

Hearing that Menchi left the room to explore the island and seeing her gone, Howard summoned another being. What appeared was a beautiful, green haired girl.


Howard: "Hello, I'm Veldanava D. Howard, and the one currently sitting on my lap is Han Juri"

Howard introduced himself and Juri to the newcomer. She had mid-length green hair that reached just to her neck, dark brown eyes, and thin eyebrows.

Zenin Mai: "You can call me Mai; now don't expect me to do everything you asked for just because you summoned me. If you do, then you are no different from a 50-year-old virgin Chi**** fanfic author. I won't indulge in your perverted fantasies."

Howard was stunned at what Mai said but also agreed with what she said: if he really expects all of his summons to do everything he orders, then he really is no different from a 50-year-old virgin ***nese fanfic author.

Howard: "You don't have to worry about that; you have freedom for your actions. The only restriction you have is that you cannot harm me."

Howard said this in understanding of her situation, but the one sitting on his lap seemed to think otherwise.

Juri: "So, you think you're so desirable that Howard will have some perverted fantasies about you? Even narcissism has to have its limits, don't you think?"

Juri said to Mai in a condescending tone. Mai was ticked at the condescending tone used against her, so she looked at her with a smirk and said something that irritated Juri.

Mai: "What's up with your look? Oh my, are you Goth? I thought you guys went extinct, I didn't expect there's still a survivor of your race like you."

Howard sensed that the conversation was taking a turn for the worse, so he brought up a new topic before it could even escalate to a cat fight.

Howard: "Mai, do you want a devil fruit? With your strength right now, it would be quite hard for you to survive, especially since you are so beautiful that you might attract some wicked people's attention."

Mai looked away from Juri and stared at Howard wanting to know his intentions after hearing his words.

Mai: "Are you hitting on me? So gross."

Although Mai said that, she still smiled inside her heart, thinking that the guy who summoned her didn't seem that bad. Howard was speechless at her reply.

Mai: "Show me your devil fruits."

Howard did as she ordered and even explained the abilities that they granted. In the end, she chose the one that was suited for a long-range fighter.

~Zenin Mai~

Strength - D-

Speed - D+

Durability - D-

Marksmanship - Master

Observation Haki - Intermediate

D.F. - Senkō-Senkō no Mi


Instant Teleport - The user teleports instantly without any delay.

Mark Teleport - The user is granted the ability to leave a mark on an object or living beings that never disappear, the user can teleport to the object and beings that has her mark and she can also teleport those that has her mark close to her.

Mass Teleport - The user can teleport everyone who is touching her.

All-around the World Teleport - The user is granted the ability to teleport on any part of the world as long as she had previously left a mark on the teleport destination.

Howard: "Drink this."

Howard said as he gave her the super soldier serum.

Mai: "What's this?"

Howard: " Super Soldier Serum it enhance attributes such as strength, agility, endurance, and healing."

Howard explained to her just like how he explained it to Kazuma.

Mai: "I see"

Mai said before drinking it.

Howard: 'I forgot to tell her that there will be pain after drinking.'

Juri: 'Let us now witness how you scream, like that Kazuma.'

But what they did not expect was that, although Mai felt sore all over her body, there were no other side effects. She became more slender and did not develop big muscles, but her muscles became more compact.

Howard and Juri: 'It seems like Kazuma was just too weak to stand the effects of the serum.'

They both thought at the same time.

~Zenin Mai~

Strength - C-

Speed - C+

Durability - C-

Observation Haki - Intermediate

Marksmanship - Master

D.F. - Senkō-Senkō no Mi