
One Piece: Injustice Corrected

Galan, the boy who lived in the light was drenched in the abyss that is evil but he chose to climb out, vowing to destroy evil. Injustice will be corrected, Evil will be punished, no matter who does the deed. The abyss will be burned with the righteous flames of impartial justice. No matter the man or woman, they will face the wrath of the law, all the same. 18+ Very Graphic, Vulgar, May Include Homophobia, Racism, etc. -Gore Warning -Torture Warning Read at your own risk. You have been warned. (If you'd like more of this Fanfiction, there is a Side Story under the same name! > 'OP: Injustice (Side Story)' please go read there AFTER you're finished here!)

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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137 Chs


The training was grueling and brutal, every day the 6 of them were beaten to a pulp.

Fighting Kong, fighting each other, hunting in the jungles, getting hunted by each other, shooting practice, Haki practice, 6 powers practice, etc.

The 6 of them went through what could only be described as Hell on Earth.

Every moment, they were in pain, but they were getting stronger quickly and slowly 8 years went by.

-1482, Rocksteam Island, North Blue-

A young man was sitting in a bar with sunglasses on, black hair slicked back, wearing a black wife-beater with dark green combat pants and black combat boots. His body bulged with streamlined muscles, he wasn't bulging like a square but more agile and compact.

His hands were covered in various tattoos, noticeably on his hands there were two words, Reap and Burn along with a bunch of smaller tattoos. There was even a flame pattern on his right forearm, extending from his wrist and a knife tattoo on the inside of his left forearm.

The young man lifted the chin of a girl clad in skimpy attire, saying "Hello, beautiful." the girl giggled and shifted on his lap, pressing her bulging chest on his as she replied sweetly "You're so sweet, sugar~" tracing his jawline with her fingers.

The young man lowered his sunglasses and pulled her waist to him as he kissed her neck, whispering "How's about me and you catch a room before they close?" The girl hummed sensually, saying teasingly "It'll cost ya, big boy~" as she ran her hands down to his crotch.

The young man flashed a roll of bills, grinning in her ear "I ain't broke, sweetheart." the girl's eyes lit up and she got off him, leading him up the stairs, swaying her hips. The Young man pushed his sunglasses up, grinning as he followed her.

But his eyes were scanning the room, looking at the men and women sitting around, connecting them with wanted posters just before he walked up the stairs, going into a room.

The girl pushed him on a bed and licked her lips, "You got 5 hours with that stack, sugar." the Young man smiled and said "Sounds great." as he chopped the back of her neck, knocking her out.

He rolled her to the side and covered her body with the sheets. He took off his sunglasses and revealed his bright blue eyes, tossing them to the side as he sat on the bed, taking out a snail from his pocket, "Raven in position."

Tsuru's voice came through "So fast? Would've pinned you for a slow finisher, Raven." Galan took off his black wife beater and pulled out his shotgun that was folded in half in his waistband, replying "You're funny, Crane. I can take it slow with you if you want."

Tsuru was on another rooftop, aiming at the bar Galan was just in, snorting "You got balls, I'll give you that." Sengoku's voice sounded "Crane, Raven, we got hits on all the Bounties. Traffickers, Dealers, Rapists…"

Galan cracked his neck and pulled over a black shirt with 'Marines' written in white on the chest, replying "Is it New Years?" Garp laughed, "Might as well be!" Galan checked his barrels and said "Leave the whores, burn the scum."

Sengoku said quickly "Wait. Dog isn't in position! What the fuck are you doing, shithead?!" Garp replied "They have good Senbei here!" Galan let out a breath and leaned his back on the door, holding the shotgun, saying "Crane, cover me when I get down there." before turning off his snail.

He closed his eyes and sucked in before grunting like a wild animal. He kicked the door off the hinges behind him and turned around, walking out with his shotgun up as pirates ran out of the rooms on the same floor holding pistols, nearly naked.

Galan charged at them and blasted a Pirate's head open, grabbing the corpse and using it as a shield as he ran through the hall, smashing another pirate into the wall.

He stuffed the shotgun in the pirate's mouth before blowing a new hole out the other end, splattering his face with blood. He snapped his shotgun open and reloaded while pulling a pistol from one of the corpses, firing at the rest of the pirates on the floor, dropping them to the ground.

He tossed the pistol away, grabbing another one from behind him as he held up the corpse, double tapping the pirates on the ground, making his way to the stairs going down.

He leaned against the wall and peeked around it to see pirates coming up the stairs before leaning back and snapping the shotgun back into place. He tossed out the pistol into the staircase and heard shots go off before stepping out and unloading two shots, blowing holes in two of the pirate's chests.

Galan jumped over the railing and landed on another one, stepping on his neck as he smashed another with the butt of his shotgun in the nose, grabbing another's pistol and jerking his hand to his friend, blasting his brains across the wall.

Galan pulled the pirate to him and held him up like a shield, crushing his hand and dropping his pistol. He stomped on the pirate under him, shattering his neck instantly before charging off the stairs, slamming into the ground at the bottom, pulling up a pistol and unloading the entire thing into them before rolling to the side and flipping up a table as he reloaded his shotgun.

Bullets flew around everywhere as Galan sucked in, uttering a shout-like grunt as he heard clicks. He flipped over the table and fired two rounds, dropping another two bodies to the ground before picking up a knife and tackling another pirate, stabbing him in the chest several times.

The other pirates screamed and pulled out their swords, slashing down but Galan threw up their deceased buddy. They chopped him up and Galan charged at them, roaring like a feral animal as he punched one in the face, stabbed the other in the neck, then tackled the last one, hammering the pirate's head to mush with blackened fists.

He uttered roar-like grunts as he smashed the floorboards through the pirate's head.

The last pirate ran away in fear but he didn't make it past the door frame before dropping to the ground with a hole in his skull.

Marines ran into the building and pointed their rifles at the prostitutes, shouting "Freeze!" Sengoku walked through them and said "Alright, clean up here. I want top to bottom checks, leave the girls alone." the Marines saluted and ran up the stairs, checking everywhere.

Sengoku came to Galan and held his hand out, saying "You should've waited for Garp." Galan clasped his hand and pulled himself up, replying "I would've been waiting forever. I can get the job done myself." Sengoku looked at his bloodied hand and pulled out a rag, wiping it as he said "I can see that…"

Tsuru walked in, holding a longer rifle as she said "I thought it was fascinating watching him work." Garp walked in, eating Senbei as he laughed "Me too! A genuine force o' fuckin' nature! BWAHAHAHA!" Tsuru waved a rag in front of Galan's face and he let out a breath, smiling "Thank you, Tsuru." as he wiped his face, adding "I heard you were all getting reassigned."

Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru frowned and sighed, sitting down at a table. Galan joined them and wiped his hands with the rag, pulling out a box of cigarettes and offering the three.

Garp refused, but Sengoku and Tsuru took one.

Garp munched on his Senbei, sighing "Bear wants me on these Rocks guys… I barely have enough time with these Roger Pirates… I heard Sen was supposed to be sent back to HQ." Sengoku wiped his glasses as he smoked, snorting "A bunch of bullshit if you ask me. They already transferred Zephyr back to HQ to train some rookies on a down time vacation."

Tsuru rolled her eyes and exhaled a cloud of smoke, commenting "I'm due for the New World on a Bodyguard job with those rat fucks… Lucky for you guys…" Galan sighed and exhaled smoke through his nose, saying "Pleasure working with you. Johnathan is still with Kong, apparently something about coming up with a G-8 base in a couple decades… Should be due for promotions, though. All of you."

They fell silent and Sengoku frowned, "I'm more worried about you. You shouldn't be in the blues, it's overkill." Garp added "Rather have you on this Rocks thing, heard they're a bunch of godless scum." Galan leaned back and smiled, "It's not that bad, taking out the trash one blue at a time."

Tsuru frowned and pointed at him with the cigarette between her fingers, "No. Sen is right, it's overkill to have you stationed in any blue. Not to mention you got bigger pieces of shit in the New World. I never liked Zephyr leaving the Delta team… Now we got 3 more gone, only you left. Who's gonna watch your back when you got rookies shitting themselves over a bastard's brain splattered across a wall?"

Galan chuckled and grinned, "Yeah, I'll miss you too, Tsuru. Shishishishishi~" Tsuru gave him the finger and said "Fuck you, asshole." Garp chuckled and turned to Sengoku, saying "I could use Galan with me, you should tell 'em." Sengoku rolled his eyes and retorted "Yeah! And my opinion matters, right? Most that happens is I tell Kong and Kong tells me I'm a worthless, motherless, dickless, asshole." Garp laughed "And that would be hilarious! BWAHAHAHAHA!" Sengoku flared up, pointing at Garp's nose and shouting "Fuck you, Garp!"

Galan laughed and tilted his head, smoking as he said "I'm gonna miss you guys. Don't go dyin' on me." The three all settled down and smiled slightly, falling silent. Galan exhaled a cloud of smoke from his mouth and waved over a Marine, pointing at the liquor on the shelves behind the bar.

The Marine brought the liquor and Galan opened it, pouring into glasses that another marine brought over as he said "Congrats on your new jobs. I'm happy for you, truly." the three flashed a brief smile and drank the glasses before talking again.

A while later

Galan was standing in front of a ship as Garp and Sengoku sailed off, going back to HQ. Tsuru checked the time and said "My ships arrive in around 5 hours." before turning to Galan, looking up at him, asking "Can you do it yourself?" Galan looked down at her, smiling gently "I work better alone, be better if I had more bullets… You know that."

Tsuru pressed her lips together and sighed, asking "Won't you be lonely?" Galan snorted, smiling "Nope." she smiled and asked "Wanna jump my bones anyway?" He looked at her and replied "Sure."