
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs


Inside a white palace surrounded by fog, a sky-blue stars shone above it, illuminating the entire palace, making the large throne in front  shine brightly.

Above it sat a strong young man whose hair was the color of a tree trunk with dew drops falling on it in the morning.

There was none other than Adam in his coma, surrounded by the four small thrones inside the wide hall surrounded by four The pillars bear a ceiling studded with radiant stars, and in the middle there is a strange shape of a large white monster like a tiger with huge wings, devouring a pile of darkness as if it was suddenly enjoying a hearty meal.

Adam opened his eyes and they radiated with a sky blue light that illuminated the entire palace as if it had collapsed and separated into the sky blue star except for four parts, 3 stars surrounding the small blue star as if it was holding it, and the lights began to shine and revolve around the blue star, welcoming it quickly, and the three were illuminated with follow-up lights.

Black mixed with yellow, the other red mixed with black, and the last like the color of the sun at sunset. It stopped as suddenly as it began and the lights disappeared and the four worlds remained above the palace, three revolving around the blue as if a planet were revolving around its sun.

The light disappeared from Adam's eyes and he closed his eyes again as if he had returned to his coma

A surprised metallic voice sounded, "You finished so quickly?"

Adam opened his eyes in surprise, "Are you the origin of this world?"

Ash replied to him, "Not exactly, after the first awakening process ended, we are now connected, However, the first three trials must end in order for the complete connection to take place."

"Trials? Is there someone who wants to kill me again?" Adam asked.

Ash replied, "Not exactly, but it is possible that you will die. No one knows what the trials are until they enter them, but I can say that you do not know anything about the trials or this world, so I will explain everything to you now since our fates are now linked, but I have a question for you ?"

Adam replied, disapprovingly, "A question for me? I don't know what you want to know from me, and I don't know anything, but I will try."

Ash  's voice changed as if he was speaking seriously, "How did you finish the awakening process so quickly? I estimated it would take four times this time?"

Adam said lightly, "I don't know, but when I closed my eyes, a layout of the internal areas of the brain and the pathways inside it appeared, as it was in my old world. But I divided it into equal parts, and I followed the emanating signals from the center to each part inside it. I imagined each part as a different world, and electricity as an invading monster, These places and then some dark parts lit up one by one until I woke up."

Ash  's inner voice rose in shock as if it would resonate within the entire palace

"You mastered the application? How?"

Adam asked, "What application is this?"

Ash  sneered, "Even if he doesn't know what the application is, I don't know. Are you a genius as you claim, or an idiot looking for his death? Why did you use the application in this way?"

Adam narrowed his eyes as he thought, "I don't know, but I used this method when I was concentrating and stressed. Why?"

The metallic voice of the Xon World Spirit appeared calm once again, "So it happened like this?"

The tone of the metallic voice changed and he asked, "Did you tell me how valuable your worth was in your world?"

Adam was surprised, "I didn't say to you that I don't think this would apply to this world?"

The world spirit's tone intensified, "How much?"

Quickly, as if wolves were running after Adam, "260, sir?"

"Sir, I liked this. Will you please me, sir, from now on?" The spirit of the world said joyfully

Adam's sharp voice followed, "Sir, my ass. Wasn't your name Xon?"

The metallic voice mocked him, "I have no name. If you don't choose a name for me, I will choose, sir," and the voice laughed an evil laugh

Adam quickly said, "Okay, what are you, let it be Ash"

Ash mocked him, "Well, Ash is my name. I know now that you don't have a great sense of naming, so I'll leave it Ash, so let's have fun now, Mr. Adam. I'm called Ash, the spirit of your Xon."

Adam smiled, "Yes, Ash. I'm also happy to meet you. My name is Adam. Let's be friends?"

A slight amusement appeared in Ash's voice, "Who wants to be friends with you?"

Adam laughed, "I know you're happy now, so now what are you going to tell me the truth about this world?"

Ash yawned loudly, "I can't tell you everything right now, but you have to know the basics of this world so you can live in it, and I don't have to save you from every problem you get into."

Adam got excited and smiled and closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face as if he were a child whose parents were teaching him to speak for the first time.

"Okay, I'm ready"

  Ash's with serious voice , "Let's get started, and don't interrupt me. I'll say everything at once, but you shouldn't care about that. After the explanation is over, you'll understand everything on your own."

Adam closed his eyes as he continued to follow Ash's voice intently, as if his entire life depended on Ash's next words. When Ash found that Adam was not interrupting him as he always did, he continued with seriousness in his voice.

"Adam, the world you have been living in until now is not the real world."

Adam looked surprised and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but he realized that he should not interrupt Ash now. When Ash saw this, he laughed at me, "Now you realize that your life depends on what I say." Adam's eyes narrowed as if he was getting angry,

so Ash continued, "Okay Let's finish this now and move on."

Ash continued in his serious voice, "I am not telling you that the world you were in is an illusion. It exists. You do not know how many worlds exist. It is as if the stars in your world are without number. The number of existing worlds is much greater than this, You do not know where and when a new world will be born, The eternal darkness is great" it has infinite worlds, but what you should know is that you have the power to build these worlds, not only you, but every person in this place"

Adam was astonished and smiled proudly as he thought inside himself, "Then I am strong and a genius."

Ash mocked him as if reading his mind, "Don't think yourself special. You're so weak that if you leave this place now, you'll die without a doubt."

Horror appeared on Adam, "If I wasn't special, why would you bother following me now?"

"I don't know why I'm related to a human like you, but in this world you're only special for one thing," Ash said quietly, as if he was enjoying this.

Adam said in amazement and smiled as if he had found his hope, "What?"

Ash's voice laughed loudly, "You are the weakest in this world, not because you are weak, but because you are the only human in this world."

Adam was astonished by his discovery, and an expression of worry and fear appeared on his face. "What do you mean, the only evil one, if this is the world of aliens?"

Ash continued to laugh loudly and his laughter echoed inside the palace and the palace vibrated as if he was enjoying this. When he stopped and Adam trembled with fear after he barely escaped with his life, he would die under the rubble of a palace. He does not know where he is , and not in this, but he will die because of... Laughter "So this is what dying of laughter means"

Ash stopped laughing, and the palace settled down and stopped shaking, "I haven't enjoyed this for years. Let's continue now to the place you were pulled to, It is the City of Worlds. The city of Nox. Nox contains billions of well-known worlds, Specifically, everyone in this city has the ability to create their own world, This city contains millions Of the different races, you can imagine, Each person has a world of his own. Time moves here in a different way from your previous world. The world here in general is called the Chaos Cycle. We are now in the fifth Chaos Cycle. The Chaos Cycles begin after the creation of the City of Worlds, NOx, meaning that this is the fifth cycle after the ancient Emperor created this. City "

a new secrets reaveled

give me your opinion may be it might help out eith some problems I having in this unfinished world


chaos cycle is like the period of time in there

and the number is important I told you because thing is up a head

there is four royal familllies each one is unique in its own way

powers will reveal

what adam is facing ?

how he is gona solve his problem?

I hope the plot bringing joy upon you


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