
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

Chapter 29: Training Montage (Part 3)

(3rd Person: POV)

As a the sun hung high in the afternoon sky Alfia walked through the forest of the deserted island.

A few more minutes passed before she came to a stop.

When she did so she was standing next to a river, where a large pack of wolf-like animals were drinking from.

Two weeks have gone by since the Thanatos Pirates began their training on this island.

During this time they decided to take a few hours to investigate the inner part of the island and discovered various animals called it home.

Though none of them were a threat to the fledging pirate crew. The animals were a good source of food.

Meat always tastes better fresh after all.

Moving on.

Today Alfia is not here to hunt the wolves as food, but rather to use them as guinea pigs for her devil fruit abilities. One ability in particular.

While reading the entry about her devil fruit in the devil fruit encyclopedia Alfia was very curious about her ability to produce different types of songs/melodies that would have different effects on her opponents.

She read that the previous users of her fruit could produce songs that could cause extreme anger and aggression, extreme fear, or even hypnotize people.

And since they could do it Alfia decided to work hard and develop that power as well. Since it would not only give her more options when facing off against enemies in the future, but it would also help her understand the powers of her devil fruit even further. Which in the long run would be good for her and increase her strength.

Strength she would use to protect her crewmates and her lover. By killing anyone or anything that threatened them.

"Ok, here we go." Alfia spoke to herself.

She then opened her mouth and began singing a melody. But instead of releasing a sonic scream a wonderous song came out instead.

Stepping out of the trees Alfia directed her singing in the direction of the wolf-like animals.

The moment they did so they all turned their heads in her direction and began growling.

But that only lasted for a moment before most of them got a blank look on their face and started gazing at Alfia with nothing in particular on their minds.

Seeing the wolf-like animals reaction to her singing Alfia smiled.

That is until one of them broke out of their trance-like state and started rushing towards her.

Despite this Alfia stayed calm and increased the pitch of her voice.

A few seconds after this happened the wolf-like creature stopped in its tracks and re-entered the trance-like state just like the other in its pack.

Seeing this Alfia shaped her mouth into a devilish grin.

Since this experiment with her powers just opened the door to so many new possibilities it's not even funny.


Standing on the beach Robin had her arms crossed in front of her.

Beads of sweat trailing down her face.

Since just like the other members of the Thanatos Pirates she was training.

Even if she didn't consider herself an actual member of the crew.

Despite this everyone aboard the ship was treating her as such. But Robin didn't let herself get swept into the warmth, she worked to maintain her distance from them as always like when she joined up with any organization over the years since her homeland destruction.

Many of which were of the criminal variety and many of which she destroyed herself due to the heinous crimes she witnessed them commit while working with them.

She may be called the "Devil Child" by the entire world but that does not mean she is a devil herself. Not unless she has to be.

As to why Robin is training like the other Thanatos pirates it's in part to keep of her deception of being a true member of the crew, and in another part is because Robin herself actually wants to become stronger.

That's why she is performing the training Roberts recommended to her in regards to her devil fruit powers. He gave her ideas about techniques she never even dreamed of or thought possible with her fruit abilities.

But what Robin had no way of knowing is that those techniques Roberts recommended to her in regards to her devil fruit abilities were the same ones she herself would create in the future during the two-year timeskip in the original story.

The reincarnate was just helping Robing along by getting her to develop those powers earlier.

Since given all the changes he has made or is going to make canon is screwed beyond belief for the most part.

A fact Roberts isn't ashamed about in the slightest.

Since this is his story and not Luffy and the Straw Hats.

Focusing Robin worked to create two giant versions of her arms.

But no matter how much she tried she couldn't get the technique to work the way Roberts described it to her.

Even so she was not too discouraged, since she knew with enough time and practice she would grasp creating giant body parts of herself in no time.

Deciding to take a break from training Robins' mind wandered to the Thanatos Pirates. Specifically their interactions with each other.

'They don't just see each other just a crew, but as family as well.' Robin thought.

She found the idea nice.

Robin also wished deep in her heart that she could truly be a member of the Thanatos Pirate family.

Little did she know she already was in the rest of the crews eyes.

After her break ended Robin got back to training.

A thought creeping into her mind that maybe she should undertake the sea prism stone resistance training like the other devil fruit users on the crew.

It couldn't hurt, right?

Thinking this Robin had no clue she was slowly getting closer to the Thanatos pirates.

Whether she wanted to or not.


On board the Black Pearl Reiju was in a room she had made into her own personal workshop.

Sitting at a desk with a pencil in hand she drew designs on a giant piece of grid paper spread out on the table before her.

The design itself being one of the numerous ones she had memorized from the labs of the scientist who served her homeland the Germa Kingdom.

Back during her time with Germa Reiju had memorized hundreds of designs for projects her kingdom had created, were going to create, or had left unfinished. The pink-haired Vinsmoke made into a hobby of sorts.

Mostly to distract herself from the fact her homeland was built upon blood and war.

Reiju honestly never thought those designs would come in handy, but right now she is seeing how wrong she was. Since she is drawing them out to give to her crew, which will help them grow stronger.

As Reiju did this she wore a true smile on her face.

Since for the first time in a long time she was happy with the task she was undertaking.


(Roberts: POV)

In no time at all the month I set for the crews training period on the island came and went.

When it ended I learned overall the crew had gotten stronger, myself included.

I had built up a nice resistance to sea prism stone, as well as put on some more muscle mass. Making sure not to skip leg day during the entire process. I also improved my swordsmanship. In addition I feel I am close to awakening my armament haki, I just need one more push and I will get there.

Alfia and Law also put up a resistance to sea prism stone.

The two of them also discovered new abilities related to their devil fruit powers.

Law managed to recreate several techniques he possessed during canon in the original timeline.

While Alfia learned to produce melodies that would trigger hypnotic states and hyper specific emotions in those she directed them toward. For instance, she told us one of her melodies triggers hyper aggression. So if she wanted she could turn an ordinary group of people or even highly trained soldiers into a group of raving mad lunatics that wouldn't hesitate to tear each other apart like animals.


I'm glad she's on our side.

Bepo increased his nautical and navigational knowledge.

Weisz did physical training and learned some close quarter combat skills. He also built some items which he hasn't revealed to us yet but when he does I have a feeling I will love them.

Reiju made good on her promise from back when she asked to join the crew.

She has supplied us with over fifty designs of technology and projects created by the minds of the scientists of the Germa Kingdom.

When I took a look at some of them a grin broke out on my face.

Since those designs and projects are incredible.

I can't wait to make some of them into reality.

Weisz especially loved those designs. I think he might creamed his pants after looking at just a few of them.

Well engineering and inventing is one of his passions so I'm not shocked by his reaction in the slightest.

Concerning Robin, she made the least progress out of all of us.

But that's only because she still doesn't fully trust us.

Once she does her rate of growth will drastically change.

Since then I'll be able to pound her pretty little ass all I want without reservation. Just like I do with the rest of my crew.

No wait, that came out wrong.

The only ass I want to pound is Alfia's.


Sitting in a chair on the beach next to the Black Pearl I held a drink in my hand.

While I mingled with the others.

Since today we are having a beach barbecue to celebrate the end of our first month of an intensive training period.

The first of many.

Since I don't want anyone to pull a Sabaody separation on my crew.

We will stay together.

Which is why during our journey every now and then we will take periods to improve ourselves.

Because no matter what the grind never stops.

"Congratulations on making it through our very first intensive training month everyone." I said.

"Thanks captain." Bepo said.

"Of course Bepo." I replied. "I give praise where praise is do."

"Then give some praise to yourself as well captain. Since you worked just as hard as the rest of us." Robin said.

"Why thank you Robin." I replied.

"So, any plans on what's next for us?" Weisz asked.

"Nothing in particular. Let's just see where the wind and sea take us." I replied.

"That sounds nice." Alfia mused.

The others nodded their heads in agreement

So with that we had our plan. Which is no plan at all.

But sometimes no plan is the best plan.


Triple chapter release today. Gimme powers stones you One Piece fanfiction addicts or I'll cut you off cold turkey.